California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA)
"I'm on your website but I can't find the Privacy Notice. Can you help me?"
"Of course! From anywhere on our website, just scroll all the way to the bottom, then in the center area you'll see 'StorageMart. All Rights Reserved. STORAGEMART ® Privacy Policy. Owning Entities. Site Map.' and you'll just need to click on Privacy Policy."
"I read your Privacy Notice and I have more questions/I do not understand it. Can you help me?"
"Sure, you can email our Data Protection Officer at [email protected]."
"How can I find out what information your company has collected about me?"
"We have guidelines on how to collect that outlined in our Privacy Notice, and you can find our Privacy Notice on our website."
"How can I request to have my data deleted or corrected?"
"We have guidelines on how to make a request outlined in our Privacy Notice on our website."
What does CCPA stand for?
California Consumer Privacy Act
What is CCPA?
The CCPA outlines certain disclosures StorageMart must make for our California customers regarding our use of data (effective January 1st, 2020). The CCPA allows California residents to request to "know", delete, or opt-out of their data being sold. With the "Right to Know," anything identifiable to a customer can be provided upon request.