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What is defects per million at 5 sigma?


What is defects per million at 6 sigma?


What is defects per million at 2 sigma?


What is defects per million at 4 sigma?


What is defects per million at 3 sigma?


The matrix organization is a combination of a divisional organization and what?

A functional organization

A concentration strategy entails focusing on what?

A single business in a single industry

Businesses using a differentiation strategy attempt to be unique in what way?

A way customers value

Goals are used to do what?

Achieve a company's mission

The matrix organization is great for its flexibility and what?


Facilitation and support should be used when people are resisting because of what?

Adjustment problems

The second step in the strategic planning process is generating what?

Alternative solutions

The third step in the strategic planning process is evaluating what?


Benchmarking is comparing one's basic functions to what?

Another company or set of companies

The first stage of the Prosci management process is to prepare your what?


Accommodation means cooperating on behalf of the other party but not being what?

Assertive about one's own interests

Collaboration emphasizes both cooperation and what?


Entrepreneurial orientation is determined by allowing independent action, innovating, taking risks, being proactive, and what?

Being competitively aggressive

A business strategy defines the major actions by which an organization does what?

Builds and strengthens its competitive position

The second stage of the Prosci management process is to manage what?


By using Dr. Ohmae's strategic triangle, an organization can obtain sustained what?

Competitive advantage

Dr. Ohmae's strategic triangle is made up of customer, corporation , and what?


Continuous process is continuous work primarily performed by what?


Explicit and implicit coercion should be used when speed is essential, and the change initiators possess what?

Considerable power

What are the dimensions of conflict-handling intentions?

Cooperativeness and assertiveness

A network organization is one which multiple mostly isolated firms come together to do what?

Create a good or service

Intrapreneurship is fostering a culture that promotes thinking and what?


Integrity tests are primarily used to detect what?

Criminal behavior or tendencies

TQM is characterized by a strong what?

Customer orientation

The strategic triangle is used to create strategies based on what?

Customers, company, and competitors

In an organic organization, workers have broader responsibilities, expertise is highly valued, and decision making and influence are mostly what?


Skunkworks are product teams dedicated to what?

Developing a new product

A value chain analysis is done to create more customer value and what else?

Encourage improvements and innovation

The final step in the strategic planning process is doing what with your choice?


Manipulation and cooptation should be used when other tactics won't work or are too what?


Are opportunities and threats referring to the external or internal environement?


An organic organization seeks to optimize/promote what?


A divisional organization is one where each division houses all what?


Feedforward concurrent is about what?

Getting ahead of operations

The fifth step in the strategic planning process is doing what with your choice?


Education and communication should be used when there is a lack of what?


A boundaryless organization is one that has few restrictions on what?

Information flow

Network orgs are quick, flexible, and what?


Do strengths and weaknesses refer to external or internal resources?


A mechanistic organization seeks to optimize what?

Internal efficiency

Cognitive conflict is differences in perspective or judgements about what?


A core competency is something a firm does particularly well relative to what?

Its competitors

Negotiation and rewards should be used when someone or some group will clearly what?

Lose out in a change

Are defects higher or lower as the sigma number rises?


The O in SWOT stands for


The principle idea of reengineering is to revolutionize key what?

Organizational systems and processes

Affective conflict is emotional and directed at what?

Other people

The third stage of the Prosci management process is to sustain what?


Bootlegging refers to informal efforts in which employees work to create new products and processes of their what?

Own choosing and intitiative

A corporation recently disbanded its flex time schedule for employees and now requires that all employees work 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. The employees banded together in opposition of the change. What were the employees of the corporation experiencing?

Peer pressure

The second of the steps in the control process is to measure what?


The first of the steps in the control process is to set what?

Performance standards

Superordinate goals are goals set in place that everyone should strive towards and should supersede what?

Personal or unit preferences

Quality assurance is the prevention of quality problems through what?

Planned and systematic activities, including quality control

Porter's Five Forces model helps companies analyze where their shortcomings/weaknesses might be, as well as identify what?

Potential threats

Participation and involvement should be used when the initiators don't have what they need to design the change and others have what?

Power to resist

Market control is all about what?

Prices and competition

The fourth of the steps in the control process is to rewards successes and correct what?


Quality control is the activities or techniques used to achieve and maintain what?

Product quality

The mission is a clear and concise expression of the basic what of the organization?


A quality audit is a process of examination and verification of procedures, records, and activities of a what?

Quality system

A concentric diversification strategy entails moving into new but what businesses?

Related businesses

Feedback control uses what to correct deviations?


The dimensions on the entrepreneurial strategy matrix are innovation and what?


Bureaucratic control is all about what?

Rules and standards

Validity is the accuracy of the what?

Selection test

Businesses using a low cost strategy attempt to be efficient and offer what kind of products?


Division of labor means work is divided into what?

Smaller tasks

The third of the steps in the control process is to compare performance with what?


The S in SWOT stands for


A vertical integration strategy entails expanding the company's domain to include what?

Suppliers and distributors

Porter's Five Forces model is made up new entrants, customers, and what else?

Suppliers and substitutes and complements

What is the fourth step of the control process which ensures that operations are adjusted to achieve planned results?

Taking corrective action

Reliability is the consistency of what over time and across alternative measurements?

Test scores

Six Sigma is used to analyze what?

The causes of product defects

The fourth step in the strategic planning process is making what?

The choice

The value chain is the sequence of activities from raw materials to what?

The delivery of goods or services

In a performance test, the test taker performs a sample of what?

The job

Under the Hackman and Oldham model, autonomy is important for experiencing responsibility for what?

The outcome of the work

The first step in the strategic planning process is identifying and diagnosing what?

The problem

A functional organization is one where jobs are specialized and grouped according to business functions and what?

The skills they require

The number of subordinates who report directly to an executive or supervisors is called what?

The span of control

Under the Hackman and Oldham model, skill variety, task identity, and task significance are important for experiencing meaningfulness of what?

The work

Under the Hackman and Oldham model, feedback is important for the knowledge of the actual results of what?

The work activities

Competing is when two parties focus solely on what?

Their own interests

The T in SWOT stands for


The ISO 9001 provides standards for businesses that overall improve what?

Total organizational quality

A dialectic is a structured debate comparing what?

Two conflicting courses of action

When speaking to someone from a different culture, it's important to emphasize simplicity and ensure what?


A conglomerate diversification strategy entails expanding into what kind of businesses?

Unrelated businesses

The W in SWOT stands for


Customer relationship management is important for firms to know what about their consumers?

What they want

The strategic vision provides a perspective on what?

Where the organization is headed

Concurrent control takes place when?

While plans are being carried out

Is commitment and determination important for entrepreneurship?


Is creativity, self-reliance, and the ability to adapt important for entrepreneurship?


Is leadership important for entrepreneurship?


Is opportunity obsession important for entrepreneurship?


Is the motivation to excel important for entrepreneurship?


Is tolerance of risk, ambiguity, and uncertainty important for entrepreneurship?


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