BJA - 8 - Bible - Chapter 1 - Creation - Mr. Fremont

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What is the saying Mr. Fremont taught about reaping and sowing?

"You reap what you sow, you reap more than you sow, you reap later than you sow.

HOW did Job declare that he will trust God no matter what? In other words, what words did he use to "declare" this?

"though He slay me, yet will I trust in Him"

* What are some ways man can justify rebellion (and ruin your present and future)? Name 6 ways

* 1. Focus on the restrictions 2. Exaggerate the restrictions to make the authority look unreasonable * 3. Question the knowledge and integrity of the authority * 4. Question the motive of the authority 5. Focus on the desirability of the forbidden thing 6. if caught, blame someone else

What were our requirements for the covenant God made with all living creatures after the flood? Name 3

1. Be fruitful and multiply (have kids) 2. Don't drink or eat blood 3. Capital punishment was commanded for murdering humans

What happens when God draws Satan's attention to Job? 3 things

1. God says Job has lived a blameless life 2. Satan questions Jobs motives 3. God gives limited permission for trials against Job

How did Job show that he kept his faith in God during these tests?

1. Job defends his own righteousness (to his friends and to God) 2. Job defended God's actions 3. Job declares that he will trust God no matter what.

How was Job put to the test? 3 things

1. Job lost all his possessions and children 2. Job's health was attacked 3. Job's wife and friends discouraged him

How does Satan justify his questioning of Jobs motives (what are his reasons)? 2 things

1. Job only loved and obeyed God because he got rewards 2. Satan says that if Job's "goodies" were taken away, he would curse God

What Characteristics of Rebellion did Cain teach us (name 3)?

1. Rejection of parents' faith 2. External religiosity (not based on God's principles or the Bible) 3. Resists reproof (correction)

* What doctrines are dependent on a literal 6-day creation (as opposed to thousands or millions of years)?

1. Sin and introduction of death - there was a curse of sin on creation... decease and decay... and need for a second Adam (Jesus) 2. Need for a sacrifice for sin 3. Order of creation as listed... plants before sun... hundreds of DAYS even, doesn't work 4. Marriage as one man and one woman and as picture of Christ and the church 5. Genealogy of Christ, naming real people, tracing back to Adam.

What did Cain teach us about the consequences of rebellion? (4 things

1. Sin cannot be hidden 2. Things most dear to him (farmland and people to impress) were taken from him by God's judgement 3. Life was unsettled and hard for Cain 4. Cain was banished from God's presence

What are the 3 main sections in the book of Job?

1. The accusation 2. The Test 3. The result

What happens in the book of job during the "accusation"?

1. There is a meeting in heaven 2. God draws Satan's attention to Job

How did God deliver the righteous?

1. Told Noah to build an ark 2. God brought the animals to Noah 3. God shut the door

What are some of the judgments that man deserves? name 5 things

1. guilt and fear 2. struggles in life 3. death was introduced 4. curse of sin affects the entire world 5. knowledge of good and evil

How does external religiosity work (not based on God's principles or the Bible)?

1. it's made up from people's own heads (shows pride - they know better than God) 2. Involves their own works

How was man in a "privileged position" (name 6 ways)?

1. man was made in God's image 2. man was made by God's hand 3. man was God's representative 4. man lived in paradise 5. man had God's provision 6. man had God's company

What kind of perspective does the fact that you are 1 of billions show us?

1. on one hand, what makes you think your life counts for anything among the billions of lives that are being lived right now 2. on the other hand, you are so important to God that He wants to have a personal relationship with you!

What kind of wickedness was on the earth during Noah's time? 2 things

1. people were actively thinking up evil 2. people were god-less

What were the "provisions" of God's covenant with all living creatures (human and animal) after the flood? In other words, what did God promise after the flood? Name 3

1. there would be no more worldwide floods 2. Man and animals would now eat flesh (it was no OK to each meat) 3. animals would have fear of man

HOW did God destroy the wicked? 2 things

1. underwater for 371 days 2. all elevated peaks were covered Note: but peaks were probably different from today

What does the word (Yom) day mean when it is described as having an evening and a morning?

24 hours

How HUGE was the Ark?

450 x 75 x 45

How did the serpent "Exaggerate the restrictions in order to make the authority (God) look unreasonable?"

???? Genesis 3:2 "and the woman said to the serpent, "We may eat the fruit of the trees of the garden, but of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God has said, "you shall not eat it, nor shall you touch it, lest you die."

Something to think about:

???How did 2 of each animal fit on the ark when there are 2 million species???

What do you call a binding agreement between God and man?

A Covenant

How did Adam and Eve get caught and blame somebody else? Who did they blame?

Adam blamed Eve Eve blamed the serpent Man/Adam - Genesis 3:12 Then the man said "The woman whom you gave to be with me, she gave of the tree and I ate." Woman/Eve - Genesis 3:13b The woman said, "The serpent deceived me, and I ate" Serpent - Gulp!!!

Who's a part of the meeting in heaven at the beginning of the book of Job?

Apparently angels (good and bad?) have to give an account

what were doctrines dependent on?

Doctrines were dependent on a literal 6-day creation (as opposed to thousands or millions of years).

* What word or term is used constantly by evolutionists when they talk about creation?

Evidence of design

How did the animals get to the ark?

God brought the animals to Noah

What hope do we have?

God has promised that the battle between good and evil will be won by God

What did God decide to do about the wickedness on the earth?

God said He would destroy all flesh of the face of the earth

Describe how man was made by God's hand.

God was personally involved in mans creation (man did not evolve)

How did the serpent get Eve to Question the motive of the authority (God)?

He basically said, "He's trying to keep you from having fun!" Genesis 3;5 For God knows that in the day you eat of it your eyes will be opened and you will be like God, knowing Good and evil."

How did Job react or respond to these tests?

He complains but keeps his faith in God

How did the serpent get Eve to Focus on the desirability of the forbidden thing?

He told her all that was available to her, so she would set her attention on that one thing that she couldn't have Genesis 3:6 "So when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree desirable to make one wise, she took of it's fruit and ate"

How did the serpent get Eve to question the knowledge and integrity of authority?

He told her the "bald-faced contradiction" (the bold opposite) of what God said - he told her that death wouldn't be the true consequences Genesis 3:4 Then the serpent said to the woman, "You will not surely die"

How do we know that actual restrictions are probably reasonable and necessary?

Humans aren't perfect rule makers - but God is

HOW did Job defend God's actions in testing him?

Job said that God gives and God has the right to take away

Is overpopulation (too many people) a problem? If not, what is?

No, overcrowding is the problem (too many people to too small of a space)

* What do those 6 privileges also bring to man? (In other words, what do we have because of our privileges?) Why?

Responsibility - because with privilege comes responsibility and vice versa (with responsibility comes privilege)

Are covenants "conditional"? If so, what does "Conditional" mean?

Sometimes ; comes with requirements (if we don't follow the requirements, then God is released from the covenant with man)

* Name one Evidence of Design

The preciseness of the planets placement in orbit (gravity)

What sign did God give to confirm his Covenant with living creatures after the flood?

The rainbow Note: so obviously the atmosphere had changed because of the flood - Greenhouse theory

What is the definition/meanings for "yom"? There are two

There are 2 possible meanings: 1. it can mean a 24 hour day (like we know them) 2. OR it could mean a specific point of time, an arrived or fulfilled time which is to come or has finally come (such as "day of the Lord," "day of judgment," "in that day", etc.)

What was it like on earth in the days of Noah?

There was wickedness on the earth

* How did Adam and Eve ruin their future (or justify their rebellion)?

They focused on the restrictions

What was "interesting" about capital punishment being commanded in Genesis?

This was before any human societies had been built

Do we have hope after sinning - after reaping what we sow?

Yes, God gives us undeserved hope!

Something to think about:

You are 1 of 7 billion people alive NOW. You are 1 of BILLIONS who have lived and died during the 6000 years of history

What was God's original command of man when living in the garden?

You can eat of everything except the tree of knowledge of good and evil - Genesis 2:16, 17 "and the Lord God commanded the man, saying, "of every tree of the garden you may freely eat; but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die"

* What does the Hebrew word "yom" in the Bible mean?

a 24 hour day (evening and morning)

What major doctrines are dependent on a literal 6-day creation and literal Adam and Eve? name 5 of them

a. Introduction of sin and death to the earth b. Need for a sin sacrifice c. Marriage designed as one man, one woman d. Genealogy of Christ e. Order of creation as listed in the Bible

What was the end result? After Job's testing was complete? 2 things

a. Job learned that God has a plan that is bigger than Job's short life b. Job learns what our priorities should be in life

T/F What are the main characteristics of a rebel, as evidenced by Cain? name 3

a. Rejection of parent's faith b. External Religiosity c. Resists reproof (correction)

What is "different" about the book of Job when compared to other books in the Bible?

a. You can't (don't) pluck (pick) random verses from as "proof texts" (verses to supposed a thought or idea) b. The story has to be taken as a whole

How was Job's health attacked?

a. he was in agonizing pain b. he had boils, infections, night terrors and uncontrolled weeping

What evidences are there that everything we see in Nature was made by a Designer? name 3

a. law of gravity b. mathematical orderliness of the universe c. irreducible complexity

What's the "saying" about the reaping what we sow that Mr. Fremont mentioned?

a. sin will take you further than you ever wanted to STRAY b. Sin will keep you longer than you ever wanted to Stay c. Sin will cost you more than you ever wanted to Pay

What kind of blood sacrifices where offered for sins? Where or when?

animals in Israel Blood of Jesus for all eternity

Why/how is the knowledge of good and evil a judgment for sin?

because evil was committed and innocence was lost

Why did God tell us not to drink or eat blood?

because the life of the flesh is in the blood Note: This is a science truth that took man several millennium to catch on to (to follow)

WHY do Rebellious people resist correction?

because their conscience is pricked by the existence of a true witness In other words, their conscience feels bad when confronted by the truth

How did the serpent get Eve to "focus on the restrictions" (way #1 of how to justify rebellion)?

by asking Eve, "Did God say you can't eat of every tree in the garden"? Genesis 3:1 Now the serpent was more cunning than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made. And he said to the woman, "Has God indeed said, 'You shall not eat of every tree of the garden'?"

What sin did Noah commit that showed that "nobody is perfect"?


What was "so difficult" about Job's tests?

he was attacked physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually all at once (at the same time)

Besides that one restriction or command, how could man live in the garden?

in total freedom

What was the so-called "curse of Ham" about?

it was a prophecy about Canaan, land of Canaan, Canaanites, and their defeat by Israel.

What is Capital Punishment?

killing someone who killed (murdered someone else) - that is their punishment

What did Satan and Eve question about God in his giving His command not to eat of the 1 tree?


Which of God's creatures is made "in the image of God"?


Describe how man had God's company

man had fellowship with God (he came and walked and talked with man)

Describe how man was God's representative.

man is above the animal world and nature

Describe how man was made in God's image

man is emotionally and spiritually made in the likeness of God

Describe how man lived in paradise

man lived in a perfect environment

What did God not include as "destroying all flesh"?

not in the sea

How many of the trees in the garden were "off-limits" to Adam and Eve?


Who many restrictions was man (Adam) given in the garden? What was it?

one - God gave one command not to eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil

What does privilege bring with it?


If caught, who do you blame?

someone else

What kind of struggles in life can man have - as a judgement for sin?

struggles of personal relationships and health

Instead of focusing on all of their responsibilities and what they could do, what did Adam and Eve focus on?

the one forbidden restriction of the tree

What was the significance of God shutting the door of the Ark?

the other people were shut out (they didn't have any more chances)

What could be Job's nickname?

the suffering servant

In chapter 42, what happened to some of the people (characters) quoted in the book of Job?

they are rebuked (called out or corrected for) for speaking falsehoods

How does Rebellion (rebellious people) resist correction (reproof)?

they show anger toward God and/or His people when their religion is rejected or condemned

What was the purpose of the blood sacrifices in the bible?

to atone (make up for or cover) our sins

What did Job learn that our priorities in life should be?

to love and serve God

What is "god-less"?

totally without God in their lives

T/F What is godlessness?

totally without God in your life

Why do we receive judgment for sin?

you reap what you sow Actually, you reap MORE than you sow, and you reap LATER than you sow

What lesson can we learn when considering the end result of Job's testing? In other words, how can we relate to God's "big picture"?

you/we are not the focus and center of the Big Picture (life's not all about us/you)

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