Bones 1
Long Bones
Bones in the limbs that act as a support, and help in locomotion and eating.
Sesamoid Bones
Flat and Round bones that reduce friction and change the direction of tendons or angle of the muscle pull.
How are bones classified?
Function and Shape
Flat Bones
Type of bone that protects vital organs and is a site of muscle attachment.
Short Bones
Type of bone that reduces friction and changes the direction of tendons in the joint.
Four Components of bone
Water, Protein, Minerals, Fat
Aid in Blood clotting
Blood Cells that fight infection
Blood cells that transport oxygen
Pneumatic Bones
Bones that contain air spaces that are in contact with the atmosphere.
Irregular Bones
Bones that support the central nervous system and are points of some muscle attachments
Functions of the skeleton
Shape and Form, Movement, Protect organs, Minerals
internal skeleton or supporting framework in an animal
most abundant mineral in bones