British Empire in Asia, Africa, and the Pacific

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What were the Hints given to the Endeavour?

"Hints" on how to treat "the Natives" from the Royal Society—instructed not colonize or settle without consent of Indigenous population and restrain violence

In 1765 _______________ develops a marine time-keeper to help determine longitude?

John Harrison

What kinds of new areas came about due to this revolution of thought in Britain?

Coffee houses, clubs, academies, reading societies, philosophical societies, commercial theaters, art dealers, auction houses, concerts • Voltaire 1730 criticized France by comparing it to England— London as the new Rome

How did Tupaia help Cook?

Collaborated with Cook on a map • 70 islands from a list of over 130 Tupaia described. • Likely in Cook's hand copied from a chart that Tupaia had made. • Included 12 islands that Tupaia visited and other he heard of. • Star patterns, oral narratives, sea-paths • Tupaia gives the islands their names and goes by sailing time and prevailing winds rather than absolute location Tupaia

Cooks Second voyage did what?

(1772-1775) crossed into Antarctic circle three times, finding only ice. • Returned repeatedly to NZ and Tahiti, returned home with another promotion and election to Royal Society.

When was Britain's First State-funded scientific institution founded?


In May of 1787 how many people were carried on the first fleet?

1,050 people and 750 convicts including food and supplies.

When did Irish parliament need consent of the English monarch in order to meet.


When was the Act of Union with Wales? Why would the British been interested in this area?

1536; Wales was Rich in mineral resources such as Iron and Coal.

When did large amounts of migration and plantations take place in Ireland due in part to the English?


When was Stuart rule and the Scottish and English crowns were unified in order to from Great Britain?


During what years were Britain at war with France?

1689-97, 1702-13, 1739-63 and 1775-83, 1793-1815 • War with Spain brought Minorca, Gibraltar, slaves in Spanish America, Hudson Bay, Nova Scotia, Newfoundland in 1713.

Who was among the first English explorers to see the Australian coast and when did this happen?

1699 William Dampier saw Australia's west coast and New Guinea before heading back to Indian Ocean.

When did the Act of Union Abolish Scottish parliament creating the United Kingdom?


When did Queen Anne approve of competition to calculate longitude?


When did Britain lose its main penal colony? What was the result?

1783 and the Americas had formerly absorbed 1000 convicts annually.

By what year were there 5k white colonists on the eastern mainland?


When did England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales come into being the United Kingdom governed by London?


When was the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland made?


White Migration only outpaced slave migration in what year? what were the stats?

1807 • Caribbean in 1640 there were 30:1 servants: slaves; 1680 there were 17:1 slaves to servants. By 1660s slaves were cheaper

When was the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland formed?


When did the Act of Union come into effect in Ireland?

1st of January 1801

What percentage of annual expenditure on the army, navy and war debts? Which amount for what percentage of the national income during war?

75-85%; 10-15%

British ships carried what percentage of the slaves in 1676-1800 every other day?


How long had people been living in Australia? Who were among the first Voyagers to reach Australia?

50,000 BCE; Voyagers from Taiwan reached Tonga and Samoa around 4,000 BCE.

What percentage of the East India companies cargo originated from India?

90% of its cargo.

What was it that the East India Company sought to do?

A monopoly over all English trade between the Cape of Good Hope and Straight of Magellan

What was the result for the Company of Royal Adventurers in 1663 and 1672 to Royal African Company?

A monopoly was made on the slave trade. In 1698 slave trade opened to private traders.

In 1766 the Royal Society and George the II fund what?

An expedition with the task of wanting to study the planet Venus as it was going to cross the face of the sun—in the hope to understand size of universe and determine longitude.

From the 15th Century to the 19th century how many Africans were forcibly migrated to the Americas?

Around 11 million; Majority from the West African Coast and a majority take to Atlantic between 1740 and 1807.

What happened on the second expedition for banks?

Banks wanted to return to produce detailed ethnographies of the people. His alterations made the ship unseaworthy—he went to Iceland instead

Who were excluded from Citizenship in these new colonies?

Black and Native Americans

What was the Situation for the British after the loss of the colonies?

Britain had no European Allies except for German States.

The East India company did what kinds of actions that were unusual for a company at the time?

Built forts, minted currency, and governed British citizens. Created courts and imposed laws

By what year were punitive raids against the aboriginals sanctioned?

By the 1790s

When did the East India Company control Indonesian trade?

By the Mid-17th century and by the 1660s English EIC focused on Indian textiles—traded for spices, slaves.

How did the Canada act differ from that of those in the American Colonies?

Canada act included Upper Ontario and Lower Quebec In 1791 that elected assemblies and a governor. Lower Canada remained largely French Catholic. Franchise based on property. Land grants to loyalist. Upper Canada ended importation of slaves 1793. Population was half a million in 1815. " Responsible Self-government."

In the Early 18th Century more slaves were sent to the ______ than North America, by what century was this switched.

Caribbean; nineteenth century

By 1781 it appeared that the British could not win the war but what put the final nail in the coffin?

Charles Cornwallis surrendered at Yorktown in 1781.

Who was the person who appointed a Royal Commission to investigate astronomy in 1675?

Charles II

What was the composition of the Company for the Endeavour?

Company made up of ninety-four men—large crew including seamen and soldiers, plus an astronomer, naturalists, landscape painter, botanical draughtsman, equipment, natural history library

What are two of the more interesting ways to look at Cook?

Cook had traveled further south and further north in the Pacific than anyone before. • Committed to Enlightenment's quest for knowledge while muddying its humanitarian goals—all three voyages were tense with violence,murder, theft and disease

By the 1680s-1780s annual expenditure increased almost by what?


By the 1800s many private business owners in Australia were?

Former convicts.

Who was a famous British explorer who followed Spanish paths during circumnavigation in the 1570s?

Francus Drake

Who was George Anson and what is it that he did?

George Anson crossed the Pacific north of equator, losing four ships and a thousand men—printed the story and became First Lord of the Admiralty

What happened to Tupaia?

He died after being weakened by scurvy and succumbed to malaria.

Walter Ralegh encourages for settlements where? In the name of whom?

He encourages settlements of South America- in the Virgin Land for the "Virgin" Queen.

How did Tupia help with the natives that the Endeavour crew encountered? What did the crew think of him?

He orchestrated encounters with other islanders—shared connections with Maori over homeland of Hawai'i • Maori were more interested in him than Europeans—his name was known throughout the islands. • Crew did not like him.

Who was Jonathan Swift? And what did he write?

He was the Author of Gulliver's Travels in 1726 writes of a harrowing journey of now that he has been away for so long he no longer associates with that of his countrymen.

Who was Daniel Defoe and what did his story do?

He was the author of Robinson Crusoe in 1719 , wrote of a person captured at sea and becomes a Moroccan slave. It is a tale of adventure in the idea of conquering and taking over of land.

By what year was Australia considered to be New Holland?

In the 1770s

By the time of 1782 Parliament discussed the result of the war which caused whom to resign?

It caused the British Prime Minister.

European behavior changed in the explorations to what?

It changed from friendship, violence, trust , distrust. Resulting in flogging, mutilation, hostages and destroyed canoes

What was the interesting part about the Endeavour company?

It combined state-sponsored scientific research, private enterprise for knowledge and pleasure

What did the Victory of the seven years war lead to ?

It divided 1760s and 1770s. The American war was unsuccessful, unhappy and caused feelings of isolation from Europe but reconciled internal divisions.

What did Migration fuel in the British empire (1685)?

It fueled exchange with French Protestants after Louis XIV 1685 repeal Edict of Nantes—artists, skilled artisans, commercial and urban society.

Fears of Foreign invasion from Catholic France and Catholic Spain resulted in what in 1798?

It resulted in an Irish Rebellion which had 30K fatalities- and the Irish were aided by the French.

Who was the ruler who invested in Slave Voyages in the 16th century? What did she do this for?

It was Elizabeth the I and it was the search for gold.

What was the Idea of a Grand Tour in British Society?

It was a means of sowing your wild oats. British men would go about and absorb all they could. Have unprotected sex with natives then come back and be a normal guy.

What was the Endeavour and who was it that was placed in its charge?

It was a ship built to carry coal: 97 feet long and 29 wide. • Strength to withstand high seas around Cape Horn, ample room for stores, flat bottom allowed it to navigate close to shore. James Cook was placed in its charge.

The government approved of the East India Trading Company due to what?

It was for political, military and economic freedom for share of the profit.

When did British painters found the Royal Academy? How were some of the history paintings regarded as?

It was founded in 1768. Some of the history paintings were regarded as possessing moral and philosophical truths.

What was Portsmouth and what was its benefits?

It was otherwise known as Botany bay. It was not ideal as they landed on the 26th of January 1788; 6 months only 12 acres. Food and medical supplies were rationed, livestock dying.

What was the Dolphin and what did it do in 1751?

It was ship and it returned from southern oceans in 1751 having claimed Tahiti for the British king—renamed it King George's land. • Believed that they had glimpsed a great Southern Continent.

Who was it that charted the sea rout eastward around the Cape of Good hope?

It was the Portuguese - the Indonesian islands contained cloves, nutmegs and pepper.

What was the first Goal of the East India Company in India?

It was to get spices then cloth. Sailing was made cheaper thanks in part to the land routes.

What did North American Settlement do?

It would create stability and order at home; vagrants, production of olive, lemon, orange, sugarcane, iron production. It would Challenge the Spanish with a privateering bas. It would civilize Ireland and would export Protestantism.

What are some of the leading powers that threatened the Mughal empire?

Late 17th C: Mughals became less centralized • Mysore (Southwest) • Marathas (on map: Mahratta, confederacy established 1713) • Rajputs(West) • Afghans (Northwest) • Sikhs (Punjab/Northwest) • Jats(zamindarsand warriors of Mughals) • Coastal traders • Hyderabad (Nizam'sDominions) • Nawabsof Bengal and Awadh

On the eastern coast of austral what happened to the Endeavour? What was the end result?

On eastern coast of Australia it was grounded and nearly lost. New Guinea and Dutch East Indies reached. They returned home as celebrities in the area.

Until the 18th century the British considered the _________ a Spanish lake.

Pacific Ocean

How was this reappearance of the British met by the Native Hawaiians?

Reappearance met with suspicion—assumed to have been a representative of Lono but he was returning too early—a challenge to the god Ku and upsetting cosmological order.

What were the American Wars?

Seven Years War ("French and Indian," 1756-1763) • American War of Independence (1775-1783)

How long had the English had a political presence in Ireland?

Since the 13th Century

What was Captain Cook doing in 1768 and 1799?

Spent more time in Pacific between 1768 and 1779 than he did in England. • On the Pacific he was in charge, in England he was a subordinate. • Cook became sympathetic to indigenous people and regretted changes that European voyages forced on them— VD • He received criticism for being too sympathetic to Maori • Accounts of his voyages became some of the most widely read books of the century. • Enlightenment thinkers look for universal truths of humanity and nature: civilization vs. barbarism and "noble savage"

Cook encountered a variety of responses resulting in what?

Tahitian indigenous peoples incorporated sailors into political alliances • Australian aboriginal population ignored them • NZ Maori and other inhabitants challenged them with violence.

Who did the Americans ally with?

The Americans allied with Catholic France, attack the constitution, resulting in high casualties and lots of expenses.

What wars forged British Identity? Why would they ?

The French wars in (1793-1799) and the Napoleonic Wars in (1799-1815) forged British identity through the British's deep hatred of the French.

In 1713 the Treaty of _________ gave 30 years of exclusive right to trade slaves with the Spanish Empire.

The Treaty of Utrecht

Where were some of the earliest ports in India located at?

The earliest ports were at Surat (1612), Bombay(1638), and Madras(1639).

What happened after the British came back?

Theft and petty violence broke out—Cook attempted to hold a hostage for the return of a boat • Cook clubbed to death—his marines were unable or unwilling to help him. • Cook's crew killed thirty islanders as retribution.

When did the Endeavour disembark?

They departed Plymouth 26th of August 1768

When did Cooks crew depart and sail into gale?

They departed on the 4th of February 1779 but sailed int gale which damaged the mast and returned to Kealekekua Bay.

Loyalits to the Crown from the Revolutionary War fled where?

They fled North to Canada in 1783.

In order for East India Company to trade in India they needed what in the 1600s?

They had to pay tribute to the Mughal Rulers, asked permission from local rulers to trade.

How did the English regard the American Colonies?

They regarded the American colonies as English.

At Tahiti the Endeavour observed what?

They saw the transit of Venus inconclusively because of weather. Headed south looking for land. Went west and mapped coast of NZ.

Who were the First two "Astronomers Royal?" What did the Plot?

They were John Flamsteed and Edmond Halley- they plotted all the stars visible in the northern and southern hemispheres.

In 1783 Peace at Paris negotiated under Richard Oswald to result in what?

Treaty of Versailles

Captain Cooks third voyage was his last. True or False

True. Since Mai had returned there were no Polynesians to mediate. Resolution's crew was greeted by thousands of islanders.

Who was Tupaia ?

Tupaia was a navigator from a family of navigators in Tahiti—volunteered to go with the Endeavour • He became a high-priest navigator, asking for fair winds from the gods and piloting the ship through familiar water

Who was Mai or Omai

Was a Ra'iatean of non-chiefly status. He was in Tahiti and joined second voyage, Adventure, 1733.

Discourse of Western Planting

Written by Richard Hakluyt in 1584, this document was written to convince Queen Elizabeth I to support the colonization schemes of Walter Raleigh and to encourage English merchants and gentry to invest in those enterprises.

Who was Joseph Banks?

an aristocrat interested in charting plant and animal life. He framed it as a Grand Tour. • Accompanied by two black servants, Richmond and George Dorlton.

What were the Ideas about universal rights and human nature?

civilization was a mask—exaltation of the "noble savage" and identification of islands with utopia • 4x as many books published 1790 vs. 1700

What was the Admiralty's secret instructions to Cook?

find the "southern continent," provide descriptions of lands discovered, and take possession—with consent of inhabitants—of conveniently situated territories for the king. •

When was the East India Company founded?

in the 1600

Where and when would the first English Settlement be founded?

it would be Jamestown named after James the I in 1607. Named Virginia named for Queen Elizabeth.

Cooks Third Voyage planned to do what?

quickly planned to seek a northwest passage connecting Europe and Asia • Revisit NZ, Tonga, Tahiti, the Resolution and Discovery headed north, entering Hawai'ian islands, mapping coast of Pacific northwest, entering Bering Sea. Faced ice again. • Heading south they landed again at Hawaii.

The Continental congress in 1774 and 1776 produced what?

the latter produced declaration of independence. War formally declared in 1775. • 13/26 colonies rebelled—1/5 loyalist • West Indies • Native Americans • Hessians and other Germans were 1/3

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