Business Essentials - CHAPTER 2 - The Environment of Business

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A period of generally falling prices.


All the ways firms create value for their constituents.


Any activity that adds value to some input, transforming it into an output for a customer (whether external or internal).

business process management:

Approach by which firms move away from department-oriented organization and toward process-oriented team structures that cut across old departmental boundaries.


Condition in an economic system in which the amount of money available and the quantity of goods and services produced are growing at about the same rate.

socio-cultural environment:

Conditions including the customs, values, attitudes, and demographic characteristics of the society in which an organization functions.

economic environment:

Conditions of the economic system in which an organization operates.

political-legal environment:

Conditions reflecting the relationship between business and government, usually in the form of government regulation.

external environment:

Everything outside an organization's boundaries that might affect it.

applied R&D:

Focusing specifically on how a technological innovation can be put to use in the making of a product or service that can be sold in the marketplace.

real GDP:

GDP calculated to account for changes in currency values and price changes.

nominal GDP:

GDP measured in current dollars or with all components valued at current prices.

basic (or pure) R&D:

Improving knowledge in an area without a primary focus on whether any discoveries that might occur are immediately marketable.


Level of joblessness among people actively seeking work in an economic system.


Measure of economic growth that compares how much a system produces with the resources needed to produce it.

consumer price index (CPI):

Measure of the prices of typical products purchased by consumers living in urban areas.


Occurrence of widespread price increases throughout an economic system.


Particularly severe and long-lasting recession.

business cycle:

Pattern of short-term ups and downs (expansions and contractions) in an economy.

fiscal policies:

Policies by means of which governments collect and spend revenues.

monetary policies:

Policies by means of which the government controls the size of the nation's money supply.

purchasing power parity:

Principle that exchange rates are set so that the prices of similar products in different countries are about the same.

R&D intensity:

R&D spending as a percentage of a company's sales revenue.

core competency:

Skills and resources with which an organization competes best and creates the most value for owners.

vertical integration:

Strategy of owning the means by which an organization produces goods or services.


Strategy of paying suppliers and distributors to perform certain business processes or to provide needed materials or services.

viral marketing:

Strategy of using the internet and word-of-mouth marketing to spread product information.

organizational boundary:

That which separates the organization from its environment.

technology transfer:

The process of getting a new technology out of the lab and into the marketplace.

budget deficit:

The result of the government spending more in one year than it takes in during that year.

national debt:

The total amount of money that Canada owes its creditors.

balance of trade:

The total of a country's exports (sales to other countries) minus its imports (purchases from other countries).

research and development (R&D):

Those activities that are necessary to provide new products, services, and processes.

standard of living:

Total quantity and quality of goods and services that a country's citizens can purchase with the currency used in their economic system.

aggregate output:

Total quantity of goods and services produced by an economic system during a given period.

gross national product (GNP):

Total value of all goods and services produced by a national economy within a given period regardless of where the factors of production are located.

gross domestic product (GDP):

Total value of all goods and services produced within a given period by a national economy through domestic factors of production.

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