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JAN 1938: Hitler wants Sudetenland. What are the options for Chamberlain-

CAN: -Station troops -Give it to him (appeasement) -A plebiscite, collective security through LON--> Diplomacy. -Bargain - personal diplomacy. -Offered support to Benes alliance.

Churchill's background and wilderness years :

- From an aristocratic family (easy way into parliament?). Grandfather was Duke of MAlborough. His father was a leading Conservative politician. C never travelled on public transport, didn't endear him to the working class, seemed quite antiquated. -He had been a soldier serving in India and Sudan before becoming a Tory MP in 1900 THOUGH he joined liberals in 1904 = not true to an ideolgoy or party, TURNCOAT? work up the ladder, too ambitious. -Was in cabinet by 1908 as Preisdent of the Board of Trade and First Lord of the Admiralty. -His uspport for the use of force against striking miners in South Wales in 1910 made him unpopular with Labour = alienate himself from the working class, not in touch with them. -He played a leading role in introducing social reforms before 1914 and was influential in WW1 before a failed attack in Turky ; supported poorly planned attack on Constantinople in the Gallipoli landings in 1915 made him widely distrusted and resign - weak. -He supported WW1 by wanting to knock Turkey out by a daring attack; then by building up British arms poroduction as Minsiter of Munitions 1917-1918, he even served on the Western front in 1916 - War leader, so may instigate war esp after WW1. -He was seen as an EXTREME opponent of communism because of his support for a war against the new communist regime in Russia after 1917 = war Mongerer? -He bittery opposed coommunism, especially after the Revolution in 1918 and urged GB , FR and the US to send forces against the revolution. -He served in Lloyd George's coalition (liberal) government frm 1918-22 and then REJOINED Tories and was Chancellor of the Exchequer from 1924-29 =Untrustworthy turncoat. -His Decisions to reutnr Britain to the Gold Standard in 1925 was criticised by many economic experts as it made exports dearer = lack of knowledge, stubborn and not lsitening. -He opposed any threat to the monarchy or to the British constitution, becoming an extreme opponent of trade unions because of his opposition to the General strike in 19236 as he thought it tried to use union power in a political way.

Britain and France:

--The situation in June 1940 was EXTREMELY tense between GB and FR. GB resisted demands to send mroe aircraft to France as air defence of GB was already low. -Belgium had surrended (within days it could fall) -With French troops effectively cornered and Hit;er's troops marching ever closer to Paris it looked like France would soon be forced to surrender to the Germans, leaving GB alone to fight. -On 22nd June, France surrended and signed an armistice with Germany. It remained under axis occupation of the country by the allies in June 1944. Italy entered the war as an ally of Germany and was prepared to fight... -WHY, with the fall of France (their last remainngi ally) did Churchill still not pursure a negotiated peace? -Churchill is a man of his word. Without victors there is no survival... -"Victory France". Can't leave all their men in France then. -Nazis had set up a Vichy agreement forcing existing French officials to obey Nazi orders. Had become NAzi puppets.

Advantages of GB's bombing campaign

-1/3 of German population would become homeless -> damage morale in citizens and cities. -Public pressure to bomb Germany back due to the Blitz in 1940 -> increase British morale. -Destroy German capability to provide for large military by bombing factories and miltiary bases. -It could hasten the end of the war quicker. -Would destroy German transport and communications to make them weaker. -Dresden described as 'one of the foremost industrial locations of the Reich' by a German official. -Dresden had 130 factorie and was able to funnell troops towards the soviet army. -WW1 no one complained about gas atacks.

What years was he in the wilderness for and why (personality)

-1929-39 -He was just an MP: -Fierce and headstrong, however with all of this passion he was stubborn and refusing to accept ideas, always says what he wants to. -Due to his strong convictions, he went his own way a lot of the time - isolating himself, was not a follower. He liked the drama, wasn't a negotiater or very diplomatic at the time. -He liked action and was a risk taker, putting his own party in jeoprady. -Master of rhetoric- public speaking persuasiveness. Came across as very passive aggressive. If one is always rhetorical it can be hard to trust his words as it is very exxagerated. Everything is like a mini speech, becomes like a clown, a buffoon. -Had a gift for encouraging strong friendships, but also had bitter enemies -not a very agreable person. -By 1914, it was unfashionable for empires. Canada etc had been granted independence, why not india? -= Antiquated man, immoral. -All these skills ^, very important in wartime but int he 1920s, theres no place/need for such attributes.

Churchill's views on India: Political wilderness:

-1930s, Britain deciding if India should have dominion status or not. -India fed up of colonial rule. Independence as union state , central autonmoy. Idea of self gov in provinces spread. Wanted to be progressive. -Gandhi, Nehra and Lord Irwin (viceroy of India) led this movement. -GB were planning to move India to a dominion status. There were conferences in 1930-31 to talk about this, even inviting Ghandi to discuss , -Churchill was against this Home Rule for India because: -Empire was the only thing worth fighting for to him. -Wanted to keep India Britsh, But people branded Churchill as a "cassandra" -He wanted to "civilise" the Indians with eudcation and morals. Thinks India needs "civilisation", they NEED the British to maintain control, can't run a government themselevs. -He was v imperialistic -Disliked Gandhi a lot. - These views came from: -Military background, fought in India in its most imperial phase. Developed very imperialistic ideas there/fuelled them. -In 1935, the Royal Albert Hall was packed for 2 nights, C talked about blocking Dominion status for India. How realistic were his views: -Some would agree with him but he was msotly seen as primitive. They were useful in WW1. -They did however, need India for its asset for trade through the depression, to bolster GB;s financial situation -!933, Hitler became chancellor. Russia had Stalina dn Italy Mussolini, Japan were also making advances in Manchuria. Churchill believed GB needed india as an asset as a deterrent, to be bigger and intimidate rival powers. -Why was India issue damning to Churchill's political career? -Branded a "cassandra", people didn't know when to blieve him. -Fuelled the view of him being a "careerist" and a buffoon of sorts. -He felt this was a betrayal to the empire, backwaards view -Wrote a daily mail article AGAINST his own government in a NATIONAL newspaper, betrayal against Stanely Baldwin. However, is he really a careerist if he is os obviously shooting himself in the foot -He was v rude towards Gandhi -Suspicions of Churchill actually plannign to topple Baldwin as leader, making B look bad. -Dominion stauts was inevitable


-1933- Night of the long knives. Hitler murdered own generals. Brutal regime.. In a Democratic gov, it is their duty to rearm when faced with such aggression. -Rhineland 1936 remilitarised- Abyssinia in 1936, countries afrt Wall St Crash are rearming, using wall St Crash as an excuse. LON couldn't rely on France either. Collective security FAILINg. Should rearm as a BACKUP. Military unmatched against DE. Hitler said if GB + FR stood up to this, he would have backed down - went against TOV . Japan and Utaly, only look weak if not rearming among everyone else. -1936, Spanish civil war. GB + FR + FR not involved = weak. Italy and DE working together w/high tech equipment--> then Rome Berlin axis. Even more reasons for Britain to rearm to show strength aginst that alliance. -Anti semitism in Germany - Kirstallnacht.


-1934: Disarmament conference. Anglo-Naval pact. Support rearmament.Clsoer to Germany , better relations. ALSO, 1934- Means testing:gov doesn't want to spend money. Great depression. -1935 Saar plebiscite: people were lenient towards situation and supported it. -1935: conscription - pity from TOV - support. Just creating jobs in the depression -1936: Rearmamenet, TOV. Jobs + pity -WW1 sentiments and change in mentality., a pacifist one. Changing attitudes from punishment -1938: Anschluss. TOV sentiment. Also peaceful relations. Can't see or comprehend the danger in front of them. -LON didn't condone rearmament. -Failing industry means no man power which undermines LON collective security, also disarmament conference - hypocritical -Politicians followed public opinion to keep their jobs. E.g Falham in 1933 by-elections -> follow non-rearmaent sentiments. As a politician, you have to follow British public opinion. -Came off as war mongering against Germany --> arms race. -The Rome Berlin axis. DE + IT already strong from Abyssinia and Spanish civil war. Japan would join too. -Fr, USSR and USA wouldn't help out with a European War. can't rely on other countries -No support from common wealth either, only Canada. -Locarno pact -10 year rule (Idea that Britain may one day need to rearm but not for ten years at least)

Churchill and Roosevelt and Stalin:

-1942, Churchill persuaded USA to attack the 'soft udnerbelly' of Hitler's Europe though they believed a direct attack would be better. -C lost face in the army, losing political faith at home, prepared to deceive America.. -June '42, C + R conferring. Tobruk surrendered - a major port on Libyan coast, close to Egypt. Tobruk defences collapsed + British morale FELL. Germany could now get thtrough Egypt to Suez canal. -Less than 2 years before C's "finest hour". How did it come to this?? ^^^ -Churchill always fought globally, Reinforce Egypt to 'save' asia, australia and avoid Mussolini's attacks. -El Alamein 1942. R asked what can we do to help. 1942, build a 'special relationship' with America, meeting every few months and exchanging messages daily. But can't hide Britain's need for America. America stronger as they have men and money and resources in this war unlike Britian. -Mrontgomery surpassed Rommel in supplies. -ULTRA 'strangles' Rommel's supplu line. But battle of Alamein was still bloody. First British victory OVER Germany over Tobruk. Morale heightened. Churchill's political position confirmed for rest of the war. Suez canal secure. Cripps no longer a threat and resigned. -Eastern front- Stalingrad, USSR lsoes 500K. Nov '42, turn of Nazi grasp in E Europe as they techincally win the battle, pushing Nazis back to Berlin. Red Army march on pushing Nazis but settling themselves there too. -America and its resources pushing forward too. Britain needed the support of allies which undermined the empire C had sought to protect. -R and US were sure to fight a war of high principles to spread American democratic values and anti-colonialism. -April, Roosevelt interefered W/Stalin. Churchill threatened to resign. -Geroeg Marshall push for going through France to Britain. -Marshall and early 2nd front in France. Attack Nazis by invading France from Normany. High risk, fear of Dunkirk again. -(US could only offer a couple of division...6th June 1944 - "D-Day" landings USA + GB open 2nd front by invading France. ) -The MED campaign was a good idea, made troops from US and GB MORE experienced before France. Blodbath otherwise. Learn strategy and practice military tactics. -Churchill become first allied leader to fly to Moscow to meet Stalin at Kremlin where theory of underbelly was shared. -But Marshall did not agree to this underbelly. R was determined to attack Germany, more concerned w/revenge over Pearl Harbour. Needed dead Nazis to get people to join war, gave go ahead of Operation TORCH to attack Morocco and Algeria. For own political agenda R gve in - for their own benefits as allies - compromise. -Torch landings success. Germans ' on the run'. Hope to reach Tunis by December and squeeze Rommel out of N Africa. -Nov 1942 however, Hitler makes a stand in Tunisia, hanging on in there. Does not take into account Hitler's unpredictability and is NOT such a 'soft underbelly' but still here for 2 years. protracted war. -GB + US leaders met in Casablance about N Africa. May 1943, Captured Tunis finally and dozen German army generals. Mediterranean open to allies = success. Tunisai previously owned by Italy so can now start to attack them. -Came 6 months too late however, Russia already pushed through. Stalin now starting to build up his empire. Spread Red Army into Poland in particular. Now a changing relationship- Churchill getting worried about Europe, should we invade France now BEFORE Stalin gets too powerful? -Failure to clear in '42 made it hard to cross channel in '43. -Cooperation between US and GB generals breaking down. US must win not as an ally but as a conquerer. ? -Sicily invaded, Mussolini toppled in a coup - Germans move in to occupy Italy, GB must get in before Hitler. -By July 1943, Italy are out. Now open a 2nd front> But Churchill still wants to attack from the South which angers Stalin. -Hitler sends forces to Italy, Churchill gets bogged down. -Operation Overlord - Invasion of France on hold. Deceieve American Allies. -Crossing Channel would be finishing the job of Mediterranean. -British get stuck on Italy now. Now a soft underbelly. Pursuing Italy is not helping Russians. Not going against Nazis. -Churhcill clinging to notion of 'dividing the Nazis' but its not working for Stalin. Fear of France. -Marhsall and Roosevelt by Spring of 1944 fed up with Mediterraneans - wants Overlord. America has had enough. They are the strongest superpower too, takeover churhcill. -C _ R _S meeting in TEHRAN. Stalin in a strong position - Liberated Ukraine. He's furious about staying there. He + America pushed Churchill for Overlord. 2 to 1, Churchill out voted. -Britain becoming the inferior alliance. Stalin + Roosevelt joking together at Churchill's expense -> shift in relationships. Britain is not a world player but Russia and America are now. Difficult for Churchill who started off as lone fighter -> Deeply humiliating. -Overlord a disaster GREATER than Dunkirk for him. Not been in France in 5 years since Dunkirk. He is terrified -D-Day -> 10,000 total Killed/missing/injured. Eisenhower led this campaign. "big 2 and a half". -British empire udnermined. Alamein victory but exposed LIMITS of British empire.

The beginning of the Welfare State:

-A state in which welfare of citizens is non discriminant and given fairly to all rather than a 'laissez-faire'. Gov intervention to help people. -The war had forced the state to extent medical services, care for the poor and homeless, provisions for town and country planning, educational reform and plan for future extension of the Welfare State.

Why did Churchill become PM in May 1940? WIDER SUPPORT FOR CHURCHILL:

-A trigger out of the Phoney war. -Military experience -More popular with public and own party from N. Campaign, Chamberlain also physically ill, health getting worse. -Labour took advantage of the amount of criticism by tory MPs to force a vote. Labour and Clement Attlee supported him, ensuring Churchill's promotion as they can't carry a gov through war time. -Attlee said Labour would never serve under Chamberlain and refuse to support Halifax who also refused leadership. Only option left was Churchill. -Gov turmoil not needed in war time. -Churchill wasn't himself that popular with labour but seen as a leader with determination which was necessary.

Churchill's relationship with Sir Claude Auchinleck

-Annoyed Churchill as he was not prepared for a premature attack on Germans in N. Africa campaign, insisted on delaying till better prepared. -Despite effective defence against German attacks + thorough preperatoins for counter attack (el alemein) -Sacked for delays and not being daring/aggressive enough . Churchill wanted risk takers, needed for war.

How justified was Churchill's strategic decision to bomb Germany, esp Dresden?

-As well as waging war against Germany in N africa (an alternative to invading France), Churchill also took the strategic decision to bomb German citiea and industrial ports. -He hoped this would destroy German morale and Hitler's capacity to provide for his extensive armed forces by destroying bases, factories and supply routes. -Germany had used civilian bombing to create terror in Poland in 1949 and Belgium, France and GB (Blitz) in 1940. There was considerable public pressure in GB to 'hit back 'a t the Germans in the same manner.

Judgement of the North Africa campaign

-Put monney into airforce not army, unprepared for land war --> catastrophic defeats -> norway, greece, singapore. Churhill's leadership questioned, Dictatorial ways , impetuous nature. Had to defend off votes of no confiendece TWICE in 6 months. Left him vulnerable to internal atacks, eg. Stafford Cripps agains thte campaign. Question his authority. -SC + C bad relationship. He demanded massive aid for Russians who were taking on the Nazis. SC also wanted independence to India. -Rommel emboldened Egypt's society/military etc. Support Rommel, Egyptians didn't want this imperialism --> exposing Egyptian hatred of British. Therefore sending British troops makes issue more serious for british.

Churchill's major conferences indicating his changing role in the war;

-Atlantic Conference, Argentina, August 1941: C + R there, Atlantic Charter discussed. -1st Washington conference, Washington DC, December + january 1942, C+ R there. 'Europe first' policy for ifghting war, establishing a United Nations organisation after the war. -Quebec Conference, Quebec, May 1973, C + R + King (Canadian PM ) there. D-Day set for 1944 -Tehran Conference, Tehran, Nov-Dec 1943, C + R + S. First meeting for the Big 3: Final strategy for the war against Nazi Germany and its allies; date for the invasion of Northern France. -Yalta conference, Yalta, Feb 1945, C + R + S: Final plans for defeat if Germany; post war Europe; date for United Nations Conference; Soviet Unions entry in war against Japan. -Potsdam confernece, Potsdam, Jul-Aug 1945, C + S + T + then Attlee; Unconditional surrender of Japan; policy for Germany. -He attened 4 Moscow conferences, 5 North American conferences and 4 Middle Eastern ones DURING WW2.

How did attitudes towards the bombing strategy change as the war progressed?

-Attitudes changes as the bombing progressed as more civillians were dying but not a lot of military. -Objectives were not getting attained. -Made Churchill question if carrying on just to create terror was morally acceptable or worth it. Churchill also changed his views as they used to only worry about British lives but now they just want as little suffering as possible and saw bombing campaigns as terrorism.

What was Roosevelt thinking in private, why was he reluctant to support GB in the war?

-Bad first impressions of Churchill. 1918 a 'stinker' and 'lorded it' over -> arrogant, obnoxious war time leader? Waste of time with a sutbborn man. -Danger of war with Japan and igoing against public, is that worth being 'friends' with C right now? -Roosevelt thinking its morally wrong to maintain empire - free colonial peoples -Still had isolatoinism strongly in mind in 1940 before ELECTION.

Churchill and Operation Catapult:

-British Admirals and naval chiefs were completely against undertaking the attack. Even First Sea Lord, Dudley Pound, did not support action against France. War crime. -Admirals were ordered to tell the French to sink their ships or sail them to British ports, or face the consequences. After delays and hesitations from the French, Churchill ordered operation catapult. -He had given them prior warning. There was some time, 48 hours notice. Some claim they never got the message or din't believe the message. The French delayed. -Despite such a controversial act, the commons cheered his decisiveness and applauded him in the commons the next day. Churchill cried.

The British situation May 1940

-British army cut off rom French forces and waiting to be evacuated from Dunkirk- increased possibility of a German air assault on Britain. -British gold reserves running low- could they afford to keep fighting? -Germany had bombed powland and the Lowland countries, making Britain fear large scale bombing at home and expect heavy casualties. RAF not ready. -Japan threatened British colonies in SE Asia (link back to if they could afford to continue fighting? -Lord Halifax was still in cabinet as Foreign Secretary, and was making discreet approaches to discover what German peace terms with Britain might be. -Italy may soon enter into the war to gain land for their own empire. This would threaten Egypt and Suez canal- cutting off Britain's fastest route to India and Fear East colonies leaving them vulnerable against JApan.

Churchill's relationship with Sir Archibald Wavell:

-British victories in N. Africa in 1940 but C gave little credit to the commander whom he disliked. -Churchill took forces away from him when Italy invaded Greece in 1940 , Cabinet now wanted to make a new Balkan front but Wavell was not given time to prepare w/o him being in comand in Greece. -No proper planning or resources = defeat -Successes overshadowed, took blame and was demoted -Not valued enough

Churchill as War time PM: Dunkirk

-By 4th June 1940, the Germans had marched in to France and easily pushed French and British (British expeditionary Force- BEF) to the coast. Allied forces were trapped at Dunkirk. Looks like whole of France will be lost to Nazis. Easiest thing to do would be to sacrifice them...Luftwaffe (Goering leader of it) ...Luftwaffe etc or rescue those men --> but then Britain would have no defence. -Full scale Nazi invasion. Chose to rescue: brave, could so very badly go wrong. Prepared to risk the lives of British people. No one wants to make this decision. -Unwilling to sacrifice these men, Churchill ordered a daring and risky rescue mission. 4th June 1940, Britain sent over a fleet of boats and ships and, under the cover of darkness and a surprise mission succesfully evacuated 224, 318 British troops and 111, 172 allied troops from Dunkirk. Returning them to GB. Lots of military weapons there. -Operation Dynamo = Dunkirk. A retreat -Churchills military experience showing. His strategy worked? -Success = more faith + trust from public. Personal and political victory for Churchill at this point which he needs. Propaganda victory - masked failures. -Shows America Britain's determination and how close they weere to it going all completely worong. Becoming a real fight for democracy. -Criticised for not providing more support for the French though. -50K did die. LUCKY because of Hitler's decisions(Hitler's decision to stop German troops advancing on Allied Forces at Dunkirk ) Many lives were lost.

How 'special' was the Churchill-Roosevelt relationshio>

-C had always known that the key to British victory, and survivial , lay with the USA. He believed that the USA could not stand by and allow Germany to dominate Europe. -Despite many simialrities between the two countries, the view that a special relationship was cultivated by Churcihll has been challenged. despite the warm feeligns between the two leaders, there were strains int he alliacnce and that came from to the fore in 1941. -Churchill putgreat stress on the shared 'democratic values' of US ans dGB, but to what extent did they agree on what democracy meant? -America against Empires, doesn't want to defend Britian's empires. Self determination. -1919 TOV, Woodrow Wilson not wanting to punish Germany so badly, didn't get involved with LON -Britain got lots of land in 1919, use WW1 to strengthen empire. Roosevelt concerned this will happen again.

European Changes 1945-6 + How they altered Churchill's vision for future of Britian, Europe and/or world peace:

-C not being able to maintin a strong empire: Financial difficulties after years of war and could not afford to maintain territories in India as well as post-war nationalism. -Part of commonwealth which should strengthen Britain's position and security but in it, there was resentment about Britian's dominance and desire for freedom. -A divide. Tories think that the idea of a greater E Union undermined Britain's traditional freedom of action. GB sovereignty and trade... -Being part of such group would involve obligation and more regulations which could go against empire/weaken it. Can't protect it if he wants the grander image. -Churchill still wanted empire. But they are 'owed autnomy', also no finacial resources to keep it anymore. Want freedom and independence. -Unrealsitic that they wanted E Alliance to protect GB, yet sidn't wnt to be a key player. -Churhcill did not favour more than a 'loose association of E nations affirming shared values'. -Was part of Anglo-American group, commonwealth + empire group, and Western Europe. Divides within group will make matters complicated and force C to recieve more rather tha just a place to affirm shared values. -GB was no confined to Wl Europe due to an 'iron curtain'. Alters his vision of free democratic elections in the Eastern Europen countries. Fear of soviet expansion spreading.

Britain and America:

-Churchill kept Britain fighting to prove to America this IS a fight for democracy and get America to help Britain in its darkest hour.

How 'specia;' was the Churchill-Roosevelt relationship BEFORE 1941?

-Churchill worked hard to establish personal contact with Roosevelt and to pressure the USA into joingin the war. -In public, Roosevelt signed agreements with Churchill but was very careful to avoid pledging complete supportt. There were many limitations to what Roosevelt was prepared to do for GB between 1939-41. For example, Churchill ahd to accept the Atlantic Charter which went agianst Britain's imperial interests. -In private, Roosevelt had many concerns about what supporting GB in the war might mean in reality for the USA and for the future of democracy.

Orthodox view of why Churchill lost the 1945 election:

-Churchill's miscalculations during the election campaign lsot him the election. He made ridiculous claims that Labour wanted to introduce a Gestapo and evidence from his ewaction to Labour and Liberal reports indicated he did not take enough itnerest in post-war reconstruction. Churchill did not appear to be the right kind of post-war peacetime leader.

History with hindsight:

-Churchill's role in Britsh defence planning and foreign policy during the 1930s is of crucial importance for any understanding of the period. It's impossible to look at the issue without hindsight. -Churchill identified the growing strength of DE's armed forces, and he was proved right; he predicted that the situation in Europe would lead to war and it did'he said Britain was far behind in its programme of rearmament and especially in air pwoer, and he was right too. The case for honouring his foresight and condemning those on both sides in parliament whow ignored and even derided him can seem unanswerable. -Yes, he consistently pushed for rearmament and in HINDSIGHT , he was right. BUT IN THE 1930S; was he being REALISTIC?

What contributions did Churchill make to the wartime international conferences? Meetings attended:

-Churchill: 16 meetins attended. -Roosevelt: 12 meetings -Stalin: 7 meetings. -C truly believes in personal diplomacy, face to face (on the spot persuasion, no delay), man of action. Camaradery. -gb becoming less importaant, needs to stay in the loop. -Needs to discuss things with others -> inforation and wider picture. -Before R joined, he needed all the support -Keep convincing Stalin to stay in the Eastern front whlst C pushes with NA campaign and keep him happy -Propaganda, PR -1941 Washington conference: Commitment from America as they would be mroe converenced over Japan at their point of entry into the war.

What contributions did Churchill make to the wartime international conferences? What were Churchill's hope for post war Europe?

-Contain communism, stop soviet expansion. -Special relationship with USA -Defence of empire -To have Balkans and med as sphere of influence -Become a European power -Buffer zone. Strengthe Germany against USSR -Self determination to USSR again, free and fair elections. -A new LON with America in it and Russia. If countries work together, they dont feel so ostracised. -Economic recovery, trade (marshall aid, American help), need close relationship -United states of Europe.

To back up British rearmament:

-Dessau, small insignificant town had grown by 13,000. Could be many motr plants rearming at this scale or faster for the Luftwaffe (G air force) -13,000 German rearmament speed. Churchill unrealistic as Germany is already so far ahead. What they should be doing was negotiating peace okr what not instead. -MPs not willing to believe his rhetoric or evidence due to his well known hyperbolic speeches. Cassandra effect. -Churchill gave Maurice Hankey stats to help + rearm. But Hankey was refusing this, not listening or adressing the issue. Warns but is not listend to. -The British gov are aware, not appease out of naivety but from economic problems, war memories, lack of support from common wealth/allies/public. It is not ignorance. So far behind, apease out of fear? They need time. Chamberlain was not that ignorant.

Why did Churchill lose the 1945 election? Churchill's msitakes;

-During his election campaign. He made unpopualr associations between labour and the Nazi Gestappo. Gives A power. He was aggressive, respomsible for the 'squalid lies' in election (mortimer) -Portrayed as individualistic, part of national gov VS a tory. Focussing on himself as a leader. Drove away LAbour and his own tory people. -Respect him as a war time elader but not the future of Britain, someone differenct.

The Abdication crisis, further into the wilderness:

-Edward wanted to marry Wallace Simpson but couldn't cos she was a divorcee. -Public and gov do not support this marirage, the public were very against wallace. -Baldwin gov put pressure on Edward to give her up, or the government RESIGNS.

The situation by the end of 1940:

-Enjoyed victories in North Africa -Defeated Luftwaffe -Churchill had established his position as war leader, securing his role above his rivals. -Churchill used his oratory with great effect ; it became a weapon of war to inspire and boost morale. -Churchill's determination had prevented any negotiation with Germany. -Given that GB stood alone against G, IT and Japan with no allies, no commitment to future help from the USA or USSR and had a poulation still scarred from WW1, Churchill's resolve and achievement in maintaing war was incredible.

Churchill and De Gaulle:

-France Saw British retreat as betrayal. Free French. -C dit not view De G as the natural leader of post-war France. -C admired De Gaulle but found it difficult to deal with him: De Gaulle "Uncompromising and uncooperative" -De Gaulle was totally dependent on GB's goodwill. -The two men had a stormy relationship. -During the war, De Gaulle worried that GB were trying to take over increasing amounts of territory (including French foreign territory). -Churchill was reluctant allow De Gaulle to visit France after Normany D-Day landings in June 1944. Churchill did not want De Gaulle to emerge as a leader - wanted to stop him 'posing' as the leader of France. USA and Churchill against De Gaulle taking office after war. l -De Gaulle also would not work closely with former Vichy leaders in North africa = annoyed FDR and Embarassed C. He was also disliked by the America.s -De Gaulle felt C hadn't done enough for France. Tense relationship. e.g. bombing French fleet in NA , more attention to med campaign etc.


-Germans advancing in Belgium. How would France withstand the attack? They were Britain's main ally , and a way into France... Bordering on mainland europe, easier to invade ->lack of opposition due to wekness from depression and no rearming. -British RAF had lost 76 aircraft in 48 hours. -British Air Staff estimate that 60 fighter squadrons would be required for adequate defence of GB. The RAF only had 39 = bleak outlook, so far behind. Militarily weak. Luftwaffe much stronger. -Italy had signed the 'Pact of steel' with Germany in May 1939. They agreed not to invade one another. Allies. Italy and USSR and Austria and Poland and Czechoslovakia won't stop German invasion to other countries. All this territory. -No large powers in their way. Hard to get British troops over Channel. -Carte blanche. Now no one standing up to him aprt from Britain and a weak France. Japan also helping Nazi Germany.

Churchill's relationship with Sir Alan Brooke:

-He believed Churchill wanted to give the impression that he had won the war + ignored crucial role played by his generals. -He was Highly competent and thoughtful -Wanted to deploy troops carefully to avoid casualties -Frustrated w/Churchill's interference and 'thinking aloud' and felt undermined by C's reliance on politicians in decision making. -Despite frustrations and tension in personal dealings, there were fewer disagreements when it came to major decisions. E.g. Support Churchill to send troops and equiipment to N. Africa -May 1940 Dunkirk Churchill wanted the British hurled 'spleendidly' at the Germans, accusing Bropoke of being timid. They had a 90 minute argument, Churchill gave in + troops came back.

France has fallen:

-He could destroy France's own resources which Nazis can now get. What to do with French fleet? -3 days to get hold of French fleet/save them. -Navy in North Africa to protect oil reserves... bombs french fleet -Operation Catapult: -Bombing began on 3rd July 1940. -French fleet was stationed at the harbour Mers-el-Kebir -1,2997 French servicemen were killed and her most advanced warship, Bretagne, destroyed. -Regarded by many as a war crime.

What was Britain like in 1929 - Empire + foreign policy

-Head of an empire of 240 million -Empire was v important and man British people lived or worked in it. Some areas were self governing like Australia, NZ , Canada and South Africa. -India had limited self government only, Churchill would have wanted none. -Empire had helped GB win WW1 but was VERY costly and difficult to defence. -GB also controllled the Suez Canal and dominated Egypt. -GB had been depely affected by the loss of over 750K men in WW1. There was a loss of faith in old values of patriotism and a deep reluctance to go to war again. -The war confirmed social change with regard to the role of women who had voted o equal terms in 1928 and had much more freedom of movement, dress and way of life. Churchill was rather anti-women with vote, he was old fashioned, against progressive developments in some ways. -1930s, Churchill was Anti-Appeasement, which was unpopular due to pacifist sentiment. He wanted to go to war against the bolsheviks, unrealistic to go to war again.

Why did Chamberlain oppose it, and labour support it, as a foreign policy?

-If peace policies fail, Britain could not fight a war against Germany, Italy and Japan. The navy could not ensure both home defence and commitment to a worldwide war + air force needed building up before it could defend Britain and support overseas action. -Peace policies and sanctions if not upheld are useless though..Chamberlain wanted negotation -The Labour opposition had not supported rearmament, they supported collective security. All parties differ on how to impose appeasement. Supported idea as alliances, not so much cost. Consistency in approach - one tactic -Collective security- LON was not working, don't wait for LON


-King , George VI disliked Churchill as PM - preferred Halifax. Even his wife hoped it wouldn't be him. -He was not well recieved by his own party, still unpopular in his own party but no choice.

Why did Churchill lose the 1945 election? Popularity of Labour? (winner)

-Labour offered a progressive manifesto + V clear specific campaign promises + supported collective security. -By '45, labour had served loyally in the war which the public appreciated. -Many saw a vote for labour as a vote for change. -More likely to implement Beveridge report. -Labours propaganda better than Conservatives. "lets face the future" VS tories rely on being an established party with C on the campaign poster still talking about winning some war (with japan which public didnt want need or know of). Disconnect with public. Focussed on the ego and persona of C rather than party as a whole. -Labour is anew party -> more modern and in touch with people. -Tory weaknesses> labour strengths? -Attlee also served in government in the war, respect -> experience. C was a war time leader, Attlee was peace time , diplomatic. -Attlee v. good at PORTRAYING HIMSELF AS AN AFFABLE, COMMON MAN. Public can idientify with him VS Churchill's upbringing. Every op is a PR op VS Churchill who only sued Public transport ONCE. Use chauffer. -ATTLEE calls the general election. C could have put it off but seems like its him trying to hold onto power. Reflects badly. First in 10 years. They promised a welfare state and NHS. -VS Churchill's war mood propaganda. Hoped to delay election till pacific war was over. Not in the mood with the election. He wa so used to power in the war, not used to sharing or losing it. He never needed approval. Peace tim eladers are used to persuasion et.c. Churchill fails to make that adjustment.

Why did Churchill have such tense relationships with his generals?

-Led failed campaign in the past - Gallipoli 1915 + Norway -> generals may not want to trust/listen to him and follow own strategies. -Haig was one of the main British generals in WW1. Led battle of the Somme in 1916 July -> Novemeber. 180K Troops died on the first day : He kept PUSHING even though they were losing so many. Is Churchill making the same mistakes as Haig -C thinks he militarily knows what he's doing, not v clear with generals in terms of his ideas, strategies and goals -> unpredictable. -Rearmament when others didn't want it in fear of war being more real than they'd like = tension. Wants mroe for RAF in 30s, less effort for the ground troops. Army under resourced and underprepared = tension. -Stormy relationships; frequence arguments as Churchill was an opinionated leader with boundless energy and love of decisive action. -He liked to make all main decisions as he had previous experience of war; often ignored the expertise and advice of his leading generals. -He dismissed able generals but got on well with others who seemed to favour action over what he deemed as excess caution. e.g Auchinleck. -Despite this, he and his generals generally agreed on all major strategies (including the delayed invasion of FRance and insistence on the North Africa campaign). They shared a lack of enthusiasm for renewed fighting agains the Germans in Northern Europe (past experience of WW1 Stalemate and bloodshed)

What is Roosevelt saying in public, what has he committed to/actually done?

-Loan British destroyer ships sent 1940 -1939 before fulling Germany - repealed Neutrality Act so Britain coudl purchase arms ad in 1940 'arsenal of democracy' to defend sale of arms to Britain -> image of strong allies helping eachother out. -Oct 1940, Anglo-American naval cooperation. -Up to $31.6 billion of assistance to GB -April, US troops occupied Greenland to stop Germany using them as military base. -March 1941- Lend lease Act -Aug 1941: Atlantic Charter.

Why did Churchill become PM in May 1940? IMPACT OF NORWAY CAMPAIGN:

-Norwegians campaign mostly a failure "phony war". Limited British success. Gov didn't have dynamic minsiters with war experience apart from Chuchill. -Chamberlain and tories lost confidence, Churchill took responsibliity. So why did a failed campaign help him? -N. Campaign exposed need for some war experienced members, Churchill has it -Regain trust, coming out of wilderness by staying loyal _ owning up = rehabilitation of character. All this, publically enhanced his reputation, gained public respect. Churchill could have EXPLOITED the situation of Chamberlain. -Triggers the vote on N. Campaign, vote of no confidence in Chamberlains leadership. Chamberlain is no longer fit for PM, vote would not tske place if not for campaign. -Proactive, shows how he's doing something. can't ignore the situation. -Gov won vote but barely, not all tories voted. His support was eroding, 40 against, 40 abstained. Opens way for Churchill to be ew leader as shown they needed a new leader.

Why did Churchill lose the 1945 election? Other reaons:

-Not connected to public. Victorian aristocrat view, went round and round. Object to working class having ideas or rising above. C represented a return to the Status Quo. They didn't want to reform to slums after the war, they didn't fight the war for that. Was always unpopular with the working class. -C ridiculed Attlee, highly successful deputy in C's government. -"Crazy broadcast" 4th June 1945. Talked of Gestappo, bad about labour and socialism. Shocked the public, th e labour had been working with C during war. "Ungrateful to those who implemented important welfare reforms" alienate public. Clemen'ts reply, Thanked Churchill for his disillusion to Churchill thinking that they should thank him. C made it clear that he's only effective as a war time leader in that speech. It's good to be thanakful but shouldn't be obligated to vote for him again. Voting labour meant just wanting something different and thats okay. -C weakness -> the reconstruction of post war Britain , he only focussed on war he had ignored social reforms. -Churchll warned against the Beveridge report = does not want social reform? Needs a collective reward for the collective effort. Not a man of domestic peace/post war world. His purpose was gone. -His heart wasn't in the election. Old fashioned rhetoric provoking scpeticism rather than inspiration. Overblown rhetoric not needed after war. Most of his speeches were in house of commons = overplayed? -WALTHAMSTOW STADIUM 3rd July 1945 (east london_). Lots of jeering. Hammers + sickles on banners (british admiration for soviets) who had full employment and industrialisation, Brits tohught whats wrong with socialism? C didn't like it as much. V angry crowds. Would never have won working class vote. -TUC strikes treated like war 1926 general strike. C wanted to break this power. C + tories alienated working classes with militant action against labour/working strikers. Death of a minor. Hard to shake off previous shortcomings. -1945, C wainted a campaign dressed in military uniform = can't connect. Not suited for anything other than war. -His concern in meeting was empire + Japan war. Nothing on social reform .He is a product of his generation. -So against independence that people saw him as very far right. -Hancock: 10,488 votes. Against an Individual runner, an unknown. Winston: 27678. Tories are really unpopular/ C's mistakes. His perception. People did not believe. Thank u and good night mentality. -Labour gained 239 seats, tory lsot 190 seats = labour victory, gained most = strengths. -After WW2 ended, nothing had seemed to improve. Many remembered all too wel the extreme poverty and unemployment of the 1930s. As such, the British public were determined that WW2 would be an oppurtunity to mobilise a massive national effort into reconstructing Britain. -Although Churchill had been a well known social reforemr (lbieral reforms 1906), he saw a discussion of what would happen after victory in WW2 as a distraction from the main task of winning the war. His labour collegues put much of the nergy in to the social reforms. -Nevertheless , the war time coalition, under Churchill made substantial progress in planning the post-war period and introduced changes that still resonate with out lives today.

WW2 and foreign relations timeline:

-Nov 1939, USA repealed the Neutrality Act which allowed British to purchase American arms. Support but non-intervention. -April 1940: Unsuccessful military campaign in Norway. Churchill partially responsible as Lord of the Admiralty. -10 May: Churchill becomes PM. -May 1940: Dunkirk evacuation. GB + FR troops rescued byt Fall of FR to DE inevitable. -June 1940: FR surrenders to DE. Italy enters war as an ally to DE> -3rd July 1940: Churchill orders bombing of FR fleet at Oran -Algeria. -July-Sept 1940: Battle of Britain. GB successfully defends hersefl from DE Luftwaffe air attacks. Start of GB's NA and Med campaign, to deal with any Italian threat to Egypt, Suez canal and protect route to India/Empire. Controversial Churchill tactic..initial early GB victories. -Sept 1940: 'Destroyers for bases' USA agree to give 50 destroyer ships in return for access to GB air and Naaval bases across the empire. US not joining war or offering much concrete assistance to GB. These destroyers were also old... -Mar 1941: Lend Lease Act: USA could sell an lend defence material (aid and supplies). It led $31.6 billion of assistance going to Britain by 1945. Gonna have interest in GB's debt...The USA also took Britain's GOLD reserves in South Africa as security for Lend-Lease payments. -In April US troops occupied Greenland and, on 1 July 1941, Iceland, in order to stop Germany using either as a military bass. -Aug 1941: Atlantic Charter: USA and GB. Tacit (implied) alliance committing both to peacekeeping. Churchill never accepted that it applied to Britain's subject peoples but that the USA had entered into a 'tacit alliance' with them. -Dec 1941: USA enters war after Japanese suprrise attacked USA port of Pearl Harbour. USA allied with USSR and GB . DE and JP allies. DE declares war on USA. -1942: GB 'Bomber Arthur Harris' begins more intense, heavy bombing of DE cities. Controversial Churchil tactic. -Feb 1942: Singapore falals to Japan. -June 1942: Roosevelt and Churchill agree on Mediterranean strategy which angers Stalin. -Oct 1942: Battle of El Alamein. GB 1st MAJOR victory in NA against DE General Rommel. -Nov 1942: 'Operation Torch' invasion of FR north Africa: USA troops land in NA to assist GB in campaign -Feb 1943: DE defeated by USSR at Stalingrad. 'Turning point' of allies in war? -July 1943: USA and GB invade Sicily and Southern Italy. (Controversial Churchill tacitc: Kept valuable allied troops in Med, putting pressure on USSR to keep defeating Germans in the 'mai arena' of fighting. Allies only made slow advances and got 'bogged down' in Italy). -Nov 1943: Tehran Conference. Big Three. Date decided for invasion of Northern France. Churchill increasingly side-lined (waning influence) as Roosevelt spoke directly to Stalin (USSR a more important fighting influence) . -6th June 1944: D-Day landings in Normandy, France. Allies open a 'second front' to assist USSR and start pushing back Germans. USA general Eisenhower in charge of 'Operation Overlord'...waning GB influence once again. -Oct 1944: Stalin and Churchill make 'naughty document' (percentages Agreement) outlining how they might 'carve up' Europe in spheres of influence after victory in WW2. -Feb 1945: Yalta conference. Big 3. DE defeat imminent. Japan still a threat. Post war plans debated. Bombing of Dresden i DE. Controversial Churchill tactic. -April 1945: Roosevelt dies. Replaced by Truman. -May 1945: War in Europe ends. -July 1945: Churchill loses General Election in GB. No longer PM . Labour's Clement Attlee is PM. -July - Aug 1945: Potsdam conference. Spread of Red Army and communsit influence across E. Europe. -Mar 1946: Churchill's 'iron curtain' speech. -Oct 1951: Churchill wins general election in GB. Pm 1951-55.

Churchill's strategy:

-One of Churchill's most important strategic decisions: Decided to commit British forces to North Africa and the Mediterranean area. Between 1940-44, GB forces fought parts of the German army (headed by Rommel_ on this Front. It proved a bitter, long and costly struggleagainst Germany and Italy. -Fighting in this area, rather than fighting the Germans in France/Belgium in a 'second' Front was highly controversial with the USSR and USA. Many US commanders thought that Churchill's Mediterranean campaign was a dealy tactic; merely postponing the inevitable clash with Nazi Germans in Europe that would have to cocur for them to actually defeat Hitler. They did not see the Mediterranean as curcial or isntrumental in winning the war.

Churchill's strenghts

-Positive + uplifting spirit. Hands on - personal/knowledgable. Well traveled, covering everything -Bristol 12/4/41. - Suez ; Cairor 5/12/43 -Air raid warning Dover 28/8/40 Propaganda photos =give hope -> montgomery + Rommel, France 7/8/44 -Accurately aware of diplomatic importance during the war.

Why wage war in the Mediterranean and North Africa?

-Protect India, resources and men. -Get rid of allies - Japan on one side. E.g. Italy bases -Need resources, oil for tanks etc fro middle east -Can't block off Suez canal -Nazis secured control of Central Europe. But the soft udnerbelly was always the weakest part = north africa, mediterranean -> germany were more vulnerable, drive them up.

Positives of the North African and Mediterranean campaign:

-Protects India nd oil, resources, Suez Canal major link to Asian countries -Hoped for a Balkan front of Greece, Yugoslavia and Turkey + for them to go into Greece when Italy invaded in 1940 -> major influence in South East -Caught America's attention, do end up sending troops to North Africa - start of alliance -ITaly's army lost against British in their attack -Strategy only pays off as time goes on, evolves- troops, NA campaign, push abck ITalians from South but successf only after OCT 42

Why did Churchill lose the 1945 election? Perception of the Conservative party:

-Public doubtful that tories could deliver on important reforms. even thoug tories supported on important reforms. Even though tories supported Beveridge report, rhey thought Labour would be more likely to implement it. -Tory blamed for 'Hungry decade' in the 30s (but great depression..unfair?) and unemployment and appeasement. Sceptical -C is seen as separate from Tory party. -Dated party? They were looking ahed through National gov passing reforms passed by Churchill. -Fair to be criticsed by past failings? Was was a distraction. "Safe party". Most epxerienced and trusted during war time. Peace time --> What was it like last time with them during peace? -Tories quite complacent -Uninspiring, unergetic "old men". V cliquey and stuffy reputation = not the party of the future. Began to grate with the pubilc - unfair?

The Beveridge Report:

-Published during WWII, it suggested a social insurance program that made all citizens eligible for health, unemployment, pension, and other benefits - for after WW2. -Though it was a complex document of more than 300 pages, the publication of it ws a huge success. Oopinion polls reported that the majority of British public welcomed its findings and wished to see it implemented ASAP. -Although the Conservatives as a whole supported this, many feared the growth of state power/control. Churchill expressed concerns about the costs but the Conservatives and Liberals accepted its principles of a 'social security state whereby citizens should pay contributions for health and welfare benefits". Labour on the otherhand, thought it did not go far enough in its provision for the working class.

Negatives of the North African and Mediterranean campaign:

-Really alienates Stalin, his troops are bearing the brunt of the fighting and deaths. North Africa is not the main arena of fighting. ' Avoiding fighting' just want to defend your empire? Russia greatly under pressure -Also demoralising to British army as they are suddenly moved after so long chipping away in Europe -Relied too much on balkans, defeated in Greece + forced out. Well equipped Germans, by 1941 Egypt under threat but Rommel too short of men + supplies -USA thought GB were 'delaying', never gonna win NA so stop giving Hitler more time to strengthen in Europe: Great German Atlantic fortification not yet built in 1942 -Success of war depended on survival of Russia and also in engaging with defeating the main German forces -Med merely a distraction and of limited strategic importance esp as Rommels advance on Egypt halted. -Erwin Rommel, experienced, fearless, v skilled, better prepared due to earlier rearmament, Britain still playing catch up. Formidable foe, huge risks, drove the British back in jeoprady now.

Samual Hoare and the Select Committee on India:

-S Hoare is foreign secretary. -Committee to investiage and debate issues to make decision, need imparital people. Indepdent committee, can'thave baised views . But Hoare-LAval pact, he doesn't care about other countries. Carving up territory to appeaseHitler and Mussolini. -C's refusal to join committee: foolish and alienated himself from potential supporters? Breach of Privilege. -Lord Derby and Hoare had pressured hte Manchester chamber of commerce not to speak against the India White PAper of commerce on the cotton industry. The initial evidence presented to the House by Churchill resulted in n investigation by a Comitte of Privlieges. = no paper trial, no one overheard him . 3/4 of men in committee have already delcared their wish for realsing India. -C doesn't want to join, kows its "packed". = Alineate himself from helping the gov. invited C to make it seme like its not packed. Damaging to party, All tories. Also seems like he wants to get rid of Baldwin and Hoare to get up the laddeR? -Although Government leaders dominated the committee they resented the entire incident. Hoare and Baldwin saw it as an attempt by Churchill to bring down the government. -The battle over Indiia was not to the total exclusion of his concern over Germany, but it was an ISOLATED Churchill, bereft of the confidence of the House who rallied against the "monstrosity of the totalitarian state of germany". He adovcated for rearmament and collective European security but his warnings were ignored by msot as exxagerated rhetoric. The NAtional Government made no pact or treaty with Communist Russia and failed to whole-heartedly support the LON at particular moments of crises.

Why did Churchill become PM in May 1940? THE RELUCTANCE OF LORD HALIFAX TO BECOME PM:

-Sat in house of Lords, would not be able to lead country from house of commons without renouncing title, reluctant to take on a job he kenw he was not for. -Not many other options left now, way in for Churchill -Merely remained foreign minsiter of Munich.

Why Churchill was against personal diplomacy:

-Should not meet with such a mad man -Walking into a 'lions den' -Puts too much faith in Hitler, relies on promises, misjudgement of a dictator making Hitler more confident.

Bomber Harris:

-Sir Arthur 'Bomber' Harris was in charge of the RAF during WW2, and was responsible for the bombing of Dresden. -Air Marshall Arthur Harris commanded Bomber Command and was a believer that he bombing of civilian targets, and as a result of civilians, would shorten WW2.

What Britiain did:

-Sir Dowding mobilised small RAF units to fight back the German bombers. This eventually proved effective. -Churchill and other generals however thought a larger-scale strategy would have worked better (involving chasing the German planes back overseas as they retreated). -Despite Dowding's success (wnning battle of Britain, a needed victory at this point), Churchill dsimised him in Nov 1940. Why?: -Dowding too cautious. If C does not agree, he will not waste time. Determined in favour of own strong strategy , push Germany back even more. -Hitler pauses on future plans to invade, saves them. -Churchill favours ambitious plans which favour urgency.

Disadvantages of GB's bombing campaign:

-Specialist reports say it would never be precise enough to properly damage -Blitz did nto destroy German morale. -Ethically really immoral to kill innocent civillians. -600,000 Germans approx died during these Campaigns. -Only 60,000 British were killed during their bombing. -Becomin gHitler- Stooping to his level? -An act of terror? more women + innocent children involved. -Destroying a whole town for some factories is not worth the suffering inflicted on the civillians.


-Strong leader speaker --> rhetoric. -Proactive, determined doesn't back down. N. Campaign + war experience, Boer war -Increasingly popular with gov + public. -Fierecely loyal to his beliefs and peers. =Trustworthy -Highly competent. First Lord of the Admiralty -His prophecies came true -Great speeches - more than qualified -Great war time PM

Battle of Britain: July-Sept 1940

-Summer of 1940, had to maintain a war with no allies againsnt the immense Nazi military power. -Sensing Britain's vulnerability, Hitler decided to launch an air offensive to destroy the RAF, air bases and cripple her so that she surrendered. Nicknames operation Sealion. -After months of overhead flying and fighting, Hitler and Goring (head of German air force) realised trying to defeat the RAF might be the wrong tactic -In sept 1940, they diverted attention away from the RAF airfields and started bombing British cities. Why this tactic? -Goring had initially planned to bomb RAF air fields to British cities. -Civilians would not withstand it + morale would crack _ war effort would not be possible --> apply pressure to public and get Churchill to give in .

How justified was this strategic decision?

-The bombing campaign was not justified. Had little military significance and delayed the French invasoin which would be more useful. -600K died as churchill did not want to open the 2nd front. Not morally justifiable, just like Hitler-> Message to allies.

What was Britain like in 1929- itself:

-There was a rise in the relative wealth and influence of the mdidle classes as the suburbs grew and the improtance of banking and financial services to the conomy began to outstrip that of industry. -The rise of radio, cinema, the popular press, the telephone and the use of motor tranport increased awareness of the wider world and improved communications, which backfired for Churchill due to his bombastic rhetoric on radio - fool. -Twon main parties: Tory 1924 and Liberals 1904, who had been in decline whilst Churchill was part of it. -Labour was relatively new, representing the working people an d had increased in support during and after WW1 to become a national party (threatening the liberals). Churchill was agianst labour strikes and unions, crushed them. -GB had been a great idnsutrial power in the 19th century with textiles, iron and steel, engineering, coal and chemical industries leading the world. Churchill wanted to rearm, msot countries use these products for such purposes. -Unemployment had not fallen below a million in the 1920s and trade had not been hindered by the high price of the pound after the return to gold. -In Oct 1929, the Wall St Crash saw a long period of world economic depression lasting well into the 1930s. UK have to limit amount going for benefits/mean testing = going into decline. -Liberals had been great party of reform since 1859, and introduced many important changes, including the beginnings of the mdoern Welfare State. owever, they split during WW1 when Churchill was still aprt of it and were over taken by Labour. -Tories lsot election in 1906 badly, out of power till wartime coalition with Labour and Liberals in 1915. Major party conitnuing coalition from 1916-1922 under Liberal Lloyd George, but ended this in 1922. They were in power 22-29. Churchill seemed like a careerist.

Churchill and Rearmament:

-Think about SCRAMCUP 1930s. Specify which: German rearmament, air force etc or British rearmament. Should Britain have rearmed earlier- was Churchill right?~

Supporting a United States of Europe:

-To make it free and happy like Switzerland -Provide a structure to Europe to which it can dwell in peace safety and freedom. -Groupings like commonwealth, the more strong groups the more united and stronger if grouped together. Esp former rivals like FR and DE -A good way to move forward after the war. C wanted: -United states of Europe, an alliance but a loose one. Not so strong as to have its own army, currency, laws etc. Britain would end up lacking autonomy - threatening their sovereignty. -Not a 'little englander' one who puts England above everything else. C wanted loose European community. No laws to contradict British laws. -Europ e doesn't want a clsoe relationship? Financial difficulties, this is serious commitment. Britain trades with SUA and India, basically empire + commonwealth makes E countries wary of Britain. Not far that GB trades with commonwealth AND Europe. Puts GB too strong an opposition. One or the other. Unfair advantage. -Special relation with the USA: unrealistic? Truman new leader and mroe extreme. Also Britain still has empire vs their self determination, why would US align themself with a country when your values don't align with it.

Evidence of limitations of Roosevel'ts public commitments:

-US needs to protect trade and can't declare war w/o congress, at height of New Deal. Still need time? -Gave obsolete ships, although he is seen to be doing SOMETHING. Doesn't fully commite. 50 destroyers for 8 naval bases is not equal and frankly embarassing. Spreading american values on bases aswell -USA took Britain's gold reserves in S Africa as security for lend-lease payments. -Atlantic charter 'tacit alliance'. Not v serious, vague. Churchill doesn't believe it to be applicable to his empire. -Neutrality Act, benefits USA more than anything. make money from selling arms. -Greenland -> spread US influence. -Lend-Lease -> loaning -> interest, gold reserves in S Africa, not close relationship.

Revisionist view of why Churchill lost the 1945 election:

-Undeniably, Churchill made girevous political miscalculations during the election campaign, but these were less improtant than long-term factors. after a long war, the British public wanted to see change and imporvement. Labour with their strong campaign and their leaders known for wartime loyalty, promised this. It was much more a vote for domestic change rather than a vote against Churchill.

Why did Churchill become PM in May 1940? DECLINING CONFIDENCE IN CHAMBERLAIN:

-Vote of no confidence opens up a political vacuum for Churchill. Gov majority reduced from 240mps to 81. -Churchill had military experience. Boer war -Not v. proactive- "phoney war". Need a doer to defeat the Nazis, like Churchill. -Chamberlain's first reaction to invasion of Holland + Belgium 1940 was to remain PM --> inept --> out of touch with what to do. -Attlee and Greenwood would serve under national government but not with Chamberlain.

Why Churchill wants the Grand Alliance:

-Was moral cowardice to give into aggression; a firm stand with both the league and a widespread alliance of other nations was necessary, and that Britain had shown weakness which would encourage furhter German expansion. -BUT WHO WOULD THESE ALLIES BE? -No expeditionary force was ready for war. -USA and nationalism, NETURALITY ACT passed by congress prevented supplying even other countries engaged in war, let alone join. USA concerned with Japan in the pacific at this time. -1918, Churchill had also supported GB sending troops to fight against Lenin and the communists during Civil war 1918-21. Previously hostile to USSR -Churchill expressed enthusiasm for the LON, but that had consistently been proven a failure. -USSR: Wanted an alliance with GB but Chamberlain had always said no --> Nazi-soviet pact. -France busy with an election, would be bad to campaign war.

From 'Big Three' to 'Junior partner': How important was Churchill's role in the war?

-When he became PM in 1940. C's role in WW2 was central. His determination, ortatory skills, energy, unwillingess to accept a compromise negotiated peace and ruthlessness ensured that GB' succesffully maintained the war against Germany. He was spearheaded Gb's main campaign iN Africa and took strategic decisions concerning bombing tactics and defence of Empire and trade. -However as the war progresed, he became less important to the general waging of war. Althoguh present at conferences and etermined to utlise hisprevious war experience and expertise , his influence declined over time. This was particularly evident when the USA and USSR entered the war. -When they entered the war in DEC 1941, GB found itself dominated by a richer , more powerful USA and Churchill ahd to persuade R and others of his strteagies and gain their approval before campaigns were launched. -Similarly, stalin's influence in the war increased when the USSR enetered after being invaded by Germany in Jun 1941. The USSR bore the brunt of the main fighting, suffering by the far the most soldier and civilian casualties in the war, it was Stalin's forces who were making victory possible by the enormous sacrifcie of its people in wearing down the German war machine (war of attrition). -Aware that both the USA and USSR were increasingly in control of strategy and jwar conduct, S and R began dto forge a closer professional relationship, icnreasingly leaving C (delaying with his N African and Med cmapaigns) side-lined from major discussions. -By the time of the allies GB and USA invasion of France in D-Day 1944, C was clearly a 'junior partner' in the Grand Alliance. Despite suffering heavy losses, the GB army was now DIRECTED by US general Eisenhower in the D-Day invasion. It was joke that the Big 3 were now the Big 2 and a half. -At the Yalta Conference Fb 1945, C had to accept some unpleasant decisions: Poland (on whose behalf GB had entered the war in the first place ) was to have her border altered so that Stalin could take control of Eastern Poland (buffer zone/sphere of influence). C also was forced to accept that Russian prisoners of war who had fought on the German side should be sent back to Russia (facing certain execution by Stalin for 'treason'). Churchill also had to stand bya nd allow Stalin to ignore the crushing of a Polish rebellion by the Germans, to prevent potential uprisings of strong Poles against Russian domination. Roosevelt paid limited attention to Churchill's warning of arussian dominated post-war Eastern Europe .

Churchill's relationship with Benard Montgomery

-Won Churchill over. self confidence + thorough preperations, gathered 2x amount of men than Rommel before attacking Al alamein Oct 1942 -Credit for First major British victory should go to Auchinleck for preparatoins but C disliked him and favoured Montgomery 'morty' even though he was v. slow in following up victory in Al Alamein, allowing Germans to retreat to Tunisia

Churchill's ideas of appeasement:

1-As with the India issue, Churchll was concerned with the defence of British power and influence. -This became particularly pressing from 1933. Hitler became Chancellor of Germany in Jan 1933 and was determined to help Germany recover, through abolishing the TOV and rearming.

Timeline of Inidia events:

1885: Indian National Congress foudned as forum for emerging nationalist feeling. 1920-22: NAtionalist figurehead MAhatma Gandhi launches anti-British civil disobedience campaign. Nov 1930: The first of three Round Table Conferences on India, Churchill opposes concessions. Aug 1931: National coalition formed under Ramsey MacDonald (labour), majority Cons gov. Churchill not included. 1933: Coalition gov announces intentions to explore possibility of greater Indian self-government. June 1935: Baldwin (tory) becomes PM Aug 1935: Baldwin supports and passes the Government of India Act. All parties agreed, (Incl: Stanely Baldwin, MP Sir Samuel Hoare, Ramsey MacDonald, Lord Derby. Numerous secreatries of State of India : Edward Montague and William Benn) Churchil opposes. It takes effect in 1937. 1942-43: Congress launches "quit india" movement. 1947: End of British rule and partition of sub-continent into mainly Hindu India nd Muslim majority state of Pakistan.

Rearmament and Appeasement Timeline for LINKS:

1919- Treaty of Versailles 1919-32- 10 year rule (Churchill & gov's decision for GB to dsiarm as war unlikely for next 10 years) 1920: LON established. 1925: Locaarno pact, agreement between F GB I and G gauranteeing G's western frontiers as established in TOV. 1928: Kellogg-Briand pact. A vague agreement by countries not to resort ot war but use diplomacy to settle disputes. Signed by G, USA, F and GB. 1929- Wall St Crasj and subsequent economic crisis -couldn't afford to rearm 1931- Japan invades Chinese Manchuria (world response v telling; no military action aginst Japan). 1933- Hitler becomes chancellor of Germany Oct- DE leaves LON 1934: GB introduced means testing (rules for who could recieve aid, as GB dinancial problems ) 1935: Anglo-German Naval Agreement (breaks Locarno and TOV by allowing G naval forces to increase to 35% that of GB;s navy) Aug 1935: Gov of India Act passed. Oct 1935: Mussolini invades Abyssinia & Hoare LAval pact. Allows mussolini to keep most of Ethiopia. Public outrage in GB and F caused the pact to be abandonned but Italy kept territory= LON ineffective and made Italy, betrayed by GB and F, closer to Hitler. Mar 1936: Hit;er's small forces remilitarise the Rhineland. Violating TOV Dec: Abdication crisis 1937: Neville Chamberlain becomes PM and formes new National Gov (conserv. majority , churchill exluded) 1938: Anschluss (invasion and forced occupation of Austria by Nazi G troops). Violates TOV and ignored y GB Sept: Czechoslovakia crisis.Munich agreement (allowed G to annex Sudetenland and unite G speaking people). Nov 1938: Kristallnacht - began ghettorisation of JEwish communities. v publicised. GB establish expeditoinary force ,air force enlarged, conscription and air raid plans discussed. Aug: Nazi-Soviet pact signed. (Agreement not to invade one another) 1st Sept: G invades Poland. Chamberlain asks Churchill to become MEMBER of Newly created WAR CAbineT. He agrees. 3rd Sept: G ignores GB's ultimatum to withdraw from Poland or war. 11am, Chamberlain declares war on G. -Churchill becomes First Lord of the Admiralty (Same position he had held at start of WW1 in 1914). CHURCHILL NO LONGER IN POLITICAL WILDERNESS.

British rule in India:

1919= Montague-Chelmsford measures: -Local Indians had control over local issues, they are capable. -Push for independence as it is slowly giving them more power ruling their country. Local elected councils making indepdence more likely, proving India CAN be civilised over their own affairs. -Protests for more independence resulted in Roulatt-Acts- sending a confusing message. It is also expensive. (increase police powers by allowing imprisonment without trial). 1919- Amritsar masscare: -In April 1919, Gandhi led a mass campaign against the roulatt acts and troops fired on the protesters, killing 400 and wounding 1200. -Indian nationalism grew, Churchill cannot stop it - mass civil disobedience campaign in 1920s. Brit gov forced calls for independence. -1930 Gandhi led a mass march to the sea to protest salt tax by gathering natural sea salt. -Gandhi and many others arrested, not fair -Gandhi released to go to a London conference in 1930+1 to agree on ending the conflict. British attempts. -He was arrested on return (why? not fair) -1935- Government of India Act -!933, Britain announced intentions of allowing India greater self governance. -Gov of India act, taking effect in 1937. -The electorate expanded to 35 milion (out of 338 millioni) and there were elcted legislature to deal with lcoal affairs.

Japan and USA:

1941 Dec- Pearl harbour. Japanese bombs the US naval bae in pearl harbour. America declare war on Germany and then Japan. ^ GB can pursure on N African campaign. But then also a vulnerable strategy, rely too much on Russians.

What is collective security:

All the countries part of a pact work together to ensure and maintain peace over the situation. Negotiations

What were Britain's options in May 1940?

Fight on : -Churchill advocated for this. -Gain admiration from USA to help -But was also hard + unlikely to work well given how many aircrafts went down. -People afraid of deaths and bombing campaigns, lose loved ones. -Chamberlain who backed appeasement also backed this America: -America and isolationism -Would signal to Hitler Britain's true vulnerability. -What would the US be fighting for, they'd fight to defend GB's emprie which they hate -Can't just declare war w/o passing through congress and public anyway -If focussed too much on getting US to join, could neglect the war effort in turn -They would say no, why join a losing war? Peace treaty: -Immature, tell Hitler and he'll know that Britain is so weak. -Halifax's peace treaty would be a good idea only if Italy were truly neutral. -Halifax: find out what a peace treaty would look like w/hitler through mussolini as by then, Italy still technicaly neutral. What would the terms look like? -Wanted to get French to do it, French were already weak, would they risk it? -Peace treaty would be Hitler taking advantage and manipulating Britain. -A waste of time? Little would happen. -3 Ministers agreed it was not a great idea -Might buy time? -WHAT kind of treaty?

Churchill and Edward VII- 1936 Abdication crisis

His views: -He was part of 'Kings friends' - Supported the monarch of loyalty and chivalry -Churchill made a speech to house of commons in favour of kings, was he stuck in the past? Edward's marriage would be absolute blasphemy. -King Edward had also been well known for his mistresses and raucous behaviour. 1930s Britain were not tolerating of such action, let alone from a Monarch. -Churchill did not support the marriage but wanted the gov to give Edward time to make a decision, to which C hoped he'd not marry due to the throne. Consequences of the issue: -He gave a speech at the hosue of commons. -This put him in direct conflict with Baldwin's government again. -This may have made him appear to lack any moral judgement/respect to tradition given Edward's past. -Furhter puts him in wilderness. Why did this keep him in the wilderness and was it his fault? -It was common knowledge by now that he was viewed as rather antiquated as seen with the India Crisis, this cemented his position further especially for such a close topic to the citizens on the roya l family and its future. In a sense, this event jsut happened at the wrong time -after India and during Hitler's progression (RHIENLAND MARCH 1936). Churchill was Edwards friend and just felt very strongly about issues. Moreover, Edward had actively asked for Churchill's help and ue to their history and from a man of such high power, this may habe been hard to deny so out of loyalty and respect supported Edward. Trapped by his own morality. -Not chooding to get involved like with India. Out of his control?

Phoney war till May 1940. Allied forces death:

Jan 1940- 1276 May 1940- 9195 Odds stacked against Britain, spike in deaths since beginning of 1940.

Was Churchill being realistic in his Sinew of Peace speech>

YES: -It desires expansion of its power and doctrines rather than war. Satellite states. Dangers of soviet system -> Katyn massacre. -Realistic speech came at the right to flag up to Truman as he would msotly be the 1st person to do something about the situation. -Kennan telegram -> churchill was being realistic as it was already highlighted by Kennan. -Appeasement conduct mirrors this stance. NO: -Russia not financially stable neough for war or no buffer zone, they deserve to be protected. 11 Million fatalities VS USA 400,000 when they both had around 130m population each. -Iron cutrain not v. diplomatic "deep sympathy and good will" vs "indefintie expansion of its power and cotrines" -Angere dBritish public as they really respected Russia. "what it desires is the fruits of war" - Ill phrased. -Just after war, people want peace. C suggest spossibility of another war. Ill timed. Also questions his aim of a European alliance or not...

What contributions did Churchill make to the wartime international conferences? Was churchill skillful in handling diplomatic relations between 1940-5?

YES: -Make America focus more on this war than pacific and rapid invasion of fRance -Personal bond with Stalin, kepet him on Berlin front -Maintain anti-hitler alliance, compromises too - Atlantic Charter. -C used speeches to flatter and cajole. N Africa + MED -Keep aliance alive after April '45 -Dealt w/fact that R was less concerned than he was about a communist threat from Russia NO: -Had to accept the Atlantic chapter. -Coud not up his position as the 'junior partner', could not offer much to Stalin. -People did find him difficult, lacking tactt? -British ambasaddor Moscow 1942 "my respect for him and fait have suffered badly" -The deal with Stalin in Moscow 1944 was improvised + irresponsible, threatened friendship with USA (Naughty document) -Sept '39 reason why GB joined WW2 -Yalta conf: Polands border's shift westwards. C can't prevent this and agrees. Can't protect country they were MEANT to save by going into war -Katyn massacre MAy 1940. Katyn was a village in Poland. Thousands shot dead by part of Russian army and leave German items to make it look like it was the Germans when Stalin ordered this. C not skilful in handling these conferences and protecting Poland. -Declining influence.

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