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There may be more than one good answer depending on the student's rationale. D would have the least negative impact but may take a long time. "B"Early retirement would likely entice more than just support personnel and perhaps more than just 15 people which could cause a labor shortage. Downsizing would be fast but could create morale problems and a poor public image although with the small numbers this may not be much of a problem. "A"is not appropriate until the surplus is managed.

A public accounting firm of 250 employees realizes they have a surplus of 15 support personnel (not auditors). What should they do? A.Hire temporary workers B.Offer early retirement C.Downsize people in those positions D.Wait for attrition and implement a hiring freeze for those positions

The answer is (B). Not all stereotypes are negative.

All of the following are accurate about stereotypes EXCEPT: A.Stereotypes can lead to poor decisions B.All stereotypes are negative C.Stereotypes are used during the encoding process of perception D.Quality interpersonal contact among mixed groups may reduce the use of stereotypes E.Some people have negative stereotypes about older individuals


All of the following are benefits of the RJP process EXCEPT: A.Leads to higher job performance B.Leads to lower turnover C.Provides a clearer picture of actual job expectations D.Employees may not accept a position after learning about the negative aspects of the job E.All the above are benefits of RJP


As Jasmine got to know Mary, a co-worker of a different ethnicity, Jasmine was surprised to learn how much she actually had in common with Mary such as loving to hike and choice of religion. Jasmine was experiencing which layer of diversity? A.Organizational dimensions B.Personality C.Surface-level characteristics D.Deep-level characteristics E.Internal dimensions


Big Bucks Bank is located in a city with a growing Latino population. Jane, the CEO of BBB, believes in the access-legitimacy perspective. Jane will do which of the following? A.Hire employees to match the diversity in the population B.Offer Latino food every Friday C.Offer international travel services D.Support the local university's Spanish Department E.All of the above


Chapter 1 | Slide 14 Hans works for a company who's headquartered in France and has foreign operations in Germany only. Hans is a citizen of the Netherlands. Which of the following is most likely true? a)Hans works for a domestic company and is from the parent country. b)Hans works for a multinational company and is from the host country. c)Hans works for a global company and is from a third country. d)Hans works for an inteinternational company and is from a third country.


Employees from a high-power distance culture would feel most comfortable in a training class that: a)Involved several group activities with classmates b)The teacher was the expert and responded definitively to all questions c)The teacher acted as a facilitator of group discussion d)None of the above

Employers investing in human capital realize all these benefits except (E). This is a benefit of social capital.

Employers that invest in employees' human capital may realize all of these benefits EXCEPT: A.Lower employee turnover B.Improved financial outcomes C.The potential to give an organization a competitive advantage D.Increased skills and knowledge E.Employees having more friends and better relationships at work

The answer is (B) as multiple intelligences addresses interpersonal and intrapersonal intelligence.

George does not score particularly well on standard IQ tests yet he has a unique ability to deal with complex interpersonal situations. What would explain this phenomenon? A.Practical Intelligence B.Multiple Intelligences C.Reasoning ability D.Emotions and attitude E.All of the above


Jackson Electronics would like to change their organizational culture to more of a clan culture. Jackson should use all of the following methods EXCEPT: A.Develop training programs to teach the underlying assumption of clan culture B.Have leaders keep information about negative events from employees C.Change the office structure to allow space for employees to collaborate and communicate D.Develop group and team reward systems E.Celebrate employee accomplishments and life events


Jane works in an organization where quality and efficiency are highly valued. This organization's culture is likely: A.Hierarchy B.Adhocracy C.Goal-driven D.Clan E.Market

The answer is (E). Deliberate practice requires us to focus on things we are not good at doing. It would be more fun to repeat behaviors or activities at which we excel.

Jessica would like to be a best-selling author. She studied OB and knows this will take at least 10,000 hours of deliberate practice. Jessica should do all of the following EXCEPT: A.Identify aspects of performance that need improvement B.Get a coach to receive feedback C.Study other writers and their works D.Take breaks to maintain concentration E.Only practice as long as it remains fun

The answer is (D) Joe has an external locus of control. Joe is blaming his termination on his boss instead of himself.

Joe was terminated from his job and believed the reason was his boss did not like him and his hard work was not appreciated. Joe likely has: A.High emotional stability B.An internal locus of control C.Low self-efficacy D.An external locus of control E.Low self-esteem

The answer is (A). The emotions are positive if they are congruent (or consistent) with his goal.

Liu has a goal to work hard and eventually apply for a promotion at the Great Grain Company. Liu is most likely to exhibit positive emotions if: A.The emotions are congruent with his goal B.He has emotional intelligence C.The emotions are incongruent with his goal D.He feels inadequate E.He had a bad experience being promoted at his former company

The answer is (D), emotions and attitudes, as these are relatively flexible.

Maria is a manager for Greens and Grits. Maria would like to improve job satisfaction for her employees. She can accomplish this by implementing different policies dealing with: A.Personality B.Intelligence C.Cognitive ability D.Emotions and attitudes E.All of the above

The answer is (C). Those scoring high on conscientiousness have a strong sense of purpose, obligation, and persistence and generally perform better.

Martha would like to hire employees who will be strong performers in her organization. Which of the Big Five personality dimensions should she try to make sure the new employees score high on? A.Extraversion B.Agreeableness C.Conscientiousness D.Emotional Stability E.Openness to Experience

The answer is (A). The manager is assuming it was Megan's fault

Megan was hurt at work. Megan's manager concluded that Megan was careless and clumsy. Megan's manager may have committed an error called: A.Fundamental attribution error B.Ultimate perception error C.Stereotyping error D.Self-serving bias error E.Internal cognition error

The answer is (E). All four will reduce bias.

Steven wants to be sure there is no implicit cognition creating bias in his company's interviewing process. The best course of action is: A.To train all interviewers in the interview process B.To have more than one interviewer conducting interviews C.To conduct the interviews virtually D.To use a structured interview approach E.All of the above


The contingency approach to OB calls for all of the following EXCEPT: A Relying on one best way to manage situations B Using OB concepts and tools as situationally appropriate C Using a pragmatic approach D Not relying on simple common sense E Being systematic and scientific

The answer is (E). All the statements describe the integrative framework.

The integrative framework for understanding and applying OB is based upon: A.A systems approach B.Using person and environmental factors as inputs C.Processes including individual level, group/team level, and organizational level D.Outcomes organized into individual level, group/team level, and organizational level E.All of the above


Which level of organizational culture is the hardest to change? A.Artifacts B.Transactional C.Enacted values D.Espoused values E.Basic underlying assumptions

The answer is (B). The interactional perspective states that behavior is a function of interdependent and environmental factors.

Which of the following is more important when using OB to solve problems? A.Person factors B.The interdependence of person factors and environmental characteristics C.Environmental characteristics D.The interdependence of person factors and changes on a group/team level E.The independence of person factors and environmental characteristics

Answer -C You can ask if the applicant has a drivers'license if the job requires driving a vehicle.

Which of the following questions is permissible? A.Will child care demands affect your ability to get to work? B.Do you have a car so that you will be able to get here on time? C.This job requires you to be here from 8:00am to 5:00pm. Can you meet that job requirement?

The answer is (C). It is often the case that unethical situations are legal in nature.

Which of the following statement about ethics is NOT true? A.Ethical dilemmas occur when neither of two choices ethically resolves a situation. B.Most people working in organizations are good people with good intentions. C.If something is unethical it is also illegal. D.Our conduct is shaped by our environment. E.Reward systems can cause unethical behavior.

The answer is (B). Solutions can't be generated until the problem has been defined and understood.

Which one of these is NOTtrue about defininga problem? A.Managers usually do not spend enough time on defining the problem. B.It is advisable to skip this stop and proceed to making recommendations. C.After defining the problem, OB concepts or theories can be used to solve the problem. D.People often make assumptions. E.Once problems are defined, OB knowledge can produce better performance for an organization.

Answer: B Honeymoon-period of fascination and euphoria as the employee enjoys the novelty of the new culture Culture shock-the disillusionment and unfreezing of ideas that occur during the process of adjusting to a new culture. Learning-continued learning about the host country's culture, language increase their comfort level and their mood Adjustment-stage where the expatriate accepts and enjoys the host country's culture

•Rachel, an expatriate working in Japan is feeling very uncomfortable in her surroundings. She often feels as if she has said the wrong thing. Rachel is most likely in which emotional stage of expatriation: a)Honeymoon b)Culture shock c)Learning d)Adjustment

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