canterbury tales test -- the nun's preist's tale and the miller's tale
what does nicholas convince the carpenter will happen on the following monday according to astrological signs
a flood
within the miller's tale, who is nicholas
a student who is boarding with the carpenter and his wife
the night before the impending "disaster" nicholas and allison are finally together. who interrupts them
what special knowledge and/or skills does nicholas possess
astrology and guitar playing
what type of story is this one
beast fable
what is the moral of this story
beware flattery
explain the significance of the latin phrase that chanticleer tells pertelote means "woman is man's delight and all his bliss."
chanticleer has mistranslated. it actually means, "woman is man's worst enemy."
who is chanticleer and pertelote.
chanticleer is a rooster; pertelote is his favorite hen.
what type of tale is this one
what makes absalom squeamish
farting and swearing
what does nicholas do that disgusts absalom
farts in his face
what does the student do when the carpenter leaves for business in osney
flirts with allison
how does chanticleer escape
he appeals to the fox's sense of superiority and tells him not to miss a chance to shout a few insults at the other animals. when the fox opens his mouth, chanticleer gets away.
what does absalom do to nicholas in retaliation for the tricks played on him
he brands Nicholas's backside
when john cuts the ropes holding up his boat, what injury does he suffer
he breaks his arm
why does the fox flatter chanticleer
he does it to put chanticleer at ease. at chanticleer signs, he stretches his neck and closes his eyes, making him an easy target.
what is chanticleer's dream?
he dreams that an unfamiliar animal kills him
what is the carpenter's name
what biblical story is alluded to in the miller's tale
noah's ark
summarize the story of the shipmates.
one shipmate has a dream that they will be killed at sea if they leave port on a certain date. the other shipmate brushes off his concern. they put out to sea, and their ship does go down.
what job or occupation does absalom have
parish clerk
how does allison intially react to the student's advances
she rejects them
to what does pertelote attribute chanticleer's dreams
she says chanticleer must have indigestion
what is pertelot's suggested remedy
she suggests that he should take a laxative
what fear does the carpenter have regarding his wife
that she will cheat on him
what happens to chanticleer
the fox hauls him away and prepares to eat him for dinner
to what element of the mock heroic tone does this latin phrase add
the ironic element
state the reason for chanticleer's stories to pertelote.
they are chanticleer's way of trying to convince pertelote that dream should be taken seriously. they also foreshadow his own future.
why does allison hang her backside out the window near the end of the story
to play a trick on absalom
characterize the carpenter's wife, allison.
young, beautiful, and promiscuous