Blood Vessel : Veins

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Radial Vein

Drains Into : Brachial Vein Located deep to the muscles on the lateral aspect of the forearm

Femoral Vein

Drains Into : External Iliac Vein Most medial structure in the inguinal region passing through inguinal ligament

Dorsal Venous Arch

Drains Into : Great Saphenous Dorsalis Pedis Vein

Cephalic Vein

Drains Into: Axillary Ascends on the lateral aspect of the arm superficial to the muscles

Brachial Vein

Drains Into: Axillary Located Deep to the Muscle of the arm

Basilic Vein

Drains Into: Axillary Vein Ascends on the medial aspect of the arm superficial to the muscles

Median Cubital Vein

Drains Into: Basilic Connects Basilic and Cephalic Veins

Ulnar Vein

Drains Into: Brachial Vein Located deep to the muscles on the medial aspect of the forearm

Internal Jugular Vein

Drains Into: Brachiocephalic Deep to sternocleidomastoid

Subclavian Vein

Drains Into: Brachiocephalic Unites with internal jugular to from brachiocephalic

Internal Iliac Vein

Drains Into: Common Iliac Ascends along lateral pelvis

Popliteal Vein

Drains Into: Femoral Vein Lies in the intercondylar fossa of the femur

Great Saphenous

Drains Into: Femoral Vein Ascends on the superficial and medial aspect of the leg and thigh

Common Iliac Vein

Drains Into: IVC At bifurcation of the IVC

Renal Vein

Drains Into: IVC Passes medially from the kidney to enter the IVC

Hepatic Vein

Drains Into: IVC Transports deoxygenated blood back to IVC after being detoxified by the liver

Hepatic Portal

Drains Into: Liver Formed by superior mesenteric and splenic veins

Anterior Tibial

Drains Into: Popliteal Passes between the tibia and fibula to the anterior side of the leg

Fibular Vein

Drains Into: Posterior Tibial Vein Stays on posterior aspect of leg

Inferior Vena Cava

Drains Into: Right Atrium

Brachiocephalic Vein

Drains Into: SVC

External Jugular Vein

Drains Into: Subclavian Superficial to sternocleidomastoid

Axillary Vein

Drains Into: Subclavian Vein Continues as the subclavian vein at the lateral border of the first rib

Posterior Tibial Vein

Drains into : Popliteal Passes down entire length of posterior aspect of leg

Vertebral Vein

Drains into: Subclavian Passes through the transverse foramen of the cervical vertebrae

Superior Vena Cava

Drains: Right Atrium of Heart Formed by the union of the left and right brachiocephalic veins

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