BJU Cultural Geography Chapter 22

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The CAPITAL CITY of Australia named for the Aboriginal word meaning, "meeting place." (AC= Australia, Canberra)


The earliest known settlers of Australia and nearby islands that had migrated from Asia long ago.

Great Barrier Reef

The largest coral formation in the world. Stretches for about 1,250 miles. Hazardous for ships sailing to the coast.

Central Lowlands

The low area just west of the Great Dividing Range.

Murray River

The most important water system on the Australian continent. It lies in the Central Lowlands. At sixteen-hundred miles long, it is the only river to never dry up during dry season.

What is life and work like in the Australian outback?

The outback is the areas of Australia beyond the coastal cities and are sparsely populated. Mining and cattle ranching are the two main industries of the outback. In the south outback there is mineral wealth and also in the scattered mountain ranges, including gold, iron, uranium and shale. Life can be hard and lonely for the ranchers and miners. Distance from towns can make medical and educations needs difficult.


The sparsely populated areas beyond the coastal cities of Australia.


The state capital of Victoria and Australia's second largest city. (VM = Victoria, Melbourne)

Ayers Rock

The world's largest monolith, or free standing rock. Rises 1,134 feet above the surrounding desert. Aborigines consider it sacred and call it Uluru.


Sheep. There are ten for every Australian and are everywhere throughout the land.

Captain James Cook

A famous British explorer. He was the first European to map the east coast of Australia.


A layer of underground rock that bears water. Two kinds: Unconfined and Confined. The former are most common and have permeable rocks above that allow water to seep in. Wells for these require pumps. The latter has an impermeable rocks that trap water and keeps it from rising to the surface. Pressure builds and and push through breaks in the surface. Artesian wells are used for these.

Great Dividing Range

A rugged complex of low mountains, plateaus, and hills that run parallel to the east coast of Australia.


A small settlement that became the base for the exploration and settlement of Australia. It is now the nation's LARGEST CITY with one-fifth of the population. It is the chief manufacturing center and main port.

State capital of South Australia

Adelaide (SAA = S. Australia Adelaide)


An island off the coast that is Australia's smallest and least populous state.

Western Plateau

Australia's large interior desert area, consisting mostly of rocks


Australia's youngest state, and is called the "Sunshine State" because it is a tropical paradise

Botany Bay

Became the site of the first English settlement on the continent.

State capital of Queensland

Brisbane (QB = Queensland, Brisbane)


Brown coal. The Latrobe Valley in Victoria holds the world's largest deposit.


Brown skinned people from the island of Polynesia north of New Zealand. The first humans to discover the islands.

Sydney Opera House

Considered the most beautiful building in the world

Capital of Tasmania


Eucalyptus leaves

Koalas main source of nutrition

Lake Eyre

LOWEST POINT on the continent, fifty-two feet below sea level. Most river of the Central Lowlands drain into this lake. Dry most of the time.


Large cattle ranches where cowboys called, "stockmen" live.


Map these locations: Great Australian Bight Indian Ocean Victoria Queensland Northern Territory Darwin Canberra (capital of Australia) Perth (State Capital of Western Australia) Great Dividing Range Gisbon Desert

New Zealand

Map these locations: Wellington (capital of New Zealand) Cook Strait

Cook Strait

Narrow body of water between the North Island and South Island of New Zealand.

Mount Cook

New Zealand's highest mountain. Rising 12,349 feet above sea level. Near the center of the Southern Alps. Maoris call it Aorangi, meaning "cloud piercer."


New Zealand's largest city and chief seaport. Has nearly a million people. Located on a harbor on the northern peninsula

Simpson Desert

Not one person lives here. Sometimes called the Red Center of Australia because of its red sand that piles as high as one hundred feet.

Hamersley Range

One of the richest iron ore reserves in the world was discovered here.

State capital of Western Australia

Perth (WAP = W. Australia Perth)

artesian wells

Where water bubbles to the surface without the need for pumps. Too salty for people or crops, but fine for cattle.

Australia was first settled as what type of colony?

a prison colony

Australia was the last continent to what?

be settled by Europeans

The term aboriginal means what?

being the first or earliest known of its kind present in a region

Australia is the only inhabited continent with what?

no land bridge to another continent

Mining and ranching

two primary activities in outback

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