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Chaucer says he will describe each pulgrim by telling....

1. their condition (social status/marxist) 2. their profession & degree 3. what they were wearing 4. what they rode in or on

how old is the squire?

20 years olf

at the Tabard Inn, the poet pilgrim narrator meets...

29 other pilgrims also bound for Canterbury

how many people were on the pilgrimage?

30 people (29 met with Chaucer at the Tabard Inn in Southwark)

Canterbury Cathedral is about...

55 miles Southeast from London.

the knight has a distinguishes/extensive career, even way back to.... and also fought in...

Alexandria. Prussia, Russia, Lithuania, Granada, North Africa, Anatolia, all along the Mediterranean Sea, and Tramissene.

the prologue is in the month of.. (& season of..)


Saint Thomas á Becket's shrine is at...

Canterbury Cathedral.

the poet pilgrim narrator is considered to be..

Chaucer himself.

to include the complete range of medieval society in the same picture....

Chaucer places his characters on a pilgrimage.

the host's suggestion sets up...

Chaucer's frame story.

the prioress's oath is..

"By St. Loy"- Loy known for his perfect manners.

why did the knight join the pilgrimage?

"he joined out ranks to do his pilgrimage and render thanks."

the friar's name is...


the cook could distinguish...

London ale by any flavor

together, the pilgrims travel on horseback from...

London to the shrine of the martyr St. Thomas á Becket.

the prioress names is...

Madam Eglantyne

the cooks blacanange/ French white food was...

made with the best.

the monk kept...

many horses

the friar fixed up..

many marriages

to create the portraits of his pilgrims, Chaucer uses the same methods of characterization that..

many writers will do today.

55 mile is along journey on horseback, especially with...

muddy tracks that would barely pass as roads today.

the prioress manners when eating...

no food ever fell from her lip, wiper her upper lip so clean there was no trace of grease.

the prioress looks..

nose elegant, eyes glass grey, small soft red lips, unibrow, coral trinket, green rosary beads, golden brooch

the squire was the opposite...

of his dad but carved to serve his father

the monks horse...

palfrey brown as a berry.

As a pilgrimage story, it's one of the world's many quest narratives, and it moves from images of spring and awakening at the beginning of the prologue to images of...

penance, death, and eternal life in the Parson's tale at the end of the work.

the first 18 lines give an idea of the what the people long to do which is..

pilgrimages- a pilgrimage to the shrine of St. Thomas á Becket (the holy blissful martyr).

the friars pockets were stuffed with..

pins for curls and pocket knives for pretty girls

The storytellers themselves are pilgrims in search of renewal at the shrine of Thomas á Becket. Coming as they do from all walks of life and all social classes, they cannot help but...

represent "every man", or all of us, on our universal pilgrimage through life.

the cook could... works for...

roast, seethe,fry; make a good thick soup, and bake a tasty pie... Franklin

the knight had just got back from...


the nun smiles very...

simply and coy

the squire is the...

son of the knight

the people saw the knight as...

sovereign (the supreme ruler Bey of Ballet)

the friar was extremely king in giving forgiveness, pleasant absolution

sure sign of gifts when sins are forgiven, silver to the friar for repentence

the prioress was... (feelings)

sympathetic, tender feelings, charitable

the friar was nice to people because he would get...


the prioress is...

the head of convent o nuns

the frame story is the main story of...

the pilgrimage that includes each of the pilgrims story (story within a story).

Nevill Coghill says that apart from the stunning clarity, touched with nuance, of the characters presented, the most noticeable thing about them is...

their normalcy.

as the pilgrims sit around the fire after dinner, the tabard host suggests that...

they exchange tales to pass time along the way to Canterbury and back to London.

Nevill Coghill says that nothing in all literature...

touches or resembles the prologue.

Nevill Coghill...

translates Chaucer's Canterbury tales.

the knight represents and is...

truth, honor, generousness, courtesy and does nobly in sovereign's war, went into the battle, most Christian man (considering the heathen environment)

Chaucer may tell the reader directly what the character's nature is..

virtuous, vain, clever, and so on and on.

the friar was...

wanton and merry, festive district priest

an inn was always a ....

welcome oasis, even if it provided few luxuries.

the narrator agrees with the monk on the idea...

why should the monk drive himself crazy with study of manual labor?

the squire is characterized...

wonderful agility and strength, lover and courteous, lowly

the knight wore a... that had...

wore a dark linen and cotton tunic that thad smudges where his armor left a mark.

the monk thought that structures and rules were...


Nevill Coghill say that the prologues is...

THE CONCISE PORTRAIT OF AN ENTIRE NATION, high and low, old and young, male and female, lay and clerical, learned and ignorant, rogue and righteous, land and sea, town and county, BUT WITHOUT EXTREMES.

the port pilgrim narrator starts out at the..

Tabard Inn in Southwark.

how did the monk feel about St. Benet and St. Maurice's monastic order?

Their order discourages monk from engaging in activities like hunting but the monk dismiss the strict and old rule/ignores it.

the friar dressed like...

a doctor or pope with a high quality cape like garment

Nevill Coghill says the character are the perennial of men and women: sharply individual, together they make...

a party.

Canterbury tales gives us a collection of good stories and a snapshot....

a picture of life in the middle ages, frozen in time.

a pilgrimage is..

a religious journey made to a shrine or holy place.

the squire wore and could...

a short gown, wide sleeves, knew how to sit on /ride horses, could make songs and poems and recite, could joust, dance, draw, and write.

frame story

a story within a sotry

the spring is...

a time of new life and awkaneing

the cook stood...


these pilgrims, like a group of people on tour today...

are from many stations and stages of life.

the squire would rather...

be singing, fluting (creative practice) and be bright "fresh as month of may"

the knight was wise, modest and never a .... thing said.


Southwark is a....

borough in the South of London.

the cook boiled..

chicken with marrow bone, sharp flavoring powder and a spice flavor

the friar doesn't appear as a...

cloistered scholar, bad habits not war a dollar (always late on settling days so no money in it.

the friar was qualified to hear...

confessions "had a special license from the pope"

if there was profit in it, the friar was..

courteous and lowly of service (of commerce with slum and gutter dwellers but only with the rich and victual sellers)

the prioress was carrying to animals...

cride if mouse in trap dead/bleeding, fed dogs lavishly, bitter to one's death. tender hearted if they were to learn a trip.

the prioress spoke...

daintily in French after school @ Stratford-atte-Bowe, didn't know the real "Paris French".

the prioress wanted to be seen as...

dignified (fake dignity) to appeal to the image of a nun.

the knight is the most...

distinguished man

the prioress was very...

entertaining, pleasant, and friendly in her ways

general prologue is the....

first line that establish the pilgrimage which takes place in the Spring.

why do the pilgrims want to go to the shrine of St. Thomas á Becket?

for a sense of renewal/to help them when they were sick

the friar knew taverns well, and was well know in the worst part of town but...

for so high powerful of a man, he should not deal with a scum.

the monks sleeves were...

garnished at the hand with fine grey fur, had wrought-gold cunningly fashioned pink to fasten hood

the friars voice is... and he played..

gay and sturdy, played hurdy gurdy

the tales begin with a...

general prologue.

the knight was true, perfect, and a..

gentle knight.

the knight had... but was not...

had fine horses, but not gaily/cheerful dressed

frame story: Uses outer story of the pilgrimage to unite his travelers' individual tales, but the tales themselves also...

have thematic unity.

the cook was a pity to the author because...

he had an ulcer on his knee

the squire slept little because...

he was up all night with women.

the priress came with...

her secretary nun and 3 preists (4 poeple)

before the friar left..

his income was more than he expected so he romped just like a puppy, excited

the knight honored for...

his noble graces

Chaucer reveals characters by telling us...

how the character 1. looks/dresses 2. speaks/acts 3. speaks/feels 4. is responded to by others

the monk sport was...

hunting, a manly man, extremely handsome

the first 18 lines are the most..

important and formal

the monk's horses bridle could be heard...

jingling in a whistling wind as clear and loud as a church bell.

In Tramissene, the knight...

jousted for the Christian faith in "the lists"

What did the knight alway do after beating his opponent in the tournament ring?

killed them

the golden brooch says "amor vincit omnia"...

latin for love conquers all

as the prologue progresses, we are introduced to the pilgrims and Chaucer's brilliant picture of...

life in late medieval England comes into focus.

the monk is flashy....

like a prosperous lord... fat, bald, well dressed, no pale

the squire has..

long curly hair

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