Canterbury Tales study guide

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the doctor

" blood red garments, slashed with bluish gray"

the reeve

"...old and choleric and thin..."

What is the theme of his of his tale?

"Greed is the root to all evil"

the miller

"a great stout fellow big in brawn and bone..."

the tradesman

"a haberdasher, a dyer and a carpenter"

the knight

"a most distinguished man...chivalry, truth, honor, generousness and courtesy"

the summoner

"children were afraid when he appeared"

sergeant at law

"he knew of every judgement, case and crime..."

the franklin

"he lived for pleasure and had always done"

the friar

"he was an easy man in penance giving..." (corrupt clergy member)

the ploman

"he was an honest worker good and true..." (brother to the devout churchman)

the monk

"hunting was his sport" he liked to eat and had greyhounds"

the prioress

"she used to weep if she but saw a mouse"

harry bailey (the host)

"there is no finer burgess in Cheapside" (the trade class leader of the group)

the cook

"what a pity-so it seemed to me that he should have an ulcer on his knee" (trade class servant)

the oxford cleric

"whatever money from his friends he took, he spent on learning or another book"

It is ironic that the Pardoner tells this story because he is open about his own greed.

(a) Why is it ironic that the Pardoner tells this story?

He symbolizes death as a blessing. Few would want eternal life without eternal youth.

(b) What might the old man symbolize?

Chaucer might want to show how depraved the truly greedy are, that they can profit from pointing out other people's greed.

(b) What point might Chaucer be making about moral tales by assigning the pardoner's tale to a rogue?

Describe in detail the Knight.

1. The Knight is described first, as befits a 'worthy man' of high status. The Knight has fought in the Crusades in numerous countries, and always been honored for his worthiness and courtesy. Everywhere he went, the narrator tells us, he had a 'sovereyn prys' (which could mean either an 'outstanding reputation', or a price on his head for the fighting he has done). The Knight is dressed in a 'fustian' tunic, made of coarse cloth, which is stained by the rust from his coat of chainmails

the squire

20 years old, a lover

According to the Host's plan, each pilgrim would tell how many tales?


According to the Prologue, how many tales will each pilgrim tell on the journey?


The Wife of Bath has been married how many times?


how many books does le morte d'arthor encompass?

8 books

What do the rioters find underneath the tree?

8 bushel baskets full of coins

Describe in detail the Parson.

A good religious man, A Parson of a Town, is next described, who, although poor in goods, is rich in holy thought and work. He's a learned man, who truly preaches Christ's gospel, and devoutly teaches his parishioners. He travels across his big parish to visit all of his parishioners, on his feet, carrying a staff in his hand. He is a noble example to his parishioners ('his sheep', as they are described) because he acts first, and preaches second (or, in Chaucer's phrase, 'first he wroghte, and afterward he taughte'). The narrator believes that there is no better priest to be found anywhere.

What is a pilgrimage?

A meaningful journey to a certain place


A poor man in material goods, but rich in holy thoughts and works. brother to the plowman

What do the rioters accuse the old man of being?

A spy for death

She thinks it is more important to teach him a lesson than to kill him.

According to The Wife of Bath's Tale, why does the queen give the knight a chance to save his life?

Why does Chaucer's Friar avoid "slum-and-gutter dwellers"?

Because it is beneath his dignity to deal with them

What does the Pardoner say the young men "received their due"?

Because they all plan to kill each other and that is a sin

one long poem

Canterbury tales is written in ___ ____ ___.


Chaucer's characterizations of the prioress, the Monk, and others connected with the Church is mainly:

In the Pardoner's tale who is the old man?


Define direct and indirect characterization

Direct Characterization tells the audience what the personality of the character is. Indirect Characterization shows things that reveal the personality of a character.

What question does the old woman ask the knight after they are married?

Do you want me to be young and faithless or old and faithful?

Point of the story is true, even though the Pardoner uses it for the wrong reasons. Or that it is dulled by hypocrisy.

Draw Conclusions: The Pardoner is quite open about the manipulative use to which he puts the tale. Do the Pardoner's reasons for telling the story detract from its moral truth? Explain.

What is the main setting of the story about the knight?

England in the time of King Arthur

What is the setting of the story?

England in the time of King Arthur

The exemplum of "The Pardoner's Tale" proves that greed is the root of all evil.

Explain how the allegory of "The Pardoner's Tale" proves that greed is the root of all evil.

The Pardoner sells indulgences, so the lesson about the bad effects of greed might also open pockets of those who want forgiveness for past offenses. The old man's presence shows that no one knows when death might happen. Therefore, forsaking greed and seeking pardon for sins is a wise idea.

Explain the way in which the old man's presence in the tale benefits the Pardoner and motivates his listeners toward a more wholesome existence.

How is the Host portrayed?

Fair and good natured

How does the Pardoner make money?

Fake religious relics

He uses it as an exemplum in sermon designed to get listeners to part with their money.

For what reason does the Pardoner usually tell "The Pardoner's Tale"?

He uses it as an exemplum in a sermon designed to get listeners to part with their money.

For what reason does the Pardoner usually tell The Pardoner's Tale?

What did the three rioters see as they were drinking in the tavern?

Funeral procession

In the Pardoner's tale what is the allegory that the Pardoner teaches?

Greed is the root of all evil

The moral of "The Pardoner's Tale" is

Greed is the source of evil.

According to "The Wife of Bath's Tale" why was the knight condemned to die?

He attacked a maiden

Why is the knight condemned to die?

He attacked a maiden

Why was the knight condemned to die?

He attacked a maiden.

After the knight and the old woman are married, the old woman gives him two choices. What are they?

He can have an old, faithful wife or a young wife who is unfaithful.

Why does the old man want to die?

He cant find anyone to exchange their youth for his old age so its time to die

In the Prologue, what does the narrator think of the Monk?

He doesn't see him as an admirable character

The knight decides to return to the queen and meet his fate even before he meets the old woman. Why?

He gave his word he would return.

In "The Wife of Bath's Tale," what does the knight do after hearing the queen's question and leaving her presence?

He searches all over and asks every woman he finds for the answer.

What does the Pardoner tell us in his prologue that is unexpected?

He tells us the theme before he even begins the story

Based on the excerpt below from The Pardoners Tale, what can you infer from these words of the pardoner?

He wants his parishioners to give him plenty of their money

Why does the devil have influence over the young man?

He's drunk and he has already stole

greedy, selfish

How did Chaucer characterize many in the clergy class?

stab the other rioter upon his return

How do the 2 rioters decide to increase their share of the gold?

He goes to her house and sings to her

How does Absalom woo Alison?

two going there and two coming back

How many tales will each pilgrim tell on the journey?

stern and judgmental

How would you describe the narrator in the Prologue?

greedy and rough

How would you describe the three rioters?

writer (all the stories are made up) & narrator (he is the guy walking with the other people)

In Canterbury Tales, what is Chaucer's role?

with contempt

In The Pardoner's Tale, how do the rioters treat the old man when they meet him?


In The Pardoner's Tale, the 3 rioters are sure that they can destroy Death, and yet they fail to see that they are falling into his trap. This is an example of ___.

He searches all over and asks every woman he finds for the answer.

In The Wife of Bath's Tale, what does the knight do after hearing the queen's question and leaving her presence?

What do you know about the woman from Bath, based on these lines from the Prologue?

In all the parish not a dame dared stir / Towards the altar steps in front of her. . . . Jealous of other women because she has been married 5 times

What is the moral of "The Wife of Bath's Tale"?

It is best for husbands and wives when women rule the marriage

What is the feudalistic pyramid?

Kings lords knights ecclesiastics serfs

The exemplum rails against homicide, gluttony, blasphemy, and pride.

Literary Analysis. In addition to avarice, or greed, against what sins does the exemplum preach in the final lines?

Greed leads to the rioters into plotting the murder of the third rioter.

Literary Analysis. Into what new sin does greed lead the rioters?

The old man is the mysterious guide who helps point the way.

Literary Analysis. What archetypal role does the old man play?

The publican's comments that Death has killed an entire family - builds the danger of the situation.

Literary Analysis. What details of the publican's comments build the danger of the situation?

The youngest rioter contemplates poisoning his two comrades.

Literary Analysis. What new sin does greed lead the youngest rioter to contemplate?

The desire for gain purely for the love of gain is destructive. The desire for gain at the expense of others or through questionable actions is destructive. The desire for legitimate and reasonable gain, through diligent work, is not.

Make a Judgment: Do you think the desire for gain is ultimately destructive, as the Pardoner's tale suggests, or can it lead to positive consequences? Explain.

What is ironic about the attitude that the old man has toward Death?

Most people seek to avoid death, but the old man looks for it

How is the old man's behavior different from the rioters?

Nice, respectable, treats them kindly whereas they are rude and disrespectable to him

greed and treachery

On the symbolic level of the allegory of "The Pardoner's Tale," which of these qualities might the rioters represent?

Who is being buried?

One of their old friends

How do the two friends plan to kill the third?

One will play wrestle while the other pull the dagger and stabs him and they will both stab him so they cant be blamed because they are equally guilty

"This noble example to his sheep he gave That first he wrought, and afterwards he taught; And it was from the Gospel he had caught Those words..."


Which profession found among Chaucer's pilgrims can still be found today?


Which two characters were most admired?

Parson & Knight

What did the boy's mother warn his about?

Plague has taken many lives and he should be ready to face death at any time

In the Prologue what does the narrator mean in saying these lines? But first I beg of you, in courtesy, Not to condemn me as unmannerly... If I speak plainly and with no concealing's... And give account of all their words and dealings.

Please do not blame me if I tell you the truth about what they said and did.

What does the narrator mean in saying these lines from the Prologue? But first I beg of you, in courtesy, / Not to condemn me as unmannerly / If I speak plainly and with no concealing / And give account of all their words and dealings.

Please do not blame me if I tell you the truth about what they said and did.

What does the young man ask the druggist to give him and what reason does he give for needing it?

Poison to kill rats and a polecat

What does the young man do with the poison?

Puts it in 2 of the 3 bottles of wine

The old man says the rioters will find Death under the tree. They find a pile of gold florins.

Reading Check. What does the old man say the rioters will find under the tree? What do they find there?

The pardoner admits to avarice, the sin he preaches against.

Reading Check. What vice does the Pardoner admit to having, even though he preaches against it?

Lines 248-249 they will act as if the attack is all in fun, like a game of wrestling.

Reading Strategy. What does the first rioter mean by "as in game"? Which earlier lines explain this meaning?

Either line 95-98 both of which mention Death explain the reference to the "adversary."

Reading Strategy. What earlier line explains the reference to the "adversary" in line 102?

The bargain is their plan to kill Death together, in line 119.

Reading Strategy. What lines explain the "bargain" the rioters are said to have made in line 122?

Characters are "rioters" and that they're drinking before nine in the morning.

Reading Strategy. Which details in the opening sentence enable the audience to form a quick opinion of the main characters?

"she" refers to the old man's mother, mentioned in lines 152-156.

Reading Strategy. Who is "she" in line 159? What earlier lines give you the answer?

The "antics" involve the Pardoner stretching his neck, craning from side to side, and pecking like a pigeon.

Reading for Clarification. Reread lines 14-15 for an example of the "antics" to which the Pardoner refers in line 17.

"A sanguine man, high-colored and benign, He loved a morning sop of cake in wine. He lived for pleasure and had always done, For he was Epicuras' very son, In whose opinion sensual delight Was the one true felicity in sight."

Serjeant at law

"He often had been justice of Assize By letters patent, and in full commission. His fame and learning and his high position Had won him many a robe and many a fee."

Serjeant at the Law

According to "The Wife of Bath's Tale why does the knight agree to marry the old women?

She promises him that she knows the secret to what all women want.

Why does the knight agree to marry the old woman?

She promises him that she knows the secret to what all women want.

Why does the queen ask the king not to kill the knight in "The Wife of Bath's Tale"?

She thinks justice will be better served if he learns a lesson.

Why does the Pardoner remind the pilgrims that they may die at any time?

So that they would give them money for pardon and indulgences

"He knew the way to sit a horse and ride, He could make songs and poems and recite, Knew how to joust and dance, to draw and write He loved so hotly that till dawn drew pale, He slept as little as a nightingale."


What is the old man's complaint about their treatment of him?

Supposed to treat elders with respect and one day they'll be old and want to be treated with respect unlike they are to him

In the Prologue what does the narrator mean when he says the following about the Friar? But anywhere a profit might accrue... Courteous he was and lowly of service too.

The Friar helps people when he can make money doing it.

In the final scene of the story, the ugly old woman transforms herself into a beautiful young wife. How do you know she might be a fairy?

The Wife of Bath suggests the existence of fairies when she frames the tale.

Find a passage of "imagery" from "The Prologue"

The imagery in this opening passage is of spring's renewal and rebirth.

What is Chaucer's primary theme in the Prologue?

The infinite variety of human nature.

"Truth, honour, generousness, and courtesy, He had done nobly in his sovereign's war And ridden into battle, no man more, As well in Christian as in heathen places, And ever honored for his noble graces."

The knight

Near the end of the story, the knight correctly answers the queen's question. Why does the old woman suddenly leap up and claim her reward in front of the queen?

The knight will not be able back out on his promise.

What becomes clearer when rereading the following passage from "The Pardoner's Tale"? ...if it be your design / To find out Death, turn up this crooked way / Towards that grove. I left him there today / Under a tree, and there you'll find him waiting.

The man is directing the three rioters toward their own deaths.

"...He could heave any door off hinge and post... His beard, like any sow or fox, was red And broad as well, as though it were a spade; And, at its very tip, his nose displayed A wart on which there stood a tuft of hair Red as the bristles in an old sow's ear."

The miller

Which pilgrim believed that it was all right to leave the monastery and go hunting?

The monk

What is the most valid moral that you find in "The Pardoner's Tale"—in other words, what message or idea in it still applies best to life today? Discuss how this message is delivered in the tale. Analyze any way in which the message is ironic, such as a discrepancy between the tale and the teller; between what is expected and what happens; or between what is said and what is meant.

The moral I find in "The Pardoner's Tale" that is most applicable today is that even sinners desire forgiveness and wish to lead better lives. This lesson is shown in the ironic contrast between the tale the Pardoner tells and the way he lives his life. His tale condemns greed; his life exemplifies greed. But it should not be inferred from this contradiction that the Pardoner disdains the moral lesson he is telling. He may accept it as a matter of religious doctrine and psychological truth, yet knows that he is unable to live up to it. He hides his despair behind a pose of worldly disrespect for goodness. The ultimate irony is that the Pardoner would secretly wish to be sincere—to live up to the moral of the tale that he seems to be mocking.

Greed is the source of evil

The moral of The Pardoner's Tale is...

"For courtliness she had a special zest, And she would wipe her upper lip so clean, That not a trace of grease was to be seen Upon the cup where she had drunk."

The nun

Which pilgrim uses his carefully acquired fortune to buy goods for his employer to earn the latter's gratitude and to get gifts from him?

The reeve

Which pilgrim was feared by those he supervises?

The reeve

Which of the following statements best describes the end of the tale?

The rioters meet death.

Which pilgrim is willing to sell out either the church or young people for personal gain?

The summoner

What is the Wife of Bath's opinion of holy friars, according to "The Wife of Bath's Tale"?

They are a danger to women.

What happens to the young man when he returns to the tree?

They kill him as planned and then drink the wine and die

Where are the pilgrims going in the Prologue?

Thomas becketts tomb

What was the purpose of the trip?

To go and pray at the tomb of Thomas beckett

What idea does the devil put into the young man's mind?

To put poison in the food and keep all the money

What did the three friends decide to do?

To search for death and kill him

Harry Bailey, the Host, suggested that each traveler tell how many stories and when?

Two on the way to Canterbury and two on the way home

Where does the old man tell them they will find death?

Under an oak tree in the grove

List the priorities of the Prioress. (the nun)

Very materialistic Wanted to find love

What plan does one of the rioters propose?

Wait to move it at night, draw lots to go get food and drink, other two will stay behind to guard money


Was Chaucer recognized as a great poet during his lifetime?

Nobility & Clergy & Commoners

What are the 3 types of people Chaucer writes about?

Old John (Marries Alison, old) Alison (young woman) Nicholas (young man who first hits on Alison) Absalom (clerk lusting after alison; sings to her)

What are the characters in The Miller's Tale?

What question does the queen ask the knight in "The Wife of Bath's Tale"?

What do all women desire above everything?

She is selfish and arrogant

What do the following lines suggest about the woman from Bath? "In all the parish not a dame dared stir / Towards the altar steps in front of her"

to kill their friend when he returns

What do the two rioters decide to do after they send their friend for food and wine?

Middle English

What does Chaucer write in?

The Friar helps people when he can make money doing it.

What does the narrator mean in the Prologue when he says the following about the Friar?

to create a setting for story telling

What is Chaucer's main reason for writing about the pilgrimage in the Prologue?

A rhymed pair of lines of poetry

What is a couplet?

They later plot to kill one another to get a larger share of the gold

What is ironic about the pledge the rioters make in these lines of "The Pardoner's Tale"? "They made their bargain, swore with appetite. / These three, to live and die for one another / As brother-born might swear to his born brother."

to foreshadow the later transformation of the old woman

What is the Wife of Bath's purpose in telling about the disappearance of the elves in The Wife of Bath's Tale?

October 31, 1517

What is the date of the Reformation?

Abbey - nuns and monks Cathedra - means chair for bishop

What is the difference between an Abbey and a Cathedral?

He is very greedy

What is the irony in the Pardoner's preaching?

women cannot keep a secret.

What is the main idea of the story of Midas in The Wife of Bath's Tale?

greed is the source of all evil

What is the moral of this story?

King Henry Thomas Beckett 1162

What king, what man made bishop, and what year did all trouble happen in Canterbury?

Do you want me to be young and faithless or old and faithful?

What question does the old women ask the knight after they are married in The Wife of Bath's Tale?

What do all women desire about everything?

What question does the queen ask the knight in The Wife of Bath's Tale?

The old man sets the action in motion.

What role does the old man perform in the story?

Indirect/direct characterization

What technique does Chaucer use to reveal his characters?

the great variety in human nature

What theme does Chaucer convey in the Prologue?

clerk for the king

What was Geoffrey Chaucer's job, aside from poet?

an outbreak of the plague

When "The Pardoner's Tale" opens, what has caused Death to stalk the land?

Poverty, obedience, chastity

When you join the RCC, 3 vow are taken. What are they?

to the cathedral in Canterbury

Where are the pilgrims going and why?

Poet's Corner - place in West Minster Abbey where great writers were buried.

Where was Chaucer buried?


Which character trait leads to the downfall of the three rioters in "The Pardoner's Tale"?

Prating, arrogant, greedy

Which of the following best describes the 3 rioters in The Pardoner's Tale?

Which of the following best describes the three rioters in "The Pardoner's Tale"?

Which of the following best describes the three rioters in "The Pardoner's Tale"?

* Nobility - Knight - Good morals, successful warrior, duty to the one he serves, wise * Clergy - Parson - brother of Plowman; Christian ideals; faithful tither * Commoners - Plowman - brother of Parson; Christian ideals; sophisticated awareness of importance

Who are the 3 best characters? Include short descriptions.


Who are the rioters looking for?

Summoner - lay officers of church; a drunk; red face Pardoner - lay officers of church; sexually ambiguous; singer

Who are the two most corrupt characters?

the three rioters

Who is the real traitor in "The Pardoner's Tale"?

the 3 rioters

Who is the real traitor in The Pardoner's Tale?

the host

Whom do the pilgrims accept as their leader?

a contest

Why do the pilgrims agree to the storytelling?

Augustine put a church in Canterbury, making it an important church. The shrine thing to Thomas Beckett is there.

Why do they visit Canterbury?

she thinks justice will be better served if he learns a lesson

Why does the queen ask the king not to kill the knight in The Wife of Bath's Tale?

Which pilgrim apparently knows and uses love potions?

Wife of bath

Who knew the remedies for love's mischances?

Wife of bath

How did the Oxford student paid for his education?

With the little gold he has

According to "The Wife of Bath's Tale," in the story of Midas, his wife tells her secret to the water. What is the point of this story?

Women cannot keep secrets to themselves.

According to "The Wife of Bath's Tale in the story of Midas, his wife tells her secret to the water. What is the point of this story?

Women cannot keeps secrets to themselves

How might their drinking have affected their judgment?

Would have realized that death was not a real person and would have felt invincible

Who wins the draw?


why does the knight choose to return to the queen and meet his fate before he meets the old woman?

a knight's honor - he gave his word he would return

Wife of Bath

a much married woman, a widow yet again. Everything about her is large to the point of exaggeration. "In company she liked to LAUGH AND CHAT. And KNEW THE REMEDIES OF LOVE'S MISCHANCES...."

The constant reminder of death makes people either very good, or at least careful, because they are aware of death, or very bad, as they try to forget about or think to cheat death.

a) Extend: The pardoner's tale refers to the time of the plague. What does the tale suggest about the effects of such a disaster on society? Support your answer.

The rioters find gold florins under the tree.

a) Recall: What do the rioters find under the tree?

The three rioters swear to kill Death.

a) Recall: What pledge do the rioters make to one another?

The young rioter says he has problems with rats and a pole cat he wants to kill.

a) Recall: What reason does the young rioter give the apothecary for needing the poison?

The rioters are drinking. A coffin passing by captures their attention.

a) Recall: When the story opens, what are the rioters doing, and what captures their attention?

Death is the ___ of all living things.


Who is the old man in "The Pardoner's Tale"? Is he a spy for Death? Is he an innocent bystander? Is he Death itself? Write an essay in which you assert your position. Use examples from the text to support your position.

although most will recognize him as either an ally of Death's, or Death itself. They should use examples from the text to show how the old man ultimately pointed the three rioters to their deaths. Students also may make the argument that since Death was everywhere, the rioters could not avoid it.

the knight's clothes...

are humble, reflecting an indifference to worldly fashion

how would you characterize the three rioters from "the pardoner's tale"?

arrogant and greedy

_____ or greed, is one of the seven deadly sins.


There will always be some people who learn from such lessons and some who ignore them.

b) Apply: Can stories such as the pardoner's tale encourage people to behave well even in times of crisis? Explain.

The rioters try to keep the pledge - they seek Death out when they encounter the old man, but they get greedy and forget their initial pledge.

b) Evaluate: Do the rioters try to keep that pledge? Explain.

They are troublemakers - they are drinking before nine in the morning, and are generally dissolute.

b) Generalize: What sort of people are the rioters? Explain how you know.

The rioter lies about why he needs the poison; in a sense, he does use the poison to kill "rats".

b) Interpret: In what sense is he lying? In what sense is he telling the truth? (about death being under the tree)

The gold under the tree will lead to the deaths of thee three rioters, so in a sense, death is under the tree.

b) Interpret: The old man has said that death is under the tree. In what sense is his statement accurate?

why cfan arthurs camelot be located anywhere on the globe

because it symbolizes good, whereever you find the ideas of arthur you have camelot

Why does the Friar give out light penances as absolution for sins?

because people are more likely to give him gifts for light penances than for harsh ones.

the wife of bath has...

been married 5 times

What does "The Pardoner's Tale" suggest about the Pardoner? Explain your answer. a. He believes that Death is the greatest enemy. b. He admires the bravery of the three rioters. c. He believes greed is worse than dying. d. He does not hold to any absolute truths.

c, Explanation: The Pardoner appears to assert that living a greedy life is worse than death itself; in fact, greed will lead to death.

Describe the Prioress (nun) in detail.

called 'Madame Eglantine' (or, in modern parlance, Mrs. Sweetbriar). She could sweetly sing religious services, speaks fluent French and has excellent table manners. She is so charitable and piteous, that she would weep if she saw a mouse caught in a trap, and she has two small dogs with her. She wears a brooch with the inscription 'Amor vincit omnia' ('Love conquers all').

A Pardoner is an official of the —


the parson

clergy member who is the only devout churchman

"For boiling chicken with a morrow-bone, Sharp flavoring powder and a spice for savour. He could distinguish London ale by flavour."


In "The Pardoner's Tale," the old man tells the three rioters that they can find Death beyond the grove. What is the old man's purpose? Explain. a. He is running from Death himself and needs their protection. b. The man hopes to get the gold for himself. c. He hopes that the men will kill Death. d. He plans that the men will die.

d, Explanation: The old man knows that the gold will lead the men to their own deaths, but he pretends to be helping them by pointing them toward Death.

The stories about Death that the servant boy and the tavern-knave tell suggest that —

death from violence and plague is rampant

"For, being grounded in astronomy He watched his patients' favorable star And, by his natural magic, know what are The lucky hours and planetary degrees For making charms and magic effigies."


what is the moral of the pardoners tale

dont be greedy and plot against your companions

the yeoman

dressed like Robin Hood and in the peasant class

what is the main setting in "the wife of bath's tale"?

england during the time of king arthur

what kind of tale is the pardoners tale


A model of the landed gentry; he was kind, old and generous


"He had a special license from the Pope. Sweetly he heard his penitents at shrift With pleasant absolution, for a gift. He was an easy man in penance-giving Where he could hope to make a decent living."


the moral of "the pardoner's tale" is

greed is the source of all evil

In the Pardoner's Tale which words best describe the three rioters?

greedy and rough

the pardoner

had a bag full of fake relics

the merchant

had a forked beard, sold furs and cloth

whom do the pilgrims accept as their leader in the prologue?

harry bailey

You know the Cook's dishes may not be quite as appetizing as might be hoped when Chaucer mentions that the Cook —

has a large, festering sore

according to the "wife of bath's tale", why was the knight condemned to die?

he attacked and dishonored a maiden

what is the problem with the oldest rioter s plan for the treasure

he doesnt know that there is a plot against him

according to the legend how did arthur becom king of england

he drew the sword excalaber from the stone.

what is the significance of arthurs dream at the begining of le morte d'arthur

he has two they are warnings


he is rather vulgar man and has a tendency to be drunk. "But what a pity - so it seemed to me, that he should have an ulcer on his knee...."

in "the WOB's tale", after hearing the queen's question, what does the knight do when he leaves?

he searches all over and asks ever woman he finds

why does the pardoner tell "the pardoner's tale"?

he uses it to get people to part with their money

why did arthur leave his nephew mordred in charge of england

he went to fight barbarians

what is the old man reffering to when he talkes about his mothers gate

hes talking about heaven

one of the pilgrim's is a modest knight accompanied by

his son and servant

in "WOB's tale", what are the two choices the old woman gives the night?

his wife can be old and faithful or young and unfaithful

. Named Harry Bailey; he was a "merry-hearted man"


The Pardoner's pious story reveals his —



instead of begging like a friar is traditionally meant to, is so good at his trade of begging that he is able to live well off. He takes indulgences. "He knew the taverns well in every town And every innkeeper and barmaid too..."

In "The Pardoner's Tale" the three rioters are sure that they can destroy Death, and yet they fail to see that they are falling into his trap. This is an example of _____.


the three rioters are are sure they can beat death, but fail to see they are falling into his trap



is a clergyman who is outwardly corrupt, often over-indulges in wine. IMPORTANT: "Garlic he loved, and onions too, and leeks, And drinking strong wine till he was hazy."


is a warrior who relies on the code of chivalry. He is extremely courteous and highly thought of by Chaucer. "Truth, honour, generousness, and courtesy."


is fond of riding horses and eating well. He feels free to pick and choose his religious text. IMPORTANT:"Greyhounds he had, as swift as birds, to course. Hunting a hare or riding at fence Was all his fun, he spared for no expense."

what is so special about arthurs round table

it symbolizes patience humility and weakness

what is the moral of "the wife of bath's tale"?

it's best for husbands and wives when women rule the marriage

"A medal of St. Christopher he wore Of shining silver on his breast, and bore A hunting-horn, well slung and burnished clean, That dangled from a baldrick of bright green. He was a proper forester I guess."


A model of chivalry and courtesy; he was humble and a good soldier



large and strong man, loves telling vulgar stories. "He was a MASTER-HAND AT STEALING GRAIN."

which line from the pardoners tale best describes thje difference between the old man and the rioters



loved to eat, drink, and to entertain guests generously. "His house was never short of bake-meat leeks, ... It positively snowed with meat and drink. And all the dainties that a man could think."

"All caterers might follow his example In buying victuals; he was never rash Whether he bought on credit or paid in cash."


"A better hand at bargains than his lord, He had grown rich and had a store of treasure Well tucked away, yet out it came to pleasure His lord with subtle loans or gifts of goods, To earn his thanks and even coats and hoods."


"He told of his opinions and pursuits In solemn tones, and how he never lost...He was an expert at currency exchange. ...none knew he was in debt, He was so stately in negotiation, Loan, Bargain, and commercial obligation."


what event prompted arthurs return to england

merdred started a rebellion and tried to take the throne

the wife of bath

middle class seamstress and professional wife

A "wrangler and buffoon"; he played the bagpipes


The Doctor, though well-read in his profession, seems mostly interested in ...


"...By his bed He preferred having twenty books in red And black, of Aristotle's philosophy, To having fine clothes, fiddle or psaltery."


"Hunting was his sport... A manly man, to be an Abbot able, Many a dainty horse he had in stable... He let go by the things of yesterday And took the modern world's more spacious way."


. Loved hunting with his horses and greyhounds


Describe in detail the Miller.

n this final group of pilgrims (now at the bottom of the class scale!). He is big-boned and has big muscles, and always wins the prize in wrestling matches. There's not a door that he couldn't lift off its hinges, or break it by running at it head-first. He has black, wide nostrils, carries a sword and a buckler (shield) by his side, and has a mouth like a great furnace. He's good at stealing corn and taking payment for it three times. But then, Chaucer implies, there are no honest millers.

what is sir lucans advice to king arthur during his battles with mordred

not to attach mordred because of his dream warning

"He had a cross of metal set with stones And, in a glass, a rubble of pigs' bones,And with these relics, any time he found Some poor up-country parson to astound, On one short day, in money down, he drew More than the parson in a month or two."


Which pilgrim did a brisk business in fake holy relics?


A "model ecclesiast"; he was a "shepherd and no mercenary"


What member of the clergy is given the most admiring, flattering description?


the shipman

peasant class sailor who is a skilled navigator yet steals wine

the friar gives out light penances as absolution for sins because

people are more likely to give him gifts

The rioters go looking for Death because they —

plan to avenge the deaths of their friends

"He was an honest worker, good and true, Living in peace and perfect charity, And, as the gospel bade him, so did he, Loving God best with all his heart and mind..."


It is not considered ______ to go out looking for Death.


what symbols do arthurs knights wear that show their loyalty to the king

red dragon

Which pilgrim has acquired so much wealth that he can lend his lord money?


In "the Wife of Bath's Tale" what does the word *reprove* mean in these lines? Some say the things we most desire are these... Freedom to do exactly as we please... With no one to reprove our faults and lies... Rather to have one call us good and wise.



she is the most delicate and sensitive lady one could ever hope to meet. She makes every effort to be refined and elegant. She is an animal lover. "She used to weep if she saw a mouse caught in a trap, if it were dead or bleeding."


singing partner to the Summoner. Even more corrupt than the Summoner. "Brimful of pardons come from Rome all hot, He had the same small voices as a goat has got."

"If, when he fought, the enemy vessel sank, He sent his prisoners home, they walked the plank."


Which pilgrim is a young man who stays awake most of the night?


how do two of the rioters intend to increase their share of the gold?

stab the other rioters upon his return

The Prioress' concern with her clothing and jewelry suggests what about her?

suggests that she retains some worldly traits despite her religious vocation.

"Thus, as he pleased, the man could bring duress On any young fellow in the diocese. He knew their secrets, they did what he said."


what plan does the oldest rioter devise once they reach their destination

that they wait for nightfall to move the treasure

What does the knight find on his quest?

the answer to what women want

"but anywhere a profit might accrue, courteous he was and lowly of service too" means?

the friar helps people when he can make money doing it

why does the old woman jump up and claim her reward in front of her queen? (WOB's tale)

the knight will not be able to back out of his promise

"i left him there today, under a tree and there you'll find him waiting"

the man is directing the rioters to their deaths

The narrator of "The Pardoner's Tale" says that the three rioters "... made their bargain, swore with appetite, / These three, to live and die for one another / As brother-born might swear to his born brother." Briefly describe their vow and explain what causes them to abandon their promise to one other.

the men vowed to live for one another when their only motivation was to seek out Death and kill him. When the gold is introduced into the story, they were divided by their greed and the vow was abandoned. Though all three men died, they did not die for the others but because of the others.

in "the pardoner's tale", what has caused death to stalk the land?

the plague

Dialogue can play an important part in any story. In an essay, analyze the dialogue between the young rioters and the other characters. What does the dialogue show about the rioters? The other characters?

the three men and the others characters. For example, the bragging comments of the three men show that they may be easily deceived through their pride and greed. The old man's milder words show that he may be more thoughtful and clever.

In the Pardoner's Tale what is one characteristic of an allegory?

the use of characters to stand for ideas

in "WOB's tale" the old woman transforms into a young, beautiful wife. she might be a fairy?

the wife of bath suggests the existence of fairies

what is ironic about the pledge the rioters make in "the pardoner's tale"?

they later plot to kill one another

what is chaucer's main reason for writing about the pilgrimage in the prologue?

to create a setting for telling stores by different characters

In the Prologue, what is Chaucer's main reason for writing about the pilgrimage?

to create a setting for telling stories by different characters

What is Chaucer's main reason for writing about the pilgrimage in the Prologue?

to describe the medieval life from different points of view

What do the rioters from the pardonersw tale vow to do during the tale

to find death and kill him

What is the Wife of Bath's purpose in telling about the disappearance of the elves in "The Wife of Bath's Tale"?

to foreshadow the later transformation of the old woman

why does the wife of bath tell of the disappearance of fairies?

to foreshadow the later transformation of the old woman

From the Prologue what was the purpose of the pilgrims' trip?

to go on a pilgrimage

In the Prologue where are the pilgrims going?

to the cathedral in Canterbury

the manciple

trade class provision provider that was smarter than those he serviced

Social climbers who travel as a group


Once in a while a great writer like Chaucer can _______ even his own talent.


what represents chaucer's view of the church?

uses some characteristics to show the corruption of their offices

The Wife of Bath is a —

veteran of several pilgrimages and marriages

Describe in detail the Wife of Bath

was 'somdel deef' (a little deaf, as her tale will later expand upon) and that was a shame. The Wife of Bath is so adept at making cloth that she surpasses even the cloth-making capitals of Chaucer's world, Ypres and Ghent, and she wears coverchiefs (linen coverings for the head) which must (the narrator assumes) have 'weyeden ten pound'. She had had five husbands through the church door, and had been at Jerusalem, Rome and Boulogne on pilgrimage. She is also described as 'Gat-tothed' (traditionally denoting lasciviousness), and as keeping good company, she knows all the answers about love: 'for she koude of that art the olde daunce' (she knew the whole dance as far as love is concerned!).

the knight's son differs from his father in that the son...

wears flashy clothes and is a lover

Define and give 3 examples of direct characterization?

when he comes right out and tells us what a character's nature is - virtuous, vain, clever, and so on

in the tale of Midas, the wife tells her secret to water. what is the point of this story?

women cannot keep secrets to themselves

A "proper forester"; he had a longbow and a "head like a nut."


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