Block 2

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1.3.3: Superintendent Bulletins, Instructions, and Notices

Superintendent bulletins, instructions, notices, and other information are issued and canceled by the designated manager. Before beginning each day's work or trip, crew members and any others whose duties require, must review those that apply to the territory they will work on

All Crew Members Responsibilities

1. Crew Members in Control Compartment 2. Radio Transmission 3. Proper Action 4. Performing Work 1.47.1 Cab Red Zone

1.47: Duties of Crew Members

1. Supervises the Operation 2. Restrictions on Equipment 3. Calling Attention to Restrictions 4. Freight Conductors

1.6.1: Motor Vehicle Driving Records

A certified conductor, engineer, employee seeking initial certification or employees qualified to drive commercial motor vehicles must report any arrest, citation or conviction to an employee assistance representative at (800)779-1212, within 48 hours for: · Operating a motor vehicle while under the influence of or impaired by alcohol or a controlled substance. · Refusal to undergo such testing when a law enforcement official seeks to find out whether a person is operating under the influence of alcohol or a controlled substance. State sponsored diversion programs, guilty pleas, and completed state actions to cancel, revoke, suspend, or deny a driver's license are considered convictions as applied to this rule

20.6: Transfer TDCOB Change Rule to read:

A transfer must be made to relieving train dispatcher to include the following, if applicable: · Track Bulletins · Absolute Blocks in effect · Unforeseen Speed Restrictions · Pertinent instructions and information · All active authorities Relieving train dispatcher must review all required items listed on transfer and General Orders, Train Dispatcher and Control Operator Bulletins and Office Notices. Whenever possible, a verbal exchange of information must be made between the two dispatchers, including the fact they have both recorded their Hours of Service. The relieved train dispatcher must log off the train dispatching system and the relieving train dispatcher must log on to the train dispatching system before transfer is considered complete

1.4.1: Good Faith Challenge

A. Right to Challenge Federal Regulations have provisions that allow an employee the right to challenge a directive which, based upon the employee's good faith determination, would violate a railroad operating rule relating to: · Shoving movements. · Leaving equipment foul of an adjacent track. or · Handling of hand-operated switches or fixed derails. B. Good Faith Challenge Procedure 1. An employee may inform a supervisor issuing a directive that a good faith determination has been made that the directive would violate a railroad operating rule relating to: · Shoving movements. · Leaving equipment foul of an adjacent track. or · Handling of hand-operated switches or fixed derails. 2. The supervisor will not require the employee to comply with the directive until the challenge is resolved. The supervisor may: · Require the challenging employee to perform other tasks not related to the challenge until the challenge is resolved. or · Direct an employee, other than the challenging employee, to perform the challenged task before the challenge is resolved. Employee so directed will be informed of the challenge, and determine that the challenged task does not violate the rules

1.23.1: Locomotive-Mounted Safety Devices

A. Tampering with or Disabling Locomotive-mounted Safety Devices Employees are prohibited from: · Tampering with or disabling any locomotive mounted safety device. · Operating or failing to take appropriate action to prevent a train from being operated when the controlling locomotive of that train is equipped with a disabled safety device, except as provided in part C of this rule. Safety devices include crew alertness devices, automatic cab signal devices, automatic train control/train stop devices, and audio, video, and other recording devices concerning operation

1.2.5 Reporting

All cases of personal injury, while on duty or on company property, must be immediately reported to the proper manager, employees must complete the prescribed form. A Personal injury that occurs while off duty that will in any way affect employee performance of duties must be reported to the proper manager as soon as possible. The injured employee must also complete the prescribed form before returning to service.

20.3: Records Kept

All records must be updated and accurate. These may be produced in a court of law.

2.1: Transmitting

Any employee operating a radio must do the following: · Before transmitting, listen long enough to make sure the channel is not being used. · Give the required identification · Not proceed with further transmission until acknowledgment is received

1.2.5 Reporting cont

Because railroads are required by Federal Regulations to report injuries and occupational illnesses that meet certain medical treatment criteria, when medical treatment is received from an outside provider, employees must report to their manager any medical treatment they receive that was directly related to their injury or illness, including any follow-up visits. Below are examples of the types of medical treatments and instructions that employee's must report to their manager if they were given in relation to an injury or occupational illness: · Medical treatments provided or recommended · Physical therapy or chiropractic treatments · Prescriptions and other medications issued or recommended, including dosages · Lost time instructions · Work restriction instructions

1.45: Duties of Control Operators and Operators

Control Operators and operators are under the direction of the train dispatcher when their duties concern handling track warrants, track bulletins, lineups, the movement of trains, and any other instructions issued by the train dispatcher.

1.29: Avoiding Delays

Crew members must operate trains and engines safely and efficiently. All employees must avoid unnecessary delays. When possible, train or engine crews wanting to stop the train to eat must ask the train dispatcher at least one hour and thirty minutes before the desired stop

B. Passenger Train Stopped in Tunnel or Deep Snow

Crew members of a passenger train stopped in a tunnel or deep snow must: 1. Shut off any air circulating systems including: a. Air conditioning b. Ice Machines c. Generators 2. Shut air intake shutters. 3. Turn off blower fans.

Duties of Train Dispatchers

Do not issue instructions that are in conflict with the rules. Train dispatchers must be aware that, because of their authority, employees might follow the dispatcher's instructions, even if rules might be violated.

1.22: Not Permitted on Equipment

Do not permit unauthorized persons on equipment. Promptly notify the train dispatcher or supervisor when unauthorized persons or emergency responders are observed on, under or between railroad equipment. When made aware of emergency responders on, under or between railroad equipment, train dispatcher or supervisor must arrange for a qualified employee to inspect all affected equipment to verify proper securement as soon as practical.

HDC-099 Use of Sametime and Other Text Communication Tools

Do not use Sametime, the Comments tool on the CAD Remote Authorities application, or any other instant messaging service to discuss limits of authority, or conditions of authority, with trains or employees. If authority is to be granted "Behind" a train, the dispatcher must verbally verify that all trains listed on the authority are beyond the location where the employee will foul the track. Sametime may not be used to remove any protection that has been established in the CAD system. Sametime (or other instant messaging applications) may not be used to convey requests for protection, but this does not prevent the dispatcher from providing protection for a track condition (crossing gate broken off, vehicle stuck on the track, etc.) received via instant messaging application in an emergency situation. The dispatcher will protect the area and then complete the placement of the protection in accordance with the Unforeseen Restriction process via phone or radio.

1.19: Care of Property

Employees are responsible for properly using and caring for railroad property. Employees must return the property when the proper authority requests them to do so. Employees must not use railroad property for their personal use.

1.14: Employee Jurisdiction

Employees are under the jurisdiction of the supervisors of the railroad they are operating on. When operating on another railroad, unless otherwise instructed, employees will be governed by: · Safety rules, air brake and train handling rules and hazardous materials instructions of the railroad they are employed by. · The operating rules, timetable and special instructions of the railroad they are operating on.

1.47.2: Training and Familiarization

Employees assigned to a position for the purpose of training or familiarization must be under the direct and immediate supervision of a qualified employee at all times. The qualified employee must closely monitor the employee's performance and must be in a position to take immediate action as necessary. Any employee requiring certification must have a current certificate in his possession

1.3.1: General Code of Operating Rules

Employees governed by these rules must have a current copy they can refer to while on duty.

1.3.1: Explanation.

Employees must ask their supervisor for an explanation of any rule, regulation, or instruction they are unsure of.

1.1.2 Alert and Attentive

Employees must be careful to prevent injuring themselves or others. They must be alert and attentive when performing their duties and plan their work to avoid injury.

1.17: Hours of Service Law

Employees must be familiar and comply with the requirements of the federal hours of service law, including accurate reporting. Employees are expected to use off-duty time so they are prepared for work. If an employee is called to report for duty before legal off-duty time has expired, before accepting the call to work the employee must notify the individual making the call that off-duty time has not expired.

1.3.1: Train Dispatchers and Control Operators

Employees must be familiar with and obey all rules, regulations, and instructions and must complete required courses. Employees must pass examinations to check their knowledge of the rules, regulations and instructions as required.

1.3.1:Rules, Regulations and Instructions

Employees must be familiar with and obey all rules, regulations, and instructions and must complete required courses. Employees must pass examinations to check their knowledge of the rules, regulations and instructions as required.

1.9: Railroad Company

Employees must behave in such a way that the railroad will not be criticized for their action

1.1.2: Condition of Equipment and Tools

Employees must check the condition of equipment and tools they use to perform their duties. Employees must not use defective equipment or tools until they are safe to use. Employees must report any defects to the proper authority

1.4: Carrying out Rules and Reporting Violations

Employees must cooperate and assist in carrying out the rules and instructions. They must promptly report any violations to the proper supervisor. They must also report any condition or practice that may threaten the safety of trains, passengers, or employees, and any misconduct or negligence that may affect the interest of the railroad.

1.20: Alert to Train Movement

Employees must expect the movement of trains, engines, cars or other movable equipment at any time, on any track and in either direction. Employees must not stand on the track in front of an approaching engine, car or other moving equipment. Employees must be aware of the location of structures or obstructions where clearances are close.

1.3.1: Safety Rules

Employees must have a copy of, be familiar with, and comply with all safety rules issued in a separate book or in another form.

1.6: Conduct

Employees must not be: 1. Careless of the safety of themselves or others 2. Negligent 3. Insubordinate 4. Dishonest 5. Immoral 6. Quarrelsome or 7. Discourteous Any act of hostility, misconduct, or willful disregard or negligence affecting the interest of the company or its employees is cause for dismissal and must be reported. Indifference to duty or to the performance of duty will not be tolerated.

1.26: Gratuities

Employees must not discriminate among railroad customers. Employees must not accept gifts or rewards from customers, suppliers, or contractors of the railroad unless authorized by the proper authority.

1.18: Unauthorized Employment

Employees must not engage in another business or occupation that would create a conflict of interest with their employment on the railroad or would interfere with their availability for service or the proper performance of their duties.

1.7: Altercations

Employees must not enter into altercations with each other, play practical jokes or wrestle while on duty or on railroad property.

1.11: Sleeping

Employees must not sleep while on duty, except as outlined under Rule 1.11.1 (Napping). Employees reclined with their eyes closed will be in violation of this rule.

1.2.7: Furnishing Information

Employees must not withhold information, or fail to give all the facts to those authorized to receive information regarding unusual events, accidents, personal injuries, or rule violation

1.15: Duty - Reporting or Absence

Employees must report for duty at the designated time and place with the necessary equipment to perform their duties. They must spend their time on duty working only for the railroad. Employees must not leave their assignment, exchange duties, or allow others to fill their assignment without proper authority. Continued failure by employees to protect their employment will be cause for dismissal

1.28: Fire

Employees must take every precaution to prevent loss and damage by fire. Employees must report promptly to the train dispatcher any fires seen on or near the right of way, unless the fires are being controlled. If there is danger of the fire spreading to a bridge or other structure, crew members must stop their train and help extinguish the fire. Cause of fire, if known, must be promptly reported.

1.10 Games, Reading or other Media

Employees on duty must not: · Play games. · Use personal electronic devices other than provided for in Rule 2.21 (Electronic Devices). or · Read magazines, newspapers, or other literature not related to their duties when: o On a train or engine, o Performing safety related activities, or o It would delay or interfere with required duties. This does not prohibit employees from having such material enclosed in their personal luggage.

1.16: Subject to Call

Employees subject to call must indicate where they can be reached and must not be absent from their calling place without notifying those required to call them

2.2: Required Identification

Employees transmitting or acknowledging a radio communication must begin with the required identification. The identification must include the following in this order: · For base or wayside stations: - Name or initials of the railroad - Name and location or other unique designation · For mobile units: - Name or initials of the railroad - Train name (number), engine number, or words that identify the precise mobile unit. If communication continues without interruption, repeat the identification every 15 minutes

1.3.1: Hazardous Materials

Employees who in any way handle hazardous materials must have a copy of the instructions or regulations for handling these materials. Employees must be familiar with and comply with these instructions or regulations.

1.27: Divulging Information

Employees who make up, handle, or care for any of the following must not allow an unauthorized person to access them or disclose any information contained in them: · Correspondence · Reports · Books · Bills of lading · Waybills · Tickets · Statistics Employees are responsible for all activity with their assigned User ID's and are responsible for protecting the confidentiality of information accessed. Sharing passwords is prohibited. Unauthorized use of another person's User ID and password is prohibited.

1.3.1: Air Brakes

Employees whose duties are affected by air brake operation must have a copy of the files and instructions for operating air brakes and train handling. Employees must know and obey these rules and instructions.

1.3.1: Timetable and Special Instructions

Employees whose duties are affected by the timetable and special instructions must have a current copy they can refer to while on duty

1.13: Reporting and Complying with Instructions

Employees will report to and comply with instructions from supervisors who have the proper jurisdiction. Employees will comply with instructions issued by managers of various departments when the instructions apply to their duties.

1.2.6 Statements

Except when authorized by the proper manager: · Information concerning accidents or personal injuries that occur to persons other than employees may be given only to an authorized representative of the railroad or an officer of the law. · Information about the facts concerning the injury or death of an employee may be given only to a person in interest such as the injured employee, an immediate relative of the injured or deceased employee, an authorized representative of the railroad, or an officer of the law. · Information in the files or in other privileged or confidential reports of the railroad concerning accidents or personal injuries may be given only to an authorized representative of the railroad

1.3.2: General Orders

General Orders: · Are numbered consecutively. · Are issued and cancelled by the designated manager. · Contain only information and instructions related to rules or operating practices. · Replace any rule, special instruction, or regulation that conflicts with the general order. Before beginning each day's work or trip, crew members and any others whose duties require, must review general orders that apply to the territory they will work on. Employees must each have a current copy of system general orders and subdivision general orders they can refer to while on duty

HDC Office Notice 93 Internet Usage for Dispatchers and Their Direct Supervisor

HDC Internet usage policy on the dispatching floor of any facility limits access to work related sites only. All Internet sites must be approved and vetted through the General Superintendent of each train management region and the IT group of the Harriman Dispatch Center. Failure to comply with this policy will result in a level 3 Employment Violation of Rule 2.21. Any subsequent violations will be handled individually by the Region General Superintendent, who will determine the course of disciplinary action, up to and including termination. All Internet usage is governed by the UPRR Corporation Policies under the Computer System, and the Internet, Electronic Mail and Phone services sections.

1.34: Flat Spots

If a wheel on a piece of equipment has a flat spot more than 2-1/2 inches long, or if the wheel has adjoining flat spots that are each at least 2 inches long, the equipment must not be moved faster than 10 MPH. Such equipment in a train must be set out at the first available point

20.11.1 Reports of Emergency Responders on Unattended Equipment Rule Ref: GCOR 1.22

If notified that any emergency responder has been on, under, or between unattended train or equipment, the dispatcher will notify their Corridor Manager. The Corridor Manager will notify field management, who will ensure that a qualified employee remain on the scene until emergency responders have left or released the scene. The employee will then inspect the train or equipment for securement and inform the dispatcher of the inspection results before departing the location.

1.2.2 Witnesses

If the equipment is involved in personal injury, loss of life, or damage to property, the employee in charge must immediately secure the names, addresses and occupations of all person involved, including all persons at the scene when the accident when the accident occurred and those that arrived soon after. The employee in charge must secure the names regardless of whether these persons admit knowing anything about accident

20.17: Irregularities Reference: GCOR 1.4

Immediately report to the Corridor Director/Manager and, if necessary, proper authority any irregularities that pertain to: · Train movement. · Operation of signals or related apparatus. · Handling or execution of track bulletins or track warrants. · Compliance with or apparent lack of understanding of the rules.

1.1.1 Maintaining a Safe Course

In case of doubt or uncertainty, take the safe course.

20.5.1: Knowledge of Adjoining Territories

Knowledge of territory must extend beyond the limits supervised by the train dispatcher for safe and efficient operation as well as proper application of rules. Train dispatchers must: · Inform other railroads and terminals of train movements that affect them. · Not issue Track Warrants, Track Bulletins, instructions, or take any actions that may affect another train dispatcher's territory until a mutual understanding is reached between the dispatchers. · Not remove any blocking device applied to signals, switches or track placed by an adjoining dispatcher until a mutual understanding is reached between the dispatchers. Train dispatchers, if allowed by software, may issue Track and Time to and including the next Control Point in the adjoining train dispatcher's territory after reaching an understanding with that train dispatcher.

HDC Office Notice 92 Personal Cell Phone Use

Personal cell phone use in the bunker is prohibited. All personal cell phones must be turned off and stowed out of sight prior to entering the bunker. Employees must ensure the use of personal cell phones outside the bunker does NOT interfere with the performance of their duties. Railroad supplied cell phones must be placed on silent/vibrate and their use while in the bunker is limited to work related activities only. Failure to comply with this policy will result in an Employment Violation. Any subsequent violations will be handled individually by the Region General Superintendent, who will determine the course of disciplinary action, up to and including termination. This policy also applies to text messaging

20.18: Hours of Service Law Reference: GCOR 1.17

Plan operations to avoid violations and, if possible, prevent crews from tying up short of terminal because of hours of service. Report all violations or possible violations to the Corridor Director/Manager or proper authority

1.24: Clean Property

Railroad property must be kept in a clean, orderly, and safe condition. Railroad buildings, facilities, or equipment must not be damaged or defaced. Only information authorized by the proper manager or required by law may be posted on railroad property.

20.23: Reporting Engine Defects

Reference: GCOR 1.40 After receiving report of a locomotive malfunction, notify the locomotive help desk, reporting the following: · Dispatcher position number and territory dispatched. · Train symbol and locomotive unit identification number. · Locomotive INITIAL AND NUMBER in trouble ( if different from lead unit ) · Location of train and radio tower on which the crew can be contacted. · Problem that the locomotive is experiencing.

1.1.3 Accidents, Injuries, and Defects

Report by the first means of communication any accidents; personal injuries; defects in tracks, bridges or signals; or any unusual condition that may affect the safe and efficient operation of the railroad. Where required, furnish a written report promptly after reporting the incident.

1.3.1: Issued, Cancelled, or Modified

Rules may be issued, canceled, or modified by track bulletin, general order, or special instructions. When there is a conflict, Subdivision Special Instructions takes precedence over System Special Instructions.

1.1 Safety

Safety is the most important element in performing duties. Obeying the rules is essential to job safety and continued employment.

1.38: Shipments Susceptible to Damage

Shipments with painted or finished surfaces susceptible to damage, such as automobiles, trucks, tractors, combines, and other similar equipment or machinery, must not be placed closer than the fifth car behind open top cars loaded with commodities such as coal, sand, gravel, lime, soda ash, etc. subject to wind, vapor or fume action on adjacent cars. Exceptions include shipments susceptible to damage that are: · Loaded in cars that fully enclose the shipments. or · Fully protected by a covering. An open top car loaded with sand, gravel, lime, soda ash, etc., subject to wind, vapor, or fume action in other than a solid unit train must not be placed immediately ahead of an occupied caboose.


TE&Y and Engineering employees, except those working in passenger or commuter service are permitted to nap while on duty when it does not cause a delay to the operations or interfere with the performance of safety-related duties, the safety of the employee, coworkers, or the public under the following conditions: · The employee has reported on duty and completed all necessary preparations for duty including a job briefing. These duties include reviewing all general orders, track warrants, track bulletins, and all other paperwork. · The employee responsible for notifying a napping employee work is ready to proceed should allow at least 15 minutes for the napping employee to recover from grogginess which may occur after awaking. Another job briefing must not occur during the 15 minute recovery period, but must take place prior to proceeding with work to ensure all employees are prepared to perform service after the operational delay has concluded. · The napping employee is relieved of all duties during the napping period. Employees being transported to or from their job duties may nap when no safety sensitive duties are being performed by another employee. When on a road in a company vehicle, at least one employee in addition to the employee driving the vehicle must stay awake to help the driver identify potential hazards ahead

1.6.2: Notification of Felony Convictions

The conduct of any employee leading to conviction of any felony is prohibited. Any employee convicted of a felony must notify the proper authority of that fact within 48 hours after the employee receives notice of the conviction.

1.2.2 witnesses cont.

The employee in charge must also obtain the license number of nearby automobiles. When necessary, other employees can assist in obtaining this information, which must be included in reports covering the incident. Where signaling devices are provided or a flagman is on duty, the employee in charge and assisting employees must try to determine whom, among the witnesses, can testify whether the signaling devices were functioning properly or if the flagman was performing his duties

1.39: Accuracy of Speed Indicator

The engineer must verify speed indicator accuracy as soon as possible after taking charge of the engine. If the speed indicator is not accurate to within 3 MPH plus or minus at speeds of 10 to 30 MPH and to within 5 MPH plus or minus at speeds above 30 MPH, the engineer must immediately report the variance to the train dispatcher.

1.40: Reporting Engine Defects

The engineer will report any engine defect on the proper form and notify the relieving engineer, when needed.

2.21 Electronic Devices

The restrictions in this rule apply to use of personal and railroad-supplied electronic devices by railroad operating employees and does not affect the use of railroad radios under FRA regulations. A railroad operating employee must not use an electronic device that would interfere with the performance of safety related duties. Electronic Devices must not be used to verbally obtain or release a mandatory directive when radio communication is available

20.20: Operation or Repair of Appliances Reference: GCOR 1.23

The train dispatcher must not make or allow any unauthorized appliance repairs, alterations, or additions. Appliances must be operated only by those authorized to do so.

C. Notification if Stopped in Tunnel or Deep Snow

The train dispatcher should be notified immediately so that proper arrangements can be made to protect persons and equipment.

20.10: Communications

The train dispatcher's communication console must be used for company business. The unrecorded "side phone" must not be used to transmit or release authorities or issue instructions that affect the movement of trains, except in the event of communication failure

1.5: Drugs and Alcohol

The use or possession of alcoholic beverages while on duty or on company property is prohibited. Employees must not have any measurable alcohol in their breath or in the bodily fluids when reporting for duty, while on duty or while on company property. The use or possession of intoxicants, over-the-counter or prescription drugs, narcotics, controlled substances, or medication that may adversely affect safe performance is prohibited while on duty or on company property, except medication that is permitted by a medical practitioner and used as prescribed. Employees must not have any prohibited substances in their bodily fluids when reporting for duty, while on duty or while on company property. Refusals to provide a test sample or interference or delay in the testing process are also treated as prohibited conduct. This also includes leaving the scene of an accident, tampering or substituting a sample.

1.46: Duties of Yardmasters

The yardmaster is responsible for and shall directly supervise yard crews, clerks, and all other employees working in the yard. The yardmaster must see that they work in a safe, efficient, and economical manner, according to the rules, regulations, and instructions of the railroad. Yardmasters must ensure the prompt and regular movement of cars, especially the proper makeup of trains and their movement into and out of the yard. At locations where yardmasters are on duty, employees in train, engine, and yard service must comply with the yardmaster's instructions. At locations where no yardmaster is on duty, these employees will work according to the instructions of designated employees

D. When These Requirements Will Not Apply

These requirements will not apply if air currents carry the exhaust gases away from the train. Safety of passengers and crew members must be the first consideration

Hours of Service Record for Train Dispatchers

Train dispatcher must maintain their own hours of service record with the following: · Place (i.e. HDC Omaha or Spring), date, and name of employee. · Occupation of employee (i.e. train dispatcher or control operator). · Total number of consecutive hours and minutes off duty before going on duty. When off duty over 99 hours and 59 minutes, indicate 99+. If less than 99 hours and 59 minutes, the record must reflect actual hours and minutes. · Date and time on duty. · Date and time off duty. · Total time of service.

20.14: Statements Reference: GCOR 1.2.6

Train dispatcher must: · Require identification before divulging information that relates to the operation of the railroad. · Only release information to employees of the railroad or others that are authorized to receive the information

20.2: Duties of Train Dispatchers Reference: GCOR 1.44

Train dispatcher's responsibilities include: · Supervising the movement of trains. · Using proper protection and authorities for employees as prescribed by the rules. · Complying with the rules and, when observed, requiring that other train dispatchers or control operators do the same. · Cooperating with field personnel conducting efficiency tests by not divulging any information that would interfere with or affect the outcome of the tests. · Communicating with supervisors regarding conditions that affect the SAFE AND EXPEDIENT movement of train

20.27: Games, Reading, and Electronic Devices Reference: GCOR 2.21

Train dispatchers are prohibited from using a cell phone or other wireless communications device while on duty and located at the train dispatching workstation.

20.4: Train Priority

Train dispatchers must be familiar with priorities, speed, and routing information of trains approaching their territory or that are operating within their territory. Whenever possible, ensure priority trains are given preference and that no train is delayed unnecessarily.

20.16: General Orders Reference: GCOR 1.3.2

Train dispatchers must check new General Orders for items duplicated in track bulletins and must revise track bulletins to delete such items

20.7: Proper Terms

Train dispatchers must do the following and require the same from others they communicate with: · Use terms that are clear and not in conflict with the rules. · Use proper instructions instead of rule numbers, except as otherwise provided in the rules. · Use exact words when quoting a rule. · Use only abbreviations authorized by the GCOR Glossary

Railroad Supplied Electronic Devices

Unless required to be powered on for purposes of timely, automated updating or transmission of information, railroad-supplied electronic devices must be powered off with any earpiece removed from the ear, and stowed when not in use. These devices may be used for exchange of work related information during train operations with railroad supervisors, dispatchers, customers, NCSC, or customer service employees. Crew members authorized to use railroad-supplied electronic devices may use such devices when: · A job briefing is held and all crewmembers agree the device is safe to use. · Not on a moving train. · The crewmember using the device is not fouling the track

20.15: Rules Availability and Use Reference: GCOR 1.3.1

Train dispatchers must have a current copy of the following available for reference while on duty. · General Code of Operating Rules (GCOR) · Rules Governing Train Dispatchers and Control Operators (RTDCO) · System Special Instructions · Timetables · General Orders · Safety Rules · Air Brake and Train Handling Rules · Form 8620-Instructions for Handling Hazardous Materials Employees may utilize electronic media with the most recent approved versions in lieu of books. Employees must be able to access the electronic versions in a timely manner. When any rule or instruction for train dispatchers is supplemented, modified, or canceled, the Vice-President Harriman Dispatching Center (HDC) will issue a Train Dispatcher and Control Operator Bulletin. Train Dispatcher and Control Operator Bulletins do not supersede General Orders, Special Instructions or the General Code of Operating Rules. Office Notices may be issued to cover territory or office specific instructions, which do not supplement, modify or cancel a GCOR rule or RTDCO rule.

20.5: Knowledge of Territory

Train dispatchers must: · Be familiar with characteristics that affect safe and efficient train operation, (i.e. type of operating territory, geographic, weather, local restrictions). · Constantly be alert to and inquire about all information that affects operation of territories supervised. · Plan as far in advance as practicable taking into consideration details which may affect train operations. · Communicate with train dispatchers, terminal train dispatchers, supervisors of train operations and control operators of adjoining territories, giving particular attention to the movement and protection of trains and employees between territories.

20.1: Supervision

Train dispatchers report to and receive instructions from the Corridor Director/Manager and/or proper authority. Control operators are supervised by the train dispatcher in matters concerning train movement

1.44: Duties of Train Dispatchers

Train dispatchers supervise train movement and any employees connected with that movement.

20.19: Unauthorized Persons Reference: GCOR 1.22

Unauthorized persons will not be allowed in the dispatcher's cubicle.

1.25: Credit or Property

Unless specifically authorized, employees must not use the railroad's credit and must not receive or pay out money on the railroad account. Employees must not sell or in any way get rid of railroad property without proper authority. Employees must care for all articles of value found on railroad property and promptly report the articles to the proper authority.

20.12 Accidents, Injuries and Defects Reference to the GCOR 1.1.3

When a report is received from the field of accidents, injuries, or tract or mechanical defects, the train dispatcher must ensure that the necessary safeguards are provided as soon as possible. In case of doubt as to whether operation of train(s) is safe, the train dispatcher must require train(s) to stop.

20.11: Reports of Trespassers or Suspicious Activity

When a report is received of suspicious activity, trespassers or livestock along the right of way, unauthorized persons on equipment, obtain as much detailed information as possible. This should include a description, vehicles in the area, license plate numbers, or any other information that may help in a possible investigation. 1. Protect the area and notify affected trains 2. Notify Response Management Control Center (RMCC) and Corridor Manager

20.13 Care for Injured Reference 1.2.1

When advised of an injury, ascertain if emergency services are

A. Engine or Train Stopped in Tunnel

When an engine is stopped in a tunnel and cannot move promptly, crew members must: 1. Shut down diesel engine at once. 2. Shut down Waukesha or similar type engine. 3. Make a full service air brake application. 4. Apply hand brakes to prevent movement in case the air brakes leak off.

1.2.4 Mechanical Inspection

When engines, cars or other equipment are involved in an accident that results in a personal injury or death, the equipment must be inspected before it leaves the accident site A mechanical department employee must further inspect the equipment at the first terminal. This employee must promptly report inspection results to the proper manager.

1.2.1 Care for injured

When passengers or employees are injured, do everything reasonable to care for them

20.21: Fire TDCOB: Change Rule to Read: Reference: GCOR 1.28

When report of fire is received: 1. Protect the area if the fire poses any threat to train operations or if train operations pose any threat to fire fighting personnel. 2. If a bridge or tunnel is involved, take additional precautions to prevent train movement until advised by employee in charge that movement may be resumed. 3. Report fire to Response Management Control Center (RMCC). 4. If reported as a right of way fire (not a tie fire), instruct the train that last traversed the area to stop. This train must be inspected by Mechanical Department personnel and not allowed to proceed until released by appropriate supervisor. If train is no longer on the dispatcher's territory, notify Corridor Manager who will arrange to have the train inspected. Note: If the last train through the area was a passenger train, have it stop and have the crew inspect the train prior to allowing train to proceed.

1.12: Weapons

While on duty or on railroad property, employees must not have firearms or other deadly weapons, including knives with a blade longer than 3 inches. However, railroad police are authorized to possess firearms in the course of their work

1.48: Time

While on duty, crew members must have a watch. Other employees must have access to a watch or clock. The watch or clock must: • Be in good working condition and reliable. • Display hours, minutes, and seconds. • Not vary from the correct time by more than 30 seconds. • Be compared with the time source designated in special instructions.

1.23: Altering Equipment

Without proper authority, employees must not alter, nullify, change the design of, or in any manner restrict or interfere with the normal function of any device or equipment on engines, cars, or other railroad property, except in the case of an emergency. Employees must report to the proper supervisor changes made in an emergency.

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