Business law test 3

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A holder in due course is a holder who takes a negotiable instrument​ ___________________. A. free of all claims and most defenses that can be asserted against the transferor B. subject to some of the claims and none of the defenses that can be asserted against the transferor C. subject to all the claims and defenses that can be asserted against the transferor D. free of all claims and defenses that can be asserted against the transferor E. subject to all the claims and some of the defenses that can be asserted against the transferor


A holder owes a duty not to​ ______________________ when seeking recourse against the liable parties or the collateral. A. impair the rights of others B. create a transfer warranty C. assert a universal defense D. create a presentment warranty E. indorse the check


A termination of agency where a situation arises that makes the fulfillment of the agency not possible is known as a termination​ ________. A. by impossibility of performance B. by changed circumstances C. by operation of law D. by the third party involved in the transaction E. by an act of the parties


A type of agency that is formed when an agent does not have an express power but one can be inferred is best known as​ ________. A. implied agency B. exclusive agency C. agency by ratification D. express agency E. apparent agency


A(n) _______________is the signature of a signer that is placed on the instrument to negotiation it to another person. A. indorsement B. assignment C. virgule D. negotiation E. allonge


All of the following are types of indorsements​ EXCEPT? A. retroactive B. restrictive C. blank D. special E. qualified


An agency that occurs when a principal and an agent do not expressly create an​ agency, but it is inferred from the conduct of the​ parties, is called​ ________. A. implied agency B. express agency C. agency by ratification D. apparent agency E. exclusive agency


An instrument that is not payable to a specific payee or indorsee is​ _____ paper. A. bearer B. ​non-negotiable C. secured D. order E. ​non-transferable


A​ _________________ is a​ two-party negotiable instrument that is an unconditional written promise by one party to pay money to another party. A. promissory note B. check C. trade acceptance D. nonnegotiable contract E. certificate of deposit


A​ ___________________ is a draft payable at a designated future​ date, while a​ ____________________ is a draft payable on sight. A. time​ draft; sight draft B. demand​ draft; future draft C. sight​ draft; time draft D. future​ draft; trade acceptance E. trade​ acceptance; sight draft


A​ state's law prohibits the sale of marijuana. Jerry signs a promissory note promising to pay Gordon​ $500 for marijuana and Gordon negotiates this instrument to​ Matthew, a holder in due course. When Matthew presents this note to​ Jerry, Jerry can raise which of the following​ defenses? A. illegality B. fraud in the inducement C. breach of contract D. mental illness which makes a contract voidable E. undue influence


A​ stop-payment order is an order by a​ ______ of a check. A. drawer B. payer C. payee D. bank E. drawee


Before a​ strike, a union must give​ _____-day notice to the employer that the union intends to strike. A. 60 B. 45 C. 30 D. 7 E. 10


Gender discrimination is also known as​ _____ discrimination. A. sex B. sexual identity C. sexual orientation D. professional appearance E. personal appearance


If a contract indicates that the agency agreement terminates on July​ 27, 2020, it is terminated​ ________. A. by an act of the parties B. by operation of law C. by impossibility of performance D. by the third party involved in the transaction E. by changed circumstances


If an agent acquires confidential information during the course of the agency and uses it to his or her​ advantage, this is known as​ ________. A. misuse of confidential information B. competing with the principal C. usurping an opportunity D. ​self-dealing E. dual agency


In R. Williams Construction Company v. Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission​, the court held that the construction company​ ________. A. had violated OSHA knowingly and knew its employees would be subject to hazards B. had no actual knowledge that its employees had entered the trench on that day C. did not violate OSHA D. could not know that its employees would enter the trench on that day E. violated OSHA accidentally


Outsiders who are employed by principals to perform certain tasks on their behalf are called​ ________. A. independent contractors B. principals C. agents D. employees E. employers


Section​ _____ of the​ _____ prohibits unions from engaging in unfair labor practices that interfere with a union election. A. ​8(b); NLRA B. ​7(a); FLSA C. ​8(b); Landrum-Griffin Act D. ​8(a); Landrum-Griffin Act E. ​7(b); FLSA


Standards that establish safety requirements for safety guards on​ saws, set maximum exposure levels for hazardous​ chemicals, and regulate the location of machinery in the workplace are known as​ _____ standards. A. OSHA B. ADA C. FLSA D. FMLA E. FTCA


Suppose Mary owes Hector​ $1,000. Hector wants Mary to pay the money to Cindy instead of to him. Hector writes out a draft that orders Mary to pay the​ $1,000 to Cindy. Mary agrees to this change of obligation and writes the word​ "accepted" on the draft and signs the draft. Hector is the​ _____, Mary is the​ _____ and acceptor of the​ draft, and Cindy is the​ _____. A. ​drawer; drawee; payee B. ​drawer; payee; drawee C. ​payee; drawer; drawee D. ​payee; drawee; drawer E. ​drawee; drawer; payee


Suppose a principal hires a lawyer to represent her in a lawsuit until the lawsuit is resolved. If the principal and the lawyer voluntarily agree to terminate the relationship prior to the resolution of the case by trial or​ settlement, the agency is​ _____. A. terminated by an act of the parties B. not​ terminated, since the lawsuit remains unresolved C. terminated by an unusual change in circumstances D. terminated by operation of law E. terminated by impossibility of performance


There are three methods of​ _______________: (1) payment of the​ instrument, (2)​ cancellation, and​ (3) impairment of the right of recourse. A. discharge B. primary liability C. secondary liability D. guarantee of collection liability E. accommodation liability


The​ Landrum-Griffin Act is also known as the​ ________. A. Labor Management Reporting and Disclosure Act B. National Labor Relations Act C. Labor Management Relations Act D. Railway Labor Act E. ​Norris-LaGuardia Ac


The​ _____ HDC rule​ _____ HDC status with regard to negotiable instruments arising out of certain consumer credit transactions. A. ​FTC; eliminates B. ​FCC; recognizes C. ​FTC; recognizes D. ​FCC; eliminates E. ​UCC; recognizes


The​ _____ is empowered to enforce the FLSA. A. U.S. Department of Labor B. Uniform Commerce Commission C. Federal Trade Commission D. Interstate Commerce Commission E. Fair Labor Standards Board


The​ ________ type of visa allows the holder to bring his or her immediate family members to the United States. A. ​H1-B B. FICA C. ​I-9 D. H4 E. FUTA


To qualify as​ a(n) ____________________, a transferee must have taken the instrument for​ value, in good​ faith, and without notice that it is defective or overdue. A. holder in due course B. indorser C. indorsee D. unqualified indorser E. holder


Under the​ ADA, an employer is not obligated to provide an accommodation that would​ _____. A. impose an undue hardship on the employer B. necessitate an​ employee's absence from work C. necessitate changes to the work environment D. require expense E. require managerial oversight


Under the​ UCC, in order to be a holder in due​ course, value has been given if the holder did any of the following​ EXCEPT? A. performed a​ pre-existing duty B. taken the instrument in payment of or as security for an antecedent claim C. acquired a security interest or lien on the instrument D. performed an​ agreed-upon promise E. given a negotiable instrument or an irrevocable obligation as payment


Under the​ UCC, only​ _____________ defenses can be asserted against a holder in due course. A. universal B. virgule C. qualified indorsement D. allonge E. personal


Under​ workers' compensation​ laws, an injured employee files a claim with the​ ________. A. appropriate state agency B. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission C. local police department D. local courthouse E. federal government


Wages are​ ________. A. a compulsory collective bargaining topic B. an illegal collective bargaining topic C. a closed shop rule D. a permissive collective bargaining topic E. a union shop rule


What is a​ two-party negotiable instrument that is a special form of a note created when a depositor deposits money at a financial institution in exchange for the​ institution's promise to pay back the amount of the deposit plus an​ agreed-upon rate of interest upon the expiration of a set time period agreed upon by the​ parties? A. certificate of deposit​ (CD) B. trade acceptance C. time note D. promissory note E. check


What is the rule adopted by the Federal Trade Commission that eliminates holder in due course status with regard to negotiable instruments that arise out of certain consumer credit​ transactions? A. FTC HDC Rule B. discharge in bankruptcy C. imposter rule D. fraud in the inducement rule E. holder in due course rule


What is the type of check on which the bank is considered as both drawer and​ drawee? A. ​cashier's check B. certified check C. postdated check D. stale check E. incomplete check


When an agent exceeds the scope of his or her​ authority, who is liable to the third​ party? A. the agent only B. the government only C. neither the principal nor the agent D. both the principal and the agent E. the principal only


When an employer refuses to hire a cook in a restaurant because of his or her​ accent, this is​ ________. A. national origin discrimination B. race discrimination C. religious discrimination D. color discrimination E. gender discrimination


Which article of the UCC governs commercial electronic wire​ transfers? A. Article 4A B. Article 2 C. Article 2A D. Article 5 E. Article 3


Which of the following is NOT a right under the​ Landrum-Griffin Act? A. working for wages below union scale B. right of free speech C. voting in elections D. initiating judicial action E. nominating a candidate for union office


Which of the following is NOT part of the​ complainant's burden of proof in a​ disparate-treatment discrimination​ case? A. the complainant is the victim of a racially neutral employment practice or rule that caused an adverse impact on a protected class to which the complainant belongs B. the complainant is a member of a Title VII protected class C. the complainant applied for and was qualified for the employment position D. the employer kept the position open and sought applications from other persons with the​ complainant's qualifications E. the complainant was rejected for the employment position despite the fact that he or she applied for and was qualified for the position


Which of the following is a correct statement regarding an​ employer's response to employee attempts to form and join a​ union? A. Threats of loss of benefits for joining the union are unfair labor practices. B. An employer may form a company union. C. When an unfair labor practice has been​ found, a court may set aside the election and order a new election. D. When an unfair labor practice has been​ found, the NLRB may issue a​ cease-and-desist order to restrain the practice. E. A statement such as​ "I'll close this plant if a union comes in​ here" is a fair labor practice.


Which of the following is an INCORRECT statement regarding presentment​ warranties? A. According to the Uniform Commercial Code​ (UCC), a presentment equates to a​ transfer; therefore, presentment warranties and transfer warranties are identical. B. A drawee who pays an instrument may recover damages for breach of presentment warranty from the warrantor. C. Any person who presents a draft or check for payment or acceptance warrants that the instrument has not been materially altered. D. Any person who presents a draft or check for payment or acceptance warrants that the presenter has good title to the instrument or is authorized to obtain payment or acceptance of the person who has good title. E. Any person who presents a draft or check for payment or acceptance warrants that the presenter has no knowledge that the signature of the maker or drawer is unauthorized.


Which of the following is an INCORRECT statement regarding the Family and Medical Leave Act​ (FMLA)? A. The FMLA applies to companies with 3 or more workers. B. The employer may require medical proof of claimed serious health conditions. C. Leave because of the birth of a child cannot be taken intermittently unless the employer agrees to such an arrangement. D. The FMLA covers approximately​ one-half of the​ nation's workforce. E. An eligible employee who takes leave​ must, on returning to​ work, be restored to either the same or an equivalent position with equivalent employment benefits and pay.


Which of the following is an INCORRECT statement regarding the transfer of a negotiable instrument by​ negotiation? A. According to the Uniform Commercial Code​ (UCC), the holder of a negotiable instrument cannot enjoy the same rights as the transferor. B. The proper method of negotiation depends on whether the instrument involved is order paper or bearer paper. C. The holder may acquire even greater rights than the transferor if he or she qualifies as a holder in due course. D. The holder receives at least the rights of the transferor. E. The person to whom the instrument is transferred becomes the holder.


Which of the following is an INCORRECT statement regarding​ workers' compensation? A. States usually require employers to​ self-insure for​ workers' compensation claims. B. For an injury to be compensable under​ workers' compensation, the claimant must prove that he or she was harmed by an​ employment-related injury. C. Workers can sue an employer in court to recover damages for​ employment-related injuries if the employer does not carry​ workers' compensation insurance or does not​ self-insure if permitted to do so. D. ​Workers' compensation is an exclusive remedy. E. In addition to covering physical​ injuries, workers' compensation insurance covers stress and mental illness that are​ employment-related.


Which of the following is prohibited under the​ Landrum-Griffin Act? A. engaging in an unauthorized activity that has an adverse economic impact on the union B. nominating a candidate for union office C. initiating judicial action D. voting in elections E. right of free speech


Which type of agency exists when there is a written agency agreement between the​ parties? A. express agency B. exclusive agency C. apparent agency D. implied agency E. agency by ratification


Who is liable for the injury caused by inherently dangerous activities that a principal assigns to an independent​ contractor? A. the principal only B. the independent​ contractor, if a minor is injured C. both the principal and the independent contractor D. the independent contractor only E. neither the principal nor the independent contractor


​A(n) _____ is a person who is in possession of a negotiable instrument that is​ drawn, issued, or indorsed to him or to his​ order, or to​ bearer, or in blank. A. holder B. acceptor C. holder in due course D. maker E. drawer


​A(n) ___________ is a person who is in possession of a negotiable instrument that is​ drawn, issued, or indorsed to him or his​ order, or to​ bearer, or in blank. A. holder B. indorsee C. holder in due course D. unqualified indorser E. indorser


A check that has been outstanding for six months is considered​ a(n) _____ check. A. incomplete B. stale C. ​cashier's D. postdated E. certified


A party who employs another person to act on his or her behalf is called​ a(n) _____, while a party who agrees to act on behalf of another is called​ a(n) _____. A. ​assignee; assignor B. ​principal; agent C. ​agent; principal D. ​delegatee; delegator E. ​assignor; assignee


A party who employs another person to act on his or her behalf is called​ a(n) __________. A. agent B. principal C. third party D. employee E. contractor


A party who signs an instrument for the purpose of lending his or her name​ (and credit) to another party to the instrument is known as​ a(n) A. unqualified indorser B. accommodation party C. principal D. qualified indorser E. indorser


A principal is liable for an​ agent's actions​ _________________. A. when an agent commits an intentional tort outside the scope of his or her authority B. when the agent is negligent when acting within the scope of his or her authority C. under the​ "coming and​ going" rule D. when an agent is on a frolic and detour E. under no circumstances


A principal is liable under the doctrine of vicarious liability for intentional torts of agents and employees committed within the​ agent's scope of employment. The​ _________ tests are the two tests applied by courts to determine whether an​ agent's intentional torts were committed within the​ agent's scope of employment. A. negligence and intentional B. motivation and​ work-related C. fully and partially D. frolic and detour E. coming and going


An instrument that states​ "payable to​ cash" is​ _____. A. ​non-negotiable B. payable to bearer C. payable to drawer D. payable to order E. payable to acceptor


Apparent​ agency, or agency by​ _____, arises when a principal creates the appearance of an agency that in actuality does not exist. A. accord and satisfaction B. estoppel C. execution D. ratification E. rebuttal


If Anastasia indorsed her check by writing​ "without recourse" above her​ signature, what type of indorsement would be​ created? A. special B. qualified C. restrictive D. nonrestrictive E. blank


If a principal files for​ bankruptcy, the agency is terminated​ ________. A. by the third party involved in the transaction B. by operation of law C. by an act of the parties D. by changed circumstances E. by impossibility of performance


If an agent is offered a business opportunity that is meant for the principal and the agent takes advantage of​ it, this is known as​ ________. A. ​self-dealing B. usurping an opportunity C. dual agency D. competing with the principal E. misuse of confidential information


If a​ light-skinned member of a race refuses to hire a​ dark-skinned member of the same​ race, this constitutes​ _____ discrimination, in violation of Title VII. A. personal appearance B. color C. ​divergent-impact D. race E. national origin


Independent contractors usually​ ________. A. use the​ principal's tools B. work for a number of clients C. use the​ principal's administrative staff D. go to the​ principal's offices E. are controlled by the principal


It is NOT illegal for employees to strike​ ________. A. while occupying the​ employer's premises B. after the majority of the employees vote to strike C. during only part of the day D. during the​ 60-day cooling off period E. during a​ no-strike period


Negotiation is the transfer of a negotiable instrument by a person other than the​ _____. A. holder in due course B. issuer C. holder D. payee E. indorsee


Principal and third party are not bound to the contract unless the principal ratifies the contract in which type of​ agency? A. apparent agency B. agency by ratification C. exclusive agency D. implied agency E. express agency


Suppose Elliot draws a check on his checking account at City Bank​ "payable to the order of Phyllis​ Jones." When Phyllis presents the check for​ payment, City Bank refuses to pay it. Phyllis can collect the amount of the check from Elliot because​ Elliot, the​ _____, is​ _____ liable on the check when it is dishonored. A. ​drawee; secondarily B. ​drawer; secondarily C. ​payee; primarily D. ​maker; secondarily E. ​maker; primarily


Suppose a professor is covered by her​ university's workers' compensation insurance. While teaching her​ class, the professor is injured when she trips over a power cord that was lying on the floor in the classroom. In this​ case, _____. A. the​ professor's sole remedy is to bring a claim against the university before the Occupational Safety and Health Administration​ (OSHA) B. the​ professor's sole remedy is to recover​ workers' compensation C. the​ professor's sole remedy is to sue the university in civil court for strict liability D. the professor can both recover​ workers' compensation and sue the university in civil court for negligence E. the​ professor's sole remedy is to sue the university in civil court for negligence


Suppose that Harold Green draws a check​ "pay to the order of Victoria​ Rudd" and delivers the check to Victoria. Victoria indorses the check in blank by writing her signature​ "Victoria Rudd" on the back of the check.​ Victoria's signature is a​ _____ indorsement. A. primary B. blank C. special D. restrictive E. qualified


Suppose that an employer has a rule that all applicants for an executive position must be at least 5 feet 8 inches tall. Which of the following is a correct statement regarding the legality of this​ requirement? A. It is​ disparate-treatment sex​ discrimination, in violation of Title VII of the Civil Rights of 1964. B. It is​ disparate-impact sex​ discrimination, in violation of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. C. It is a bona fide occupational qualification​ (BFOQ), and therefore legal. D. It is​ disparate-impact personal appearance​ discrimination, in violation of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. E. It is​ disparate-treatment sex​ discrimination, in violation of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.


The Restatement​ (Second) of Agency defines agency as​ a(n) _____ relationship​ "which results from the manifestation of consent by one person to another that the other shall act in his behalf and subject to his​ control, and consent by the other so to​ act." A. intended beneficiary B. fiduciary C. independent contractor D. ​third-party beneficiary E. employment


The general duty standard under the Occupational Safety and Health Act​ (OSHA) ________. A. contains rules applicable to safe equipment B. is to provide a work environment free of recognized hazards even if there is no specific regulation in place addressing the situation C. contains rules applicable to dangerous industries D. contains rules applicable to safety procedures E. is to provide a work environment free of all hazards


The large body of common law that governs situations where one person allows another to act of their behalf is known as​ ________ law. A. employee B. agency C. contract D. tort E. principal


Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was enacted primarily to prohibit employment discrimination based on a​ person's __________. A. national origin and gender B. race and color C. sexual orientation and personal appearance D. gender and sexual orientation E. race and gender


Under a union shop agreement​ ________. A. no unions may be formed at the​ employer's premises B. an employer may hire anyone as long as he or she joins the union C. an employer may form a union and require its employees to join it D. an employer may only hire someone who is a member of a union E. an employer may hire anyone whether or not he or she joins the union


What type of indorsement is created if Anastasia Houser indorses her check by writing​ "pay to Ekaterina​ Sokova" above her​ signature? A. nonrestrictive B. special C. qualified D. blank E. restrictive


When an agent runs personal errands while on the​ job, this is known as​ __________, which would release the principal from liability. A. negligence B. frolic and detour C. the​ "coming and​ going" rule D. misrepresentation E. an intentional tort


When an employer refuses to hire a cook in a restaurant because she belongs to the National Organization for​ Women, this is​ ________. A. national origin discrimination B. gender discrimination C. color discrimination D. religious discrimination E. race discrimination


When an employer treats married women differently than other​ employees, this is ​ ________. A. not discrimination because only males can file these actions B. ​sex-plus discrimination C. hostile work environment D. quid pro quo discrimination E. religious discrimination


Which of the following are excluded from Title VII​ coverage? A. employers with 15 or more employees B. ​tax-exempt private clubs C. state and local governments D. employment agencies E. labor unions with 15 or more members


Which of the following is NOT a recognized right of​ employees? A. to join together to form a union B. to disparage the employer​ and/or the​ employer's product(s) C. to​ self-organize D. to bargain collectively through representatives of their own choosing E. to engage in concerted activities for the purpose of collective bargaining


Which of the following is NOT a universal​ defense? A. mental incapacity B. undue influence C. forgery D. illegality E. minority


Which of the following is NOT an unfair employment​ practice? A. threatening to close the plant if the employees form a union B. passing a dress code allowing only one​ pro-union button on an​ employee's outfit C. threatening a loss of employment benefits if employees form a union D. interfering with an​ employee's ability to form a union E. physically threatening an employee who desires to form a union


Which of the following is a correct statement regarding the check collection​ process? A. Banks in the collection process that are not the depository or payer bank are called transitory banks. B. The depository bank must present a check to the payer bank for collection. C. The Federal Reserve System may not be used in the collection of a check. D. A bank cannot have more than one role during the check collection process. E. Depository banks are called intermediary banks.


Which of the following is an INCORRECT statement regarding gender​ discrimination? A. A manager who refuses to promote a female unless she engages in sexual activities with him violates Title VII. B. An employer who discriminates against married women or women with​ children, but who does not discriminate against females in​ general, does not violate Title VII. C. Title​ VII's prohibition against sex discrimination applies equally to men and women. D. An employer who refuses to promote a qualified female to a management position because of her gender violates Title VII. E. An employer violates Title VII if it discriminates against female job applicants or employees who belong to the National Organization for Women​ (NOW).


Which of the following is an INCORRECT statement regarding the Electronic Fund Transfer​ Act? A. The Federal Reserve Board adopted Regulation E to further interpret the Act. B. The United States Congress enacted the Act to regulate​ non-consumer electronic funds transfers. C. Pursuant to the Electronic Funds Transfer Act and Regulation​ E, other than for a telephone​ transaction, a bank must provide a customer with a written receipt of a transaction made through a computer terminal or electronic device. D. Pursuant to the Electronic Funds Transfer Act and Regulation​ E, a bank must provide a monthly statement to an electronic funds transfer customer at the end of the month in which the customer conducts a transaction. E. Pursuant to the Electronic Funds Transfer Act and Regulation​ E, a bank can send unsolicited EFTS debit cards to a consumer only if the cards are not valid for use.


Which of the following is an INCORRECT statement regarding the​ H-1B foreign guest worker​ visa? A. The duration of stay for a worker on an​ H-1B visa is three years. B. The number of​ H-1B visas are unlimited. C. ​H-1B visa holders are allowed to bring their immediate family members to the United States under the H4 visa category as dependents. D. An H4 visa holder is not eligible to work in the United States. E. Workers from India make up more than 25 percent of all workers employed under​ H-1B visas.


Which of the following is the most common form of​ agency? A. implied B. express C. equitable D. symbolic E. ​quasi-


Which of the following makes it an unfair labor practice for an employer to interfere with an employee who wishes to form or join a​ union? A. Labor Management Reporting and Disclosure Act B. National Labor Relations Act section​ 8(a) C. Labor Management Relations Act D. National Labor Relations Act section​ 8(b) E. National Labor Relations Act section 7


Which of the following statements about certified checks is​ true? A. The drawer can stop payment on a certified check. B. A check becomes certified when a bank writes or stamps the word certified on an ordinary check. C. The bank pays for a certified check with bank funds. D. A bank is obligated to certify a check. E. A certified check can become stale.


Which of the following statements about the Federal Labor Standards Act is​ true? A. The Department of Labor requires that students and apprentices be paid minimum wage. B. ​Managerial, administrative, and professional employees are exempt from minimum wages laws. C. An employer may not reduce wages by the reasonable cost of food and lodging provided by the employer. D. Employers may pay wait staff​ $2.13 an hour regardless of tips. E. Minimum wage applies to all employees in the United States.


Which of the following​ is/are the​ function(s) of a negotiable​ instrument? A. ​record-keeping device only B. substitute for​ money, credit​ device, and​ record-keeping device C. substitute for money only D. creator of conditions for the payment of money E. credit device only


Who is liable if an independent contractor enters into a contract without authority from the​ principal? A. the principal only B. the independent contractor only C. both the principal and the independent contractor D. neither the principal nor the independent contractor E. the government only


Workers who choose to return to work before a strike is over are known as​ ________. A. ​sit-down strikers B. crossover workers C. partial strikers D. wildcats E. replacement workers


Workers who do not have permission from the union to strike are known as​ ________. A. crossover workers B. wildcats C. replacement workers D. ​sit-down strikers E. partial strikers


____________________ is designed to eliminate many past abuses in the banking system. A. The Federal Reserve System B. The​ Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act C. Regulation E D. The Bank Secrecy Act E. The Electronic Funds Transfer Act


​_____ wire transfers are also known as wholesale wire transfers. A. Negotiable B. Commercial C. ​Non-negotiable D. Retail E. Marketing intermediary


A bearer paper is negotiated by​ ________. A. special indorsement only B. indorsement only C. delivery only D. both delivery and indorsement E. qualified indorsement only


A firm must pay time and one half overtime pay to​ ________. A. a nonexempt employee beginning the second week he or she works more than 40 hours in a week B. any employee who works more than 40 hours in one week C. each week a nonexempt employee works more than 40 hours in a week D. a nonexempt employee who works more than 40 but less than 50 hours a week E. any exempt employees who work more than 40 hours per week


A holder in due course is a holder who takes a negotiable instrument for​ value, in good​ faith, and without notice that it is​ _________. A. negotiable or​ non-negotiable B. express or implied C. defective or overdue D. primary or secondary E. a check or a promissory note


A negotiable instrument must state a fixed amount of money. Which of the following would meet this​ requirement? A. gold B. silver C. U.S. dollar D. legal services E. ​$20 and a hair cut


A principal is liable for an​ agent's ________. A. when an agent is on a frolic and detour B. under no circumstances C. intentional and innocent misrepresentations made within the scope of his or her authority D. under the​ "coming and​ going" rule E. when an agent commits an intentional tort outside the scope of his or her authority


A real estate agent who is employed to purchase real estate for a principal cannot secretly sell his or her own property to the principal. This is because agents are generally prohibited from undisclosed​ _____ with the principal. A. identification B. contracting C. ​self-dealing D. ratification E. ​self-actualization


An agency contract can be terminated in all of the following ways​ EXCEPT? A. by an act of the parties B. by operation of law C. by the third party involved in the transaction D. by changed circumstances E. by impossibility of performance


An instrument that states​ "payable to​ IBM" is​ _____. A. a promissory note B. payable to order C. ​non-negotiable D. payable to acceptor E. payable to bearer


Article​ _____ of the​ _____ establishes rules for the creation​ of, transfer​ of, enforcement​ of, and liability on negotiable instruments. A. ​2; Interstate Commerce Code B. ​3; Uniform Contracts Code C. ​3; Uniform Commercial Code D. ​2(A); Uniform Contracts Code E. ​2; Interstate Commerce Code


A​ _____ indorsement would be created if Betsy McKenny indorsed her check and then wrote​ "pay to Dan​ Jones" above her signature. A. qualified B. restrictive C. special D. primary E. blank


A​ principal, Nigel​ Jones, and an​ agent, Marcia​ McKee, agree that the agent will represent the principal to purchase a business and that the agent will disclose the existence of the agency and identity of the principal to third parties. The agent finds a suitable business and contracts to purchase the business on behalf of the​ principal, but the agent mistakenly signs the contract​ "Marcia McKee,​ agent." This is​ a(n) _____ agency that occurs because of​ _____. A. partially​ disclosed; fraud B. fully​ disclosed; fraud C. partially​ disclosed; mistake D. fully​ disclosed; mistake E. ​undisclosed; mistake


Bearer paper​ _________________. A. is a promise to pay a specific entity B. is made to order C. results when the drawer or maker does not indicate a specific payee D. is a conditional promise to pay a specific person E. is made to a specific person


Hiring a young person to play a child in a movie would​ ________. A. violate the Age Discrimination in Employment Act B. violate the Americans with Disabilities Act C. be a bona fide occupational requirement D. violate the National Labor Relations Act E. violate the Older Workers Benefits Protection Act


If a holder takes an instrument from a shady looking character in a dark​ alley, it could be inferred that the holder did not take the instrument​ ________. A. from a drawer B. for value C. in good faith D. from a payee E. without notice that it was overdue


If an agent acts for two or more different principals in the same​ transaction, this is known as​ ________. A. ​self-dealing B. competing with the principal C. dual agency D. misuse of confidential information E. usurping an opportunity


Makers of promissory notes and certificates of deposit​ have____________ liability for the instruments. A. no B. secondary C. primary D. guarantee of collection E. accommodation


One can employ an outsiderlong dash—that ​is, persons and businesses that are not employeeslong dash—to perform certain tasks on their behalf. This outsider is​ a(n) ________. A. employer B. principal C. independent contractor D. agent E. third party


One of the differences between a​ cashier's check and a certified check is that​ ______________. A. a certified check can become stale B. only a customer can obtain a​ cashier's check from a bank C. only a customer can obtain a certified check from the bank D. the drawer can stop payment on a certified check E. when a bank pays on a​ cashier's check the bank debits the​ customer's account


Recognizing a closed shop is​ a(n) _____ subject of collective bargaining. A. preliminary B. compulsory C. illegal D. permissive E. conditional


Recognizing closed shops is​ ________. A. a closed shop rule B. a union shop rule C. an illegal collective bargaining topic D. a permissive collective bargaining topic E. a compulsory collective bargaining topic


Sally hires James to work as an employee at her firm. James does not have the ability to enter into contracts on behalf of Sally. This is called​ a(n) ________. A. ​principal-independent contractor relationship B. general power of attorney C. ​employer-employee relationship D. implied agency E. ​principal-agent relationship


Sally hires James to work as an employee at her firm. James has the ability to enter into contracts on behalf on Sally. This is called​ a(n) ________. A. ​principal-independent contractor relationship B. general power of attorney C. ​principal-agent relationship D. implied agency E. ​employer-employee relationship


Suppose Qixia hires​ Harold, a lawyer and an independent​ contractor, to represent her in a court case. While driving to the courthouse to represent Qixia at​ trial, Harold negligently causes an automobile accident in which Mildred is severely injured. Which of the following is an accurate statement regarding the liability of Qixia​ and/or Harold for​ Mildred's injuries? A. Both Qixia and Harold are liable for​ Mildred's injuries. B. Neither Qixia nor Harold is liable for​ Mildred's injuries, since the accident arose out of the course and scope of employment. C. Harold is liable for​ Mildred's injuries, but Qixia is not liable. D. Qixia is liable for​ Mildred's injuries since Harold was her independent​ contractor, but Harold is not liable. E. Qixia is liable for​ Mildred's injuries since Harold was her​ employee, but Harold is not liable.


Suppose a worker in a factory reports for work and is walking toward his work station when he trips over some boxes stored on the floor. This would be a violation of​ _____. A. OSHA specific duty standards B. OSHA conditional duty standards C. the OSHA general duty requirement to provide safe working conditions D. the federal​ Workers' Compensation Act mandate for employers to provide an​ injury-free workplace E. the​ FLSA's requirement to provide a safe work environment​ (in recognition of the fact that the FLSA mandates a safe work environment as a fair labor​ standard)


Suppose that a thief steals a negotiable instrument and transfers it to Harry. Harry does not know that the instrument is stolen. Harry meets the​ _____ test and can therefore qualify as a holder in due course​ (HDC). A. materiality B. reasonable person C. good faith D. objectivity E. due diligence


TaylorMade Golf Company wants to purchase supplies with a large dollar value from Washington Iron​ & Aluminum. TaylorMade instructs its bank to wire the funds to Washington Iron​ & Aluminum's​ bank, with instructions to credit Washington Iron​ & Aluminum's account. Who originated the wire​ transfer? A. TaylorMade​ Golf's bank B. Washington Iron​ & Aluminum's bank C. TaylorMade Golf D. no one E. Washington Iron​ & Aluminum


The FTC HDC rule eliminates holder in due course status with regard to negotiable instruments in​ ____________ transactions. A. commercial B. banking C. consumer D. bankruptcy E. real estate


The Family and Medical Leave Act provides which of the​ following? A. 6 weeks of unpaid leave during a​ 6-month period for the placement of a child with an employee for adoption B. 6 weeks of unpaid leave during a​ 12-month period to care for a spouse with a serious health problem C. 12 weeks of unpaid leave during a​ 12-month period for the birth of a child D. 12 weeks of unpaid leave during a​ 6-month period for a serious health condition that makes an employee unable to perform his or her duties E. an unlimited amount of time to take care of a family member


The Federal Trade Commission​ (FTC), a federal administrative agency in charge of consumer​ protection, adopted the FTC HDC rule pursuant to its federal​ _____ powers. A. ​quasi-judicial B. executive C. statutory D. ​"fourth branch" E. judicial


The drawee of a check is the party​ ________. A. who receives the money from a check B. in possession of the instrument C. who must pay the money stated in a check D. who writes the check E. who promises to pay the note


The​ Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act is​ ________. A. a federal statute that requires financial institutions and other entities to file a Currency Transaction Report​ (CTR) with the Internal Revenue Service​ (IRS) B. a state statute that reformed many aspects of the banking system C. a federal statute that reformed many aspects of the banking system D. a federal statute that protects consumers from securities brokers E. a federal statute that allows trading on Wall Street


The​ ________ type of visa allows employers to hire employees with extraordinary abilities. A. FICA B. H4 C. ​EB-1 D. ​I-9 E. ​H1-B


Title I of the Americans with Disabilities Act​ ________. A. requires an employer to ask if an applicant has a disability B. requires an employer to ask about the extent of an​ applicant's disability C. limits an​ employer's ability to test for an​ employee's disabilities D. allows an employer to ask about the nature of an​ applicant's disability E. allows an employer to conduct a preemployment medical exam on an applicant.


Under apparent​ agency, if Luke tells his agent Isaac that he no longer has authority to enter into contracts on his​ behalf, but fails to notify a third party who then enters into a contract with​ Isaac, Luke will​ ________. A. choose whether or not to accept the contract B. avoid the contract C. be bound to the contract D. be able to accept part of the contract E. not be bound to the contract


Wayne, who is 50 years​ old, applies for an open position as manager at Big Box Retail​ Stores, Inc. Wayne meets the job requirements of having a college degree and prior experience as a store manager and is otherwise qualified for the job. The employer refuses to hire Wayne because of his age and hires someone who is 30 years old for the job. Which of the following is a correct statement regarding Bix Box Retail​ Stores' refusal to hire​ Wayne? A. This is age discrimination in violation of the ADA. B. This is not age​ discrimination, since the employer hired someone for the position who was at or above the age of 30. C. This is age discrimination in violation of the ADEA. D. This is age discrimination in violation of the FLSA. E. This is not age​ discrimination, since age requirements constitute bona fide occupational qualifications​ (BFOQs).


What is the term for a certificate of deposit that is over​ $100,000? A. big CD B. large CD C. jumbo CD D. huge CD E. giant CD


When an eligible employee who takes leave returns to​ work, he or she​ ________. A. is entitled to the accrual of seniority during the leave period. B. must be provided with a promotion upon return from leave C. must be restored to either the same or an equivalent position with equivalent employment benefits and pay D. must be restored to the same or equivalent position if he or she is among the​ highest-paid 10 percent of that​ employer's employees E. must be restored to either the same or an equivalent position but does not need to be awarded equivalent employment benefits and pay


When sexual comments are frequent and unreasonably interfere with an​ employee's work​ performance, it is​ ________. A. ​sex-plus discrimination B. not discrimination C. a hostile work environment D. quid pro quo discrimination E. religious discrimination


Which of the following is a recognized right of​ employees? A. to require​ co-workers to join the union B. to deny replacement workers access to employer property C. to form or assist labor organizations D. to stop members of management from speaking to the press about a strike E. to occupy employer property and prevent access to crossover employees


Which of the following is an INCORRECT statement regarding crossover and replacement​ workers? A. Individual members of a union may choose to return to work after joining the strikers for a time. B. Employees who choose either not to strike or to return to work after joining the strikers for a time are known as crossover workers. C. Individual members of a union must honor a strike. D. Once a strike​ begins, the employer may continue operations by using management personnel and hiring replacement workers to take the place of the striking employees. E. Individual members of a union may choose not to strike.


Which of the following is an INCORRECT statement regarding the check collection​ process? A. The collection process is governed by Article 4 of the Uniform Commercial Code​ (UCC). B. When a payee or holder receives a​ check, he or she can go to the​ drawer's bank and present the check for payment in cash. C. A bank does not have a duty to accept deposits into a​ customer's account. D. The collection process may involve several banks. E. When a payee or holder receives a​ check, he or she can deposit the check into a bank account at his or her own bank.


Who is liable for the torts of an independent​ contractor? A. both the principal and the independent contractor B. the principal​ only, if the tort involves minors C. the independent contractor only D. neither the principal nor the independent contractor E. the principal only


Who is liable if an independent contract enters into a contract with authority from the​ principal? A. the independent contractor only B. neither the principal nor the independent contractor C. the principal only D. both the principal and the independent contractor E. the government only


Why was the FTC HDC rule​ enacted? A. to prevent fraud by banks B. to provide universal defenses C. to correct the harsh result of the holder in due course rule in connection with consumer purchasers of goods D. to require disclosures by banks E. to prevent fraud by consumers


________, the most common form of​ agency, gives the agent the authority to contract or otherwise act on the​ principal's behalf, as stated in the agency agreement. A. Implied agency B. Exclusive agency C. Express agency D. Apparent agency E. Agency by ratification


​A(n) _______ occurs when a transferor transfers the rights under a contract to the transferee. A. indorsement B. negotiation C. assignment D. allonge E. unqualified indorsement


​______________ is a requirement of negotiable instruments that says they must be able to be easily transported between areas. A. Permanency requirement B. Order to pay C. Portability requirement D. Signature requirement E. Unconditional promise to pay


A bearer instrument is payable to anyone who​ ________. A. is the drawer B. has a​ driver's license C. is the maker D. is in physical possession of the instrument E. is identified on the face of the instrument


A holder who does not qualify as a holder in due course in his or her own right becomes a holder in due course if he or she acquires the instrument through a holder in due course. This is called​ _______________. A. an indorsement B. a virgule C. good faith D. the shelter principle E. an allonge


A power of attorney where a principal confers broad powers on the agent to act in any matters on the​ principal's behalf is known as​ a(n) ________. A. durable power of attorney B. limited power of attorney C. apparent agency D. general power of attorney E. special power of attorney


A strike may be called​ ________. A. when an employer will not give its employees a raise. B. when employees want more vacation time C. immediately after voting to strike D. after​ 60-day notice is given to the employer E. after​ 30-days' notice is given to the employer


Actions or events that relieve certain parties from liability on negotiable instruments are known as​ _____________. A. signature liability B. the fraud in the inducement rule C. transfer and presentment warranties D. discharge E. the FTC HDC rule


After the country suffered a major financial and economic depression in the​ mid-2000s, the United States Congress decided that the bank system needed to be reformed. To accomplish​ this, Congress passed the​ _____ Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act. A. ​Dodd-Frank Main B. ​Smoot-Hawley Wall C. ​Landrum-Griffin Main D. ​Dodd-Frank Wall E. ​Landrum-Griffin Wall


Agents owe a duty​ _______________ to the principal. A. to compensate B. to cooperate C. to indemnify D. of loyalty E. to reimburse


An agency that occurs when a person misrepresents himdash- or herself as​ another's agent when they are not and the purported principal ratifies the unauthorized act is known as​ ________. A. exclusive agency B. apparent agency C. express agency D. agency by ratification E. implied agency


An indorsement may also be written on a separate piece of paper called​ a(n) _______. A. indorsement B. virgule C. assignment D. allonge E. negotiation


Andrew borrows​ $10,000 from Wei and signs a promissory note agreeing to pay Wei the principal and 10 percent annual interest over three years in equal monthly installments.​ Here, Andrew is the​ _____ of the​ note, and Wei is the​ _____. A. ​originator; drawee B. ​acceptor; drawee C. ​drawer; payee D. ​maker; payee E. ​drawee; payee


Authority that is created when the principal leads a third party to believe that the agency has authority is called​ ________. A. implied agency B. exclusive agency C. agency by ratification D. apparent agency E. express agency


A​ _____ check is a type of check for which a bank agrees in advance to accept the check when it is presented for payment. A. draft B. ​non-negotiable C. qualified D. certified E. promissory


A​ ________ is a negotiable instrument known as a sight draft that arises when credit is extended with the sale of goods. A. nonnegotiable contract B. promissory note. C. check D. trade acceptance E. certificate of deposit.


For an injury to be compensated under​ workers' compensation, the​ ________. A. employer must have intentionally harmed the employee B. employee must have paid for​ workers' compensation insurance C. employer must​ self-insure D. employee must have incurred an employment related injury E. grocery stores.


If Anastasia indorsed her check by writing​ "for deposit​ only" above her​ signature, what type of indorsement would be​ created? A. blank B. nonrestrictive C. special D. restrictive E. qualified


If a client authorizes an attorney to settle a case within a certain dollar amount and the attorney does​ so, the settlement agreement is​ _____. A. ​non-binding unless the client ratifies it B. ​binding, but only if the client is present when the attorney negotiates it C. ​non-binding unless the client rescinds it D. binding E. ​non-binding unless it is either notarized by an official notary public or witnessed by two impartial witnesses​ (whose signatures appear on the​ agreement)


If a company has a policy of hiring employees over the age of​ 50, this would​ ________. A. violate the Americans with Disabilities Act B. violate the National Labor Relations Act C. violate the Age Discrimination in Employment Act D. not violate the Age Discrimination in Employment Act E. violate the Older Workers Benefits Protection Act


If a nonexempt employee works 50 hours one week and 30 hours the next​ week, the employer​ _____. A. owes the employee 15 hours of overtime pay​ (which represents​ one-and-a-half times their actual number of overtime hours​ worked) for the first week B. owes the employee 10 hours of unpaid leave time C. owes the employee 10 hours of overtime pay of two times their regular pay for the first week D. owes the employee 10 hours of overtime pay of​ one-and-a-half times their regular pay for the first week E. does not owe the employee any overtime​ pay, since the average number of hours worked during the two weeks was 40​ (representing a basic​ workweek)


If an employee harasses a​ coworker________. A. the employer is never liable B. the employer is strictly liable C. the employees must go to mediation D. the employer is liable if it was negligent in controlling the situation E. only the harasser is liable


If an employee is injured and the employer carries​ workers' compensation insurance​ ________. A. the employee can also sue the employer in court for negligence B. the employee can sue the federal government C. the employee can sue the appropriate state agency D. ​workers' compensation is the​ employee's exclusive remedy E. the employee can collect both​ workers' compensation and sue the employer


If the holder takes the instrument with noticeable evidence of​ forgery, the holder would not qualify as​ a(n) ________. A. indorsee B. unqualified indorser C. qualified indorser D. holder in due course E. indorser


In an undisclosed​ agency, who has liability to the third​ party? A. neither the principal nor the agent B. the principal only C. the agent only D. both the principal and the agent E. the government only


In determining the degree of control that the principal has over the​ party, the courts will look at all of the following​ EXCEPT? A. the length of time the agent has been​ employed, and the amount of time that he or she works for the principal B. who supplies the​ tools, equipment, and administrative and support staff used C. who controls the manner and means of accomplishing the tasks D. whether or not the agent has a college degree E. whether the worker is engaged in a distinct occupation or an independently established business


Lars draws a check made​ "pay to the order of Yasmin​ Aslan." Yasmin signs the back of the check and cashes the check at the grocery store. Has the check been​ negotiated? A. ​no, it was not indorsed B. ​no, Yasmin must take the check to the bank C. ​no, it has not been delivered D. ​yes, Yasmin indorsed and delivered it E. ​no, Yasmin must indorse it to a third party


Lars draws a check made​ "pay to the order of Yasmin​ Aslan." Yasmin signs the back of the check and leaves it on the counter at the grocery store. Ross picks it up and cashes it. Can Yasmin obtain a new check from​ Lars? A. ​yes, Yasmin can obtain a new check from Lars B. ​no, but Yasmin can sue the grocery store for not protecting the check C. ​no, but Yasmin can sue the bank for cashing it D. ​no, Yasmin converted the order paper to bearer paper and has no recourse E. ​no, Yasmin converted bearer paper to order paper and has no recourse


Leslie borrows​ $50,000 from George and signs a promissory note to pay this amount plus​ 5% interest over 5 years in​ semi-annual installments. Leslie is the​ ______________ and George is the​ _________________. A. payee of a​ note; maker of a note B. maker of a​ note; drawee of a note C. drawee of a​ note; payer of a note D. maker of a​ note; payee of a note E. drawer of a​ note; drawee of a note


Location of plants is​ ________. A. a compulsory collective bargaining topic B. an illegal collective bargaining topic C. a union shop rule D. a permissive collective bargaining topic E. a closed shop rule


Makers of promissory notes and certificates of deposit have​ _____ liability for the instruments. A. holder B. tertiary C. holder in due course D. primary E. secondary


Millicent has​ $50,000 that she would like to invest and earn income on. Millicent goes into City Bank and deposits her money with the bank in exchange for a certificate of deposit​ (CD) that bears an annual interest rate of 7 percent.​ Here, City Bank is the​ _____ of the​ CD, and Millicent is the​ _____. A. ​originator; acceptor B. ​originator; drawee C. ​drawee; payee D. ​maker; payee E. ​drawer; payee


OSHA has all of the following powers​ EXCEPT? A. to establish specific safety standards B. to bring civil actions against companies for violating safety standards C. to impose criminal penalties against companies for violating safety standards D. to hire contractors to correct deficiencies E. to inspect businesses for safety violations


Suppose a homeowner employs a real estate broker to sell his house. A water pipe breaks and begins to leak water into the house. If the homeowner cannot be​ contacted, the real estate broker has​ _____ authority to hire a plumber to repair the pipe to stop the water leak. A. express B. equitable C. symbolic D. implied E. ​quasi-


Suppose that Sam Bennett receives a weekly payroll check from his​ employer, Ace​ Corporation, made​ "payable to the order of Sam​ Bennett." Sam takes the check to a local​ store, signs his name on the back of the​ check, gives the check to the​ cashier, and receives cash for the check. Which of the following is correct in terms of negotiation of the​ check? A. ​Delivery, but not​ indorsement, has​ occurred; therefore, the check has not been properly negotiated. B. The check is​ non-negotiable. C. ​Indorsement, but not​ delivery, has​ occurred; therefore, the check has not been properly negotiated. D. The check has been properly negotiated. E. Ace Corporation is a holder in due course.


TaylorMade Golf Company wants to purchase supplies with a large dollar value from Washington Iron​ & Aluminum. TaylorMade instructs its bank to wire the funds to Washington Iron​ Aluminum's bank, with instructions to credit Washington Iron​ & Aluminum's account. What type of transaction is described in this​ transaction? A. debit card purchase B. bank check C. ATM D. commercial electronic funds transfer E. direct deposit


The Fair Labor Standards Act applies to​ ________. A. private employers and employees engaged in services B. state government employers and employees C. federal government employers and employees D. private employers and employees engaged in the production of goods for interstate commerce E. local government employers and employees


The Family and Medical Leave Act applies to companies with more than​ ________. A. 100 subsidiary companies B. 25 employees C. 15 employees D. 50 employees E. 75 subsidiary companies


The Immigration Reform and Control Act​ ________. A. imposes criminal penalties on employees who fail to comply B. does not apply to employers with more than 50 employees C. requires employers to make a photocopy of each​ employee's driver's license D. requires employers to obtain an​ I-9 from each employee E. requires that all employees be citizens of the United States


The drawer of a check is the party​ ________. A. who receives the money from a check B. who must pay the money stated in a check C. in possession of the instrument D. who writes the check E. who promises to pay the note


The term respondeat superior literally means​ "_____," and is based on the legal theory of vicarious​ liability, which is liability​ _____. A. answer to the higher​ authority; based on recklessness B. answer to the higher​ authority; based on intent C. let the master​ answer; based on gross negligence D. let the master​ answer; without fault E. let the master​ answer; based on ordinary negligence


Title VII of the Civil Rights Act applies to all of the following EXCEPT A. a labor union with 100 members B. employment agencies C. New York City D. foreign nationals employed in foreign countries by U.S. companies E. a company with 30 employees


To be covered by the Family and Medical Leave​ Act, the employee must​ ________. A. be an employee of a state government B. be an employee of a local government C. be an employee of the federal government D. have worked​ 1,250 hours in the previous​ 12-month period and been employed with that employer for at least one year E. have worked​ 1,000 hours in the previous​ 12-month period


Transferors of negotiable instruments can be held liable for​ ________. A. presentiment warranties only B. both transfer and presentment warranties C. signature warranties only D. transfer warranties only E. cancellation only


What is NOT a requirement for an instrument to be​ negotiable? A. The instrument must be signed by the maker or the drawer. B. The instrument must be payable on demand or at a definite time. C. The instrument must be an unconditional promise or order to pay. D. The instrument must require an undertaking in addition to the payment of money. E. The instrument must be in writing.


What is an order to​ pay? A. a​ drawer's promise to pay a payee B. a​ maker's promise to pay at payee C. ​drawee's unconditional order to pay a drawer D. a​ drawer's unconditional order to a drawee to pay a payee E. a​ payee's order to pay a maker


When a man is offered a promotion in exchange for sexual favors one​ time, this​ is________. A. a hostile work environment B. not discrimination because only females can file these actions C. ​sex-plus discrimination D. quid pro quo discrimination E. religious discrimination


When an employer refuses to hire a cook in a restaurant because she is married to a​ dark-skinned person, this is​ ________. A. gender discrimination B. religious discrimination C. race discrimination D. color discrimination E. national origin discrimination


When an employer refuses to hire a cook in a restaurant that does not open until 12 noon because of the​ cook's need to take off Sunday mornings due to church​ attendance, this is​ ________. A. gender discrimination B. national origin discrimination C. race discrimination D. religious discrimination E. color discrimination


Which defenses may be asserted against a holder in due​ course? A. undue influence B. mental illness which makes a contract voidable C. breach of contract D. illegality E. fraud in the inducement


Which federal statute gives employers a free speech right to speak out against​ unions? A. Railway Labor Act B. Labor Management Reporting and Disclosure Act C. National Labor Relations Act D. Labor Management Relations Act E. ​Norris-LaGuardia Act


Which federal statute regulates internal union affairs and established the rights of union​ members? A. Railway Labor Act B. Labor Management Relations Act C. ​Norris-LaGuardia Act D. Labor Management Reporting and Disclosure Act E. National Labor Relations Act


Which of the following is NOT a critical factor in determining independent contractor​ status? A. the length of time the agent has been employed by the principal B. whether the principal supplies the tools and equipment used in the work C. whether the worker is engaged in a distinct occupation or an independently established business D. whether the worker is employed in an​ "employment-at-will" jurisdiction E. the amount of time that the agent works for the principal


Which of the following is NOT a critical factor in determining independent contractor​ status? A. whether the employer has the right to control the manner and means of accomplishing the desired result B. the degree of skill necessary to complete the task C. whether the worker hires employees to assist him or her D. whether the​ employer's form of business ownership is sole​ proprietorship, partnership, traditional corporation​ (C-corp), Subchapter S corporation​ (S-corp), or limited liability company​ (LLC) E. the method of​ payment, whether by time or by the job


Which of the following is NOT a requirement for creating a negotiable​ instrument? A. to be signed by the maker of drawer B. to be an unconditional promise or order to pay C. to be payable to order or to bearer D. to state a variable amount of money E. to be payable on demand or at a definite time


Which of the following is NOT an important question to answer in determining whether an​ agent's conduct occurred within the scope of his or her​ employment? A. Was the agent advancing the​ principal's purpose when the act​ occurred? B. Did the act occur substantially within the time period of employment authorized by the​ principal? C. Did the act occur substantially within the location of the employment authorized by the​ employer? D. Did the agent possess the required professional​ licensure(s)? E. Was the act specifically requested or authorized by the​ principal?


Which of the following is NOT one of the methods to discharge a negotiable​ instrument? A. writing cancelled on the face of the instrument B. payment of the instrument in full C. destruction or mutilation of the instrument with the intention of eliminating the obligation D. destruction of the instrument by accident E. payment of an unaccepted check in full to the holder by a drawee in good faith


Which of the following is NOT subject to Article 3 of the​ UCC? A. trade acceptance B. check C. certificate of deposit D. nonnegotiable contract E. promissory note


Which of the following is a correct statement regarding the​ ADA? A. A common cold is a presumptive disability under the ADA. B. The ADA does not protect people from employment discrimination based on their relationship with a person with a disability. C. Pregnancy is considered a disability under the ADA. D. Impairments resulting from pregnancy are disabilities under the ADA. E. A current user of illegal drugs is covered by the ADA.


Which of the following is a violation of Age Discrimination in Employment​ Act? A. a​ 50year-old is hired in place of a​ 39-year-old B. an​ 18-year-old with no experience is hired in place of a​ 39-year-old with ample experience C. a​ 14-year-old is hired to play a​ 14-year-old character on a TV show D. a​ 25-year-old is hired in place of an equally qualified​ 40-year-old because the​ 40-year-oldwas too old E. a​ 25-year-old is hired in place of a​ 35-year-old


Which of the following is an INCORRECT statement regarding discharge from liability on negotiable​ instruments? A. Cancellation can be accomplished by any manner apparent on the face of the instrument or the indorsement. B. Cancellation can be accomplished by destruction or mutilation of a negotiable instrument with the intent of eliminating the obligation. C. An instrument is not canceled if it is destroyed or mutilated by accident or by an unauthorized third party. D. The holder of a negotiable instrument cannot discharge the liability of any party to the instrument by cancellation. E. Intentionally striking out the signature of an indorser cancels that​ party's liability on the instrument and the liability of all subsequent indorsers.


Which of the following is an accurate statement regarding the liability of a principal for an independent​ contractor's torts? A. ​Generally, a principal is liable for the torts of its independent contractors due to negligence theory. B. ​Generally, a principal is liable for the torts of its independent contractors due to the inherent risks associated with running a business. C. ​Generally, a principal is strictly liable for the torts of its independent contractors. D. ​Generally, a principal is not liable for the torts of its independent contractors. E. ​Generally, a principal is liable for the torts of its independent contractors due to intentional tort theory.


Which of the following is considered a disability under the Americans with Disabilities​ Act? A. an alcoholic who is a current user of alcohol B. a current user of illegal drugs C. pregnancy D. autism E. seasonal allergies


Which of the following is not a universal​ (real) defense? A. mental incapacity B. forgery C. minority D. fraud in the inducement E. discharge in bankruptcy


Which of the following restriction on union solicitation may employers engage​ in? A. requiring the employees to hold the meetings off premises B. requiring employees to consider at least 3 different unions C. requiring employees to register prior to doing any soliciting D. preventing​ non-union employees from entering the premises E. requiring the employees to meet in the evening


Which of the following statements about child labor laws is​ true? A. Children cannot work in agriculture. B. Children cannot work in performance productions. C. Children under the age of 14 cannot sell newspapers. D. Children ages 16 and 17 can work unlimited hours in nonhazardous jobs. E. Children ages 14 and 15 can work unlimited hours in nonhazardous jobs.


Which of the following statements about presentment warranties is​ true? A. The person who presents a draft or check warrants that that there are no defenses against the transferee. B. The person who presents a draft or check warrants that the instrument has been materially altered. C. The person who presents a draft or check warrants that he or she has no knowledge of any insolvency proceeding against the​ maker, acceptor, or drawer. D. The person who presents a draft or check warrants that he has good title. E. The person who presents a draft or check warrants that he has knowledge that the signature of the maker or drawer is unauthorized.


Which of the following statements about transfer warranties is​ true? A. A person transferring a negotiable instrument warrants that that there are defenses against the transferee. B. A person transferring a negotiable instrument warrants that that the instrument has been altered. C. A person transferring a negotiable instrument does not warrant that he or she has no knowledge of any insolvency proceeding against the​ maker, acceptor, or drawer. D. A person transferring a negotiable instrument warrants that all signatures are genuine or authorized. E. No one transferring a negotiable instrument has to warrant that he has good title or is authorized to act as the agent for the person that has good title.


Which of the following statements about​ cashier's checks is NOT​ true? A. The bank guarantees payment of the check. B. The bank serves as the drawer and the customer serves as the drawee. C. The purchaser must have a checking account at the bank. D. They are cancellable negotiable instruments. E. ​Cashier's checks are issued to cash


Which of the following statements regarding secondary liability is​ true? A. Makers of promissory notes have secondary liability. B. An accommodation party who signs an instrument guaranteeing collection does not have secondary liability on the instrument. C. Makers of certificates of deposits have secondary liability. D. A party is held to have secondary liability if the instrument is properly presented for​ payment, has been​ dishonored, and notice is timely given to the person who is secondarily liable. E. An accommodation party who signs an instrument guaranteeing payment has secondary liability on the instrument.


Workers from​ _____________ make up almost​ 25% of all​ H1-B visas. A. Canada B. England C. the United States D. India E. Mexico


________________ allow(s) deposits and withdrawals on a​ bank's premises or other convenient location. A. Direct deposit B. Online banking C. ​Point-of-sale terminals D. Automated teller machines E. Debit cards


allow(s) customers to view bank statements online and pay bills from their accounts using their home and the Internet. A. ​Point-of-sale terminals B. Debit cards C. Automated teller machines D. Online banking E. Direct deposit


​________________ allow(s) for debit cards to be used in lieu of checks at retail​ businesses, and operate the same as a check. These cards are used to allow immediate deduction of payments from a checking or savings​ account; there is no extension of credit involved. A. Automated teller machines B. Online banking C. Debit cards D. ​Point-of-sale terminals E. Direct deposit


A commercial wire transfer is also known as​ a(n) ________________. A. bank check B. ATM C. debit card purchase D. direct deposit E. wholesale wire transfer


A(n) _____ shop is a workplace in which an employee does not have to join the union but must pay an agency fee to the union. A. company B. closed C. union D. open E. agency


Agency that arises when a principal creates the appearance of an agency that in actuality does not exist is called​ ________. A. exclusive agency B. implied agency C. express agency D. agency by ratification E. apparent agency


All of the following are examples of negotiable instruments​ EXCEPT? A. checks B. promissory notes C. drafts D. certificates of deposit E. documents that state that they are nonnegotiable


All of the following are examples of transfer warranties made by any person who transfers a negotiable instrument for​ consideration, EXCEPT? A. The instrument has not been materially altered. B. The transferor has good title to the instrument or is authorized to obtain payment or acceptance on behalf of one who does have good title. C. All signatures are genuine or authorized. D. That there are no defenses of any party that are good against the transferor. E. That there are no defenses of any party that are good against the transferee.


All of the following are ways in which a qualified individual with a disability can show that he or shehas a disability​ EXCEPT? A. a mental​ (psychological) impairment that substantially limits one or more of his or her major life activities B. aphysical​ (physiological) impairment that substantiallylimits one or more of his or her major life activities C. is regarded as havingaphysical​ (physiological) impairment that substantially limits one or more of his or her major life​ activities,even if he or she does not have theimpairment D. ahistory of a mental​ (psychological) impairment that substantially limits one or more of his or her major life activities E. a history of untreated drug addiction


An agent who enters into a contract on behalf of another party impliedly warrants that he has the authority to do so. This is called the​ agent's implied warranty of​ _____. A. fitness for ordinary responsibilities B. fitness for a particular purpose C. habitability D. merchantability E. authority


An example of an independent contractor is a​ ________. A. retail associate B. professor C. teacher D. cashier E. doctor


An order paper is negotiated by​ ________. A. indorsement only B. qualified indorsement only C. delivery only D. special indorsement only E. both delivery and indorsement


Computer and electronic technology make it possible for banks to offer electronic​ deposit, withdrawal,​ payment, and collection services to bank customers. This technology is collectively referred to as the​ _____. A. CCTS B. EFAP C. ICTS D. CMTS E. EFTS


Employers are required to provide reasonable accommodations for an​ employee's disability​ ________. A. regardless of cost B. unless it is impossible C. upon request of the employee D. regardless of difficulty E. provided it does not cause an undue hardship of the employer


If a transfer is by​ indorsement, the transferor makes all but which of the following warranties to any subsequent​ transferee? A. All signatures are genuine or authorized. B. No defenses of any party are good against the transferor. C. The transferor is not a holder or a holder in due course of the instrument. D. The instrument has not been materially altered. E. The transferor has good title to the instrument or is authorized to obtain payment or acceptance on behalf of one who does have good title.


If an instrument states that it is​ "payable to the order of​ IBM," it is considered​ a(n) _______. A. ​non-negotiable Instrument B. variable interest rate loan C. collateral note D. bearer instrument E. order instrument


If a​ 65-year-oldemployee is let go because the cost of his or her benefits​ increases, this would​ ________. A. be a sound business decision B. violate the National Labor Relations Act C. violate the Americans with Disabilities Act D. be a bona fide occupational requirement E. violate the Older Workers Benefits Protection Act


If the name of the payee or indorsee is misspelled in a negotiable instrument​ ________. A. the drawer must be write a new instrument B. the negotiable instrument is void C. the drawee must write a new instrument D. the payee or indorsee can use strategically use​ white-out to correct the name E. the indorsee can indorse the check using the misspelled​ name, the correct​ name, or both


In a fully disclosed​ agency, who is liable to the third​ party? A. the government only B. both the principal and the agent C. the agent only D. neither the principal nor the agent E. the principal only


In a partially disclosed​ agency, who would be liable to the third​ party? A. the agent only B. the government only C. the principal only D. neither the principal nor the agent E. both the principal and the agent


Justin has a checking account at Country Bank. When Justin purchases a car from​ Mary's Motors, a car​ dealership, Justin pays for the car by writing a check on the bank made payable to​ Mary's Motors. In this​ case, Justin is the​ _____, Country Bank is the​ _____, and​ Mary's Motors is the​ _____. A. ​drawee; drawer; payee B. ​payee; drawer; drawee C. ​drawer; payee; drawee D. ​drawee; payee; drawer E. ​drawer; drawee; payee


Lexi has​ $20,000 that she would like to invest and earn income on. Lexi goes to Washington Trust Bank and deposits her money in exchange for a certificate of deposit with an annual interest rate of​ 3%. Lexi is the​ _____________ and Washington Trust Bank is the​ ____________. A. drawer of a​ CD; drawee of a CD B. payer of a​ CD; payee of a CD C. payee of a​ CD; payer of a CD D. maker of a​ CD; payee of a CD E. payee of a​ CD; maker of a CD


Mary wrote a check to Bob for​ $1,000 payable on sight. Mary is the​ _____________ A. drawee of a check B. bearer of an instrument C. payee of a check D. maker of a note E. drawer of a check


Principals often employee outsiderslong dash—that ​is, persons and businesses that are not employeeslong dash—to perform certain tasks on their behalf. These persons and businesses are called​ _____. A. ​quasi-employees B. virtual employees C. temporary employees D. dependent contractors E. independent contractors


Section​ _____ of the​ _____ gives employees the right to join together to form a union. A. ​3; FLSA B. ​5; NLRA C. ​6; Landrum-Griffin Act D. ​5; Landrum-Griffin Act E. ​7; NLRA


States usually require employers to purchase​ workers' compensation insurance from​ ________. A. the federal government B. the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission C. no one D. the local government E. private insurance companies or state funds


Suppose Georgia​ Pacific, Inc. interviews Albert Iorio for a sales representative position.​ Iorio, accompanied by Jane​ Franklin, the national sales​ manager, visits retail stores located in the open sales territory. While visiting one​ store, Franklin tells the store​ manager, "I wish I had more sales reps like​ Albert." Nevertheless, Iorio is not hired. If Iorio later enters into contracts with the store on behalf of Georgia Pacific and Franklin has not controverted the impression of Iorio that she left with the store​ manager, the company will​ ______. A. not be bound to the​ contract, since Iorio did not have apparent authority B. not be bound to the​ contract, since Iorio did not have express authority C. be bound to the​ contract, based on​ Iorio's implied authority D. be bound to the​ contract, based on​ Iorio's express authority E. be bound to the​ contract, based on​ Iorio's apparent authority


Suppose a principal employs an agent to trap alligators. If a law is passed that makes trapping alligators​ illegal, the agency contract​ _____. A. terminates due to operation of law B. is still​ enforceable, since the act of trapping alligators was legal when the principal and agent entered into the agency contract C. terminates due to an unusual change in circumstances D. terminates due to an act of the parties E. terminates due to impossibility of performance


Suppose that an agent works for a principal that is in the business of real estate development. The principal is looking for vacant land to purchase to develop. A third party who owns and wants to sell his vacant land tells an agent of the principal of the availability of the land. The​ agent, without informing the​ principal, purchases the land for her own use. The agent is wrongfully​ _____ an​ opportunity, and thereby violating the​ agent's duty of​ _____. A. ​coopting; care B. ​usurping; obedience C. ​ratifying; loyalty D. ​ratifying; obedience E. ​usurping; loyalty


Ted draws a check​ "payable to the order of Mary​ Smith" and delivers the check to Mary. Mary indorses it and gives it as a gift to her daughter. Which of the following is a correct statement regarding whether​ Mary's daughter can qualify as a holder in due course​ (HDC)? A. ​Mary's daughter can qualify as an HDC because a gift has​ value, and therefore meets the value requirement for becoming an HDC. B. ​Mary's daughter cannot qualify as an HDC because she took the instrument with notice that it had been dishonored. C. ​Mary's daughter can qualify as an HDC because she took the check from a family member​ (more particularly, her​ mother). D. ​Mary's daughter cannot quality as an HDC because she took the instrument with notice that it was encumbered. E. ​Mary's daughter cannot qualify as an HDC because she has not given value for it. In order to become a holder in due​ course, the holder must pay something of value for the instrument.


The labor bill of rights is found in which of the​ following? A. Railway Labor Act B. National Labor Relations Act C. ​Norris-LaGuardia Act D. Labor Management Relations Act E. ​Landrum-Griffin Act


The​ _____ is a group of employees that a union is seeking to represent. A. permissible bargaining unit B. collective whole C. ​"collective soul" D. presumptive bargaining unit E. appropriate bargaining unit


The​ ____________________ created the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. A. Bank Secrecy Act B. Federal Reserve System C. Regulation E D. Electronic Funds Transfer Act E. ​Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act


The​ ____________________ requires mortgage lenders to make a reasonable and good faith determination that a borrower has the ability to repay the loan. A. Federal Reserve System B. Regulation E C. Electronic Funds Transfer Act D. Bank Secrecy Act E. ​Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act


Title VII prohibits discrimination against all of the following​ EXCEPT? A. color B. national origin C. sex D. race E. age


To correct the situation where a consumer is unable to raise a claim against seller for selling a defective good the​ _______________ was enacted. A. Holder in due course rule B. imposter rule C. discharge in bankruptcy rule D. Fraud in the inducement rule E. FTC HDC rule


Universal defenses can be raised against​ ________. A. payees only B. drawees only C. holders only D. holders in due course only E. both holders in due course and holders


Which federal statute gives workers the right to collectively bargain with its​ employer? A. Norrisdash-LaGuardia Act B. Labor Management Relations Act C. Labor Management Reporting and Disclosure Act D. Railway Labor Act E. National Labor Relations Act


Which of the following about independent contractors is​ true? A. If someone is named an independent contractor in a​ contract, the degree of control that the principal has over the contractor is irrelevant. B. Independent contractors usually use the​ principal's tools. C. Principals control the performance of an independent​ contractor's work. D. Independent contractors usually work for one client. E. Labeling someone an independent contractor is only one factor in determining status.


Which of the following entities are NOT exempt from OSHA​ (the Occupational Safety and Health​ Act)? A. industries regulated by other federal safety laws B. state governments C. local governments D. federal government E. grocery stores.


Which of the following is NOT a requirement for creating a negotiable​ instrument? A. be signed by the maker or drawer B. be in writing C. not require any undertaking in addition to the payment of money D. state a fixed amount of money E. be a conditional promise or order to pay


Which of the following is NOT covered by the Family and Medical Leave Act​ (FMLA)? A. the placement of a child with an employee for adoption or foster care B. a serious health condition that makes the employee unable to perform his or her duties C. care for a​ spouse, child, or parent with a serious health problem D. the birth and care for a child E. a family reunion or other family gathering that requires​ out-of-state travel


Which of the following is a correct statement regarding the​ ADEA? A. Setting an age limit for pilots violates the ADEA. B. The ADEA permits age discrimination unless a BFOQ is shown. C. Persons under the age of 40 are protected by the ADEA. D. Only hiring a young person to play a young character in a movie or play violates the ADEA. E. An employer can maintain an employment policy of hiring only workers who are 40 years of age or older without violating the ADEA.


Which of the following is an INCORRECT statement regarding commercial wire​ transfers? A. The customer is liable to pay the bank for any properly paid funds transfer. B. Article 4A applies only to commercial electronic funds transfers. C. A customer of a bank may request the bank to pay another party by wiring funds to the other​ party's bank account. D. Consumer electronic funds transfers are not subject to Article 4A. E. Uniform Contracts Code Article 2 governs commercial wire transfers.


Which of the following is an INCORRECT statement regarding discharge from liability on negotiable​ instruments? A. ​Generally, all parties to a negotiable instrument are discharged from liability if the party primarily liable on the instrument pays it in full to the holder of the instrument. B. When a party other than a primary obligor pays a negotiable​ instrument, that party and all subsequent parties to the instrument are discharged from liability. C. ​Generally, all parties to a negotiable instrument are discharged from liability if a drawee in good faith pays an unaccepted draft or check in full to the holder. D. To be discharged from liability on a negotiable instrument means to be relived from liability on the instrument. E. The Uniform Contracts Code specifies when and how certain parties are discharged from liability on negotiable instruments.


Which of the following is an INCORRECT statement regarding immigration in the United​ States? A. ​Currently, the immigration laws of the United States are administered by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services​ (USCIS). B. The USCIS is part of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. C. The USCIS processes immigrant visa and naturalization petitions. D. Two major forms of foreign guest worker visas are the​ H-1B and​ EB-1 visas. E. Prior to​ 1921, there were many restrictions on immigration to the United States.


Which of the following is an INCORRECT statement regarding the functions of negotiable​ instruments? A. Without negotiable​ instruments, the​ "credit economy" of the United States and other modern industrial countries would not be possible. B. Some forms of negotiable instruments extend credit from one party to another. C. Negotiable instruments often serve as​ record-keeping devices. D. Certain forms of negotiable​ instruments, such as​ checks, serve as substitutes for money. E. As​ securities, negotiable instruments represent ownership in a corporation.


Which of the following is an INCORRECT statement regarding the​ Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection​ Act? A. The Act reorganized and streamlined the federal government agencies that regulate the banking industry. B. The CFPB can adopt rules to regulate the activities of​ banks, financial​ institutions, payday​ lenders, and debt counselling firms. C. The Act increased the powers and strengthened bank regulatory oversight by federal agencies. D. The Act requires mortgage lenders to make a reasonable and good faith determination that a borrower has the ability to repay the loan. E. The Act created the Consumer Product Safety Commission.


Which of the following is an INCORRECT statement regarding​ cashier's checks? A. The purchaser does not have to have a checking account at the bank. B. With a​ cashier's check, the holder serves as payee. C. A​ cashier's check is a​ two-party check. D. With a​ cashier's check, the issuing bank serves as both the drawer and the drawee. E. ​Usually, a specific payee is not named.


Which of the following is not a universal​ (real) defense? A. material alteration B. fraud in the inception C. extreme duress D. illegality E. breach of contract


Which of the following makes it an unfair labor practice for a labor union to interfere with an employee who wishes to form or join a​ union? A. Labor Management Relations Act B. National Labor Relations Act section 7. C. Labor Management Reporting and Disclosure Act D. National Labor Relations Act section​ 8(a). E. National Labor Relations Act section​ 8(b).


Which of the following statements about union elections is​ true? A. If​ 30% or more of employees sign consent cards to form a​ union, management must permit the union. B. If​ 50% or more of employees sign consent cards to form a​ union, management must permit the union. C. Unions elections must be held on the request of any employee. D. If less than​ 50% of employees sign consent cards to form a​ union, a union election will not be held. E. If less than​ 30% of employees sign consent cards to form a​ union, a union election will not be held.


______________ occurs when an employer adopts a work rule that is neutral on its face but causes an adverse impact on a protected class. A. Sexual harassment B. Disparate treatment C. Gender discrimination D. A bona fide occupational requirement E. Disparate impact


​A(n) ___________ on a negotiable instrument can be any symbol that is​ (1) handwritten,​ typed, printed,​ stamped, or made in almost any other manner and​ (2) executed or adopted by a party to authenticate a writing. A. principal B. qualified indorser C. indorser D. unqualified indorser E. signature


​________________ replace(s) checks in that customers can use them to make purchases. A. Direct deposit B. Automated teller machines C. Online banking D. ​Point-of-sale terminals E. Debit cards


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