C++ 03 Syntax Advanced

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What is 'std::move' in C++?

'std::move' in C++ is a utility function that casts an lvalue to an rvalue, enabling move semantics and efficient resource transfer.

What is 'constexpr if' in C++?

'Constexpr if' is a C++ feature that allows you to conditionally compile code based on compile-time conditions using the 'if constexpr' statement.

What is 'constexpr string' in C++?

'Constexpr string' in C++ refers to a string literal that is evaluated at compile-time and can be used in constexpr contexts.

What is 'NRVO' in C++?

'NRVO' (Named Return Value Optimization) is a variation of RVO where a named local variable is returned from a function, and the compiler optimizes its use to avoid copying.

What is 'RVO' in C++?

'RVO' (Return Value Optimization) is an optimization technique in C++ where the compiler optimizes the return value of a function to avoid unnecessary copies.

What is 'SFINAE' in C++ template metaprogramming?

'Substitution Failure Is Not An Error' (SFINAE) is a principle in C++ template metaprogramming that allows the compiler to choose the best overload of a function template by selecting the one that results in a valid substitution.

What are 'constexpr functions' in C++?

'constexpr functions' in C++ are functions that are evaluated at compile-time, allowing you to perform computations and generate values that are known at compile-time.

What is 'constexpr lambda' in C++20?

'constexpr lambda' in C++20 allows you to create lambdas that are evaluated at compile-time, extending the use of constexpr to function objects.

What is 'std::any' in C++?

'std::any' in C++ is a standard library type that can hold values of any type, providing dynamic type information and type-safe access.

What is 'std::bind' in C++?

'std::bind' in C++ is a standard library function used to create function objects that bind arguments to a function, allowing delayed function invocation.

What is 'std::execution' in C++17?

'std::execution' in C++17 is an execution policy that can be used with certain algorithms to specify the parallelism or sequencing of the execution.

What is 'modules' in C++20?

Modules in C++20 are a language feature that introduces a new way to organize and manage code, improving compilation times and encapsulation.

What are 'structured bindings' in C++17?

Structured bindings in C++17 allow you to decompose objects like tuples, pairs, or user-defined types into their individual members using a more concise syntax.

What is 'tag dispatching' in C++?

Tag dispatching in C++ is a technique that uses overloaded functions or templates with tag types to select the appropriate function implementation based on the tag.

What is 'CRTP' in C++?

The 'Curiously Recurring Template Pattern' (CRTP) in C++ is a template metaprogramming technique where a class template inherits from a class that is parameterized with the derived class itself.

What is 'constexpr' in C++?

The 'constexpr' keyword in C++ is used to declare that an expression can be evaluated at compile-time, enabling efficient computations during compilation.

What is 'std::forward' in C++?

'std::forward' in C++ is a utility function used for perfect forwarding of function arguments while preserving their original value category.

What is 'std::function' in C++?

'std::function' in C++ is a standard library class template that can hold and invoke callable objects, including functions, function pointers, and lambdas.

What is 'std::initializer_list' in C++?

'std::initializer_list' in C++ is a standard library container-like object used for initializing arrays, classes, or containers with a list of values.

What is 'std::ranges' in C++20?

'std::ranges' in C++20 is a library extension that provides a set of standard algorithms, views, and adaptors for working with ranges and sequences of elements.

What is 'std::reference_wrapper' in C++?

'std::reference_wrapper' in C++ is a standard library class template that wraps references, providing a reference-like interface for objects that can be reassigned.

What is 'std::variant' in C++?

'std::variant' in C++ is a standard library type that represents a type-safe union, allowing you to store one of several types within a single object.

What is 'C++20 Atomic Wait and Notify' (std::atomic_wait and std::atomic_notify)?

C++20 Atomic Wait and Notify are features that provide atomic waiting and notification mechanisms for coordinating threads efficiently.

What is 'C++20 Concepts Library' (std::regular, std::totally_ordered, std::indirectly_readable)?

C++20 Concepts Library defines a set of standard concepts to describe the requirements of various algorithms and data structures.

What is 'C++20 Concepts'?

C++20 Concepts are a language feature that allows you to specify constraints on template parameters, improving error messages and code readability.

What is 'C++20 Coroutines Library' (std::suspend_always, std::suspend_never)?

C++20 Coroutines Library introduces standardized types and functions for working with coroutines and asynchronous code.

What is 'C++20 Networking Library' (std::net)?

C++20 Networking Library provides support for networking and asynchronous I/O operations, including socket-based communication.

What is 'C++20 Ranges Library' (std::views::iota, std::views::filter, std::views::transform)?

C++20 Ranges Library provides a set of views and range adaptors for efficient manipulation and transformation of data sequences.

What is 'C++20 Synchronization Library' (std::barrier, std::latch, std::semaphore)?

C++20 Synchronization Library introduces new synchronization primitives like std::barrier, std::latch, and std::semaphore for managing concurrent operations.

What is 'C++20 Three-Way Comparisons'?

C++20 Three-Way Comparisons is a feature that simplifies the implementation of comparison operators for user-defined types by providing a default operator based on the spaceship operator ('<=>').

What is 'compile-time reflection' in C++23?

Compile-time reflection in C++23 is a proposed feature that would allow the program to introspect and manipulate its own data structures and types at compile-time.

What are 'concept checks' in C++20?

Concept checks in C++20 are a feature that allows you to specify requirements for template parameters, ensuring that only types meeting those requirements can be used.

What is 'copy elision' in C++?

Copy elision in C++ is an optimization that allows the compiler to skip creating temporary objects during copy operations when certain conditions are met.

What are 'coroutines' in C++20?

Coroutines in C++20 are a language feature that allows you to write asynchronous and non-blocking code in a more readable and structured manner.

What is 'EBO' (Empty Base Optimization) in C++?

EBO in C++ is an optimization where empty base classes do not occupy any space in derived classes, reducing memory usage.

What is 'perfect forwarding' in C++?

Perfect forwarding in C++ allows you to forward function arguments to other functions, preserving their original types and values.

What is 'placement new' in C++?

Placement new in C++ is a variation of the 'new' operator that allows you to create objects at a specific memory location, useful for custom memory management.

What is 'RAII' in C++?

RAII (Resource Acquisition Is Initialization) is a C++ programming idiom where resource management is tied to the lifetime of objects, typically using constructors and destructors.

What is 'reflection' in C++?

Reflection in C++ is a proposed feature that would allow the program to inspect and manipulate its own data structures and metadata at runtime.

What is 'type erasure' in C++?

Type erasure in C++ is a technique to hide the exact type of objects and operate on them through a common interface, often using polymorphism or function pointers.

What is 'user-defined literals' in C++?

User-defined literals in C++ allow you to define custom literal suffixes to create objects of user-defined types with a concise syntax.

What are 'variadic templates' in C++?

Variadic templates in C++ allow you to create template functions or classes that can accept a variable number of template arguments.

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