Block 2: Flight Data Input/Output (FDIO)

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Depart aircraft having a computer stored flight plan


Amend one or more fields in a computer stored flight plan


enter and store

An FP message is used to ______ flight plan data in the computer


FDIO messages are composed of up to 11 _____

enter an active or proposed flight plan


request a flight plan read out


Message type

Field 1

route of flight

Field 10

remarks (always preceded by a clear weather or overcast symbol)

Field 11

aircraft id

Field 2

aircraft type

Field 3

beacon code

Field 4


Field 5


Field 6


Field 7

assigned altitude

Field 8

requested altitude

Field 9

enter general information messages and specify output


initiate a hold or modify existing hold data


one period for two different types of elements (Victor airway and VORTAC) two periods for similar types of elements (two VORTACS or two airways)

How are elements of a route separated?


How are fields normally separated?


How is the type of time prefixed in field 7?

update an active flight plan


retransmit to ARTS


force flight data transfer to the ARTS system


remove a flight plan from the host computer


enter a stereo flight plan


request a specific flight plan strip


previously displayed information,incoming informational display, and composition

What are the 3 areas of the CRT screen?

printer, monitor, keyboard

What are the components of the FDIO?

airway and route of flight, points where a course might change, course where aircraft fly point to point

What are the elements of a route?

aircraft id

What data is contained in field 2?

arrival, departure, and overflight strips

What does the FDIO printer print?

Allows review of received messages in printer and a preview of outgoing messages as they are being composed

What does the monitor do?

aircraft call sign, computer id, beacon code

What identifiers can constitute aircraft id?

Flight Data Input/Output computer system that communicates via modem with the ARTCC (ERAM) computer

What is the FDIO?

Message editing

What is the blue section of the keyboard for?


What is the format for a Remove Strip message on AAL233?

AM 214 02 N6968G

What is the format to amend the aircraft identification of CID 214 to N6968G?

AM N2314S 07 P1345

What is the format to amend the proposed departure time of N2314S to 1345?

AM N34868 03 BE35/A

What is the format to amend the type aircraft of N34868 to a BE 35/A?

FR N23317

What is the format to obtain a flight plan readout on N23317?

DM N100WM 2330

What is the format to send a Departure Message on N100WM at 2330?

Sends completed message to host computer

What is the green enter key for?

Compose and edit outgoing messages

What is the keyboard for?


What is the max amount of characters allowed in an FDIO message?

Replacement flight strip printer

What is the printer also known as?

Receive, send, and modify flight data by automated means

What is the purpose of the FDIO?

Message entry

What is the white section of the keyboard for?


What message would be sent to remove the flight plan on UAL12?


What type of message is used to enter plain language information, such as terminal forecasts?


What type of message is used to modify, add to, or delete previously filed and accepted flight plan data?

an SR message

When removing the flight progress strip from the printer, you accidentally tear the strip. To obtain a new one from the computer, you should enter:

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