BYS 120-Quiz Answers for Final Exam Prep

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What conditions needed to be kept constant in the experiment?

Exposure time

Which structure carries blood from the left ventricle to the body? a. left descending artery b. Aorta c. right ventricle d. coronary arteries

b. Aorta

According to Aristotle, are plants living or nonliving? a. Between living and nonliving. b. Living. c. Nonliving.

a. Between living and nonliving.

How could they have improved the experimental design? a. Used a control group. b. Used more types of food. c. Used different exposure time intervals.

c. Used different exposure time intervals.

What is half-life? a. The all-time best first-person shooter. b. The time required for all of a sample to decay from its parent radioactive isotope to its daughter isotope, on average. c. Half the estimated lifespan of a sample organism, on average. d. The time required for half of a radioactive parent isotope to decay to its respective daughter isotope, on average.

d. The time required for half of a radioactive parent isotope to decay to its respective daughter isotope, on average.

Which of the following factors would not contribute to allopatric speciation? a. Gene flow between the two populations is extensive. b. The isolated population is exposed to different selection pressures than the ancestral population. c. A population becomes geographically isolated from the parent population. d. The separated population is small and genetric drift occurs.

a. Gene flow between the two populations is extensive.

Of all the mutations that occur in a population, why do only a small fraction become widespread among the population's members? a. Only a small fraction is advantageous to population's members. b. Mutations cause a loss of function, which is almost never helpful to populations. c. Mutations are always deleterious, so most mutated individuals die off.

a. Only a small fraction is advantageous to population's members.

Mancuso showed young sunflower plants exhibiting animal behavior. What behavior was that? a. Playing b. Eating c. Fighting d. Defending

a. Playing

What is a characteristic of early stages of local inflammation? a. release of histamine b. fever c. atack by cytotoxic T cells d. anaphylactic shock

a. Release of histamine

If ergotism was indeed the cause, what was the source of the infection? a. Rye b. Bewitchment c. Bigfoot d. Cotton

a. Rye (Correct! Probably infected seed heads ground into flour and ingested in bread.)

What is the largest organism on the planet? a. Sequoia b. Blue whale c. Elephant d. Sloth

a. Sequoia

Which structure carries blood from the upper body to the right atrium? a. Superior vena cava b. Inferior vena cava c. Venules d. Veins

a. Superior vena cava (Correct! When this large vessel is compressed, for example, by the weight of the baby during childbirth, it can functionally stop blood supply to the body.)

What is their hypothesis? a. The 5-second rule is valid. b. The 2-second rule is valid. c. Dropped food will always be contaminated.

a. The 5-second rule is valid.

To what did Darwin compare the plant's radical tip? a. The brain of a lower animal. b. The hoof of a giraffe. c. The horn of a rhinoceros.

a. The brain of a lower animal.

To what did Mancuso compare the plant's root apparatus? a. The internet. b. The horn of a stag. c. The fin of a shark. d. The fang of a sabertooth.

a. The internet.

Did this experiment have a control setup? a. Yes b. No

a. Yes

The avian wing and feather were adaptations to facilitate what purpose? a. flight b. evaporation c. thermoregulation d. mate attraction

a. flight (Correct! The bird body plan has multiple anatomic adaptations to reduce weight and accommodate flight.)

If p is the frequency of allele A, which parts of the Hardy-Weinberg equation correspond to the frequency of individuals that have at least one A allele? a. p + half of 2pq b. 2 pq 3. half of 2 pq

a. p + half of 2pq

Consider Figure 26.5 in your textbook. What does each branch point signify? a. An outgroup. b. A node, and/or most recent common ancestor. c. A homologous pair. d. A sister taxon.

b. A node, and/or most recent common ancestor.

Among the types of heat exchange, which one is the transfer of heat by the movement of air or liquid past a surface? a. conduction b. convection c. evaporation

b. Convection

What did early researchers hypothesize as the source of energy for making organic molecules? a. Meteor impacts b. Electricity from storms and/or UV radiation c. Volcanic explosions d. Gamma radiation

b. Electricity from storms and/or UV radiation

Which animal must eat a larger proportion of its weight in food each day: a house cat or an African lion caged in a zoo? a. lion b. house cat

b. House Cat (Right! The smaller the animal is, the higher its metabolic rate and therefore the greater the demand for food.)

What is the scientific question the Mythbusters were trying to answer? a. If the 2-second rule is valid. b. If the 5-second rule is valid. c. If moist food contaminate faster than dry food. d. The optimal time food can be on the floor and avoid contamination.

b. If the 5-second rule is valid.

How does Lamarckian evolution compare to the Darwinian model? a. Lamarckian evolution is very similar to the Darwinian model, but Lamarck published later than Darwin. b. Lamarck proposed that species evolve resulting from use or disuse of a trait with immediate heritability. Darwinian evolution focuses on the success of a trait. c. Lamarck completely rejected the ideas of Hutton and Lyell, while Darwin accepted them.

b. Lamarck proposed that species evolve resulting from use or disuse of a trait with immediate heritability. Darwinian evolution focuses on the success of a trait.

According to the punctuated equilibrium model a. Given enough time, most existing species will branch gradually into new species. b. Most new species accumulate their unique features relatively rapidly as they come into existence, then change little for the rest of their duration as a species. c. Most evolution occurs in sympatric populations. d. Natural selection is unimportant as a mechanism of evolution.

b. Most new species accumulate their unique features relatively rapidly as they come into existence, then change little for the rest of their duration as a species.

Which of the following is not an observation or inference on which natural selection is based? a. Species produce more offspring than the environment can support. b. Poorly adapted individuals never produce offspring. c. Only a fraction of the offspring produced by an individual may survive. d. There is a heritable variation among individuals.

b. Poorly adapted individuals never produce offspring.

Which of the following results in long-term immunity? a. the passage of maternal antibodies to a developing fetus b. the administration of the chicken pox vaccine c. the inflammatory response to a splinter d. the injection of serum from people immune to rabies

b. The administration of the chicken pox vaccine

Bird guides once listed the myrtle warbler and Audubon's warbler as distinct species. Recently, these birds have been classified as eastern and western forms of a single species, the yellow-rumped warbler. Which of the following pieces of evidence, if true, would be cause for this reclassification? a. The two forms live in similar habitats. b. The two forms interbreed often in nature, and their offspring have good survival and reproduction. c. The two forms have many genes in common. d. The two forms have similar food requirements.

b. The two forms interbreed often in nature, and their offspring have good survival and reproduction.

An epitope associates with which part of an antibody? a. the antibody tail b. The variable region c. the heavy chain constant regions d. the antibody binding site

b. The variable region

Which of the following represents a homology? a. a porcupine's quills and a cactus' spines. b. a cat's paw and a human's hand. c. an owl's wing and a hornet's wing.

b. a cat's paw and a human's hand.

DNA sequences in many human genes are very similar to the sequences of corresponding genes in chimpanzees. The most likely explanation for this result is that: a. humans and chimpanzees are not closely related b. humans and chimpanzees share a relatively recent common ancestor c. humans evolved from chimpanzees d. chimpanzees evolved from humans

b. humans and chimpanzees share a relatively recent common ancestor

Suppose you are studying two bird species that live in a forest and are not known to interbreed. One species feeds and mates in the treetops and the other on the ground. But in captivity, the birds can interbreed and produce viable, fertile offspring. What type of reproductive barrier most likely keeps these species separate in nature? a. Temporal isolation b. Geographic isolation c. Behavioral isolation d. Mechanical isolation

c. Behavioral isolation

You have excavated a sample you suspect is about 20,000 years old. What radioactive isotope will you use to date the sample? a. THX-1138 b. Uranium-238 c. Carbon-14 d. Potassium-40

c. Carbon-14

What type of ergotism do modern scientists suspect was the culprit in this case? a. Hysterical b. Rebellious c. Convulsive d. Gangrenous

c. Convulsive (Correct. Along with delirium, lethargy and mania, convulsive ergotism causes skin lesions, hallucinations, limb pain, seizures and sensations of burning.)

What structures circulate blood in the blood vessels of the heart? a. aorta b. venules c. Coronary arteries d. saphenous vein

c. Coronary arteries (Right! We see these on the surface of the heart.)

What did they conclude? a. Contamination is reduced with shorter exposure. b. Contamination is increased with longer exposure. c. Food is contaminated regardless of exposure time.

c. Food is contaminated regardless of exposure time.

How did Hutton's and Lyell's ideas influence Darwin's thinking about evolution? a. Hutton and Lyell felt the the age of the Earth was too great to allow for evolution as Darwin conceived it. b. Hutton and Lyell were Lamarckian, and disagreed with Darwinian evolution. c. Hutton and Lyell perceived that changes in Earth's surface can result from slow, continuous actions still operating at the present time.

c. Hutton and Lyell perceived that changes in Earth's surface can result from slow, continuous actions still operating at the present time.

The upper forelimbs of humans and bats have fairly similar skeletal structures, whereas the corresponding bones in whales have very different shapes and proportions. However, genetic data suggest that all three kinds of organisms diverged from a common ancestor at about the same time. which of the following is the most likely explanation for these data? a. Humans and bats evolved by natural selection, and whales evolved by Lamarckian mechanisms. b. Forelimnb evolution was adaptive in people and bats, but not in whales. c. Natural selection in the aquatic environment resulted in significant changes to whale forelimb anatomy.

c. Natural selection in the aquatic environment resulted in significant changes to whale forelimb anatomy.

Which of the following are assumptions that underlie the use of the molecular clock? a. Most mutations are deleterious. b. Regions being compared must evolve very quickly. c. Regions of genomes being compared evolve at a constant rate.

c. Regions of genomes being compared evolve at a constant rate.

What structures of the heart prevents backflow of blood? a. aorta b. veins c. valves d. left descending artery

c. Valves (Correct! These valves force blood to flow in one direction. Failure of this process can result in a heart murmur.)

No two people are genetically identical, except for identical twins. The chief cause of genetic variation among human individuals is: a. geographic variation within the population b. genetic drift due to the small size of the population c. the reshuffling of alleles in sexual reproduction d. new mutations that occurred in the preceding generation

c. the reshuffling of alleles in sexual reproduction

What unique trait of the chordate will develop into the brain and spinal cord? a. dorsal hollow nerve cord b. presence of a cranium c. opposable thumb

central nervous system vertebral column a. dorsal hollow nerve cord (All other answers/sources come from book or resources provided, but because I could not find this one in the book, this is the resource I used:,system%3A%20the%20brain%20and%20spine.)

What was the local doctor's diagnosis of the patients' problems? a. Misbehavior b. Mass hysteria c. Alcoholism d. Bewitchment

d. Bewitchment

Blood is classified as what type of tissue? a. foreign b. fibrous c. humoral d. connective

d. Connective (Correct! Though fluid, it binds and supports other tissue so fits our definition for connective tissue.)

If a microbe grew optimally at a low pH, how might this affect its ability to act as a human pathogen? a. It would be virulent in the human body because humans maintain a low pH. b. It would not be effective at all on a human. c. It would not grow effectively in the human body because humans maintain a neutral pH. d. It would only be effective as a pathogen in areas of the human body that have a low native pH.

d. It would only be effective as a pathogen in areas of the human body that have a low native pH.

What elements did researchers in the 1920s believe the early atmosphere contained? a. Phosphorus, water and oxygen, among others. b. Methane, oxygen and phosphorus, among others. c. Oxygen, water and urea, among others. d. Nitrogen, ammonia and methane, among others.

d. Nitrogen, ammonia and methane, among others.

If a mass extinction were caused by a single, catastrophic event (such as asteroid impact), what pattern would you expect regarding the dates when formerly common species lost in the extinction are last observed in the fossil record? a. Since extinction events change fitness, this can't be predicted. b. These fossils would cease to be in the fossil record many millions of years before the extinction event. c. These species would be observed for only a few million years after the extinction event. d. Theoretically, these fossils should be observed right up to the extinction event.

d. Theoretically, these fossils should be observed right up to the extinction event.

What is the advantage to having memory cells when a pathogen is encountered for a second time? a. The immune response lasts longer b. The immune response is slowed. c. The immune response is faster. d. Two of these answers are correct.

d. Two of these answers are correct. ("The immune response lasts longer" and "The immune response is faster", I believe.)

What is the major (most obvious) derived trait of humans? a. fused vertebrae b. relatively hairless body c. opposable thumb d. bipedalism

d. bipedalism (Book talks about opposable thumbs, but this is misleading) (Upright walking over long distances requires less energy than walking on all fours)

Natural selection changes allele frequencies because some ________ survive and reproduce more successfully than others. a. gene pools b. species c. alleles d. individuals

d. individuals

A fruit fly population has a gene with two alleles, A1 and A2. Tests show that 70% of the gametes produced in the population contain the A1 allele. If the population is in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, what proportion of the flies carry both A1 and A2? a. 0.09 b. 0.7 c. 0.49 d. 0.21 e. .42

e. .42

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