Botany Chapter 5- multiple choice questions for exam II

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Which of the following is/are absent in dicot roots? A. xylem B. phloem C. epidermis D. cortex E. nodes


Typical root systems form up to _____________ of the total dry biomass of a plant. A. one tenth B. one fifth C. one fourth D. one third E. one half

One third

Which statement about mycorrhizae is INCORRECT? A. The type of mycorrhizae in which the fungi invade the plant cells is called endotrophic. B. Only the plants benefit from a mycorrhizae association. C. Ectotrophic mycorrhizae do not enter the tree root cells. D. Mycorrhizae benefit both the plants and the fungi. E. Mycorrhizae are essential for normal growth and development of trees and many herbaceous plants.

Only the plants benefit from a mycorrhizae association

Which of the following cells is relatively thin-walled? A. stone cell B. fiber C. tracheid D. vessel element E. passage cell

Passage cell

Cells of an endodermis that do not have Casparian strips are A. sieve-tube elements. B. tracheids. C. fibers. D. collenchyma. E. passage cells.

Passage cells

In traversing the root to the central xylem vessels, the last living tissue that water passes through before entering the xylem is the A. endodermis. B. pericycle. C. cortex. D. phloem. E. epidermis.


The tissue adjacent to the endodermis toward the center of a root is the A. cortex. B. pith. C. pericycle. D. xylem. E. phloem.


The tissue in which a cork cambium first develops in woody dicot roots is the A. pericycle. B. endodermis. C. primary xylem. D. primary phloem. E. cortex.


This tissue (region) is present in monocot roots but absent in dicot roots. A. phloem B. epidermis C. cortex D. xylem E. pith


Specialized roots that permit aquatic plants to facilitate gas exchange are called A. velamen roots. B. water-storage roots. C. buttress roots. D. pneumatophores. E. prop roots


Good agricultural soils are granular soils with pore spaces that occupy which of the following percentages of the total volume of the soil? A. 10% to 20% B. 20% to 30% C. 40% to 60% D. 60% to 70% E. none of these answers are correct

40% to 60%

Which soil horizon is the most important agriculturally? A. A horizon B. B horizon C. C horizon D. D horizon E. both [B horizon and C horizon] are correct

A horizon

In a soil profile, topsoil is called the A. A horizon B. B horizon C. C horizon D. parent material E. metamorphic quotient

A. A horizon

The arrangement of soil particles into groups called aggregates refers to A. soil structure B. soil texture C. parent material D. micelles E. soil nutrients

A. soil structure

In addition to anchoring a plant, roots usually function directly in which of the following processes? A. Photosynthesis. B. Production of new leaves. C. Production of bud scales. D. Absorption of minerals in solution. E. All of these answers are correct.

Absorption of minerals in solution.

Buds that develop on roots are referred to as A. axillary. B. terminal. C. intrusive. D. adventitious. E. pseudobuds.


Roots that develop from an organ OTHER than an existing root are called A. root hairs. B. fibrous roots. C. radicle. D. adventitious roots. E. primary root.

Adventitious roots

How do lateral roots differ from root hairs? A. Lateral roots have a root cap; root hairs do not. B. Lateral roots are formed of many cells; root hairs are a single cell. C. Lateral roots form from the pericycle; root hairs develop in region of maturation. D. Lateral roots may live for many months; root hairs live for a few days. E. All of the above are true.

All of the above are true

A root system may function in which of the following? A. Anchorage and storage. B. Growth. C. Absorption and conduction. D. Production of new roots. E. All of the answers are correct.

All of the answers are correct

Which of the following spices or flavorings is obtained from roots? A. sarsaparilla B. angelica C. licorice D. sassafras E. all of these answers are correct.

All of these answers are correct

The perception of gravity by roots is aided by A. amyloplasts. B. chloroplasts. C. chromoplasts. D. leucoplasts. E. gravoplasts.


Cells of the apical meristem A. have large vacuoles. B. divide at a fairly steady rate. C. have little to do with the root cap. D. are generally cuboidal in shape. E. have no nuclei.

Are generally cuboidal in shape.

Root hairs A. are specialized epidermal cells. B. are covered with a waxy cuticle. C. increase the surface area for absorption of water. D. live only one day. E. both [are specialized epidermal cells and increase the surface area for absorption of water] are correct

Both [are specialized epidermal cells and increase the surface area for absorption of water] are correct

A unique feature of the pericycle is A. its retention of meristematic potential. B. the production of lateral roots. C. the presence of a Casparian strip. D. its location next to the epidermis. E. both [its retention of meristematic potential and the production of lateral roots] are correct

Both [its retention of meristematic potential and the production of lateral roots] are correct

Which of the following is NOT a specialized root? A. Branch or lateral roots. B. Food storage root of sweet potato. C. Prop root of corn. D. Contractile roots. E. Propagative roots.

Branch or lateral roots

People harvest the storage roots of biennials such as __________ for their food value. A. carrots B. licorice C. reserpine D. rotenone E. all of these answers are correct


The most abundant cell type in periderm is A. parenchyma. B. collenchyma. C. cork. D. vessel elements. E. ray initials.


Stored food, especially starch and other carbohydrates in storage roots, can be found in this tissue of a root A. endodermis. B. epidermis. C. pericycle. D. cortex. E. cork.


How does monocot root structure differ from dicot root structure? A. Monocot endodermis cells lack a Casparian strip. B. Dicot roots lack a central pith region. C. Monocot roots usually form a tap root system. D. Dicot roots do not form branch roots. E. There is no structural difference between monocot and dicot root systems.

Dicot roots lack a central pith region

When trees undergo root grafting with one another, an unfortunate result can be A. strangling of one tree by another. B. disease spreads to healthy trees. C. insufficient food for all the trees. D. fewer leaves on the trees. E. the development of thinner bark.

Disease spreads to healthy trees

What does too much water do to soil? A. depletes mineral nutrients B. slows mineralization C. interferes with plant growth D. Accelerates the breakdown of nitrates E. All of these answers are correct

E. All of these answers are correct

Soil water between field capacity and the permanent wilting point is called A. hygroscopic water B. gravitational water C. capillary water D. intermediate water E. available water

E. available water

Which of the following tissues is common in roots but not in stems? A. endodermis B. parenchyma C. cortex D. epidermis E. pith


Monocots, such as grasses, usually have __________ root systems. A. simple, straight B. taproot C. fibrous D. secondary E. aerial


Water that drains out of the pores in soils after a rain is called A. capillary water. B. gravitational water. C. hygroscopic water. D. field capacity. E. available water.

Gravitational water

The rootlike projections of parasitic plants that develop along their stems and penetrate the host plants' tissues are called A. parenchyma. B. mycorrhizae. C. haustoria. D. mutualistic. E. aerial roots.


Mycorrhizae roots are those that A. have a symbiotic association with fungi. B. have a symbiotic association with nitrogen fixing bacteria. C. contain hyphae of parasitic fungi. D. are above ground roots that serve to support the stem. E. are propagative roots.

Have a symbiotic association with fungi

The region of elongation is characterized by ______________. A. root hair production B. development of the root cap C. producing ground meristem D. production of branch roots E. increase in size of cells

Increase in size of cells

The best soil for plant growth is A. clay. B. sand. C. loam. D. peat. E. both [clay and sand] are correct


Cells of the root cap ease the growth of young roots through the soil by __________. A. secreting slippery lipids like waxes B. producing oils C. producing a mucilaginous lubricant D. forcing a passage between soil particles E. none of these

Producing a mucilaginous lubricant

Which of the following is a part of the embryo of a seed? A. root hairs B. radicle C. fibrous roots D. taproot E. adventitious roots


Rhythmic cell divisions in young roots often A. occur about once a week. B. reach a peak once or twice a day. C. peak several times during a 24-hour period. D. result in a given root growing several meters a day. E. do not occur in monocots.

Reach a peak once or twice a day

Root hairs are found in the region of the root called the A. root cap. B. apical meristem. C. region of elongation. D. region of maturation. E. endodermis.

Region of maturation

Root hairs are prominent in the A. root cap. B. apical meristem. C. region of elongation. D. root axils. E. region of maturation.

Region of maturation

____________ root systems develop from the radicle. A. Adventitious B. Climbing C. Stem cutting D. Fibrous E. Taproot


The region of cell division in a root is also known as __________. A. the root apical meristem B. shoot apical meristem C. region of root hair production D. zone of elongation E. endodermis

The root apical meristem

The perception of gravity by a root takes place in A. root hairs. B. the region of elongation. C. the region of cell division (apical meristem). D. the region of maturation. E. the root cap.

The root cap

One unique function of the root cap is A. the sensing of a gravitational force. B. production of root hairs. C. formation of bud scales. D. production of an ion barrier. E. both [the sensing of a gravitational force and production of root hairs] are correct

The sensing of a gravitational force

Parts of the pericycle and parenchyma between the arms of xylem and patches of phloem in young roots of many dicots and conifers become A. cork cambium. B. endodermis. C. cortex. D. vascular cambium. E. Casparian strips.

Vascular cambium

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