BIOS 251 Week 2 Chemistry
Any substance that gives off or forms ions when dissolved in water
+1 charge
three types of chemical bonding
- ionic bonding - covalent bonding - metallic bonding
Ionic Bonding
- typically between metals and nonmetals - form between cations (positive charge) and anions (negative charge) - forms by the transfer of electrons
Covalent Bonding
- typically between nonmetals - nonmetals form covalent bonds by sharing electrons between them
0 charge
a form of matter that cannot be broken down any further by chemical reactions
atoms can react with either atoms of the same element or atoms of different elements to create molecules.
atoms or molecules with an electrical charge which arises from an imbalance of protons and electrons
much smaller mass than protons or neutrons, -1 charge
atomic number
number o protons in an atom
atomic weight
the average mass of an atom of that elect
the smallest particle an element that still has the properties of that element
mass number
the total number of protons + neutrons in an atom