Business 101 Midterm 2- MANUFACTURING

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what are the steps in PERT

1. analyze tasks 2. estimates time to complete task 3. draw PERT network 4. identify critical path (sequence of tasks)

computer integrated manufacturing (CIM)

CAD and CAM cuts time by 80% but can be expensive

what does PERT do?

analyzes steps in production

assembly process

assembly of goods

inter firm process

companies work closely together to design, produce, and ship products

Materials requirement planning (MRP)

computer-based operations management system that uses sales forecast to make sure needed parts/materials are available at the right time and place


creation of finished gods or services using factors of the land, labor, capital, entrapranuarship, and knowledge

flexible manufacturing

design machines to do multiple tasks so firm can produce a variety of products

what can facility location have a direct affect on and why?

economy around the location because it provides jobs for people in the area in multiple aspects

what does operations management help with?

facility location and layout, purchasing, inventory and quality control, and materials requirement layout (customer experience)

what are the outputs in the production process?

goods, services, and ideas

production management

helps firm create goods

what are the three main steps in the production process

inputs, production control, and outputs

what are the two types of production?

inter mitten process continuous process

what are inputs in the production process?

land, labor, capital knowledge, materials

mass production

large number of limited variety of products at low cost produced

continuous process

long production runs turn out finished good over time(made possible by tech)

what do you consider when choking a facility location?

low costs, shipping, where the resources you need are located in relation to facility, labor with quality

mass customization

making a unique product or provide a specific service to specific individuals (usually use machines and tech for this)

what is production control in the production process?

panning, routing, scheduling, dispatching, followup

process manufacturing

part of production that physically or chemically changes materials

lean manufacturing

production of goods and services using less of everything than in mass production

inter mitten process

production runs in batches

what does PERT stand for?

program evaluation review technique

computer aided design (CAD)

tech designs products

computer aided manufacturing (CAM)

tech manufactures products

operation management

transforms resources including Human Resources (tech skills) into goods and services

form utility

value producers add to the material in creation of finished goods and services

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