Cancer Registry A

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67, 49

5 year survival rate is _____ percent. This is significantly up from ____ percent in the 1970s.

13 million, 18 million

ACS estimated ______ survivors alive in 2012 and the number will increase to ____ by 2012.


An organized collection of information.

2007, 2010 and later

CSv2 began in _____ and is used for patients diagnosed in _____.

word processors, spreadsheets, presentation software, registry database software, internet applications, registry websites

Cancer registrars need to become proficient in using which six computer applications?

malignant, benign brain and spinal tumors, basal cell, squamous cell, cervical

Cancer registries collect data only on ______ cancers and _____. They do not collect data on ____, ____, and ____ cancers.

cancer registry, their manual, FORDS

Commission on Cancer approved programs maintain a _____ and follow _____ entitled ____.

replace registrar, untrained staff, registrars work load

Computerized registry does not allow hospital to _____ with _____ or reduce _____.

track down doctors, tracking down of hard to follow patients

Computerized registry does not prevent need to _____ or make ______ easier.


Computerized registry does not save time in _____.

state central registries, national cancer data base, american cancer society

Data from cancer registries are reported to _____, _____, _____.

CoC approved programs

Data submission to the National Cancer Database is required of ____.

Facility Oncology Registry Data Standards

FORDS stands for

high dose rate

HDR in brachytherapy stands for _____.


HIPAA was enacted in ____.

site, morphology, behavior, grading

ICD O 3 codes are a multi-axial classification of what four things related to neoplasms?

International Classification of Diseases for Oncology

ICD O stands for _____.

Illinois Department of Public Health

Illinois State Cancer registry operates under the ____.

National Program of Cancer Registries

Illinois State Registry is funded by _____.


In CoC approved hospital, abstracting is performed/reviewed by _____.

existing staff, outsourced to CTR

In diagnostic and treatment centers, registry is done by _____ or _____.

cancer registrar, other HIM staff member

In hospitals that are not CoC approved, registry can be done by ____ or _____.

existing staff, outsourced to CTR

In research centers, registry is done by _____ or ______.

administrative planning and marketing, financial analysis, clinical care, cancer control, cancer research, professional education, community uses, public education

In what eight areas is cancer registry data used?

casefinding, abstracting, follow up

Information in the cancer registry database is entered through which three major activities?

data definitions, variables, and formats, central/state registry staff, evaluates and publishes data

NAACCR standardizes _____, trains and educates _____, and ______ from member registries

state central registries

NPCR and SEER programs are considered _____.

basic training, scholarships to attend meetings, technical support, quality assurance activities

NPCR funding helps to increase the number of CTRs in the state by providing _____, _____, ______, and ______

public benchmark reports

On the Commission on Cancer website, what type of data/reports can the public obtain from the NCDB?

location, size, number, lymph node involvement, metastasis

Per the AJCC website, what are the 5 common elements of staging systems?

national cancer institute, national cancer act

SEER is a program of the ____ and was established by _____.

surveillance, epidemiology, and end results program

SEER stands for ____.

cancer prevention, access to care, research and training, other standard setters

The American Cancer Society supports ______, ____, and _____, and works closely with _____.


The Commission on Cancer provides registrars with online system for questions known as _____.

AJCC staging

The Commission on Cancer requires physicians to assign ______ when applicable.


The Illinois State Cancer Registry is located in _____.

Illinois state cancer registry

The Illinois central registry is called the ______

molecular markers

The Latest TNM Manual includes prognostic indicators based on _____.

CTR certification and maintenance, training and communication between registrars

The NCRA provides _____, and _____

American Cancer Society, American College of Surgeons

The National Cancer Database is a joint effort between _____ and _____.

how far a cancer has spread from point of origin

The SEER Summary Staging Manual categorizes cancer according to _____.

United Nations

The World Health Organization is the authority for health within which system?

National Cancer Act, research, detection, treatment

The _____ budgets monies to the National Cancer Institute for ____, ____, and _____ of cancer in 1971.

bone sarcoma registry, codman

The _____, developed by _____, was one of the earliest registries developed for a specific type of cancer.

yale new haven hospital

The first hospital based cancer registry was at _____.


The first population based cancer registry in U.S. was established in _____.

National Program of Cancer Registries

The goal of this national organization is to monitor the burden of cancer, provide data for research, evaluate cancer activities, and plan for future healthcare needs.

prevent and control, future patient care, clinicians in assessing diagnostics, decision making, local needs

The goals of cancer registry are to _____ cancer, improve _____, assist _____, aid in _____, and respond to _____.

casefinding, abstracting, follow up

The main functions of cancer registries include _____, ____, and ____.

National Cancer Database

This entity collects, tracks and analyzes data on all types of cancer. These data are used to explore trends in cancer care, to create regional and state benchmarks for participating hospitals, and to serve as the basis for quality improvement.


This involves capturing all patients diagnosed and/or treated at the facility.

follow up

This involves monitoring patients annually throughout their lifetime.


This involves obtaining data about patients' diagnosis and treatment as well as coding and entering these in database.


This organization funded registries supported by state law for complete case reporting from facilities and practitioners, access to medical records, uniform set of data elements, protection of patient confidentiality, access to data by researchers, authorization to conduct research, protection from liability

Collaborative Staging version 2

This was developed to reduce duplicate data produced by TNM and SEER Summary Staging and to produce more clinically relevant data that's reproducible over time.


This was enacted by Congress to address the privacy and security of protected health information.


Use of the Cyber Cancer Registry can serve to satisfy part of the clinical practicum for formal education programs approved by what organization?

number of new cases, longevity of registry, type of population followed, activities performed by registry, experience and education of staff

Volume of staff in cancer registry departments depends upon _____, _____, _____, _____ and ______.

CDC, Veterans Administration, C/Net Solutions, ONCO, Electronic Registry Systems, Rocky Mountain Cancer Data Systems, Elekta

What are seven vendors of cancer registry databases?

physical exams, imaging tests, laboratory tests, pathology reports, surgical reports

What are the 5 basic methods used to determine cancer stage as stated on the AJCC website?

CNext Software

What cancer registry database did C/Net develop?


What cancer registry database did ONCO develop?


What cancer registry database did Veterans Administration develop?

Registry Plus, WebPlus

What cancer registry databases did CDC develop?

ICD 10

What forms the basis for ICD O?

SEER Summary Staging Manual

What is SEER's manual's name?


What is the first module available in the Cyber Cancer Registry?

version 02.04.40

What is the version number of Collaborative Stage currently in use by cancer registries?


What is the worldwide standard cancer diagnosis system?

Look Good Feel Better

What support program of the American Cancer Society provides women with help related to skin changes and hair loss?

hospitals, diagnostic and treatment facilities, research centers, laboratories

Which 4 settings might have cancer registries?

Cancer Registries Amendment Act of 1992

Which entity allowed for the expansion of cancer registries and improvement of existing cancer registries and professional development of their personnel.

Cancer Registries Amendment Act of 1992

Which entity established a computerized registry system?

american cancer society

Which group often has reps as members of hospital Cancer committees?

Commission on Cancer

Which organization administers the National Accreditation Program for Breast Cancers?


Which organization developed Summary Staging - Basic Staging?

Commission on Cancer

Which organization develops standards for approved cancer programs?

American Joint Committee on Cancer

Which organization develops the TNM Manual for prognostic staging of cancers?


Which organization is responsible for publishing disease codes?


Which organization maintains the overall management of the Collaborative Staging System?

National Cancer Registrars Association

Which organization plays a vital part in professional development of cancer registrars?

College of American Pathologists

Which organization provides guidelines for definitive cancer reporting with regard to size, grade, location, extension, and TNM staging?


Which organization published Multiple Primary & Histology Rules and Hematopoietic & Lymphoid Neoplasm Case Reportability?

american cancer society

Which organization published the Manual of Tumor Nomenclature and Coding in 1951?

Commission on Cancer

Which organization requires physicians to assign AJCC staging when applicable?

Illinois Department of Public Health

Which organization responsible for the Illinois State Cancer Registry?

Commission on Cancer

Which organization surveys cancer programs to ensure standards are being met?

North American Association of Central Cancer Registries

Which organization was established to meet the needs of central registries?

TNM Manual

Which publication is used for prognostic staging of cancers?

Manual of Tumor Nomenclature and Coding

Which publication led to ICD O 3?


Which software collects cancer data securely over the public Internet and is ideal for use by central cancer registries for all electronic reporting needs? Its abstracting capability is also ideal for reporting from physicians' offices and other low-volume reporting sources.

Office for Civil Rights

Who enforces the HIPAA Privacy Rule?

Commission on Cancer

Who publishes FORDS?


Year Cancer Registries Amendment Act Implemented.


Year NCRA certification implemented.


Year National Cancer Act implemented.


Year National Program of Cancer Registries Implemented


Year SEER program implemented.


Year commission on cancer requires registry in CoC approved programs.


_____ of NCI establishes the first national cancer registry program in 1973.

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