BSHM-1 [1st sem] midterms - Human Behavior in Organizations

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The Two-factor Theory

Frederick Hezberg developed his_____ that identifies job context as a source of job dissatisfaction and job content as the source of job satisfaction. The job context or work setting relates more to the environment in which people work.

Enacted values

However, if the employees of the said company give priority to calls from relatives and friends rather than responding immediately not actually practicing the values espoused by the company. Those that are reflected in the actual behavior of the individual members of the organization are referred to as_________.

Job satisfaction, job involvement, organizational commitment

Most important attitudes in the workplace

Expectancy Theory

One of the process theories refer to the expectancy theory that was developed by Victor Vroom. This theory sees people as choosing a Course of action according to what they anticipate will give them the greatest rewards. Vroom elaborated by explaining that motivation is a product of the following factors: h friends; entifies t as the valence - how much one wants a reward; expectancy - one's estimate of the probability that effort will result in successful performance; and instrumentality-one's estimate that performance will result in receiving the reward. The formula is as follows: Valence x Expectancy x Instrumentality = Motivation Expectancy theory predicts that motivation will be high if all the rated high. Conversely, the lower the rate for any or all of the three factors, the lower the motivation becomes.

Communication of Attitudes

One of the ways in which values are learned is through communication of attitudes. When a person often hears form acquaintances the tisk of buying products imported from a certain country, the person may develop negative values about that country


Parents, teachers, friends, and other people oftentimes becone models to persons who would later exhibit good behavior in the workplace. For instance, a person who worked as a mechanic fr many years in his own yard was a stickler for cleanliness and getting up early to work. He saw to it that his customers were service he provided, and he never charged them with unreasonable service fees. His son saw him in action almost everyday. The son did not notice that he was slowly imitating the good work ethic of his father. It is no wonder that he behaves much like his father when he is doing his work as a mechanic in a large automotive sales and service firm.

hygiene factors

The factors associated with job context are called _____ which include the following: organizational policies quality of supervision working conditions base wage relationship with peers relationship with subordinates status security salary According to the two-factor theory, improving any of the_____ will not make people satisfied with their work; it will only prevent them from being dissatisfied.

motivator factors

The job content relates more to what people actually do in their work. Those that are related to job/content are called ____ and they consist of the following: achievement recognition work itself responsibility advancement growth According to the two-factor theory, when the foregoing factors not present, there is low job satisfaction among workers and there is lack of motivation to perform

cognitive, affective, behavioral

The main components of attitudes

Goal Setting Theory

The third process theory presented in this chapter is the goal setting theory. It may be detined as the theory that specific and difficult goals, with feedback lead to higher performance. _____is based on the premise that behavior is regulated by values and goals. A goal is the specific target that an individual is trying to achieve. It was Edwin A. Locke and his associates who developed comprehensive framework linking goals to performance.

Continuance commitment

refers to the employee's tendency to remain in an organization because he cannot afford to leave. In fact, many employees continue to be committed to the firm because they feel they could not get better employment elsewhere. The why employees choose to continue employment with the reasons Peo firm may be classified as either (1) economic; or (2) non-economic. Economic factors refer to Non-economic benefits include participation in decision making, job security, and certain job characteristics such as autonomy, responsibility, and interesting work. salary, allowances, and retirement pension

behavioral component of an attitude

refers to the intention to behave in a certain way toward someone or something. An example is the action indicated in the statement "I have requested a transfer to another department from my superiors.


refers to the level of effort provided by the employee in the attempt to achieve the goal assigned to him. In simple terms intensity refers to how hard a person tries to do work. The person's effort could be a full commitment to excellence or doing just enough to get by. For example, if a company sets a minimum output of 10 units sold per person per month, the employee whose intensity level of motivation is low will just sell 10 units per month and those with high levels of motivation would sell more.

The willingness to perform

relates to the degree in which an employee desires and is willing to exert effort to achieve the goals assigned to him.

The capacity to perform

relates to the degree to which the employee possesses skills, abilities, knowledge, and experiences relevant to his job. If high performance is expected, the employee must be fully trained and physically capable of doing his job.


relates to what an individual chooses to do when he is confronted with a number of possible choices. When a field salesman, for instance, decided to visit a friend instead of a prospect, he is moving away from the direction his company wants him to take.

Terminal values

represent the goals that a person would like to achieve in his or her lifetime. Examples of this are happiness, love, pleasure, self-respect, and freedom. -happiness -pleasure self-respect - freedom - world peace -equality - achievement - inner peace - beauty in art and nature - family security - salvation - friendship mature love - wisdom prosperity national security - Social respect -exciting, active life

Job security

the beliefs that one's position is relatively secure and continued employment with the organization is a reasonable expectation.

Relationship with co-workers

the extent to which Co- workers are friendly, competent, and supportive

Work itself

the extent to which job tasks are considered interesting and provide opportunities for learning and accepting responsibility

Working conditions

the extent to which the physical work environment is comfortable and supportive of productivity

Quality of supervision

the technical competence and the interpersonal skills of one's immediate superior


The willingness to perform is also alternately called__________. People behave differently and one of the reasons is that they are ----- differently. Some are ----- by economic reasons, while come are ----- otherwise. But even those who are ----- by money will differ in terms of how much thev want. As ----- is one of the requisites of performance, a basic understanding of what motivation is and how it facilitates the achievement of goals would benefit both managers and individual employees. _____ may be defined as the process of activating behavior, sustaining it, and directing it toward a particular goal. _____ moves people to act and accomplish. In the workplace,_____ may be more specifically defined as the set of internal and external forces that cause a worker or employee to choose a course of action and engage in a certain behavior.


Values are also learned through religion. For example, the just and fair treatment of people is a value that is taught by priests and ministers of various religious sects. Persons who are exposed to the teachings develop values that support such beliefs.


Values may be classified in various ways. A classification that is most relevant to the workplace indicates that values are of the following types: this is a value that indicates the person's concern for impartiality and fairness for all concerned.


Values may be classified in various ways. A classification that is most relevant to the workplace indicates that values are of the following types: this is a value that indicates the person's concern for telling the truth and doing what he thinks is right;


Values may be classified in various ways. A classification that is most relevant to the workplace indicates that values are of the following types: this is a value that pertains to getting things done and working hard to accomplish goals

Helping and concern for others

Values may be classified in various ways. A classification that is most relevant to the workplace indicates that values are of the following types: this value refers to the person's concern with other people and providing assislance to those who need help;

The summation score method

Ways of Measuring Job Satisfaction job satisfaction may be measured by using any of the following approaches: is an approach where individuals indicate their feelings regarding each key factors of their job. The factors would normaily consist of the work, supervision, current salary, promotion opportunities, and relations with co-workers. A standard scale is used to rate the factors and then the overall job satisfaction score is derived. An illustration of the summation score method is provided below.

The single global rating method

Ways of Measuring Job Satisfaction job satisfaction may be measured by using any of the following approaches: refers to that approach where individuals are asked to respond to a single question, such as, "How satisfied are you with your job?"


adequacy of_____ and perceived equity compared with others

Negative job attitudes

are also useful in predicting undesirable behavior. Negative job attitudes include those concerning job dissatisfaction, lack of job involvement, low commitment to the organization, and strong negative words like "the office assigned me does not speak well of my position." When employees a strong tendency to engage in any or all of the following: dissatisfied with their jobs, they will have are 1. psychological withdrawal like daydreaming 2. physical withdrawal like unauthorized absences, early on the job; departures, extended breaks, or work slowdowns; and aggression, like verbal abuse or 3. dangerous actions against another employee.


are important in the study of human behavior. This is so because they are linked with perception, learning, emotions, and motivation. also form the basis for job satisfaction in the workplace. are feelings and beliefs that largely determine how employees will perceive their environment, commit themselves to intended actions, and ultimately behave. reflect how one feels about something. For instance, a person may thinkworking over- time is necessary it the situation requires it, or may consider work as an important ingredient of one's physical and mental well-being.

Content theories

are those that focus on analyzing the wants and needs of an individual. The four better known _____ are the following: Hierarchy of Needs Theory of Abraham Maslow ERG Theory of Clayton Alderfer Acquired Needs Theory of David L. McClelland Two-factor Theory of Frederick Herzberg

Espoused values

are what members of the organization say they value. A business organization, for instance, may state that it highly values its good relationship with customers.

Promotion opportunity

chances for further advancement

cognitive component of an attitude

component of an attitude refers to the opinion or belief segment of an attitude. An example is the opinion indicated in the statement "my boss is fickle-minded; he cannot stick to his decision."

Process theories

explain how people act in response to the wants and needs that they have. Classified under process theories are the following: Expectancy Theory of Victor Vroom Equity Theory of J. Stacey Adam's Goal Setting Theory of Edwin A. Locke


generally influence attitudes and behaviour. refers to the importance a person attaches to things or ideas that serves as a guide and actions. are enduring beliefs that one's mode of conduct is better than the opposite mode of conduct.

Modeling, communication of attitudes, unstated but implied attitudes, religion

how people learn values

Positive iob attitudes

indicate job satisfaction and are useful predicting constructive behaviors like serving customers beyond official working hours, and performing excellently in all aspects of their jobs. An example of a positive job attitude is "I enjoy wearing my office uniform."


is a dimension of motivation which measures how long a person can maintain effort to achieve the organization's goals. A person who scores low in persistence gives up prematurely. An example relates to what action a salesperson will do when confronted by a prospect who thinks slowly and do not make hasty decisions_____ could be the answer, but the salesperson could decide otherwise.

Job performance

is a given requirement in any organization. It is possible, however, if the following conditions are met: 1. the capacity to perform 2. the opportunity to perform 3. the willingness to perform

Acquired Needs Theory

was developed as a result of a research made by David McClelland and his associates. They found out that managers are motivated by three fundamental needs which may be briefly described as follows: need for achievement - this refers to the desire to do something better or more efficiently, to solve problems, or to master complex tasks; need for affiliation - which refers to the desire to establish and maintain friendly and warm reiations with others; and need for power- which refers to the desire to control others,- to influence their behavior, or to be responsible for others. McClelland believed that the foregoing needs are acquired over time as a result of life experiences.

The opportunity to perform

will depend on the work environment provided to the employee. One who works in an office that is hot, humid, and noisy cannot be expected to perform well. is also diminished by lack of equipment, lack of funds, and insufficient authority.

The ERG Theory

is a need hierarchy theory of motivation that was developed by Clayton Alderfer. He believed that in motivating people we are confronted by three sets of needs: existence (E), relatedness (R), and growth (G). These sets of needs may be briefly described as follows: shelter, on from ingness, Existence - this refers to needs satisfied by such factors as food, air, water, pay, and working conditions; Relatedness - this refers to the needs satisfied by meaningful social and interpersonal relationships; and Growth - this refers to the needs satisfied by an individual making creative or productive contributions. Alderfer, like Maslow, also believed that individuals progress up the hierarchy of needs as a result of the satisfaction of lower order needs. But he maintained, however, that if a higher order need cannot be satisfied, a lower order need becomes dominant as a factor. For example, if growth cannot be attained, the individual will regress to relatedness as a motivator ars such external tion. 3 at one ieving people Alderfer also thought that, unlike Maslow, more than one need may be activated at the same time.

Negative affectivity

is a personal characteristic of emplovees that inclines them to be predisposed to be dissatisfied at work. People who have negative affectivity irritable, and sometimes, abrasive. generally pessimistic, downbeat, are Managers and supervisors will benefit from knowing the personal disposition of their subordinates. Their decisions regarding training, hiring, and promotion could be made better.

Job satisfaction

is an important concern for both employer and employee. attitude people have about their jobs is called______. in a strict sense, however, job satistaction refers to the positive feeling about one's job resulting from an evaluation of its characteristics. When the feeling about one's jobi is job dissatisfaction. is not positive, the appropriate term When people become possible: are satisfied with their jobs, the following benefits 1. high productivity 2. stronger tendency to achieve customer loyalty 3. loyalty to the company 4. low absenteeism and turnover 5. less job stress and burnout 6. better safety performance 7. better life satisfaction factlon

Job involvement

is another positive employee attitude. It refers to the degree to which a person identifies with the job, actively participates in it, and considers performance important to self-worth. People who are really "involved" in their jobs view work as a central part of their overall lives Apositive self-image is a result of a person's holding a meaningful job and actively performing it. People with a high degree of job involvement will seldom be late or absent. They are willing to work long hours if necessary, and they will strive to be high performers.

Positive job attitudes, negative job attitudes

2 Employee attitudes

Equity Theory

is the second process theory presented in this chapter. It may be defined job inputs and outcomes with those of others and then respond to eliminate inequities. _____ that individuals compare as a motivated by a desire to be equitably treated at work. Equity exists when employees perceive that the ratios of their inputs (or efforts) to their outputs (or rewards) equivalent to the ratios of other employees. Inequity exists when assumes that employees are p are these ratios are not equivalent. Inequity leads to the experience of tension, and tension moti- vates a person to act in a manner to resolve the inequity. The person, however, will be confronted with any of the two types of inequity: over rewarded; or under rewarded.

Organizational commitment

is the third positive employee attitude. It refers to the degree to which an employee identifies with a particular organization and its goals and wishes to maintain membership in the organization." It often reflects the employee's belief in the mission and goals of the organization, willingness to expend effort in accomplishing them, and intentions to continue working in the organization. Employees who are organizationally committed have good attendance records, show willingness to adhere to the firm's policies, and lower turnover rates. It may be categorized into three dimensions They are as follows: 1. affective commitment; 2. continuance commitment; and 3. normative commitment.

The Hierarchy of Needs Theory

Abraham Maslow forwarded the idea that human beings possess a hierarchy of five needs (physiological, safety, social, esteem, and self-actualization) such that as each need is substantially satisfied, the next need becomes dominant. A brief description of the needs is provided Physiological needs - which include hunger, thirst, shelter, sex, and other bodily needs. Safety needs - which include security and protection from physical and emotional harm. Social needs - which include affection, belongingness acceptance, and friendship. Esteem needs- which include internal esteem factors such self-respect, autonomy, and achievement, and external esteem factors such as status, recognition, and attention. Self-actualization - refers to the drive to become what one is capable of becoming, which includes growth, achieving one's potential, and self-fulfillment. If Maslow's theory really gives clue to motivating people, managers and supervisors would do well in their jobs if they concentrate on satisfying an individual's next level of need, i.e., if the current need level is already satisfied. For instance, if an employee already feels satisfied with his physiological needs, then he can be expected to perform better if his safety needs are taken care of.

Unstated but Implied

Attitudes Values may also be affected by attitudes that are not stated but are implied by way of action. For instance, if a person sees joy and happiness in every member of his family whenever another member graduates from college, the person will develop the same values impliedly exhibited.

Instrumental values

refer to preferable modes of behavior or means of achieving the terminal values. Examples of this are ambition, honesty, self-sufficiency, and courageousness. ambition - honesty self-sufficiency courage - forgiving nature - helpfulness - self-control - independence - obedience -open-mindedness - cleanliness - affection/love - politeness - rationality responsibility -competence cheerfulness - intelligence - imagination

Normative commitment

refers to an the company for moral or ethical reason. For example, working in a zoo may remain with his employer because he feels most of the animals under his care would respond only to him and it would be hard to find a suitable replacement for him. He thinks that the existence of the zoo would be in jeopardy if he leaves. obligation to remain with employee an organization.

Positive affectivity

refers to personal characteristic of employees that inclines them to be predisposed to be satisfied at work. People who have positive affectivity optimistic, upbeat, cheerful, and are courteous.

affective component of an attitude

refers to the emotional or feeling segment. The bad feeling insinuated in the statement "I hate my boss" is an example.

Affective commitment

refers to the employee's ematjonal attachment to the organization and belief in its values. For example, an employee may be affectively committed to his company because of s employment policy of hiring people regardless of their educational attainment.

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