BUAD 471 Exam 3 (Ch. 13, 14, & 15)

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Advertisements for restaurants, TVs, radio stations, or other products and services placed above the seats and luggage areas in commuter buses are known as: A. aerial ads. B. in-store ads. C. terminal posters. D. inside cards. E. mobile ads.


A print ad of Accelerant Corp., a courier delivery service provider, read "Call 1-800-ACCEL (toll free) to send gifts this Christmas to your loved ones anywhere in the world." Which of the following promotional media is combined with direct marketing in the print ad? A. Advertising B. Sales promotion C. Publicity D. Public relations E. Personal selling


A company promoting its product through product placements in movies would benefit from: A. potentially high exposure. B. low absolute cost. C. broadened appeal. D. lack of clutter. E. strong control upon messages.


Ads placed on the backs of envelopes that contain airplane tickets and on banners pulled by planes that are flown over sports arenas are examples of: A. support media. B. direct response media. C. indirect communications. D. advertising accessories. E. category ads.


_____ is a system of marketing by which organizations communicate without intermediaries to the target customers to generate a response or transaction. A. Sales promotion B. Word-of-mouth marketing C. Synchro marketing D. Direct marketing E. Publicity


_____ is an Internet advertising strategy that is based on advertisers' targeting consumers by tracking their website surfing patterns, such as which websites they have visited and/or searches they have made. A. Search engine optimization B. Linking C. Rich media marketing D. Behavioral targeting E. Contextual targeting


_____ is an interactive system of marketing which uses one or more advertising media to effect a measurable response and/or transaction at any location. A. Trade advertising B. Publicity C. Public relations D. Direct marketing E. Synchro marketing


_____ is the electronic equivalent of a junk mail that is less-targeted and is considered as an unwanted e-mail. A. Add-on B. Trojan C. Mnemonic D. Spam E. Plug-in


_____ are defined as "a broad range of interactive digital media that exhibit dynamic motion, taking advantage of enhanced sensory features such as video, audio, and animation." A. Interstitials B. Support media C. Contextual ads D. Simulations E. Rich media


_____ is the personal presentation, demonstration, and sales of products to consumers in their homes. A. Home shopping B. Direct marketing C. Personal liaising D. Consultative selling E. Direct selling


_____ media are used to reach those people in the target market the primary media may not have effectively reached and to reinforce their messages. A. Advertising B. Direct response C. Traditional D. Sales promotion E. Support


_____ media include billboards, street furniture, alternative media, transit, as well as specific forms of radio. A. Radio advertising B. Aerial advertising C. Buzz advertising D. Multi-level advertising E. Out-of-home advertising


_____ searches are those that appear because of their relevance to the search terms, not advertisements. A. Interstitial B. Optimized C. Nonorganic D. Paid E. Organic


All the television commercials and print ads that urge customers to pick up their phone and call a toll free number to place an order immediately make use of the _____ approach of direct marketing. A. one-step B. two-step C. one-to-one D. indirect E. telemarketing


The customer response to direct marketing can take the form of: A. inquiries. B. product diversification. C. product segmentation. D. sales promotions. E. push promotions.


advertisements that appear in the form of small animated characters on the screen while one accesses certain websites are known as pop-ups


advertising specialties are always distributed free of charge to the recipients


because if the high frequency of exposures, outdoor advertising may lead to a quick wear out


both direct marketing and advertising could support one another


companies can make use of both "brick-and-mortar" stores as well as the internet for generating sales


direct marketing is a form of advertising


direct-marketing activities are supported by the other elements of the promotional mix


keys to the success of direct mail are the mailing lists


The most common direct marketing objective that is typically expected by companies is to: A. seek a behavioral response. B. reduce source derogations. C. generate goodwill. D. reduce post purchase dissonance. E. sell a product at a higher price.


most forms of specialty advertising remain with a potential customer for a long time, providing a high level of retention.


one of the difficulties traditional marketers have experiences is that of creating a brand image on the internet


one of the disadvantages of transit cards is that they can be depressing and intrusive


one of the greatest disadvantages of the internet is the lack of reliability in the research numbers generated


one of the reasons for the rapid growth of the internet is consumers increased desire for information


telemarketing and direct selling are two methods of personal selling used to generate sales


the increase in the number of women in the work force has led to the increased population of transit media


the internet allows a user to both purchase and sell products through e-commerce


the internet allows companies to create awareness, provide information, and influence attitudes as well as pursue other communications objectives


the internet can be used as an effective medium by marketers for stimulating trial of their products or services


unlike other media, the internet is a hybrid of media


A City of Boston public transit bus was painted to look like a large loaf of Galaxy Bread. This is an example of: A. bulletin advertising. B. a mobile billboard. C. free-form advertising. D. a printacular. E. aerial advertising.


A cab service company uses a global positioning satellite (GPS) system to customize the advertising messages shown on top of its taxicabs. This is an example of technology-driven _____ advertising. A. specialty B. transit C. aerial D. network E. broadcast


A particular research concluded that approximately two-thirds of all consumers' purchase decisions are made while shopping. Given this fact, which of the following media should be most effective in influencing consumer decisions? A. Nationally televised ads B. In-store media C. Local newspaper coupon supplements D. Parking meter advertisements E. Billboards


A television ad for Savory Sandwich instructs its viewers to look in their mailbox for coupon offers that will save them money on their next sandwich order. This is an example of: A. ambient promotion. B. support advertising. C. a one-step direct marketing approach. D. add-on marketing. E. sweeps marketing.


A television commercial for Vesta hair styling appliance features a toll-free number, which customers can call for additional product information. This commercial is an example of the combining direct marketing with: A. public relations. B. advertising. C. personal selling. D. sales promotion. E. support media.


Ads on small hoardings that are mounted on trailers and driven around or parked in the geographic areas being targeted are known as: A. aerial ads. B. mobile billboards. C. advertising specialties. D. ambient ads. E. pop-ups.


Another name for alternative media is: A. functional communications. B. nontraditional media. C. measured media. D. above-the-line media. E. nonstructured communications.


As a powerful social medium, YouTube is a: A. social networking site. B. content aggregator. C. podcast. D. blog. E. paid search engine.


As defined by Wikipedia, _____ is "a web advertising in which an advertiser attempts to gain attention by providing valuable content in the context of a user's experience." A. behavioral targeting B. native advertising C. ambient advertising D. support media advertising E. content sponsorship


As defined in Wikipedia, _____ have been defined as "a group of Internet-based applications that build on the ideological and technological foundations of Web 2.0 and that allow the creation and exchange of user-generated content." A. pre-rolls B. social media C. native ads D. rich media E. interstitials


As postal rates increase, direct-mail advertising is replaced with: A. billboards. B. e-mail. C. infomercials. D. telemarketing. E. radio advertising.


Atkins Auto, a dealer of automobiles, sends direct-mail pieces to its prospective customers, inviting them to visit its auto showroom to test-drive new cars. Customers who respond to the direct mail by visiting the showroom are provided with thorough information about the cars. Salespersons of the company receive extensive training and assume responsibility for the selling efforts in the showroom. This is an example of combining direct marketing with: A. advertising. B. personal selling. C. public relations. D. sales promotions. E. support media.


Cosmetics company Street Smart Inc. uses skywriting over local beaches to promote its range of beauty products for women. In this scenario, Street Smart is using: A. guerrilla marketing. B. aerial advertising. C. specialty advertising. D. viral marketing. E. network advertising.


Of all out-of-home media, _____ advertising enjoys the highest outdoor billings. A. transit B. blimp C. airport D. billboard E. in-store


One of the reasons for the recent, rapid growth of direct marketing in American society is the: A. fact that the U.S. has moved from an industrialized nation to a service nation. B. increase in the number of hours individuals spend on watching television. C. non-proliferation of cellular phones. D. increased use of consumer credit cards. E. development of four-color printing presses.


Press releases about company growth prospects, recent innovations, and industry-related news are available at the website of Kinetics Inc., a manufacturer of automobile components for trucks. Anyone conducting research on the company has access to this information. In this scenario, Kinetics uses the Internet as a(n) _____ tool. A. sales promotion B. personal selling C. direct marketing D. public relations E. advertising


Sophia watches a TV commercial for Missy 21, a women's magazine. The commercial asks viewers to call a toll-free number to place an order for a one-year subscription to the magazine. It also announces that the first 200 callers to place an order will receive an additional subscription of three months at no extra charge. This is an example of using the _____ approach of direct marketing. A. two-step B. outbound C. buzz D. one-step E. bulls-eye


Support media can be broadly categorized into: A. outdoor media and transit media. B. nontraditional media and below-the-line support media. C. outdoor media and in-store media. D. traditional support media and nontraditional support media. E. aerial media and ambient media.


The announcer on a television commercial said, "Get your credit card and call now to order an autographed copy of the Summer Dreams DVD." This is an example of using the _____ approach of direct marketing. A. two-step B. group C. one-to-one D. one-step E. three-step


The cost of mobile billboards depends on: A. the number of clicks. B. the number of recalls. C. sales of the product advertised. D. the geographic area advertised in. E. the speed of the billboard.


The manufacturer of "Allay" pain reliever offered a free sample of the product to visitors who registered at its website. In this case, the communications objective of the website was to: A. disseminate information. B. create a route for disintermediation. C. create an e-commerce site. D. stimulate trial. E. create a brand image.


Video advertising, digital billboards, and ambient advertising are forms of: A. aerial advertising. B. television advertising. C. magazine advertising. D. digital out-of-home media. E. digital network advertising.


When using the Internet as a medium, traditional marketers have experienced difficulties in: A. creating awareness. B. generating interest. C. disseminating information. D. creating brand images. E. creating strong brands.


support media cannot be used as a medium for advertising.


a company can use direct marketing to build a favorable image


adding a promotional product to a direct mailer increases response rates


aerial advertising is very expensive in terms absolute costs, especially when employed to reach specific target markets.


outdoor advertising is one of the newest methods of advertising that has grown with the development of new technology.


Direct marketing is synonymous to direct-response media.


One of the major disadvantages of outdoor advertising is its lack of persuasiveness.


support media are also known as measured media because they are easy to measure.


ambient advertising often uses digital technology to send its message


mobile billboard ads enjoys levels of high recall and readership, leading to increased sales


the costs of mobile billboards depends on the area and the mobile board company's fees


Amanda, a florist, is the owner of Flush Inc. She receives a mail from Pluto Corp., a manufacturer of foam products, offering a water-soluble foam brick frequently used for arranging fresh flowers. According to the offer, if Amanda places an order with Pluto, she would be automatically registered to win $10,000 in a customer appreciation contest. This is an example of combining direct marketing with: A. sales promotion. B. public relations. C. advertising. D. personal selling. E. support media.


An agreement which states that Rochelle brand cosmetics would pay a fee to have its products prominently featured in twenty episodes of the soap opera Proclivity is an example of: A. product placement. B. specialty advertising. C. promotional products marketing. D. guerrilla marketing. E. buzz advertising.


Behavioral targeting can be done by: A. compiling clickstream data and Internet protocol information. B. providing regular and content sponsorship in a section of a website. C. including animation and flash in websites. D. placing a website higher on a search engine page. E. employing pay-per-click advertising.


Britney visits a mall and notices an advertisement for Auburn Beauty shampoo on a large LCD screen. This is an example of a(n): A. digital billboard. B. advertising specialty. C. aerial advertisement. D. mnemonic. E. mobile billboard.


Clinton Steel Inc., a manufacturer of golf equipment, targets consumers based on their website surfing behaviors. The company places ads on websites where web traffic is highest for golf-related searches. In this scenario, Clinton Steel is using: A. behavioral targeting. B. advertising allowance analysis. C. rich media marketing. D. video substitution selection. E. contextual advertising.


Due to clutter and relatively high costs, the use of _____ by direct marketers does not result in returns as high as those for other forms of direct marketing media. A. magazines and newspapers B. television and radio C. direct mail and catalogs D. telemarketing and home shopping E. TV spots and infomercials


During the opening ceremony of a national skateboarding league at Harmon Beach, California, a hot air balloon with an advertisement for Fizzy soda is spotted by the spectators. This is an example of: A. aerial advertising. B. transit advertising. C. mobile advertising. D. digital advertising. E. specialty advertising.


Floor displays, island showcases, electronic signs, and other forms of advertising that appear in train or subway stations and airline terminals are all forms of: A. transit advertising. B. aerial advertising. C. buzz marketing. D. branded entertainment. E. above-the-line advertising.


In _____, a product or service is offered and a sales response is solicited, through either the one- or two-step approach to direct marketing. A. direct-response advertising B. direct support advertising C. direct ambient advertising D. personal selling E. sales promotion


In a movie, the lead actor is shown wearing Zelus Running Shoes in several scenes. Marketers of Zelus are using the nontraditional support medium of: A. product placement. B. specialty advertising. C. promotional products marketing. D. guerrilla marketing. E. movie theater advertising.


In case of _____, a salesperson visits a buyer's home, job site, or other location to sell frequently purchased products or services. A. repetitive person-to-person selling B. non-repetitive person-to-person selling C. party plans D. home shopping E. telemarketing


In direct marketing situations, when it is necessary to screen or qualify potential buyers, it is advisable to use: A. the two-step approach. B. the one-step approach. C. direct mail rather than telemarketing. D. direct-response television. E. SMRB's data on direct marketing purchasers.


In general, a site that ranks higher on a search page: A. is likely to receive more visitors. B. is considered more aesthetically appealing. C. has a better chance of attracting banner sponsorships. D. is likely to receive fewer regular sponsorships. E. is considered less secure from malware.


Keys to the success of direct mail are the _____, which constitutes a database from which names are generated, and the ability to segment markets and, of course an offer. A. mailing list B. infomercials C. TV spots D. web pages E. mail shopping network


Media used to reinforce communications messages that may have been received from other forms of advertising are called: A. support media. B. source media. C. indirect communications. D. accessory advertising. E. category ads.


Once a user visits a website and leaves without purchasing a product, a specifically targeted ad is displayed on subsequent participating websites the user visits. This phenomenon is known as: A. retargeting. B. rebounding. C. heuristic targeting. D. search engine optimization. E. contextual targeting.


Ourea Inc., a financial consulting company, distributes free stationery items like ball pens, notepads, and file covers with the company logo to its customers. These items are known as: A. advertising specialties. B. product placements. C. premiums. D. heuristics. E. mnemonics.


Outdoor advertising would best be suited for a company whose communication objective is to: A. attain brand awareness. B. explain a complex product advantage. C. create an attitude change. D. stimulate product trial for a new gadget. E. expand exposure time of its advertising messages.


The U.S. government has passed laws regulating the use of e-mail marketing because: A. it results in high volumes of spam and many consumers consider it a nuisance. B. of the huge costs involved in monitoring Internet traffic. C. it violates the privacy of online users and makes unauthorized use of consumer data. D. it makes use of comparative advertising. E. it involves sharing of a company's confidential data with the consumers.


The _____ approach of direct marketing involves the use of more than one medium to screen potential buyers, leading to a response. A. two-step B. switch-and-bait C. RFM scoring D. indirect E. all-in-one


The strategy behind place-based media is to: A. bring an advertising medium to a consumer. B. use the place element of the marketing mix to impact advertising. C. use mobile billboards. D. create a media vehicle that leads in its ability to attract and retain consumer attention. E. provide places that are free of clutter.


There has been a renewed interest in transit advertising over the last few years due to: A. the increased number of women in the work force. B. the development of Internet advertising. C. the ban on billboard advertisements for cigarettes. D. an increase in the number of consumers who are over 60. E. a change in entertainment venues.


Under the two-step approach of direct marketing, the first effort is designed to screen, or qualify, potential buyers, and the second effort: A. generates the response. B. creates brand awareness. C. reduces the post purchase dissonance. D. increases source bolsters. E. creates interest in a product.


When major corporations first began to conduct business on the Internet, they put up websites primarily for: A. information purposes. B. product placement. C. increasing interest. D. inducing trial. E. increasing sales.


Which of the following factors can be primarily attributed to the growth of guerrilla marketing? A. Technology B. Changing social attitude C. Reduced government regulations D. Inflation E. Deflation


Which of the following is a disadvantage associated with branded entertainment? A. High absolute cost B. Low exposure number C. Poor recall D. Ineffective reach E. Weakened brand image


Which of the following is a disadvantage associated with direct marketing? A. Poor image B. Poor selectivity C. Inability to measure effectiveness D. Low frequency level E. Lack of segmentation


Which of the following is a form of direct selling? A. Party plans B. Home shopping C. Out-of-home shopping D. Ambient advertising E. Sales promotions


Which of the following is an advantage of indoor transit advertising? A. Long length of exposure B. Elimination of waste coverage C. No copyright limitations D. Accurate measurement of audience mood E. Selectivity based on audience lifestyle


Which of the following is an advantage offered by direct marketing to advertisers? A. Personalization of messages B. Ability to create a mood C. Exclusive image D. Greater content support E. Accuracy of lists


Which of the following is employing a one-step approach to direct marketing? A. An infomercial for a workout equipment urging viewers to phone a toll-free number to place an order immediately. B. A magazine subscription service that sends an announcement of an upcoming sweepstakes. C. An ad advising television viewers to watch their mailboxes for a way to earn free calling cards. D. A company asking if a homeowner is interested in an estimate for a vinyl siding. E. An advertisement for an adhesive bandage announcing free gifts on purchase of bandages worth $50 and above.


Which of the following is true of repetitive person-to-person selling? A. It involves the sale of frequently purchased products. B. It is not a useful method for selling durables. C. It is not considered suitable for selling services. D. It involves selling products that are considered to be seasonal. E. It involves selling products through home or office parties.


Which of the following is true of the Internet as an advertising medium? A. Blogs and discussion boards are considered particularly useful for providing information to evaluate products and brands. B. Typically, the Internet does not enable marketers to stimulate trial of products or services. C. Most marketers believe that the Internet is not an effective medium for achieving communications objectives such as consideration and/or evaluation. D. The Internet cannot be used to create a "buzz" for a product or service. E. While it can be used to complement traditional advertising, the Internet cannot be used as an independent medium.


Which of the following measures aids direct marketers in evaluating the relative effectiveness of an ad based on the number of calls generated? A. Cost per order (CPO) B. Cost per thousand (CPM) C. Cost per man-hour (CPMH) D. Cost per new prospect (CPNP) E. Sales per database name (SDN)


Which of the following statements is true of the Internet? A. It can target very specific groups of individuals. B. It leads to a lot of waste coverage. C. It does not resemble a combination trade magazine and trade show. D. It does not carry one-to-one marketing messages. E. There is a lack of creative opportunity associated with its use.


Which of the following statements is true of the Internet? A. The Internet is an interactive medium that allows for a two-way flow of information. B. The Internet is a communications medium rather than a direct-response medium. C. Rapid industrialization is the main factor that has led to the rapid growth of the Internet. D. The Internet is a unidirectional medium like all other media. E. The Internet does not allow consumers to control the messages and content they are exposed to.


Which of the following support media provides advertisers with wide coverage of local markets and high levels of frequency? A. Outdoor advertising B. Specialty advertising C. Print media D. In-store advertising E. In-flight advertising


While commuting by a local bus, Trevor notices an ad for "Tantalize Sandwiches" above his seat. This is an example of: A. transit advertising. B. an out-office media outlet. C. aerial advertising. D. a mobile billboard. E. specialty advertising.


While some marketers believe that the Internet will eventually replace traditional forms of advertising, others disagree. Which of the following weaknesses of the Internet would support the marketers who disagree? A. Lack of reliability of research numbers generated B. Inability to provide in-depth information C. Inability to offer sight and sound D. Lack of sales potential in the business-to-business segment E. Lack of creative flexibility in creating tailored advertising messages


With reference to advertising media, _____ create(s) the strongest source association. A. product placement B. in-flight advertising C. promotional products marketing D. transit advertising E. spectaculars


Yellow Pages advertising is referred to as a directional medium. This means that Yellow Pages ads: A. direct buyers to where a product can be purchased. B. direct buyers to other ads in the IMC program. C. direct consumers through the response hierarchy. D. are used to geographically segment buyers. E. are a form of direct-response advertising.


_____ are specialized content programs offered through cable TV networks that are developed by advertisers and provided to the cable operators for free. A. Videos on demand B. Digital ads C. Advertising specialties D. Mnemonics E. Advertainments


_____ are windows or animated creatures that appear on a user's screen in an attempt to get his or her attention when the user is accessing the Internet. A. Pop-ups B. Interstitials C. Links D. Banner ads E. Blogs


_____ is the process of improving the volume of traffic driven to one's site by a browser or web portal through unpaid (organic) results as opposed to paid inclusions. A. Search engine optimization B. Linking C. Rich media marketing D. Behavioral targeting E. Contextual targeting


_____ sites are platforms that allow users to share interests, activities, backgrounds, or real-life connections. A. Social networking B. Contextual advertising C. Behavioral targeting D. User-generated video sharing E. Podcast networking


advertisers employ search engine optimization (SEO) to: A. more specifically target customers who may be interested in their offerings. B. attract customers to their products and services through the non-organic search process. C. monitor Internet traffic. D. include attractive multimedia content in their webpages. E. sponsor a section of a website.


Direct marketing in the broadcast industry involves: A. public relations and supplementary promotions. B. direct-response advertising and support advertising. C. a one-step direct marketing approach to sales. D. add-on marketing. E. ambient advertising and aerial advertising.


Direct marketing lets an advertiser: A. build a credible image about a company's product by using direct mails. B. reach a large number of people and reduce or eliminate waste coverage. C. make accurate mailing lists consistently for targeting potential customers. D. create a desirable mood in consumers. E. market its products in a cost-efficient manner.


Ether Inc., an electronics manufacturer, offers free T-shirts with the company's logo on them free of charge to its customers. Ether believes that this will help promote the company's products and attract more customers. This is an example of: A. in-store advertising. B. specialty advertising. C. public relations enhancement. D. guerrilla marketing. E. product placement.


In case of _____, a salesperson visits a buyer's home, job site, or other location to sell infrequently purchased products or services. A. repetitive person-to-person selling B. non-repetitive person-to-person selling C. party plans D. home shopping E. telemarketing


In the context of personal selling, which of the following factors is compelling companies to reduce new hires and even cut back on their existing sales forces? A. Dissuasive medium B. Poor reach C. Extensive clutter D. Limited information E. Lack of credibility


Jimmy's, a grocery store, advertises its products by painting its name, logo, and abstract images of its products on the sides of its delivery vehicles. This is an example of: A. transit advertising. B. mobile billboard advertising. C. buzz advertising. D. digital advertising. E. in-store advertising.


Joy receives print ads from Beryl Inc., a manufacturer of computer printers, marketing its ink cartridges to him as he is a regular buyer of Beryl ink cartridges. Which of the following combinations of promotional media is Beryl using? A. Advertising and sales promotion B. Direct marketing and advertising C. Sales promotion and public relations D. Direct marketing and sales promotion E. Public relations and support media


Products such as free pens, calendars, and coffee mugs featuring a company's name and used as promotional tools are referred to as: A. premiums. B. advertising specialties. C. sales promotions. D. heuristics. E. mnemonics.


The Florence County Museum called a press conference to inform the public of the need for major repairs to prevent water damage to the museum's collection of primitive paintings. During the conference, the museum representative announced that each family in Florence County and neighboring counties could expect to receive a donation envelope in the mail within the next few days. This is an example of combining direct marketing with: A. trade promotions. B. public relations. C. advertising. D. personal selling. E. consumer promotion.


The _____ categorizes billboards, street furniture, alternative media, transit, and specific forms of radio as out-of-home advertising. A. Traffic Audit Bureau (TAB) B. Outdoor Advertising Association of America (OAAA) C. Competitive outdoor media report D. American Public Transportation Association (APTA) E. Point of Purchase Advertising Institute


The goal of _____ is to be less intrusive while catching the attention of a reader who is likely to be interested in the content matter he or she is reading. A. behavioral targeting B. native advertising C. ambient advertising D. specialty advertising E. buzz sponsorship


The goal of the _____ approach of direct marketing is to generate an immediate sale when an ad is shown. A. two-step B. one-step C. RFM scoring D. indirect E. all-in-one


The term _____ is commonly associated with Web applications that facilitate interactive information sharing, interoperability, user-centered design, and collaboration on the World Wide Web. A. Web 1.0 B. Web 2.0 C. paid search D. rich media E. e-commerce


The two-step approach to direct marketing: A. urges customers to make an immediate purchase. B. uses the first effort to screen potential buyers. C. is commonly found in direct sales. D. is typically followed by a sweepstakes contest. E. is similar to missionary selling.


To encourage customers to open a mail offering them a subscription to Home Companion, a home furnishings magazine, the front of the envelope suggested that there was a gift inside. The envelope contained an attractively laminated bookmark. This is an example of combining direct marketing with: A. personal selling. B. support media. C. place-based media. D. product placement. E. advertising.


Tristan Inc., a manufacturer of consumer appliances, engages in social responsibility activities. In order to solicit funds to charitable organizations, it uses telemarketing to contact its high-income, upscale customers and requests them to make donations. Tristan is using a combination of: A. publicity and public relations. B. direct marketing and public relations. C. direct marketing and personal selling. D. advertising and support media. E. personal selling and publicity.


Unlike traditional marketing, the typical goal of direct marketing is to: A. create brand image. B. generate an immediate behavioral response. C. utilize telephone communication exclusively. D. create awareness. E. convey detailed information.


Whereas behavioral advertising tracks surfing behaviors, contextual ads are determined by: A. the context in which ads are made. B. the content on a webpage. C. content sponsorships. D. pay-per-click advertising. E. advertising concepts.


Which of the following is an objective of direct marketing? A. To make use of celebrity endorsements B. To maintain customer satisfaction C. To engage in social responsibility initiatives D. To make innovative products E. To increase market diversification


Which of the following is the best example of place-based media? A. Movie ads on popcorn bags B. Televisions in classrooms C. Interactive kiosks D. Internet banners E. Mobile billboards


Which of the following is true of movie theater advertising? A. It promotes a company's goodwill. B. It has the ability to target specific demographic segments. C. Its CPM is lower than that of any other medium. D. It has an inherent problem of clutter. E. It charges a premium for its advertisements.


Which of the following statements about aerial advertising is true? A. It is expensive in absolute terms. B. It can be used to reach specific target markets. C. It is seldom used by local advertisers. D. It is illegal at sporting events. E. It is generally used inside stores and small supermarkets.


Which of the following statements about product placement advertising is true? A. The product placements benefit from low potential for exposure. B. There is a strong source association between actors and the products featured through product placements. C. The major advantage associated with the use of product placement advertising is its relatively low cost. D. The recall of product placements is generally lower than that of television ads. E. Alcohol and tobacco companies are legally prohibited from using product placements.


Which of the following statements is true about direct marketing? A. Direct marketing is suitable only for consumer-to-consumer advertising. B. Direct marketing involves marketing research, segmentation, and evaluation. C. Direct marketing has the same objectives as that of other promotional-mix tools. D. Direct marketing as a promotional media is suitable only for small retailers. E. Rapid increase in dual income families in America has led to a reduction in the use of direct marketing as a promotional media.


Which of the following statements is true of Web 1.0? A. It started with the bursting of the dot-com bubble. B. It consisted mainly of static sites resulting in a one-way flow of communication. C. It led to the decentralization of communications and interactivity. D. It led to dramatic changes in the World Wide Web with information provided by users as contributors. E. Web 2.0 users acted as contributors in Web 1.0.


Which of the following statements is true of Web 2.0? A. For the most part, Web 2.0 consists of static sites resulting in a one-way flow of communication. B. Web 2.0 has led to dramatic changes in the World Wide Web due to decentralization of communications and interactivity. C. Web 2.0 ended with the bursting of the dot-com bubble, leading to the development of Web 3.0. D. Web 2.0 is the terminology used to refer to the early evolution of the World Wide Web in which users could only view the web pages. E. Web 2.0 does not allow users to contribute to the content of a webpage.


Which of the following statements is true of mailing lists? A. They lead to a lot of waste coverage. B. They have the ability to segment markets on the basis of lifestyles. C. They are used in combination with infomercials. D. They constitute a payroll database of a company's employees. E. They are typically considered to be an unethical strategy.


Which of the following statements is true of measurement in promotional products marketing? A. Reach and frequency are as easy to measure with promotional products marketing as with print advertising. B. Response to direct-mail advertising that includes promotional products marketing is typically used as a measure of all support media. C. Q-score is used as a measurement tool for promotional products marketing. D. Companies that use promotional products marketing are not interested in sales; they only want to create goodwill. E. There is no established ongoing audience measurement system for promotional products marketing.


While Ginger waited for Etenia.com's apparel site to download, a small ad encouraging her to check out the summer clothing collection at Ritzy, a retail outlet, appeared on her computer screen, along with a link to Ritzy's website. Ritzy's ad is an example of: A. content sponsorship. B. a pop-up. C. push technology. D. functional sponsorship. E. a pop-under.


Whizz Soda, a soft drink manufacturer, created a music video as part of its marketing campaign. The video featured several popular artists from the music industry. When the video was screened on satellite television, viewers could see the Whizz Soda logo prominently visible in the top left corner of the television screen. This video is an example of: A. guerilla advertising. B. advertainment. C. specialty advertising. D. ambient advertising. E. publicity.


Woodlot Inc. is a furniture manufacturing company that has recently started its operations. It employs promotional strategies to create brand awareness and stimulate demand for its products. Since the company is still in its inception, it also wants to use a support medium that can point consumers in the direction in which they can purchase furniture for their household. Which of the following support media is best suited to Woodlot's purpose? A. Specialty advertising B. Yellow Pages advertising C. Aerial advertising D. Movie theater advertising E. Transit advertising


Yoana is an online women's magazine that features an animated ad for Carmen's Cosmetics on its website. If a visitor clicks on the ad, it will take the visitor directly to Carmen's website. This ad is an example of a(n): A. interstitial. B. banner. C. pop-up. D. sponsorship. E. paid search.


_____ advertising is considered a directional medium because it points consumers toward where their purchases can be made rather than creating awareness or demand for products or services. A. Specialty B. Yellow Pages C. Ambient D. Transit E. Aerial


_____ include(s) smaller signs that appear in restrooms, stairs, personal vehicles, and on specialty items. A. Mobile billboards B. Ambient advertising C. Transit advertising D. Aerial advertising E. Digital billboards


_____ is a medium of advertising, sales promotion, and motivational communication employing imprinted, useful, or decorative products that are distributed free. A. Buzz marketing B. Specialty advertising C. Synchro marketing D. Guerrilla marketing E. Direct response advertising


_____ is a nontraditional form of advertising that blends marketing and recreation through television, film, music talent, and technology. A. Flighting B. Branded entertainment C. Direct response promotion D. Publicity E. Sales promotion


_____ is targeted at the millions of people who are exposed to commercial transportation facilities, including buses, taxis, commuter trains, trolleys, airplanes, and subways. A. Aerial advertising B. Transit advertising C. In-store advertising D. Specialty advertising E. Promotional products marketing


A magazine ad for pet health insurance contains both a toll-free number and a website URL in order to enable readers to obtain further information. This ad is an example of combining direct marketing with: A. trade promotions. B. public relations. C. advertising. D. personal selling. E. consumer promotions.


A television commercial for an apparel brand urges viewers to call its toll-free number to place an order, immediately. The commercial announces a free gift hamper to consumers who place an order before midnight. The apparel brand is making use of: A. ambient advertising. B. publicity. C. direct-response advertising. D. sales promotion. E. support advertising.


An ad in a subway for a local Mexican restaurant is an example of: A. a sales promotion. B. specialty advertising. C. transit advertising. D. aerial advertising. E. free-form advertising.


Because advertisers have no say over how often and when their products will be shown, the lack of control is cited as a disadvantage of: A. guerrilla marketing. B. specialty advertising. C. product placements. D. product linings. E. transit advertising.


Bianca receives an e-mail notifying her of the end-of-season sale at Hop & Shop, a popular retail chain. The e-mail also informs her that she is invited to enter into a sweepstakes contest. In this scenario, Hop & Shop is using a combination of: A. publicity and public relations. B. advertising and personal selling. C. direct marketing with sales promotion. D. support media and advertising. E. direct marketing and personal selling.


Butterfly Wings Inc., a manufacturer of soft toys and greeting cards, planned to advertise its Valentine's Day merchandise in movie theaters. Based on the audience profile, one week prior to St. Valentine's Day, the company began screening its commercial before the start of two movies titled "The Vow" and "Perfect Sense." Since both movies were romantic dramas, Butterfly Wings' commercial evoked a positive response in moviegoers. In this scenario, which of the following advantages of movie theater advertising did the marketer exploit? A. Lack of advertising clutter B. Lower absolute costs C. Demographic segmentation D. Lower relative costs E. Advertising proximity


Cumulus Corp. wants to generate goodwill among its customers. It aims at gaining a favorable impression that can positively impact its sales and revenues. Which of the following forms of support media can help Cumulus attain its desired outcome? A. Multi-level marketing B. Movie theater advertising C. Promotional products marketing D. Aerial advertising E. Guerrilla marketing


DigiCell Inc. sells computer equipment to small- and mid-sized businesses. Its website provides in-depth information on its products, customer service, shipping policies, and suppliers. Like most business-to-business sites, the primary objective of this website is to: A. eliminate economies of scale. B. create diseconomies of scale. C. disseminate information. D. replace advertising in trade journals. E. prevent price wars.


During a basketball game, Brendon sees an advertisement for "Swift" running shoes in a huge digital screen at Citygate Sports Arena. This is an example of: A. aerial advertising. B. specialty advertising. C. video advertising networks. D. network advertising. E. digital mobile billboards.


Eli receives a mail offering a software program that helps in filing taxes online at a discounted price. This offer is an example of how the Internet and _____ can complement each other. A. sales promotion B. personal selling C. direct marketing D. public relations E. interconnects


Erika sees an infomercial for Luster skin care products. During the infomercial, a toll-free number flashes on her television screen. She immediately picks her phone and dials the number to place an order for a body lotion and hair shampoo. This is an example of: A. party plan approach to direct marketing. B. two-step approach to direct marketing. C. one-step approach to direct marketing. D. repetitive person-to-person selling. E. nonrepetitive person-to-person selling.


Fervor Inc., a leading women's clothing line, has printed its company name and logo on ball pens, calendars, and key rings. As part of its promotional strategy, customers of Fervor are offered these items as complimentary gifts. These items are referred to as: A. ambient products. B. premiums. C. advertising specialties. D. company benefits. E. support media products.


In case of _____, a salesperson offers products or services to groups of people through home or office gatherings and demonstrations. A. repetitive person-to-person selling B. non-repetitive person-to-person selling C. party plans D. home shopping E. telemarketing


Kevin sees an ad for Crixus Car Rental on a luggage trolley at the airport. The ad is an example of: A. a sales promotion. B. stationary advertising. C. transit advertising. D. aerial advertising. E. free-form advertising.


Like broadcast or print, the Internet: A. can only disseminate and not assimilate information. B. offers extensive psychographic selectivity. C. is an advertising medium. D. has a low reach. E. has no problems related to user privacy.


Naomi has a consulting firm. She wants to use her website to provide details about her company's profile and to answer FAQs. Naomi's primary objective while designing her website is to: A. build a brand image. B. allow customer sampling. C. disseminate information. D. handle objections. E. induce trial.


Pay-per-click advertising is an example of: A. interstitial search. B. organic search. C. nonorganic search. D. nonoptimized search. E. spam search.


Regular sponsorship occurs when: A. a sponsor participates in providing the content. B. a sponsor approves the content of a site. C. a company pays to sponsor a section of a site. D. a sponsor contributes all or part of the content. E. advertisers pay only when a consumer clicks on their ad from a search engine page.


Regular sponsorship occurs: A. when a sponsor buys pop-ups. B. when a sponsor buys banners and headliners. C. when a sponsor takes a corporate sponsorship of a page. D. when a sponsor buys pop-unders. E. when a sponsor provides part of the content for a website.


Ruminate Inc., an architectural design firm, pays for name association on a section of placeproperty.com, a real estate website. Ruminate also sponsors a section on assetplus.com, another real estate website. Ruminate is using: A. guerrilla sponsorship. B. paid search. C. regular sponsorship. D. pay-per-click advertisement. E. content sponsorship.


The Internet: A. enables only one-way information flow. B. is unidirectional. C. is a direct-response medium. D. doesn't allow feedback from consumers. E. is independent of other media.


The terminology used to refer to the early evolution of the World Wide Web, in which users could view webpages and interface with them but could not contribute to the content of the web page, is known as _____. A. WEB 2.0 B. WEB network C. WEB 1.0 D. WEB 1.8 E. WEB HTML


The two methods of personal selling used to generate sales are: A. advertising and infomercials. B. sales promotion and publicity. C. telemarketing and direct selling. D. public relations and support media. E. home shopping and cross selling.


The website of WEmpower.com, an online women's magazine, has a book section sponsored by Spellbound.com, an e-commerce website. Spellbound.com has a similar arrangement with Valdivia.com and a few other sites. In this scenario, Spellbound.com is using a(n): A. button sponsorship. B. banner sponsorship. C. regular sponsorship. D. interstitial sponsorship. E. content sponsorship.


To purchase cookware, music CDs, and exercise videos advertised on television, consumers are asked to call a toll-free telephone number. Viewers are instructed to have their credit cards handy when they call to place an order. This form of direct marketing is referred to as: A. outbound telemarketing. B. video texting. C. the one-step approach. D. the two-step approach. E. support marketing.


To successfully implement direct-marketing programs, a company must: A. concentrate on market diversification to expand its customer base. B. conduct a competitor analysis to assess the strengths and weaknesses of its competitors. C. determine which markets to target through the use of a list or marketing database. D. use unconventional techniques such as guerrilla marketing to attract customers. E. engage in extensive bait-and-switch marketing.


Tyche Inc., an electronics manufacturer, wants to assess future revenues and profit streams from each of its customers. It is focusing on the satisfaction and retention of its more profitable customers instead of spending its marketing efforts on attracting uninterested customers. Tyche is using _____ as a measure of effectiveness. A. Customer Profitability Estimation B. consumer worth evaluation C. Customer Lifetime Value D. breakeven point E. cost per order


Venus Airlines sends out mailers and e-mails to its customers announcing promotional airfares. Which of the following combinations of promotional media is Venus using? A. Advertising and sales promotion B. Advertising and direct marketing C. Sales promotion and direct marketing D. Sales promotion and public relations E. Direct marketing and personal selling


Which of the following events is considered one of the major impetuses behind the growth of direct marketing? A. Increase in the number of working women B. Invention of the printing press C. Development and expansion of the U.S. Postal Service D. Development of multinational companies and international markets E. Law that mandates public education


Which of the following is a disadvantage associated with movie theater advertising? A. Lack of emotional attachment B. Low audience exposure C. Possible irritation to audience D. Extensive clutter E. Limited segmentation


Which of the following is a disadvantage of transit advertising? A. Low frequency of exposure B. High relative costs C. Varying mood of the audience D. Limited exposure time to an ad E. Immediate results


Which of the following is an advantage of outdoor advertising? A. No waste coverage B. Ease of measurement of audience size C. Wide coverage of local markets D. Low costs E. Slow wearout


Which of the following is an example of direct-response media? A. Billboards B. Place-based media C. The Internet D. Product placement E. Guerrilla media


Which of the following is true of e-commerce? A. It is typically considered an ancillary sales medium. B. It cannot be used as a business-to-business medium. C. It is a direct sales strategy. D. It is synonymous with "brick-and-mortar" stores. E. It is a primary component of C2C marketing.


Which of the following media has lower cost and convenience that has raised concerns among traditional direct-mail marketers but at the same time created better opportunities? A. Television B. Radio C. Internet D. Outdoor advertising E. Transit advertising


Which of the following pieces of federal legislation resulted in the ban of interstate billboard advertising? A. Fair Packaging and Labeling Act (1966) B. Wheeler-Lea Act (1938) C. Highway Beautification Act of 1965 D. National Environmental Policy Act (1969) E. Consumer Product Safety Act (1972)


Which of the following statements best compares the cost per thousand (CPM) for movie theater advertising with that of other media? A. The CPM for movie theater advertising is lower than that for magazines. B. Movie ads have a lower CPM than radio ads, but higher than newspaper ads. C. When compared to other advertising media, the CPM is quite high for movie ads. D. Unlike print media, the CPM is quite low for movie ads. E. The CPM for movie theater advertising is equal to that of other forms of advertising media.


Which of the following statements is true of infomercials? A. Infomercials are only useful for marketing trends. B. Typically infomercials only use the two-step approach to direct marketing. C. The lower costs on cable and satellite channels have led to the growth of infomercials. D. According to broadcast standards, infomercials cannot exceed 30 minutes. E. Infomercials typically move consumers into the conviction stage of the hierarchy of effects model.


Which of the following statements is true of the use of catalogs in the direct-marketing industry? A. One of the disadvantages of catalogs is that they can be used only in the form of traditional hard copies; they cannot be used in conjunction with the Internet. B. The number of catalogs mailed and the number of traditional catalog shoppers has increased in the recent years. C. The emotional appeal of a traditional catalog exceeds that of online catalogs, and ultimately is one of the best ways to drive consumers online. D. Catalogs are ineffective due to their limited segmentation characteristics. E. Catalogs are designed for stimulating an immediate purchase behavior in customers; however, they are ineffective in attracting publicity.


Which of the following statements is true of the use of direct mail on the Internet (e-mail) in the direct-marketing industry? A. It is less targeted than traditional direct mail. B. It does not make use of mailing lists because such lists lead to spam messages. C. It attempts to reach consumers with specific needs through targeted messages. D. It is used only by business-to-business marketers. E. It has higher cost and lower effectiveness than traditional direct mail.


Which of the following support media should be employed if the objective is to achieve high levels of retention and make the communication a frequent reminder of a company's name and message? A. Mobile billboards B. Product placements C. Advertising specialties D. In-flight advertising E. Yellow Pages


While driving, Janice notices an animated, electronic billboard ad for Zesty Soda on top of a passing taxicab. This is an example of: A. specialty advertising. B. stationary advertising. C. transit advertising. D. aerial advertising. E. free-form advertising.


While walking on the street, Carlos sees an animated electronic billboard in Spanish for Amado home appliances on top of a taxicab. This is an example of a(n): A. terminal transit poster. B. inside card. C. outside poster. D. interactive billboard. E. aerial ad.


_____ are ads that appear on a user's computer screen while he or she is waiting while downloading content from a site. A. Pop-unders B. Pay-per clicks C. Interstitials D. Plug-ins E. Floating ads


_____ are the tools by which direct marketers implement the communication process. A. Directional pull strategies B. Sweepstakes C. Direct-response media D. Directional push strategies E. Direct encoders


_____ has led to dramatic changes in the World Wide Web, primarily as a result of decentralization of communications and interactivity, with information provided by users as contributors of content. A. Interstitial B. Web 1.0 C. Web 2.0 D. E-commerce E. B2B selling


_____ is a measure of effectiveness used to determine whether or not a customer should be acquired, as well as to optimize service levels to existing customers. A. Customer profitability estimation B. Consumer worth evaluation C. Customer Lifetime Value D. Breakeven point E. Cost per order


_____ is a medium that uses the Internet to distribute audio or video files for downloading into iPads and other portable devices. A. Paid search B. Interstitial C. Podcasting D. Blogging E. Contextual advertising


_____ is a simple formula that is used to assist marketers in determining the dollar value associated with a long-term relationship with a customer, thus evaluating his or her worth. A. Cost per thousand B. Consumer worth evaluation C. Customer Lifetime Value D. Customer profitability estimation E. Breakeven point


_____ occur when a company pays to sponsor a section of a site. A. Paid searches B. Interstitials C. Regular sponsorships D. Content sponsorships E. Irregular sponsorships


which of the following factors has increased the effectiveness of mailing lists? A. Rapid technological development and new product innovations B. Social networking sites C. Segmentation on the basis of geography and demographics D. Limiting consumer segregation E. Improved lifestyle characteristics and increased purchasing power of consumers


A _____ is a web-based publication consisting primarily of periodic articles normally, presented in reverse chronological order. A. widget B. button C. link D. blog E. podcast


A major reason for the continued success of outdoor advertising is: A. its ability to communicate complex messages. B. its low cost. C. its ability to eliminate waste coverage. D. its ability to remain innovative through technology. E. its ability to provide extremely accurate measures of the medium's reach.


A(n) _____ organizes and formats web-based content in a standard way, sending out notification whenever new material is available. A. social news site B. interstitial C. podcast D. Really Simple Syndication E. content aggregator


Advertisers can measure the relative effectiveness of a direct marketing program quickly by using: A. cost per thousand (CPM). B. the breakeven point. C. reach and frequency. D. cost per order (CPO). E. net sales.


As a part of its corporate strategy Helios Inc., an automaker, offers business gifts such as key chains, planners, and T-shirts to its customers for their patronage. In this scenario, Helios is using _____. A. buzz marketing B. guerrilla marketing C. viral marketing D. promotional products marketing E. above-the-line media marketing


Banner ads are also known as: A. interstitials. B. paid searches. C. pop-ups. D. side panels. E. links.


Cats Purr is a non-profit organization that provides shelter and care for abandoned cats and kittens. Cats Purr uses its website to display information about the cats that are available for adoption, how they are cared for at the shelter, and to spotlight various volunteer efforts. This is an example of how the Internet can be used as a(n) _____ tool. A. sales promotion B. personal selling C. direct marketing D. public relations E. advertising


Direct marketing: A. is synonymous to word-of-mouth marketing. B. seeks the same objectives as personal selling strategies in an IMC plan. C. is one of the slowest growing forms of promotion in terms of dollar expenditures. D. is a valuable tool in the integrated communications program. E. cannot be combined with other forms of promotional media.


Direct selling of goods and services on the Internet is known as: A. direct response advertising. B. consumer-to-consumer selling. C. business-to-business selling. D. e-commerce. E. blogging.


During a college football match, a giant blimp with the slogan, "Entreat Sandwiches—A treat for your taste buds" is on display for the spectators. This is an example of: A. transit advertising. B. mobile advertising. C. digital advertising. D. aerial advertising. E. specialty advertising.


In _____, a manufactured article is woven throughout a program or becomes the program itself. A. specialty advertising B. interactive television ads C. movie theatre advertising D. product integrations E. multi-level marketing


In the _____ approach of direct marketing, a medium is used directly to obtain an order. A. three B. one-to-many C. indirect D. one-step E. two-step


Which of the following factors has led to a rapid adoption of the Internet? A. Decreased Internet traffic B. Decreased government regulations C. The increasing availability of leisure time D. The ability to conduct e-commerce through one's personal computer E. Reduction of clutter in terms of broadcast and print media


Which of the following has been cited as a disadvantage of using the Internet? A. Inability to tailor messages B. Lack of sales potential C. Limited exposure D. Potential for deception E. Lack of creativity


Which of the following has been cited as an advantage of using the Internet? A. Prestige B. Lack of clutter C. Privacy of user data D. Message tailoring E. Reliability


Which of the following is an advantage of outdoor advertising? A. Ability to communicate complex messages B. Low cost C. Elimination of waste coverage D. Geographic flexibility E. Limited exposure


Which of the following is true of direct mail? A. Direct mail marketing has waned due to excessive use of the Internet. B. Traditional direct-mail business has experienced higher response rates from many consumers with the advent of the Internet. C. It is synonymous with personal selling. D. Keys to the success of direct mail are the mailing list. E. It depends extensively on the U.S. Postal Service.


Which of the following is true of non-repetitive selling? A. It is not considered useful for selling products such as encyclopedias. B. It is considered to be an indirect sales technique. C. It does not involve selling products at a customer's home, unlike repetitive person-to-person selling. D. It involves selling products at a customer's workplace. E. It is synonymous with ambient selling.


Which of the following is true of telemarketing as an advertising medium? A. It is not used by for-profit organizations to screen and qualify prospects. B. It is considered an ineffective medium of direct selling by most national advertisers. C. It is typically expensive and increases advertising overheads substantially. D. It is typically used by nonprofit organizations to solicit funds. E. It is considered to be an important component of sales promotion.


Which of the following products is likely to be sold using a non-repetitive person-to-person selling technique? A. Detergents B. T-shirts C. Dairy products D. Animal encyclopedias E. Shoes


Which of the following statements is true of a direct mail? A. Direct mail is often called "treasure mail"—the solicited mail one receives. B. Direct mail has been rendered ineffective with the advent of the Internet. C. Direct mail is useful only for low-cost products. D. Direct mail is not restricted to small companies seeking business. E. Direct mail is ineffective in targeting high-income, upscale consumers.


Which of the following statements is true of movie theater advertising? A. Absolute and relative costs per exposure are quite high in movie theater advertising. B. Movie theater ads offer low emotional attachment to moviegoers. C. Movie theater advertising does not provide demographic segmentation. D. Advertising in movie theaters offers lack of clutter as the number of ads is limited. E. CPM in movie theater advertising is lower than that of any other media.


Which of the following statements is true of personal selling on the Internet? A. Websites are ineffective in enhancing and supporting the personal selling effort. B. The Internet cannot be detrimental to those involved in personal selling in the business-to-business market. C. The low-cost and high-reach advantages of personal selling are allowing companies to increase new hires to expand their existing sales forces. D. Customers can determine if a company's offering satisfies their needs through trial demonstrations or samples offered online. E. The disadvantage of personal selling on the Internet is that it is time-consuming and it also incurs additional costs.


Which of the following statements is true of the use of broadcast media by the direct-marketing industry? A. Direct marketing in the broadcast industry does not use support advertising. B. The majority of direct-marketing broadcast advertising occurs through radio as opposed to TV. C. The use of broadcast media by the direct-marketing industry has witnessed a decline in the recent years. D. The two-step approach to direct marketing is common on radio particularly with local companies. E. When a toll-free number is included in a direct-response ad, it is called support advertising.


While shopping at a local retail store, Jenna sees an ad for Aileen sunscreen lotion on the back of her shopping cart. This is an example of: A. aerial advertising. B. transit advertising. C. a mobile billboard. D. in-store media. E. interactive media.


While travelling on a commuter bus, Lauren notices an ad for Flare deodorant above her seat. This is an example of a(n) _____ used in transit advertising. A. outside poster B. aerial banner C. spectacular D. inside card E. terminal poster


Yellow Pages advertising has witnessed a decline because: A. consumers consider it an unethical marketing practice. B. it lacks credibility and dependability. C. it fails to stimulate demand for an advertiser's products or services. D. consumers have turned to search and online directories to seek information. E. it does not create any awareness for an advertiser's products and services.


_____ and direct selling are two methods of personal selling used to generate sales. A. Public relations B. Sales promotion C. Infomercials D. Telemarketing E. Advertising specialties


_____ are ads that appear underneath a webpage and become visible only when a user leaves the site. A. Links B. Interstitials C. Banner ads D. Pop-unders E. Blogs


_____ are short featured films made by advertisers in which companies create their own content to advertise their products. A. Online commercials B. Video on demand C. Blogs D. Webisodes E. Interstitials


_____ include all content that is created in flash. A. Banner ads B. Links C. Interstitials D. Rich media E. Paid searches


_____ is a specification that uses XML to organize and format Web-based content in a standard way. A. Podcasting B. Search engine optimization C. Pop-up D. Really Simple Syndication E. Content aggregator


_____ are a form of transit advertising that appear on the sides, backs, and/or roofs of buses, taxis, trains, and subway and trolley cars. A. Inside cards B. Aerial ads C. Specialty ads D. Terminal posters E. Outside posters


Advertisers who target their advertising based on the information provided on webpages are using: A. behavioral targeting. B. advertising allowance analysis. C. rich media marketing. D. database marketing. E. contextual advertising.


After Jones finished reading an article titled "101 Places To Visit Before You Die" in the travel website Excursion 2.0, he closed the page. Subsequently, he saw an ad on his screen that invited him to subscribe to the print version of Excursion 2.0 magazine. This ad is an example of: A. content sponsorship. B. a pop-up. C. push technology. D. functional sponsorship. E. a pop-under.


Banner ads: A. are rarely used for advertising on the web. B. are typically used in transit advertising. C. are synonymous with interstitials. D. cannot be used for fulfilling direct-marketing objectives. E. can be static, animated, or in flash.


Britney sees an infomercial for a home fitness machine. The infomercial provides a website address that one can access for further product information. Additionally, the website contains an order form where customers can fill in their mailing address. This is an example of combining: A. support media with public relations. B. sales promotion with support media. C. personal selling with direct marketing. D. advertising with personal selling. E. direct marketing with advertising.


Cassandra sees a 30-minute TV show on an entertainment channel which advertises various types of kitchen appliances manufactured by Evolve, a brand of home appliances. In the show, the host demonstrates the usage of different appliances and describes the features and benefits of each product. This is an example of: A. a sales promotion. B. personal selling. C. specialty advertising. D. buzz advertising. E. an infomercial.


Creative Crew is a direct-marketing company that sells merchandise such as T-shirts, customized coffee mugs, calendars, key chains, bags, and the like. It uses telemarketing to inform prospective customers about the range of products offered by the company. Interested customers are provided with a website URL, which contains a form where they place their purchase orders. This is an example of using: A. sweeps marketing. B. direct marketing in combination with support media. C. specialty advertising. D. the one-step approach to direct marketing. E. the two-step approach to direct marketing.


Digital Melody, an online digital media store, allows customers to "sample" songs before they make a purchase decision. In this scenario, Digital Melody is trying to: A. disseminate information. B. create awareness. C. build an image. D. create a strong brand. E. stimulate trial.


Gizmo World, a gadgets magazine, pays for name association on a section of TechAtlas.com, an e-commerce site that sells cell phones and accessories. Gizmo World features its own articles on Tech Atlas. This is an example of a(n): A. interstitial. B. regular sponsorship. C. push technology D. pop-unders. E. content sponsorship.


In developing creative strategies specifically adapted to the medium, marketers have found it most difficult to: A. disseminate information through the Internet. B. provide current price lists on the Internet. C. create viable links to suppliers using the Internet. D. overcome online buying center barriers. E. create a brand image on the Internet.


Infomercials are: A. primarily designed to sell products that are classified as trends. B. always televised during off-viewing hours. C. those ads that appear only in print media. D. a part of specialty advertising. E. ads that use both one- and two-step approaches.


Jason receives a call from a sales representative of Bell Chime Inc., a manufacturer of inflatable sofabeds. When Jason shows an interest in purchasing a 5-in-1 inflatable sofabed, the sales representative urges Jason to come over to the company's retail outlet. Bell Chime is utilizing: A. a buzz approach to personal selling. B. a repetitive person-to-person selling. C. specialty advertising. D. the one-step approach to direct marketing. E. the two-step approach to direct marketing.


Jonathan visits iJaunty.com, a travel website, for information on the top ten tourist destinations in the United States. When he exits the website, an ad for Emblazon cell phones appears on his computer screen, inviting him to purchase the cell phone at a discounted price. This ad is an example of: A. content sponsorship. B. a pop-up. C. regular sponsorship. D. functional sponsorship. E. a pop-under.


Skywriting is a form of: A. billboard advertising. B. transit advertising. C. digital advertising. D. blimp advertising. E. aerial advertising.


Swish Turbo Inc., an automaker, conducted a sweepstakes in which people could enter to win the car that Adam Gosling, a popular golfer, uses during tournaments. To enter the sweepstakes, consumers had to visit Swish Turbo's website. Which of the following promotional mix elements did the automaker use on the Internet? A. Direct marketing B. Personal selling C. Publicity D. Public relations E. Sales promotions


The Clement Network, a satellite television channel that broadcasts weather forecasts, pays money in return for its name association with Nahla.com, an Internet portal. The Clement Network also provides weather information for the site. Which of the following methods of advertising on the Internet is Clement Network using? A. Interstitials B. Regular sponsorship C. Push technology D. Pop-unders E. Content sponsorship


The attractiveness of _____ would increase with the growth of market for iPads. A. social networking sites B. really simple syndication C. user-generated video sharing sites D. blogs E. podcasting


The creation of video and/or music content by an advertiser in an attempt to engage viewers while advertising its product is known as: A. video on demand. B. digital advertising. C. product integration. D. buzz marketing. E. advertainment.


The rapid growth of branded entertainment tie-ins has led to an overwhelming number of product placements and integrations which will eventually result in: A. positive audience reactions. B. consistently high product appeal. C. extended exposure of products to the audience. D. low relative and absolute costs. E. clutter and loss of effectiveness.


Which of the following factors has led to a dramatic increase in home shopping? A. The development of satellite connectivity B. The nationalization of telephone networks C. The development of high-definition television D. The shift in social preferences among consumers E. The widespread use of credit cards


Which of the following is a disadvantage of promotional products marketing? A. Low level of frequency B. Lack of audience selectivity C. Lack of feedback channels D. Lack of flexibility E. Possibility of market saturation


Which of the following is a traditional method of measuring the effectiveness of the Internet? A. Unique visitors B. Post-click conversion C. View-through rate D. Webpage eye tracking E. Recall and retention


Which of the following is an Internet-specific measure that is used by companies? A. Recall tests B. Retention tests C. Sales D. Return on investment (ROI) E. Cost per conversion


Which of the following is an advantage of promotional products marketing? A. Shorter lead time as compared to other media B. Wider audience reach C. Elimination of market saturation D. Consistent portrayal of strong company image E. High recall of advertiser's name and message


Which of the following is true of QR codes? A. They are primarily WEB 1.0 applications. B. They are considered a part of augmented reality. C. They are used to reflect the writings of a business or a corporation. D. They are web-based publications consisting primarily of periodic articles. E. They are being threatened by near field communication.


Which of the following is true of outdoor advertising? A. Outdoor advertising is the newest form of advertising that emerged with the onset of technology. B. Messages communicated through outdoor advertising are often dissuasive. C. Outdoor advertising has plunged with the increasing number of women in the work force. D. Outdoor advertising is the only form of advertising that is independent of national legislation. E. Outdoor advertising is a pervasive form of communication for residents of urban and suburban areas.


Which of the following is true of social media? A. It is typically not used by firms as a marketing medium. B. It cannot be accessed using smartphones. C. It can be accessed only using specific Internet protocols. D. It is a type of content aggregator. E. It is built on the ideological foundations of Web 2.0.


Which of the following is true of the Internet as a medium for branding? A. Unlike print media, the Internet is not an effective tool for branding. B. Unlike using television as media, the Internet does not enable service branding. C. The Internet is more effective as a media for branding because it has a one-directional communication flow. D. Unlike the radio, the Internet is not an effective medium for branding for large companies. E. The Internet is an effective medium for achieving communications objectives such as consideration and/or evaluation.


Which of the following statements best defines an infomercial? A. It is a tool used by marketers as a part of the publicity campaign. B. It is a form of direct mail which consists of consumer mailing lists. C. It is a strategy used in public relations to inform the public of a company's policies. D. It is a print advertisement which provides detailed information about a product. E. It is a long commercial that is designed to fit into a 30-minute or 1-hour time slot.


Which of the following statements is true about the growth of direct marketing? A. Direct marketing is being used as a promotional media tool only after the invention of the Internet. B. Typically, most purchases being made with the use of credit cards are as a result of direct marketing. C. The fast-paced and changing values and lifestyles of consumers are decreasing the effectiveness of direct marketing in urban areas. D. The rapid decrease in dual-income families has led to growth in direct marketing. E. The Internet has made it easier for consumers to shop and for marketers to be successful in reaching the desired target markets.


Which of the following statements is true of telemarketing? A. Telemarketing exclusively uses network television for direct marketing. B. Telemarketing is employed only in a one-step system. C. Business-to-business marketers do not use telemarketing. D. Telemarketing is only used by for-profit companies. E. Telemarketing is effective for charitable organizations.


Which of the following support media should be employed if a consumer has already been provided with information about services offered by a company and now requires a directional medium? A. Mobile billboards B. Product placements C. Advertising specialties D. In-flight advertising E. Yellow Pages


All of the methods used to measure Internet activity and effectiveness are accurate.


Blogs are the most expensive way to reach large audiences.


Inorganic search results are those that appear because of their relevance to the search terms, not advertisements.


One of the perceived disadvantages of the Internet is that it cannot measure commercial effectiveness, due in part to its inability to measure activity in real time.


Online commercials are significantly different from traditional television commercials.


Pop-ups are usually smaller than banner ads.


The Internet serves as the most effective tool for creating awareness of an organization and its products, especially in the case of large companies.


The Internet, though very effective in disseminating information to specific target groups, costs much more when compared to other media.


The two-step approach to direct marketing essentially relies on only one medium to generate a sales response.


Unlike nonprofit organizations, profit centric organizations do not use telemarketing.


When major corporations first began to conduct business on the Internet, they put up websites primarily for creating a strong brand image


a disadvantage of transit advertising is its inability to provide exposure to a large number of people


direct marketing is typically restricted to small companies seeking business


is it not possible to generate a behavior response by relying solely on direct marketing


it is the sole objective of direct marketing to obtain a direct behavioral response


like other media, which are essentially unidirectional, the internet also provides only a one-way flow of information


one disadvantage associated with direct marketing is that it results in waste coverage


promotional products marketing is employed only by large companies


the average CPM of outdoor ads is greater than that of radio and magazines ads


the program vehicles used for direct-response TV advertising are usually very expensive. Hence, a marketer cannot afford to purchase repeat times.


the two-step approach to direct marketing, the first effort generates sales, and the second effort reduces the post purchase dissonance


The Internet is a communications medium as well as a direct-response medium.


The Internet offers consumers the opportunity to provide their own content, offer their own goods and services for sale, and provide feedback on the same as provided by others.


Web 1.0 ended with the "bursting of the dot-com bubble."


A hotel advertiser who places an ad on a travel booking website is making use of contextual advertising.


Banner ads may be used for creating awareness or recognition.


Behavior tracking on the Internet helps in tailoring the message to appeal to specific needs and wants of the target audience.


By running the same ad on different stations, a direct marketer can determine the relative effectiveness of a medium itself.


Nelson receives a pen and a calendar free of charge from a store where he makes regular purchases. The calendar and the pen could be classified as advertising specialties


One of the major factors contributing to the success of direct marketing is that so many Americans are now "money-rich and time-poor"


Ronnie is most likely to come across an interstitial while he is waiting for a download link of a software to load.


Shopping cart signage is a type of in-store media


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