Black-Box Testing
A specific black-box testing approach is the _________________ method
1. Independently testable features 2. Relevant inputs 3. Test Case specifications 4. Test cases
A systematic approach to black-box testing starts with a specification of the software which is used to identify ________________ which are used to identify ____________________ from which we derive ______________________ and finally we generate specific ____________.
functional testing
Black-box testing is also called
Errors tend to occur at the _________________ of a sub-domain.
Eliminate meaningless combinations and to reduce the number of test cases
For what two reasons do we identify constraints among choices?
1. Sparse 2. Many
In general, failures tend to be _________ ; however, they are ________ in some sub-domains.
In testing, ___________ are areas of the domain that are treated homogeneously by the software.
1. Focus on the domain 2. No need for the code 3. Catches logic defects 4. Applicable at all granularity levels
List four advantages of black-box testing.
1. Property ...if 2. error 3. single
List the three types of constraints
(1) identify independently testable features, (2) identify categories (3) partition categories into choices (4) identify _constraints among choices (5) produce _test case specifications (6) generate test cases from test case specifications
The 6 steps in the category-partition method are:
Test Data Selection
The problem of identifying relevant inputs for some software or some feature of it is called
test case specifications/test frames
We generate test cases from
When combining choices we use a __________ constraint to make sure a choice is tested only once because the choice is an error condition
When combining choices we use a ________________ constraint to make sure we don't generate meaningless test cases
1. State Transitions
When developing test cases from a finite state machine you usually want to cover all the ___________ and _____________.
When identifying categories in the category-partition method we are determining the _________________ of each input element
When partitioning categories into choices we identify interesting __________ of each category Answer: Cases (sub-domains)
Finite State Machine
_ is an approach to model-based testing.
Designer bias
refers to making assumptions about the behavior of a user of a piece of code will be used, for example, assuming the user will not use the software incorrectly.
testing eliminates designer bias.
testing is not feasible even for the most trivial pieces of code.