C++ Programming Chapters 1-3
Windows and Linux
The two operating systems that the CS computer lab machines boot to.
source file
a human readable file that contains C++ program
assignment statement
allows the programmer to store a value in a variable
more -10 myprog.cpp
linux command for displaying only the first 10 lines of the file
the compiler used in the CS labs for C++
BASIC, FORTRAN, Pascal, Java, C, C++
Examples of high-level languages
a filestream variable that represents the default input source
a filestream variable that represents the default output device
get cin.get(ch);
a function that can be used to read character data, including whitespace; give syntax
a memory location with a name and data type, its content may be changed during program execution
Program Development
a problem solving process
a program that finds and attaches to your program the indicated libraries for compilation
arithmetic expression
a sequence of operands and operators that describe a calculation to be performed
a sequence of statements whose objective is to accomplish a task
operating system
a set of programs that control overall computer activity and provide services
programming language
a set of rules, symbols, and special words
data type
a set of values together with a set of operations
a step-by-step procedure for solving a problem in a finite amount of time
% modulus
an operator that can only be used with int values. result will always be an int.
allocating memory
associate an identifier with a memory location
CPU and main memory, secondary storage, input and output devices
basic components of computer hardware
case sensitive
both linux and C++ are ___________, meaning that upper case and lower case letters are different
setprecision(n) cout << fixed << showpoint << setprecision(2);
controls output of floating-point numbers; give syntax
floating-point category: float, double
data types that refer to numbers with decimals
default name of executable file
object file
executable version of program
grammar rules of the language; compiler will try to identify and locate syntax errors
header file that contains commonly performed mathematical functions
header file that contains commonly used manipulators used to format output
linux command for display file
linux command for online manual
cat -n myprog.cpp
linux command that will output the source code and will number the lines of the code.
endl (same as '\n')
manipulator that causes the insertion point (cursor) to move to the beginning of the next line
meaning of the instructions in the language; compiler cannot find these errors - often called logic errors
naming convention for C++ programs
nonexecutable statements that are included in a program to provide information about what the program does, how it works, what input is expected, what output is generated, who wrote it, etc.
unary operator
operator with only one operand
binary operator
operator with two operands
room number of the computer lab
sets floating-point values to a fixed decimal format
sqrt(x) expects 1 double type expression >= 0.0 as its argument
square root function (give syntax and parameters)
syntax to print backslash (\)
syntax to print double quote
syntax to print single quote
preprocessor directives
tells the computer where to find the library for operations and data types
128 (numbered 0-127)
the number of characters in ASCII
#include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { return 0; }
the parts required in every C++ program
the physical components of a computer and its surrounding (peripheral) devices
the stream extraction operator
the stream insertion operator
system software and application software
the two main types of software
static_cast<datatypename>(expression) static_cast<double>(total/divisor) static_cast<char>(65)
type casting syntax
machine language, assembly language, and high-level language
types of programming languages
escape sequences
use 2 characters to represent one '\n' = newline '\t' = tab
used to format output
used to output a value in specific # of columns
value, identifier, or expression that is part of the calculation to be performed
type coercion
when a value of one data type is implicitly (automatically) changed to another data type
characters used to separate symbols, reserved words, identifiers and statements; include blanks, tabs and newline (linefeed) characters
collating code commonly used by computers for encoding data into sequences of bits
lpr myfile.cpp
command for printing in the CS lab
editor used in CS labs
int namespace include using return
examples of reserve words
forces the computer to display decimal point and trailing zeroes
assembly language
instructions made up of mnemonic codes
machine language
instructions made up of sequences of 0s and 1s
names of things that are used in a program, can apply to variables, constants, and functions
using namespace std;
place where identifiers used in the system provided header files are defined
pow(x,y) expects 2 double type expressions if x=0.0, y must be positive if x<=0.0, y must be a whole number returns x^y
power function (give syntax and parameters)
#include <headerfilename>
preprocessor directive syntax
process of planning and creating a program
type casting (conversion)
programmer explicitly indicates that a value is to be converted to another type
high-level language
programming language that: - is machine independent - must be translated by a compiler
machine language
programming language that: - is the only language directly understood and executed by the computer -is machine dependent
assembly language
programming language that: - must be translated to machine language by a program called an assembler - is machine dependent
system software
programs designed to control the computer
application software
programs designed to perform specific tasks
remote access
single letters, digits, special symbols; enclose value in single quotes ('a' '?' '8')
int values
whole numbers, no decimals and no commas included
reserved words
words that are used for special purposes in a program
Arithmetic Operators
* / % + -
special symbols
+ - * / . ; ? , < > <= >= ! != & |
symbol that denotes an action to be performed
Analysis, Implementation, Maintenance
Three steps of Program Development
named constant
a memory location with a name and data type and a value, its content (value) cannot be changed during program execution
a program that translates instructions written in a high-level language into the equivalent machine code
setfill(ch) cout << setfill('?') << ... ;
allows programmer to fill blank columns in a field with a character
an electronic device capable of performing commands (input, output, storage, arithmetic and logic operations)
like-type expression
an expression in which all operands have the same data type - result will have the same data type as operands
mixed expression
an expression that has operands with different data types
high-level language
instructions are closer to natural language, use familiar words and symbols
message displayed to the screen asking user for input; generated with an output statement
program used to create and modify text based files
sets of instructions to be executed by the computer, i.e., programs
smallest individual unit of a programming language - special symbols, word symbols, identifiers
const datatype identifier = value;
syntax for named constant declaration
cin >> variable;
syntax for reading char type variables by extracting one nonwhitespace character extracted at a time
cout << left << ...; cout << right << ...;
syntax that allows the programmer to specify whether contents of field will be left or right justified
syntax to disable the fixed manipulator