Boggs test

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Which labor union was known for its acceptance of only skilled workers?


What effect did the development of electricity have on the nation?

Allowed businesses to stay open later

What were popular Gilded Age pastimes

Baseball, football, and boxing

What are all the things that are associated with Tammany Hall?

Boss Tweed, immigrants, and New York City

Giving large contributions to charitable organizations would be an example of a:

Captain of Industry

List the following industrialist with their industry?

Carnegie- steel, Rockefeller- oil and Morgan- banks

What best word describes farming on the plains?


List the Gilded Age presidents

Chester Garfield, Grover Cleveland, and Theodore Roosevelt

Who was noted for his socialist views and leadership of the IWW?

Eugene V Debs

What occurred during the Gilded Age?

Industrial growth, urban growth, and discontented farmers.

What effect did improved transportation systems have on urban life?

It allowed city dwellers to move outside the city

What approach did the federal government initially take with trusts?

It chose a hands off approach to the trusts believing they encouraged economic growth.

What is related to the election of 1896?

It inspired future reform acts

Social Darwinists believe:

It is acceptable for Business A to take over Business B because it is stronger

What effect did the development of new technology have on mid-western farming?

It led to increased production

What effect did the Bessemer Process have on society?

It led to the mass production of steel

The goal of a trust is to:

Limit Competition

What associated with the Gilded Age?

Literary increased, educational opportunities expanded, and government was scarred by political corruption.

Farmers supported all of the following policies

Low tariffs, silver coinage, and direct popular election of Senators.

What noteworthy events are associated with the Haymarket Strike?

Management supported the workers' demands and quickly ended the strike several people died and were injured during the strike

As a result of the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory:

New regulations were implemented to make factories safer.

This act required that all federal employees be hired on the basis of merit.

Pendleton Civil Service Act

Factories of the late 1800s were known for:

Poor working conditions, paying low wages, and hiring men, women, and children

Horace Mann dedicated his career to the reform of:

Public Education

Who was the founder and leader of the AFL?

Samuel Gompers

What were Gilded Age innovations?

Skyscrapers, Indoor Plumbing, and electricity

The first organization formed by farmers was

The Grange

Currency matters were critically important to late 19thcentury farmers. They preferred:

The Silver Standard

William Jennings Bryan was:

The populist candidate in the 1896 presidential election.

What effect did the Populist movement have on the United States?

William Jennings Bryan won the election

The term "vaudeville" refers to:

a type of theatrical entertainment involving several different acts

The Bessemer Process:

created an inexpensive way to process steel

Politicians of the Gilded Age used the spoils system to:

give jobs to political friends and supporters

What are associated with "yellow journalism":

investigative journalism

Farmers in the late 1800s were concerned about:

the high prices on railroad shipping

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