BUSAD 203 Final
Business Career Service Team
-Tanya Austin: Prof. Dev. Coordinator Management/ENTSP -Tami Corcoran: Finance/Bus Econ -Haley Flores: Marketing -Brooke Long: MIS -Melody Kruzic: Instructor -Sarah Van Vark: accounting -Mike Vietze: Instructor/GA -Kathy Wieland: Director/ Supply Chain Management
5 MUST HAVES of a Resume
1. Layout 2. Header 3. Summary 4. Education 5. Relevant Content
Response Rate
Expect a 10-15%response rate when sending out resumes and submitting applications
Bring to the interview...
Extra resumes Pen References Padfolio/notepad Prepared questions Positive/energetic attitude Your BEST YOU! Business Professional attire
If the employer asks about your salary requirements, you should...
Offer a range
Stage Two: Before An Offer Is Given
Resume Interaction via phone or email Interview
To go back on a promise, undertaking, or contract
end the interview
•Ask about the timeline/process •ASK for the job! •Get business card/contact information •Thank the interviewer
Resume Do's
- Clear layout - Be concise (1 full page) -Use action verbs -Be consistent -Use keywords from job descriptions
Common Interview Mistakes
- Insufficient company research and preparation "44% of executives said this is the most common interviewing mistake according to a national survey." - Not very detailed responses "According to Iowa State University recruiters."
Team Strength: Relationship Building
-glue to hold the team together -help the group become greater than the sum of its parts -adaptability, developer, empathy, harmony, individualization, positivity
Team Strength: Influencing
-help the team reach a broader audience -sell team's ideas inside and outside of the organization -someone who will take charge and speak up -communication, competition, maximizer, woo
Team Strength: Executing
-how to make things happen -someone that'll implement a solution -make an idea a reality -achiever, consistency, discipline, responsibility, restorative
Team Strength: Strategic Thinking
-keep the team focused on what could be -absorbing and analyzing information to make better decisions -thinking for the future -analytical, futuristic, ideation, learner, strategic
Methods For Making Connections
-social media -LinkedIn -face-to-face -phone -email -clubs -conferences -workshops
Types of Interview Questions
-standard (tell me about yourself) -behavioral based (tell me about an experience when you were involved in a team project//STAR)
1. Individualization (focus on others' qualities/how different people can work together productively) 2. Achiever (work hard/great deal of stamina/enjoy being busy and productive) 3. Restorative (adept at dealing with problems/figure out whats wrong and resolve it) 4. Positivity (contagious enthusiasm/upbeat and can get others excited about what's going on) 5. Developer (recognize and cultivate the potential in others/spot signs of small improvements/satisfied by progress)
guiding principles
1.Focus on a person's strengths and manage around weakness 2.The best in a role delivers the same outcomes using different behaviors 3.Weakness fixing prevents failure; strengths building leads to success 4.Themes are neutral and are not "labels" 5.Differences are an advantage - we need others
People who utilize their strengths....
1.Have higher levels of energy and vitality 2.Are more likely to achieve their goals 3.Are more confident 4.Perform better at work/school 5.Experience less stress 6.Are more engaged at work/school 7.Are more effective at developing themselves and growing as individuals
Interview Steps
1.The interview begins when you arrive in the parking lot 2.Firm Handshake 3.Establish rapport - be prepared for ice-breaker questions 4.Ask about the timeline/process 5.ASK for the job! 6.Get contact information 7.Thank the interviewer
Three Magic Questions To Start a Conversation
1.What made you want to get into...? 2.What do you like most about...? 3.If I wanted to find out more about your career, what would you recommend?
Step 3: Initiating and Building Relationships
At an event: •LOOK around you •ASK "How do you know...?" "Were there more people here last time?" •DISCLOSE"I came because..." Be approachable, genuine and focus on the person you are talking with
Delivery (effective presentations)
Body language •Confidence and ease •Energy communicates enthusiasm -Don't read off slides It's about WHATyou say •Responsive to comments/questions •No excess verbiage (um, uh, like)...and HOWyou say it •Speaking pace consistent and effective •Audible to all
what to wear to the career fair
Business Professional •2 piece pant/skirt suit (classic neutral colors such as black, grey, navy) •Comfortable and well polished dress shoes/heels •Shirt/blouse - ironed and sharp •Neck ties •Minimal jewelry, perfumes and make-up •Clean and styled hair
Before the Interview...
Explore and research the company Prepare answers to questions that may be asked Know where you are going -arrive early Bring extra copies of your resume, written questions to ask, pen, and padfolio Dress for success! Neat and clean appearance
2. Header
Include: Full name, Email, Phone Optional: Physical address, LinkedIn url, Website
Purpose of a Resume
It is YOUR marketing piece! - Assists in obtaining an interview - Initiates contact and makes a memorable first impression - Provides a summary of qualifications - Facilitates an interview
Step 4: Closing the Conversation
It's been really nice talking to you. May I connect with you in LinkedIn so we can stay in touch?
Stage Six: Accept/Decline The Position
It's fine to say: "Thank you, I'll be back in touch within a day or two." You need more time? Take it! Never say "no" - wait to decline until you are absolutely certain. •Don't burn bridges! •Write a formal thank you letter after you have turned down the offer. Explain that you were impressed with the company and the employees, but felt you needed to move in a different direction. •If you accept - the offer details are considered final.
Stage One: Research
Know what are you worth!!! •Salaries •Job's fair market value •Industry average •Region
You Network is Your...
It is NOTAll About The Money
Opportunity to learn new skills? Professional development? Leadership roles? Are you excited about the job? Do you like the people? Is there a cultural match?
cover letter paragraph 1
Paragraph 1: Purpose/intent •States the job title you're seeking •States how you heard about it •Gives a compliment/connection to company
cover letter paragraph 2
Paragraph 2: Qualifications/examples •Why are you interested in the position •What experiences and skills directly relate •What can you bring to the company
cover letter paragraph 3
Paragraph 3: Action Plan/Closing •Refer the reader to your resume •Initiate the next step •Provide contact information •Thank the reader for their time and consideration
profiles recruiters notice
Photo/Background Name Headline Summary Experience Volunteer Organizations Education Featured Skills & Endorsements Accomplishments (Courses; Projects; Publications; Certifications; etc) Interests/Groups
Components of a Cover Letter
Professional Letter Format: Return address Date Recipient's name, title and address Salutation 3 Paragraphs (1.Purpose/intent 2.Qualifications/examples 3.Action plan) Signature
Stage Four: Evaluate The Offer
Research total compensation: -Income: Salary and bonuses -Cost of living:Des Moines or Los Angeles? -Proximity: Is there a commute? -Benefits offered -PTO: Vacation and paid personal days -Non PTO: for personal and professional reasons without it hurting your job
Answering Behavioral-Based Questions
STAR Situation: Describe the context within which you performed a job or faced a challenge at work. Task: Describe your responsibility in that situation. Action: Describe how YOU completed the task or endeavored to meet the challenge. Result: Explain the outcomes or results generated by the action taken
Six Stages of Negotiating Offers
Stage One: Research Stage Two: Before An Offer Is Given Stage Three: Receive An Offer Stage Four: Evaluate The Offer Stage Five: Negotiate Stage Six: Accept/Decline The Position
Steps to networking
Step 1: Have A Plan Step 2: Introduce Yourself Step 3: Initiating and Building Relationships Step 4: Closing the Conversation Step 5: Follow Up
The Strengths Equation
Talent x Investment = Strength -talent: natural way of thinking, feeling, or behaving -investment: time spent practicing, developing your skills, and building your knowledge base -strength: the ability to consistently provide near-perfect performance
Making Connections Is...
The process of gathering, collecting, and distributing information for the mutual benefit of you and the people in your support system. •Sharing valuable information •Quality NOT quantity •Building relationships
Stage Three: Receive An Offer
WHATyou say and HOWyou say it is crucialto the negotiation. Take a breath Say "Thank you" Know the timeline or ask when they need a response Say "May I have some time to think about it?" Avoid: • Negotiating last minute • Accepting until you are 100% certain • Negotiating after you've accepted
Step 2: Introduce Yourself
great example = Hello, my name is Julie and I am a junior in marketing. I've been working at the school newspaper for the last year and I'm interested in sales and advertising.
Class Format
team based learning because: -Employers are seeking solid experience in working in teams and collaborating -Engaging and more fun -Learning comes from doing
A Comprehensive Job Search Includes...
• Apply to job postings • Identify companies (Focus on a geographic location//Utilize Chamber of Commerce websites = Business directories) • Identify contacts (network//friends//family//LinkedIn//ISU Alumni through the career center and online directory//professional organizations and the leaders in them)
NACE Job Search Principles
• Provide accurate information • Adhere to schedules • Accept an offer of employment in good faith • Notify employers of acceptance/no acceptance • Withdraw from recruiting process after accepting offer • Interview only with employers of interest/eligibility • Request reimbursement of only reasonable and legitimate expenses incurred in recruitment process
questions to ask the interviewer
•"Can you describe a typical day in this role?" •"What qualities would your ideal candidate possess?" •"What do you like best about your job/company?" •"What is the next step in the hiring process?"
3. Professional Summary
•2-3 sentences that shares your uniqueness •Clearly demonstrates your "fit" •Why you're the best person for the job •Employer-centered
Why network?
•60-80% of job seekers find their jobs through networking activities •10-12% find a job through job postings •2% find a job by blindly sending out resumes
cover letter tips
•Address letter to a specific person when possible •Employer-centered •Tailor to the job description •Avoid restating your resume •Keep letter to one page •Use your resume header
Why employers attend the career fair:
•Attract potential employees •Increase student awareness •Connect with students •Provide information •Fill position •Pre-qualify candidates/ ISU Interview Day
Making Connections Is NOT...
•Bothering, pestering, or using people •A contest to see who can make the most contacts •A one-sided, one-shot deal •Asking for favors
Develop A Plan for your Job Search
•Build a database •Build a timeline •Execute on a weekly basis •Follow up •Repeat
When to network
•Career selection •Before, during and after the internship/job search •Continue once you're in your professional role
1. Layout
•Clear •1 full page •Font types/sizes(10-12 pt) •Font styles (use italics/bolding sparingly)
LinkedIn Tips
•Comment/post regularly showing your engagement •Create a LinkedIn URL profile link to use for your resume •Link your Twitter account for others to follow •Let Recruiters know you're "Open to opportunities" •Embed media (resumes, projects, video, website, etc)
why use LinkedIn
•Creating Your Professional Brand •Online Resume•Grow Your Network •Find Job Opportunities •Recruiting Tool
tips to make connections
•Develop list of contacts •Send emails •Make phone calls •Schedule informational interviews •Participate in job shadows •Seek referrals •Utilize LinkedIn
Why attend the career fair?
•Expand your professional network •Explore industries, companies, positions •Over 200 employers looking to speak to YOU! •Gather tips and advice from recruiters that will make you more competitive
First 5-10 minutes of interview
•Firm handshake •Ice-breaking questions •Establish rapport
Basic Skills of Networking
•Firm handshake •Strong introduction •Smile •Eye contact •Name tag placement (right side) •W.A.I.T. (Why Am I Talking?) - be interested BEFORE being interesting
other career fair tips
•Have resumes ready to hand out •Be prepared to elaborate on your qualifications/interests •Do not discuss salary information •Be excited and engaging •No food or gum •Get contact information to connect and follow-up (send thank you notes or emails and connect on LinkedIn) •Confident and professional hand-shake
4. Education
•Institution(s) name •Location •Expected graduation date •Degree •Major(s)/Minor(s) •Academic awards/honors
Experiences To Include On A Resume
•Internships •Leadership •Consulting projects •Scholarly Research •International Experience
prepared introduction
•Introduce yourself •Express knowledge of the organization •Explain why you are interested in the company/position •Show you're a fit -relate your background to the organization •Be open, honest, and enthusiastic
what a cover letter should accomplish
•Introduce yourself to the employer •Connect with audience to get them to want to read your resume •Demonstrate your writing skills •Sell your qualifications to an prospective employer
Test for Ethical Behavior
•Is it legal? •Is it fair to others? •Does it hurt anyone? •Are you being honest? •Would you be proud? •Stand up to the 'light of day'?
Step 1: Have A Plan
•Know yourself = What are your interests? What are you seeking? •Develop your purpose = What event are you attending? Who will be there? •Keep updated on current events
Attribute employers look for at the career fair:
•Leadership and teamwork experiences •Excellent communication skills •Problem solving experience •Your major •A candidate who knows what they're looking for •First impressions matter! •Employer/industry understanding
Resume Tips
•No errors! •Easy to read •Visually appealing •Avoid personal pronouns ("I", "me", "my") •Tailor as much as possible to the position •Convert to pdf file before sending
Skills Employers Want
•Problem-solving •Ability to work in a team •Written communication •Leadership •Strong work ethic •Analytical/quantitative •Verbal communication •Initiative •Detail-oriented •Flexibility/adaptability
Stage Five: Negotiate
•Reiterate your interest •Indicate a barrier: "Let me tell you what is holding me back." •Ask: "Is there any flexibility with the salary? "Don't use the word "negotiate" •Justify with your research and experience •How much do you need?
5. Content
•Relevant experiences (paid/unpaid) •Company name, position title, location and dates •Use bullet points •Use ACTION VERBS •Results-oriented •Quantify
after the interview
•Send a thank you email within 24-48 hours •Be persistent, not pushy •Follow-up within the time frame indicated by the interviewer
•Separate page •3-5 professional references •Ask permission! •Keep your references informed during search •Use header from resume
If the salary IS NOT negotiable, consider:
•Sign-on bonus •Relocation assistance •Retention bonus •Start date •Vacation, other days off
cover letter
•Supplements resume •The "why you" behind getting an interview •Formally written in a story-like format •Links your experiences and skills to the requirements of the job
biggest career fair tip = be prepared by...
•Update resume and CyHire profile (part 1 of Career Fair Worksheet) •Research companies attending (10-15) •Practice your introduction/elevator pitch •Develop questions to ask employers •Dress for success
interview don'ts
•Wear tight or ill-fitting attire Bring up negative situations Choose not to ask any questions Ask about salary or benefits Wear cologne/perfume
Step 5: Follow Up
•Write on the back of the business card or make yourself a note •Connect on LinkedIn•Send an email •Find a REASON to connect again