Business Research Ch 10

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Emma is responding to a survey about her experience using the NetFlix streaming delivery service. One question on the questionnaire asks "How satisfied are you with your overall experience with NetFlix?" The questionnaire response options provided are Strongly Agree to Strongly Disagree. Which of the following sources of error in communication research is present in this example? A. Measurement questions B. Observers C. Interviewers D. Participants E. All of the above

A. Measurement questions

Your instructor provides to each student a URL link via email to a course evaluation following the last class session. Sally accessed her university intranet and completes the survey using her iPad. This is an example of a _____. A. Self-administered survey B. Computer-assisted self-interview (CASI) C. Electronic e-mail survey D. Mobile/web survey E. None of the above

B. Computer-assisted self-interview (CASI)

One rule of thumb is that participants should be able to answer the questions in a self-administered survey in no more than _____. A. 10 minutes B. 15 minutes C. 30 minutes D. 45 minutes E. there are no guidelines related to survey length

A. 10 minutes

Which data collection mode imposes the fewest time constraints on the participant? A. Mail B. Telephone C. Computer-administered D. CATI E. CAPI

A. Mail

Which type of communication data collection is typically the lowest-cost option? A. Self-administered B. Telephone interview C. Personal interview D. Record analysis E. Observation

A. Self-administered

When a computer-administered telephone survey is capable of recognizing and recording a wide range of verbal responses, it is capable of _____. A. automatic speech recognition B. voice recognition C. automatic entry D. touch-tone data entry E. record analysis

A. automatic speech recognition

Phoebe is working at a call center for a research company. She has a carrel with a personal computer that is networked to the phone system and to the central data processing unit. The computer selects telephone numbers, dials each number, and accepts responses as Phoebe enters what the respondents tell her. A software program prompts her with each question and precoded response options. Phoebe is collecting data using _____. A. computer-assisted telephone interviewing B. OTS software C. computer-administered telephone surveys D. computer-delivered surveys E. computer-assisted personal interviewing

A. computer-assisted telephone interviewing

An intercept interview is most likely to occur at a _____. A. mall B. school C. hospital D. home E. all of the above

A. mall

David's Bridal is conducting a survey of the trends in dress preferences among women who will marry sometime in the next 12 months. Questionnaires were mailed to 100,000 women but only 1,000 responded resulting in a response rate of 1%. This study is threatened by _____. A. nonresponse error B. response error C. sampling error D. measurement error E. coverage error

A. nonresponse error

A study reported in the Journal of Management Research concluded that individuals are more motivated to respond to surveys when _____. A. the topic is salient B. incentives are offered C. respondents have a strong social network D. they can respond at work E. they know others like themselves have already responded

A. the topic is salient

Which limitation listed below can be overcome by the use of random digit dialing in telephone surveys? A. Inaccessible households B. Inaccurate or private listings in the telephone book C. Limited interview length D. Ease of interview termination E. Low participant involvement

B. Inaccurate or private listings in the telephone book

Which type of incentive has been shown to consistently improve response rates to surveys? A. Free product samples B. Money C. Gift certificates D. Prize draw chance E. Receipt of post-study results

B. Money

Which term below refers to the ratio of potential contacts that were never reached to all potential contacts? A. Nonresponse B. Noncontact C. Incidence D. Refusal E. Reachable

B. Noncontact

Response error in surveys occurs when ____ surveys? A. Interviewer modifies the questions between participants B. Participant gives an inaccurate answer C. Interviewer fails to encourage a participant to take a survey D. Participant answers only some of the questions on a questionnaire E. None of the above

B. Participant gives an inaccurate answer

The tendency for respondents to be agreeable is called _____. A. social desirability responding B. acquiescence C. elaboration likelihood D. agreeableness E. conscientiousness

B. acquiescence

Surveys are used in _____ research studies. A. monitoring B. communication C. observation D. behavioral observation E. nonbehavioral observation

B. communication

The presence of a(n) _____ is the primary difference between a computer-assisted telephone interview and a computer-administered telephone survey. A. computer B. human interviewer C. supervisor D. participant E. recording device

B. human interviewer

The survey mode with the greatest perceived anonymity is the _____. A. electronic mail (e-mail) survey B. mail survey C. telephone survey D. person-administered survey E. intercept survey

B. mail survey

When a participant does not know the answer to a survey question, but there isn't a "Don't Know" response option offered, _____ will occur. A. response bias B. measurement error C. sampling error D. nonresponse bias E. unit nonresponse

B. measurement error

All of the following are sources of error in communication research except _____. A. measurement questions B. observers C. survey questionnaires D. interviewers E. participants

B. observers

Computer-administered telephone surveys that can recognize yes and no answers spoken by respondents are of the _____ mode. A. automatic speech recognition B. voice recognition C. automatic entry D. touch-tone data entry E. record analysis

B. voice recognition

Compare and contrast computer-assisted telephone interviewing with the use of computer-administered telephone surveys.

Both computer-assisted and computer-administered modes involve the use of a computer to conduct telephone interviews. Both methods allow for the use of random digit dialing, and data entry while the interview is conducted. The computer-administered mode, however, does not use a human interviewer. The questions are voice-synthesized and respondents answer using touch-tone data entry, voice recognition, or automatic speech recognition. The computer-assisted mode relies upon a human interviewer to ask questions and record answers.

For which type of telephone interview is the refusal rate the highest? A. Computer-assisted telephone interviewing B. OTS C. Computer-administered telephone surveys D. Computer-delivered surveys E. Computer-assisted personal interviewing

C. Computer-administered telephone surveys

Which type of error occurs when the interviewer summarizes or interprets participant answers? A. Measurement B. Instrumentation C. Data entry D. Sampling E. Nonresponse

C. Data entry

In considering the use of a Web survey for conducting polls of the general population, the greatest disadvantage of the mode is _____. A. cost B. time constraints C. Internet coverage D. dial-up modems E. inability to use monetary incentives

C. Internet coverage

Rachel is conducting telephone interviews for Blockbuster on perceptions of its new "No Late Fees" program. When she interviews customers of the NetFlix service, she tends to change the wording of the question from "How loyal are you to using Blockbuster for your rental needs?" to "So you aren't loyal to Blockbuster, are you?" Which of the following sources of error in communication research is present in this example? A. Measurement questions B. Observers C. Interviewers D. Participants E. All of the above

C. Interviewers

Which type of data collection mode is most appropriate for a survey requiring 45 minutes to complete? A. Telephone B. Computer-administered telephone C. Mail D. Online E. Intercept

C. Mail

The _____ suggests that a participant's burden should be minimized in the survey response process by creating questionnaires that are easy to read, offer clear response directions, include personalized communication, notify the participant about the survey in advance, and encourage the respondent to participate. A. Survey Design Bible B. economic decision making literature C. Total Design Method D. Gallup organization E. theory of reciprocation

C. Total Design Method

Brittany is considering an intercept survey as the data collection mode for the drinking behavior and sexual activity study. To execute this type of study, she could _____. A. email a questionnaire to students B. mail a questionnaire to a student's permanent address C. approach students outside the dining hall D. telephone students using cell phone numbers E. text message students using cell phone numbers

C. approach students outside the dining hall

Personal interviewing with computer-sequenced questions capable of employing visualization techniques is called _____. A. computer-assisted telephone interviewing B. computer-administered telephone interviewing C. computer-assisted personal interviewing D. computer-administered surveying E. personal-assisted computer interviewing

C. computer-assisted personal interviewing

Sample accessibility is generally maximized by the use of _____ surveys. A. telephone B. mobile phone C. mail D. Internet E. fax

C. mail

The respondents' perceptions that the interviewer will not be able to discern their identity refers to the _____. A. response rate B. social desirability responding C. perception of anonymity D. refusal rate E. incidence rate

C. perception of anonymity

Response rates to self-administered surveys can be improved by using all of the following techniques except _____. A. advance notification B. reminders C. promise of anonymity D. monetary incentives E. appeal for participation

C. promise of anonymity

In a telephone survey one question asks participants whether they have donated money to the American Red Cross following the recent flood and fire loss disasters. This type of question is subject to _____. A. nonresponse bias B. acquiescence C. social desirability bias D. satisficing E. sampling error

C. social desirability bias

A communication approach to data collection involves _____. A. observing behavior B. recording trace evidence C. surveying people D. data mining E. linguistic behavior analysis

C. surveying people

Self-administered questionnaires may be delivered via all of the following channels except _____. A. mail B. fax C. telephone D. Internet E. disk-by-mail

C. telephone

Interviewer error may be caused by _____. A. an unwillingness to participate B. participant faulty recall C. the falsification of answers D. social desirability responding E. all of the above

C. the falsification of answers

Which of the following factors will tend to decrease participant motivation? A. Prestige of research sponsor B. Perceived importance of the topic C. Interest in the topic D. Competing activities E. Conscientiousness

D. Competing activities

The Internet is fastest growing survey data collection mode. Which of the following is NOT a reason for the growth in this mode? A. Speed of response B. Cost savings C. Elimination of data entry D. Ease of providing monetary incentives E. All of the above are reasons

D. Ease of providing monetary incentives

Which of the following is NOT a type of personal interview data collection method? A. In-home B. Mall intercept survey C. Computer-assisted personal interview D. Electronic mail survey E. All of the above are personal interview methods

D. Electronic mail survey

Which of the following trends is increasing the refusal rate associated with telephone surveys? A. Penetration of mobile telephones B. Replacement of land line telephones with mobile telephones C. Caller id systems D. Negative attitudes toward survey participation E. Voice mail

D. Negative attitudes toward survey participation

Mike resents getting calls from telemarketers and pollsters. A research firm called yesterday to question him concerning his preference for radio stations. When Mike was asked to report his household income, he inflated his income to the highest range offered. He also misreported his age and occupation. Which of the following sources of error in communication research is presented in this example? A. Measurement questions B. Observers C. Interviewers D. Participants E. All of the above

D. Participants

Which term is used to describe the act of surveying prospects or customers who have given permission for such engagement? A. Opt-in B. Choice C. Opt-out D. Permission surveying E. Direct surveying

D. Permission surveying

Which of the following types of telephone calls are forbidden for individuals participating in the national Do Not Call registry? A. Political polling B. Telephone surveys C. Requests for charitable donations D. Telemarketing E. All of the above

D. Telemarketing

The ratio of participants who decline the interview to all eligible contacts is the _____ rate. A. nonresponse B. noncontact C. incidence D. refusal E. reachable

D. refusal

The failure to secure full participant cooperation for a study can result in _____ error. A. measurement B. instrumentation C. data entry D. sampling E. nonresponse

D. sampling

An instrument completed by the participant without additional contact with an interviewer beyond the initial delivery of the instrument is called a _____. A. computer-assisted self-interview B. disk-by-mail survey C. mail survey D. self-administered questionnaire E. web survey

D. self-administered questionnaire

The tendency for respondents to give answers that are perceived as being socially desirable, whether or not the answers are truthful, is known as _____. A. nonresponse B. item nonresponse C. acquiescence D. social desirability responding E. impression management

D. social desirability responding

Alex is responding to a computer-administered telephone survey. The computer instructs Alex to respond by choosing the appropriate answer using his telephone key pad such that 1 = yes and 2 = no. This system is using the _____ mode of computer-administered survey. A. automatic speech recognition B. voice recognition C. automatic entry D. touch-tone data entry E. record analysis

D. touch-tone data entry

Which of the following trends is increasing the noncontact rate associated with telephone surveys? A. Penetration of mobile telephones B. Replacement of land line telephones with mobile telephones C. Caller identification systems on phones D. Voice mail systems on phones E. All of the above

E. All of the above

Collecting data over time using a panel of respondents can NOT be used with ____ surveys? A. Telephone B. Computer-administered telephone C. Mail D. Online E. Intercept

E. Intercept

Which of the following is NOT a reason for the growth in web-based surveys? A. Participant perceptions of anonymity B. Ability to use visual stimuli C. Speed of response D. Cost efficiencies E. Internet penetration rates

E. Internet penetration rates

_____ occurs when the responses of participants differ in some systematic way from the responses of nonparticipants. A. Measurement error B. Data entry error C. Sampling error D. Response error E. Nonresponse error

E. Nonresponse error

Surveys conducted via the Internet reduce costs by eliminating the costs associated with _____. A. interviewers B. postage C. data entry D. printing E. all of the above

E. all of the above

Explain the meaning of nonresponse error. How can researchers reduce the potential for nonresponse error?

Nonresponse error is the bias that occurs when those who do not respond to a survey are systematically different from those who do respond. The best defense against nonresponse error is a good response rate. The higher the response rate, the less likely it is that those who did not respond are different from those that did. It is important to note that a low response rate does not automatically mean that nonresponse bias exists in the results. Rather, it means that the potential for that bias exists.

Identify the three sources of error in communication research. Explain how each source can contribute to error.

The three major sources of error in communication research are measurement questions and survey instruments, interviewers, and participants. Measurement error occurs if inappropriate questions are used, if the questions are asked in an inappropriate order, if the instructions used are faulty and if the response options are faulty. Interviewer error can be introduced if the interviewer fails to secure cooperation from participants, leads the respondent, introduces bias through his or her physical presence, fails to establish an appropriate interview environment, or falsifies answers. Participants create error when they fail to participate, fail to provide a correct answer or fail to provide a complete answer.

Off-the-shelf Web survey software offers many advantages over traditional programming for researchers as they build surveys for deployment on the Internet. Identify five of these advantages.

There are several strengths associated with using survey software for the Web. Questionnaires are designed in a word processing environment. Questions can be imported from text files. Many packages come with question and scale libraries. Some programs also include an analysis component for the reporting of results. Depending on the software and hardware available, incoming data may be viewed in real-time. Software packages may also offer advanced features like the ability for question piping, branching, and randomization of questions and response categories.

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