BUS-350 Conceptual Quiz

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____activities are ones that will delay the entire project if they are late or delayed.

Critical Path

Project crashing can be performed using a______

Linear programming model

PERT can use three estimates for activity time. These three estimates are ______,_______ , and _______.

optimistic, most likely, pessimistic

PERT stands for______

program evaluation and review technique

The latest start time minus the earliest start time is called the ________time for any activity


Which of the following is not a property of all linear programming problems? a. the presence of restrictions b. optimization of some objective c. a computer program d. alternate courses of action to choose from


A meteorologist was simulating the number of days that rain would occur in a month. The random number interval from 01 to 30 was used to indicate that rain occurred on a particular day, and the interval 31-00 indicated that rain did not occur. What is the probability that rain did occur? a. 0.30 b. 0.31 c. 1.00 d. 0.70


If a non redundant constraint is removed from an LP problem, then a. the feasible region will get larger. b. the feasible region will get smaller. c. the problem would become nonlinear. d. the problem would become infeasible.


If activity A is not on the critical path, then the slack for A will equal a. LF - EF. b. EF - ES. c. 0. d. all of the above


If the feasible region gets larger due to a change in one of the constraints, the optimal value of the objective function a. must increase or remain the same for a maximization problem. b. must decrease or remain the same for a maximization problem. c. must increase or remain the same for a minimization problem. d. cannot change.


In assigning random numbers in a Monte Carlo simulation, a. it is important to develop a cumulative probability distribution. b. it is important to use a normal distribution for all variables simulated. c. it is not important to assign probabilities to an exact range of random number intervals. d. all of the above.


Linear programming is usually used by managers involved in portfolio selection to a. maximize return on investment. b. maximize investment limitations. c. maximize risk. d. minimize risk.


Simulation can use any probability distribution that the user defines; it does not require standard distributions. a. True b. False


The Monte Carlo simulation was developed by a. John von Neumann. b. Eric von Brock. c. P.K. Poisson. d. J.D. Monte Carlo.


The coefficients of variables in the constraint equations that represent the amount of resources needed to produce one unit of the variable are called a. technological coefficients. b. objective coefficients. c. shadow prices. d. dual prices.


The difference between the left-hand side and the righthand side of a greater-than-or-equal-to constraint is referred to as a. surplus. b. constraint. c. slack. d. shadow price.


The earliest start time for an activity is equal to a. the largest EF of the immediate predecessors. b. the smallest EF of the immediate predecessors. c. the largest ES of the immediate predecessors. d. the smallest ES of the immediate predecessors.


The expected time in PERT is a. a weighted average of the most optimistic time, most pessimistic time, and four times the most likely time. b. the modal time of a beta distribution. c. a simple average of the most optimistic, most likely, and most pessimistic times. d. the square root of the sum of the variances of the activities on the critical path.


The process of comparing a model to the real system that it represents to make sure it is accurate is called a. validation. b. verification. c. simulation. d. experimentation.


The standard deviation for the PERT project is approximately a. the square root of the sum of the variances along the critical path. b. the sum of the critical path activity standard deviations. c. the square root of the sum of the variances of the project activities. d. all of the above. e. none of the above.


Transportation models can be used for which of the following decisions? a. facility location b. production mix c. media selection d. portfolio selection


When a constraint line bounding a feasible region has the same slope as an isoprofit line, a. there may be more than one optimum solution. b. the problem involves redundancy. c. an error has been made in the problem formulation. d. a condition of infeasibility exists. e. none of the above.


A media selection LP application describes a method in which media producers select customers. a. True b. False


A technique that allows a researcher to determine the greatest amount of material that can move through a network is called a. maximal-flow. b. maximal-spanning. c. shortest-route. d. maximal-tree.


Four cranes are being assigned to five construction jobs. One of the jobs will be delayed until one of the cranes becomes available after finishing the first job. An assignment model will be used. To allow specialized software to find a solution to this problem, a. nothing special must be done to this problem. b. one dummy crane must be used in the model. c. one dummy job must be used in the model. d. both a dummy job and a dummy crane must be used in the model.


If the project completion time is normally distributed and the due date for the project is greater than the expected completion time, then the probability that the project will be finished by the due date is a. less than 0.50. b. greater than 0.50. c. equal to 0.50. d. undeterminable without more information.


In PERT, slack time equals a. ES + t. b. LS - ES. c. 0. d. EF - ES. e. none of the above.


In order for a linear programming problem to have multiple solutions, the solution must exist a. at the intersection of the non-negativity constraints. b. on a non-redundant constraint parallel to the objective function. c. at the intersection of the objective function and a constraint. d. at the intersection of three or more constraints.


In the optimal solution to a linear program, there are 20 units of slack for a constraint. From this, we know that a. the dual price for this constraint is 20. b. the dual price for this constraint is 0. c. this constraint must be redundant. d. the problem must be a maximization problem.


Simulation models are designed to generate optimal solutions, which can then be applied to real-world situations. a. True b. False


Simulation models are limited to using standard probability distributions such as Poisson, exponential, normal, etc. a. True b. False


The critical path is a. the shortest path in a network. b. the longest path in a network. c. the path with the smallest variance. d. the path with the largest variance. e. none of the above.


The process of determining that a computer model is internally consistent and following the logic of the conceptual model is called a. validation. b. verification. c. simulation. d. experimentation


There are no limitations on the number of constraints or variables that can be graphed to solve an LP problem. a. True b. False


What is another name for blending problems? a. diet problems b. ingredient problems c. feed mix problems d. production mix problems


When using a general LP model for transportation problems, if there are 4 sources and 3 destinations, which of the following statements is true? a. There are typically 4 decision variables and 3 constraints. b. There are typically 12 decision variables and 7 constraints. c. There are typically 7 decision variables and 7 constraints. d. There are typically 12 decision variables and 12 constraints.


When using a graphical solution procedure, the region bounded by the set of constraints is called a. the solution. b. the feasible region. c. the infeasible region. d. maximum profit region. e. none of the above.


Which of the following is not an advantage of simulation? a. It allows for the study of what-if questions. b. Each simulation model is unique. c. It allows the study of interaction of components or variables to determine which ones are important. d. It allows time compression.


A constraint with zero slack or surplus is called a a. nonbinding constraint. b. resource constraint. c. binding constraint. d. nonlinear constraint.


A linear program has been solved, and sensitivity analysis has been performed. The ranges for the objective function coefficients have been found. For the profit on X1, the upper bound is 80, the lower bound is 60, and the current value is 75. Which of the following must be true if the profit on this variable is lowered to 70 and the optimal solution is found? a. A new corner point will become optimal. b. The maximum possible total profit may increase. c. The values for all the decision variables will remain the same. d. All of the above are possible.


A probability distribution has been developed, and the probability of 2 arrivals in the next hour is 0.20. A random number interval is to be assigned to this. Which of the following would not be an appropriate interval? a. 01-20 b. 21-40 c. 00-20 d. 00-19 e. All of the above would be appropriate


The selection of specific investments from among a wide variety of alternatives is the type of LP problem known as a. the product mix problem. b. the investment banker problem. c. the portfolio selection problem. d. the Wall Street problem. e. none of the above.


The two most common objectives for the assignment problem are the minimization of a. uncertainty or inexperience. b. total costs or inexperience. c. total costs or total time. d. total time or inexperience.


What is the objective in the truck loading problem? a. minimize trucking distance b. minimize the weight of the load shipped c. maximize the value of the load shipped d. minimize the cost of the load shipped


Which of the following statements about PERT are true? a. It assumes that we do not know ahead of time what activities must be completed. b. It assumes that activity time estimates follow the normal probability distribution. c. It is a network technique that uses three time estimates for each activity in a project. d. It is a deterministic network technique that allows for project crashing.


A point in the network that is at the beginning or end of a route is called a(n) a. arc. b. branch. c. line. d. node.


Infeasibility in a linear programming problem occurs when a. a constraint is redundant. b. more than one solution is optimal. c. the feasible region is unbounded. d. there is no solution that satisfies all the constraints given.


Slack time in a network is the a. amount of time that an activity would take assuming very unfavorable conditions. b. shortest amount of time that could be required to complete the activity. c. amount of time that you would expect it would take to complete the activity. d. amount of time by which an activity can be delayed without delaying the entire project.


The idea behind simulation is a. to imitate a real-world situation. b. to study the properties and operating characteristics of a real-world situation. c. to draw conclusions and make action decisions based on simulation results. d. all of the above.


The latest finish time for an activity is found during the backward pass through the network. The latest finish time is equal to a. the largest LF of the activities for which it is an immediate predecessor. b. the smallest LF of the activities for which it is an immediate predecessor. c. the largest LS of the activities for which it is an immediate predecessor. d. the smallest LS of the activities for which it is an immediate predecessor.


The selection of specific media from among a wide variety of alternatives is known as a. the product mix problem. b. the investment banker problem. c. the portfolio selection problem. d. none of the above.


The shortest-route technique would be best used to a. determine the number of units to ship from each source to each destination. b. determine the amount of LAN network wiring within a building. c. minimize the amount of traffic on a busy highway. d. determine the path for a truck making frequent but repeatable drops.


Using simulation for a queuing problem would be appropriate if a. the arrival rate follows a Poisson distribution. b. the service rate is constant. c. the FIFO queue discipline is assumed. d. there is a 10% chance an arrival would leave before receiving service


Which of the following constraints are binding? a. extrusion only b. packing only c. additive only d. both extrusion and packaging


Which of the following techniques require all the nodes to be connected? a. minimal-flow b. maximal-spanning tree c. maximal-flow d. minimal-spanning tree


In a Monte Carlo simulation, a variable that we might want to simulate is a. lead time for inventory orders to arrive. b. time between machine breakdowns. c. time between arrivals at a service facility. d. number of employees absent from work each day. e. all of the above.


PERT/Cost allows a manager to do which of the following? a. Plan b. Schedule c. Monitor d. Control e. All the above


Simulation can be effectively used in many a. inventory problems. b. plant layout problems. c. maintenance policy problems. d. sales forecasting problems. e. all of the above


Which of the following is not a decision variable when formulating the project crashing problem as a linear program? a. The early finish times of critical activities b. The early finish times of noncritical activities c. The start time of the project d. The finish time of the project e. The early start times of all activities


The percent of project completed, value of work completed, and actual activity costs are used to______________ projects.

monitor and control

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