Business Management Final Exam Review Part 4

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Why should employees act as if customers are their employers? A. Employees would not have jobs if there were no customers. B. Customers pay employees' bonuses. C. Customers own the business. D. Employees might work for the customers in the future.


Customer relationship management can help a business to identify its A. best-selling products. B. most valuable customers. C. most talented employees. D. financial strengths and weaknesses.


Judgments based on feelings rather than facts are A. religious differences. B. prejudices. C. stereotypes. D. color associations.


Which of the following is a way that employees can prepare to answer customers' questions: A. Use facial expressions to indicate interest. B. Find out what they need to know to do their jobs well. C. Make eye contact when talking with customers. D. Give customers a chance to express themselves fully.


Which of the following will most likely result in quality customer service: A. Taking initiative to do your work B. Double-checking the accuracy of your work C. Asking your supervisor to resolve problems D. Letting other employees know you made a mistake


Valuing diversity means A. Ignoring differences. B. acknowledging differences as problems. C. acknowledging differences as assets. D. minimizing differences.


What do employees often obtain by solving customers' problems quickly and satisfactorily? A. Personal service B. Individual priority C. Repeat business D. Pleasant experience


Which of the following is an opportunity for employees to demonstrate a customer service mindset: A. When buying products B. When talking to friends about their jobs C. When greeting customers in person D. When attending the company picnic


Which of the following is evidence that diversity cannot be avoided: A. The value placed on individualism B. Stereotypes and prejudices C. The demographic makeup of today's workforce D. Language barriers


When a business communicates customer-centric values and ideals to its employees on a consistent basis, it is developing its A. technology. B. organizational structure. C. trademarks. D. corporate culture.


Which of the following is a benefit of customer relationship management: A. The ability to double the business's profits B. A decrease in customer advocacy C. A work force that does not commit errors D. The opportunity to create targeted marketing campaigns


Which of the following is no longer a consideration in customers' buying decisions for many products: A. Quality B. Customer service C. Store location D. Price


Which of the following characteristics is a secondary dimension of diversity: A. Geographic location B. Gender C. Ethnicity D. Race


Which of the following types of information does a company need customer input to obtain: A. Suggestions for new products B. Amount of money spent C. Dates of store visits D. Types of products purchased


A main goal of customer experience management is creating A. new products. B. higher employee salaries. C. word-of-mouth promotion. D. innovative technology.


A business improves its technology so it can better meet customer wants and needs. This results from a business activity known as A. employee training. B. organizational structuring. C. amplified improvement. D. business process management.


All the ways in which people differ are known as A. culture. B. subculture. C. ethnocentrism. D. diversity.


To demonstrate a customer service mindset, employees must believe that customers deserve their A. Personal opinions. B. limited information. C. unsolicited advice. D. complete attention.


A business's organizational structure can sometimes have a negative effect on customer relationship management because A. different departments have different methods. B. customers will only deal with one department. C. CEOs don't like dealing with customers. D. the marketing department has the most power.


Customer relationship management increases sales and profits by increasing A. customer loyalty. B. prices. C. competition. D. product quality.


Demonstrating a customer service mindset benefits employees by supporting their A. competitiveness. B. need to be recognized. C. careers. D. efficiency at work.


Emphasizing customer service can help a business be more A. competitive. B. possessive. C. objective. D. innovative.


Which of the following characteristics is a primary dimension of diversity: A. Age B. Income C. Language D. Religion


Barry's family is originally from Ireland. Their customs, habits, and traditions are known as their A. religion. B. culture. C. stereotype. D. diversity.


Businesses whose employees demonstrate a customer service mindset often benefit from A. rapid employee turnover. B. reduced complaints. C. increased costs. D. decreased employee morale.


Customers tend to look at a business as a whole despite the number of __________ they experience. A. complaints B. touch points C. feedback surveys D. purchases


Demonstrating a customer service mindset primarily involves considering customers' A. habits. B. needs. C. wages. D. appearance.


Employees can demonstrate their customer service mindset by using good A. marketing strategies. B. phone skills. C. business activities. D. promotional plans.


Frances is meeting with some potential clients who are from out of the country, and she isn't sure what their negotiation style is like. She doesn't want to offend them, so she should A. be direct and confrontational to avoid miscommunication. B. do some research on their country's typical negotiation style. C. avoid doing business with them. D. assume their negotiation style is the same as hers.


In the past, customer relationship management was used mainly as a way to A. help employees perform more efficiently. B. track customer information. C. assist business decision making D. increase customer loyalty.


The best time to demonstrate a customer service mindset is A. when dealing directly with customers. B. any time. C. when customers first walk in. D. in the morning.


What component of customer relationship management often "makes or breaks" a business's program? A. Processes B. Technology C. Strategies D. People


Which of the following is an example of a customer relationship management initiative: A. A new bonus system for the sales staff B. Expansion of the product-development budget C. New accounting software D. A "frequent-shopper" program


In addition to smiling, employees can engage in appropriate nonverbal communication with customers by A. making eye contact. B. using customers' names. C. using clear, concise language. D. shrugging their shoulders.


Tom believes that his own culture is naturally better than other cultures. This is an example of A. ethnocentrism. B. individualism. C. diversity. D. cultural sensitivity.


What can you do to project to customers that they are important to the business? A. Use customer names in conversations. B. Speak loudly so that customers can easily hear your responses. C. Request a supervisor's assistance in resolving problems. D. Stare at customers so they know you are listening.


What might an employee receive from a business for routinely helping customers with their problems and satisfying their needs? A. A promotion B. A thank-you C. A compliment D. An expense account


What staff are responsible for displaying a customer service mindset? A. All staff B. Those with indirect customer contact C. Those with direct customer contact D. Management


When a business evaluates its business processes to make them more efficient and effective, it can improve its relationships with customers. This process is called A. continuous improvement. B. organizational structuring. C. employee training. D. business process management.


Using a pleasant tone of voice with customers is especially important when A. trying to sell a new product. B. delivering bad news. C. The employee is being observed by a supervisor. D. the customer is in a good mood.


Which of the following is a common customer relationship management practice: A. Creating a marketing budget B. Training employees C. Developing new products D. Managing the sales staff


Why should you restate customer complaints? A. To decide how the problem can be resolved B. To show that you fully understand the problem C. To thank customers for their business D. To apologize for any inconvenience


A customer service mindset means that a business considers providing excellent customer service to be A. moderately important. B. its only objective. C. a top priority. D. necessary in certain cases.


Businesses with customer service mindsets are usually able to A. hire more employees. B. reduce their expenses. C. achieve their goals. D. satisfy their vendors.


Customers have the right to expect employees to be A. goal-oriented. B. open-minded. C. well-informed. D. self-serving.


Even though she's very different from them, Marci values her coworkers and their ideas. She's willing to adjust her opinions and behaviors because she shows A. ethnocentrism. B. prejudice. C. cultural sensitivity. D. communication.


Having clear customer relationship management goals before putting a program into place helps businesses to avoid A. having to lay off employees. B. Spending any money. C. purchasing irrelevant technology. D. having unsatisfied customers.


Many people make the mistake of thinking that customer relationship management refers solely to A. processes. B. strategies. C. technology. D. people.


One way that employees can provide efficient, quick service to customers is by being A. detached. B. aggressive. C. organized. D. forceful.


Which of the following is most likely to be a benefit for a business that demonstrates a customer service mindset: A. Longer season B. More publicity C. Greater profits D. Increased assets


A customer telephoned to complain that a promised shipment had not arrived and to find out what happened. You say you will check and call back. How can you show a customer service mindset? A. By helping organize the warehouse B. By following up to see if the customer is satisfied with your company's service C. By talking about the problem with coworkers D. By calling back as soon as possible with an answer


Because of modern shopping preferences, it has become increasingly important for businesses to demonstrate a customer service mindset when interacting with customers A. through newspaper advertising. B. at outlet stores. C. through mail. D. online.


In the modern business world, a growing number of interactions between businesses and customers are taking place A. over the phone. B. through the mail. C. in stores. D. online.


Our economy has shifted from a service economy to a(n) __________ economy. A. agricultural B. manufacturing C. entertainment D. experience


The main difference between customer relationship management and customer experience management is that CRM focuses on A. investors. B. customers. C. product development. D. the business itself.


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