Blood study material

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"Poeisis" is a suffix that means "the formation of." Therefore, leucopoiesis would be the formation of ___.

"Poeisis" is a suffix that means "the formation of." Therefore, leucopoiesis would be the formation of _____.

Hemopoiesis is ____, homeostasis is ____, and hemostais is ____.

blood formation; a process of maintaining a steady state; blood clotting

Which of the following leukocyte cells typically do NOT contain granules?


Which of the following leukocytes are the only ones that can leave and return to the bloodstream?


Which of the following leukocytes do not have multi-lobed nuclei?

lymphocytes and monocytes

Which of the following leukocytes have the ability to produce antibodies?

B lymphocytes

Which of the following leukocytes respond when a person is allergic to something?


Which of the following characteristics of erythrocytes allow for the easy exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide?

flattened shape

Which is the name of this original stem cell?


During the process of erythropoiesis, all of the following are ejected from the developing erythrocyte except ____


The process of blood clotting is called _____.


Erythropoietin is a chemical that is involved in starting the process of erythropoiesis. Erythropoietin is a(n) ____ produced by the ____.

hormone; kidneys

Oxygen binds to the __ portion of hemoglobin.


All leukocytes have just one nucleus, but some have several lobes to their nucleus. Which of the following does NOT have a multi-lobed nucleus?


Neutrophils are referred to as polymorphonuclear leukocytes because _?___.

their nucleus can take on a variety of shapes

Megakaryoblasts develop from hemocytoblasts and are involved in the process of _______.


Which of the following is the greatest component of plasma?


Erythrocytes transport oxygen and carbon dioxide. How many oxygen atoms can one erythrocyte transport?

1 billion

Leukocytes make up less than 0.5% of whole blood; however, of that small value approximately___ are lymphocytes.


Carbon dioxide binds the ____ portion of hemoglobin.

amino acid

There are five major leukocytes. Which of the following is the rarest of the five when a person is not sick?


Which of the following leukocytes release the most histamine?


Which of the following is the binding site for carbon monoxide?

carbon will bind to the iron site.

Neutrophils are attracted to the site of an infection due to the process of _____.


Fibrinogen is a ___ that is transported via the plasma of blood.

clotting protein

Which of the following stimulates the release of erythropoietin?

decreased amount of oxygen going to the kidneys

Phagocytosis is a process where some leukocytes (such as neutrophils) can ___.

engulf and kill bacteria

Hemocytoblasts can differentiate and turn into stem cells called myeloblasts. Myeloblasts will then turn into all of the following leukocytes.___and ___.

neutrophils and eosinophils

major element of whole blood


megakaryocytes fragment. These fragments are ___.


During the process of erythropoiesis, the developing erythrocytes go through a variety of stages. During one stage the cells are called young or immature erythrocytes, otherwise known as ____.


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