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What response to the restrictions did Gandhi offer?

- A day of prayer and fasting (no eating) - No one works - The British controlled economy of India stops

What method does Gandhi intend to use in order to force the British out of India?

- Civil Disobedience - Non-violent, non-cooperation

Why was Gandhi protesting the pass law?

- Discrimination against Indians. - White British passengers didn't need passes but black and brown passengers did.

What were some of the characteristics of South Africa's new Pass Law?

- Fingerprints - Police could come into house to check passes

What aspect of Gandhi's character is the director trying to show in the scene between Gandhi and his wife?

- He is not perfect - He is very focused on his cause

What did the British Viceroy order the landlords of the village to do?

- Pay back rents - Let them grow whatever crops they want - An investigation of living conditions

What were the new British restrictions being placed on India that they were meeting to discuss how to respond to?

- Search without a warrant - Arrest any one with papers or books discussing the end of British rule in India

What was the purpose of Gandhi asking the people to burn their British clothes and make their own?

- Stop giving the British their money - Boycott

Why did the British finally decide to enter into discussions of Indian independence with Gandhi?

- They could not control 350 million Indians any longer - World opinion shifted against the British

When the British officials were meeting in private, what was their general response to Gandhi's message to them?

- To laugh at it - Not taking it seriously

How old was Gandhi when he married his wife?


How many causalities (dead and seriously wounded) were there in the lesson the General intended to have an impact throughout all of India?

1516 with 1650 bullets fired

When did Gandhi arrive in South Africa?


Where does Gandhi first feel discrimination? The other 2 places?

1st: London 2nd: South Africa 3rd: India

What is Pakistan?

A country that used to be part of India before WW2. After that, it became its independent nation. It is a predominantly Muslim nation.

Who is Mr. Walker?

A reporter from the New York Times

Who said "Generations to come will scare believe that such a one as this in flesh and blood walked upon this earth" ?

Albert Einstein

According to the report of Mr. Walker, how long did the protesters continue to walk four at a time into the beatings?

All day and night

What anniversary is Gandhi planning on arriving at the sea to make salt?


Why was Gandhi kicked off the train?

Apartheid Laws- The system of segregation in South Africa.

At the train station, Gandhi was going to make a speech in which he would voice his opposition to the British involvement in World War II. What was the response of the British to this?

Arrest him

Gandhi planned to block the entrance to a Salt making factory. What did the British do to him?

Arrested him

After Gandhi stopped the rioting with his fast, how did the British government reward him?

Arrested him (sent him to jail)

Gandhi was thinking ahead to when the British would finally leave India. On what terms did he want to part with them?

As friends

Upon Gandhi's return to India, what country was governing India?


What national anthem did they sing to end the meeting?


What were the extent of Gandhi's injuries from his first beating?

Broken Jaw

How did Gandhi say he would fight the pass law?

Civil Disobedience (politely refusing to follow laws that were unjust)

How does Gandhi ask the Indians to fight against the South Africans at the meeting?

Civil Disobedience and no violence

What is "homespun"?

Cloth made in the house (like before the industrial revolution)

What sport were the British playing?


On what grounds was Gandhi ordered out of the poor villagers' province?

Disturbing the peace

Why was Gandhi arrested?

Disturbing the peace

What empire was South Africa a part of?


When Gandhi began his speech, not many were paying attention. What did he say that got everyone to quiet down and listen?

Equality, Liberty, Democracy

What does Gandhi do in order to stop the rioting and violent marches?


What were the British landlords refusing to give the villagers until the Indians paid their rent in cash?

Food and water

What was the purpose of the Ashram?

For everyone to live as equals

How does Gandhi respond when Mr. Walker asks him if he is going to respect the new pass law?

Gandhi cannot follow an unjust law

How many people did Gandhi expect to show up to his protest? How many actually came?

Gandhi expected 1000's to show up but not many actually showed up.

What did the overcrowding in the prison and lack of mine workers force the South African government to do with Gandhi?

Give in to his protests, let the Indians out of prison

Why did the judge have to decide not to send Gandhi to jail or fine him?

He feared a disturbance by the 1000s of supporters of Gandhi

Who does Gandhi say is in control of the situation in India?

He is in control

Why was Gandhi beaten by the police at the demonstration?

He kept burning the passes after being instructed to stop because they were considered government property.

Why was Gandhi treated like a hero on his return to India?

He stood up to British discrimination in South Africa

What action does the judge take to demonstrate his sympathy for Gandhi and his methods?

He stood when Gandhi stood. He also supported a shortened term.

What does Gandhi say about his support of World War I?

He supports it

What did the four young rich Indian men (who laughed at Gandhi a few months earlier) wish to do?

Help him with the movement

Charley Andrews came from India to South Africa for what purpose?

Helping Gandhi fight against the Apartheid Laws.

What does Gandhi and his wife argue about?

Her having to clean toilets

During his childhood, in what religion was Gandhi raised?


What religion were the marchers?


What do the three Indian politicians want to demand at a party convention?

Home rule

How are the British planning to respond to Gandhi's March to the Sea?

In the beginning, they planned to ignore it

Who did Mr. Walker declare victory for in the aftermath of the protest, India or the British?


In what way is Gandhi breaking the law by making salt?

It is illegal to make/sell salt without authorization, especially if you're Indian.

What does Gandhi say is the result of the kind of justice that takes an eye for an eye?

It makes the whole world blind.

Why was the media interested in Gandhi and his demonstration?

It was a classic David and Goliath case.

After the massacre, what does Gandhi tell the British it is time for them to do?

Leave ("Walk out")

What British city did Gandhi go to for the meetings?


What city did Gandhi study law in?


Who is Mirabel?

Mirabel - The daughter of a British navy admiral who becomes a follower of Gandhi

Were the pass laws changed to become more or less strict?

More strict

What religion were the soldiers beating the marchers?

Muslim (Islam)

What religious minority in India does the British official claim his government is protecting?


When and where does the assassination of Gandhi occur?

New Delhi, India January 30th, 1948

Did the British government support the General's actions?


During the protest demonstrations was there any violence on the part of the Indians?


Who was working in the mines and fields for the white South African owners during the strike that Gandhi organized?

No one

Did the British continue to ignore the salt making protest?

No, they started to arrest everyone.

Were Indians allowed to walk on the sidewalk with a christian?


What was the message of Gandhi's speech at the party convention?

Non-violent civil disobedience with corrupt British rules

Were the British leaders concerned about the protest?

Not in the beginning

Why were Hindu brought to South Africa?

Pick the crops from the field and dig in the mines.

What seemed to be the general economic situation of India that Gandhi witnessed on this travels?


What was the purpose of Gandhi's train trip across India?

Re-discover his country

What did General Smuts agree to do about the law restricting the freedom of Indians?

Repeal the law

Gandhi's advisor's tell him he is the father of the nation. In the aftermath of the riot, what is Gandhi's response to their comments?


For how many years is Gandhi sentenced to prison?


What is the big protest that Gandhi is planning?

The March to the Sea (to make salt)

Who showed up to see Gandhi that knew him from his work many years earlier in South Africa?

The New York Times reporter, Mr. Walker

What stands in the way of India's independence?

The conflict between Muslims and Hindus is preventing India's independence.

Who saved Gandhi from being beaten up?

The hooligan's mother.

What penalty does Gandhi ask the court to give him?

The maximum

Why does Gandhi ask Charley Andrews to go to Fiji?

The movement for equality has to be handled by Indians

Why did Gandhi say that he might have over done it with his long fast?

The protesters were giving the British soldiers flowers

What did Gandhi say has always happened to tyrants and dictators all through history?

They always fall

What did Gandhi and the mineworkers do when the police horses charged at them?

They lied down on the road

What did many of Mr. Andrews's church members do when he praised Gandhi for battling against an unjust law?

They walked out

What did the soldiers tell Gandhi to do immediately after he got off the train?

Threaten to arrest him.

Why is Gandhi dressed so differently?

To dress like the regular peasant Indians

Why is Gandhi barely dressed?

To show his support (for the peasants)

What biblical reasoning did Gandhi give for not moving off of the sidewalk and walking into a confrontation?

Turn the other cheek.

What was their decision on how to deal with Gandhi and the protest?

When the protests were successful, they had Gandhi arrested.

Did the General realize he was slaughtering women and children?


Did the people of India heed Gandhi's call to stop the protests and demonstrations?


Did the protest continue on without Gandhi?


During the protest demonstrations was there any violence on the part of the British?


While Gandhi was at the gathering of wealthy Indian leaders, did any of them seem to advocate violence in order to gain Indian independence?


Non Violent Civil Disobedience

the refusal to obey certain laws or governmental demands for the purpose of influencing legislation or government policy, characterized by the employment of such nonviolent techniques as boycotting, picketing, and nonpayment of taxes.

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