Cardiología Eng

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a disease that altered collagen fiber structure so that platelets no longer adhered might be expected to

"compromise the intrinsic clotting pathway","","eliminate the immune response","compromise the intrinsic clotting pathway","inhibit vascular phase","eliminate coagulation completely","compromise the extrinsic clotting pathway","B"

the lungs are involved in blood pressure regulation in that they

"contain ACE","","contain ACE","monitor oxygen","produce angiotensin 1","release renin","monitor carbon dioxide","A"

the neck and limbs have two sets of peripheral veins in order to

"control body temperature by dividing blood routes","","increase draining efficiency","control body temperature by dividing blood routes","re-route blood if necessary","minimize damage from blockages","control cranial pressure","B"

the final in the coagulation phase is

"conversion of fibrinogen to fibrin","","activation of Factor X","conversion of prothrombin to thrombin","chemotaxis of clotting factors","platelet plug formation","conversion of fibrinogen to fibrin","E"

the vessel that supply blood to the heart are called the

"coronary arteries","","aortic arch","coronary arteries","coronary sinus","ascending aorta","vena cava","B"

reduction in circulatory supply is called

"coronary ischemia","","subtraction angiography","valvular heart disease","coronary ischemia","carditis","stent","C"

the vessels that drain the heart muscle are called the

"coronary sinus","","coronary sinus","aortic arch","vena cava","coronary arteries","ascending aorta","A"

the deep groove marking the border between the atria and the ventricles is the

"coronary sulcus","","anterior atrioventricular sulcus","ligamentum arteriosum","superatria","coronary sulcus","auricle","D"

an organelle that is present in a mature RBC is the

"cytoskeleton","","nucleus","ribosomes","nucleic acid","hemoglobin","cytoskeleton","E"

the tissue damage characteristics of malaria is caused by

"damaged RBCs blocking circulation to vital organs","","Plasmodium entering and rupturing all tissue cells","anemia","damaged RBCs blocking circulation to vital organs","sickled RBCs","infected liver cells that enters the blood stream","C"

which of the following is NOT an effect of atrial natriuretic peptide?

"decreased water volume of urine","","increased sodium in urine","decreased water volume of urine","inhibition of ADH","reduced thirst","vasodilation","B"

the arteries of the pulmonary circuit carry

"deoxygenated blood from the heart","","deoxygenated blood to the heart","oxygenated blood to the heart","oxygenated blood from the heart","deoxygenated blood from the heart","","D"

the right atrium receives

"deoxygenated blood from the vena cava","","deoxygenated blood from the pulmonary vein","oxygenated blood from the pulmonary artery","oxygenated blood from the vena cava","oxygenated blood from the pulmonary vein","deoxygenated blood from the vena cava","E"

the veins of the systemic circuit carry

"deoxygenated blood to the heart","","deoxygenated blood to the heart","oxygenated blood to the heart","deoxygenated blood from the heart","oxygenated blood from the heart","","A"

intercalated discs consist of

"desmosomes and gap junctions","","desmosomes and gap junctions","hemidesmosomes and gap junctions","gap junctions only","hemidesmosomes only","","A"

the process of WBCs migrating out of capillaries to the surrounding tissues is called

"diapedesis","","diapedesis","positive chemotaxis","phagocytosis","hemostasis","hemolysis","A"

the apex of the heart lies superior to the

"diaphragm","","great vessels","diaphragm","lungs","mediastinum","sternum","B"

blood flow is _____ proportional to blood pressure and _____ proportional to peripheral resistance

"directly inversely","","directly directly","inversely directly","directly inversely","inversely inversely","","C"

blood from the capillaries on the superior surface of the foot are collected from the

"dorsal venous arch","","anterior tibial vein","fibular vein","posterior tibial vein","plantar venous arch","dorsal venous arch","E"

a blood clot that does not retain its vessel wall location becomes a(n)


the WBC that is involved in allergic reactions is the


the immediate response of the adrenal medulla to low blood pressure and volume is the release of

"epinephrine and norepinephrine","","aldosterone","EPO","ADH","angiotensin 2","epinephrine and norepinephrine","E"

the hormone that stimulates RBC production in response to hypoxia is called


the femoral artery is a continuation of the

"external iliac","","internal iliac","external iliac","dorsal arch","genicular","great saphenous","B"

the plasma component with a role in blood clotting is called


the size-selective exchange of materials across endothelial walls of capillaries is

"filtration","","filtration","gradient exchange","capillary hydrostatic pressure","osmosis","interstitial pressure","A"

the embryonic remains of the connection between atria is the

"fossa ovalis","","interatrial septum","atrioventricular valve","fossa ovalis","foramen ovale","interventricular septum","C"

the plasma component that is the major contributor to osmotic pressure is called


the ovaries are supplied with blood by the

"gonadal artery","","adrenal artery","superior mesenteric artery","gonadal artery","phrenic artery","celiac trunk","C"

the % of whole blood volume contributed by formed elements is the

"hematocrit","","partial blood","hematocrit","whole blood","plasma","fractionated","B"

the precursor multipotent stem cell for hematopoiesis is called a


the abundant protein component of RBCs is


a disease characterized by a loss of a single clotting factor is

"hemophilia","","sickle cell anemia","hemophilia","embolus","malaria","septicemia","B"

adult males typically have _____ packed cell volumes than females because they have more _____

"higher androgens","","higher estrogen","lower estrogen","lower androgens","higher androgens","","D"

Robin has Rh-negative blood. during her first pregnancy she carries an Rh-positive infant. which of the following is TRUE?

"if untreated, the pregnancy will sensitize Robin and future Rh-positive pregnancies will result in hemolytic disease of the newborn","","if untreated, the pregnancy will sensitize Robin and future Rh-positive pregnancies will result in hemolytic disease of the newborn","the pregnancy will alter the baby's blood type","the pregnancy will likely result in hemolytic disease of the newborn because of mother-baby incompatibility","if untreated, the pregnancy will sensitize Robin and all future pregnancies will result in hemolytic disease of the newborn","if untreated, the pregnancy will sensitize Robin and future Rh-negative pregnancies will result in hemolytic disease of the newborn","A"

when the adrenal medulla responds to low blood pressure the result is

"increased cardiac output and peripheral vasoconstriction","","thirst stimulation","peripheral vasodilation","ADH release","RBC formation","increased cardiac output and peripheral vasoconstriction","E"

baroreceptor stimulation is caused by blood pressure _____ and results in _____

"increasing vasodilation","","falling vasodilation","increasing vasoconstriction","increasing vasodilation","falling vasoconstriction","","C"

tissue damage caused by circulation interruption is called

"infarction","","platelet plug","vascular spasm","embolus","infarction","thrombus","D","","","",""

the posterior end of the large intestine is drained by the

"inferior mesenteric vein","","superior mesenteric artery","inferior mesenteric vein","splenic vein","superior mesenteric vein","inferior mesenteric artery","B"

the vessel that collects systemic blood from all structures inferior to the diaphragm is the

"inferior vena cava","","visceral aorta","inferior vena cava","pulmonary trunk","superior vena cava","descending aorta","B"

Julie's baroreceptors detect an increase in blood pressure. which represents a normal homeostatic response?

"inhibit sympathetic activity to the heart","","inhibit sympathetic activity to the heart","vasoconstriction","increase peripheral resistance","inhibit parasympathetic activity to the heart","inhibit the vasomotor center","A"

the tissue separating the two upper chamber of the heart is the

"interatrial septum","","interatrial septum","atrioventricular valve","interventricular septum","fossa ovalis","trabeculae carneae","A"

which of the following is a characteristic associated with a typical artery that would NOT be seen in a vein?

"internal and external elastic membrane","","collagen in external layer","internal and external elastic membrane","elastic fibers in external layers","endothelial inner layer","three layers","B"

baroreceptors that monitor blood pressure are located in the

"internal carotid artery","","vertebral artery","jugular vein","internal carotid artery","external carotid artery","basilar artery","C"

the vessel that drains from the brain is the

"internal jugular","","internal carotid","internal jugular","external carotid","external jugular","","B"

the brain is drained by

"internal jugulars and vertebral veins","","internal jugulars and vertebral veins","dural sinuses and internal carotids","external jugulars","the circle of Willis","external carotids","A"

anemia can result from inadequate

"iron","","vitamin k","magnesium","calcium","iron","copper","D"

the first phase of ventricular systole which builds pressure but does not create enough pressure to open the semilunar valves is

"isovolumetric contraction","","isovolumetric relaxation","late diastole","early diastole","isovolumetric contraction","ventricular ejection","D"

which of the following represents an area expected to experience blood flow decrease during heavy exercise?

"kidneys","","brain","skin","skeletal muscles","kidneys","","D"

RBCs travelling through veins

"lack oxygen and are burgundy","","lack oxygen and are bright red","are oxygenated and are burgundy","lack oxygen and are burgundy","are oxygenated and are bright red","","C"

the left atrium and ventricle are supplied blood by the _____ artery

"left coronary","","right coronary","marginal","posterior interventricular","left coronary","circumflex","D"

autoregulation of cardiovascular activity is stimulated by release of

"local vasodilators","","neural vasodilators","local vasodilators","neural vasoconstrictors","local vasoconstrictors","endocrine vasodilators","B"

a woman has lost her pacemaker and the AV node has taken over the excitatory role of the heart. an expected corresponding ECG would show

"loss of P","","loss of T","exaggerated QRS","accelerated P","loss of QRS","loss of P","E"

the difference in fluid flow into and out of capillaries is taken up by the

"lymph vessels","","lymph vessels","venules","body tissues","metarterioles","skeletal muscle contraction","A"

which of the following is NOT an example of a granular leukocyte?


which of the following is NOT descended from a myeloid stem cell?


the WBC that provides specific immunity is the


a common location for venipuncture is the

"median cubital vein","","aorta","median cubital vein","jugular vein","carotid artery","vena cava","B"

the cells that shed cytoplasm packets are called


diastole pressure is the _____ pressure during ventricular _____

"minimum diastole","","peak diastole","peak systole","minimum systole","minimum diastole","","D"

which of the following is an agranular leukocyte?


the blood vessels that deliver blood directly to the skeletal muscles and internal organs are

"muscular arteries","","venules","muscular arteries","large veins","elastic arteries","arterioles","B"

the thickest layer of the heart is the

"myocardium","","parietal pericardium","epicardium","myocardium","endocardium","visceral pericardium","C"

which of the following is NOT a function of blood?

"neural processing","","delivery of hormones","neural processing","temperature regulation","distribution of respiratory gases","defense against disease","B"

the WBC that phagocytoses injured and infected tissue is the


Kirk has type AB blood. which blood type would cause agglutination or cross reaction with his blood?

"no blood types","","types B and AB","type O","types A, AB, and B","all blood types","no blood types","E"

which of the following is NOT an advantage of balloon angioplasty?

"non-invasive","","non-invasive","ability to perform as outpatient surgery","90% success rate","mortality rate of only 1%","","A"

blood flow within capillary beds

"occurs in pulses rather than a constant stream","","streams for several minutes followed by several minutes of rest","alternates pulses with a constant stream","occurs in pulses rather than a constant stream","is ideally constant","","C"

chordae tendineae originate at the

"papillary muscles","","moderator band","papillary muscles","trabeculae carneae","atrioventricular valves","pectinate muscles","B"

which of the following will NOT increase heart rate?

"parasympathetic stimulation","","temperature","parasympathetic stimulation","fever","thyroid hormones","epinephrine","B"

the fluid lubricating the opposing surfaces of membrane in the pericardial cavity is called

"pericardial fluid","","pericardial fluid","mucous","saline","cerumen","visceral fluid","A"

which of the following is a role of capillaries?

"permit diffusion between blood &amp interstitial fluid","","site of hematopoiesis","maintain blood pressure","house phagocytic WBCs","permit diffusion between blood &amp interstitial fluid","","D"

the diaphragm is supplied with blood by the

"phrenic artery","","gonadal artery","superior mesenteric artery","phrenic artery","celiac trunk","","C"

packets of small membrane-enclosed packets of cytoplasm shed by megakaryocytes are called

"platelets","","erythrocytes","leukocytes","platelets","neutrophils","plasma cells","C"

the formed elements with a role in blood clotting are

"platelets","","platelets","inorganic molecules","RBCs","plasma proteins","WBCs","A"

blood can be diverted from tissues (such as skin) by

"precapillary sphincters","","atherosclerosis","metarterioles","precapillary sphincters","vasomotion","collateral arteries","C"

the blood vessels that carry blood to and from the lungs compromise the

"pulmonary circuit","","capillary bed","pulmonary circuit","systemic circuit","arteries","afferent circuit","B"

the circuit that carries deoxygenated blood to the lungs is the _____ circuit


the circuit that begins at the right ventricle and ends at the left atrium is the _____ circuit


ventricular systole is triggered by the

"purkinje fibers","","purkinje fibers","SA node","AV bundle","AV node","","A"

the brachial artery divides and branches directly into the

"radial and ulnar arteries","","palmar arch","internal thoracic","median cubital","axillary and subclavian arteries","radial and ulnar arteries","E"

blood is able to raise body temperature by

"redistribute heat from skeletal muscles to temperature sensitive organs","","redistributing heat from body surface to internal core","lowering blood pressure","redistribute heat from skeletal muscles to skin surface","raising blood pressure","redistribute heat from skeletal muscles to temperature sensitive organs","E"

the cerebral arterial circle is designed to

"reduce the likelihood of serious cerebral blockage","","reduce the likelihood of serious cerebral blockage","divert blood by demand to working areas of the brain","drain blood from the brain","increase the efficiency of cerebral blood flow","control internal cerebral temperature","A"

calcium channel blockers change stroke volume by

"reducing contractibilty","","reducing contractibilty","increasing stroke volume","reducing temperature increasing contractibility","changing blood pressure","","A"

platelets trigger coagulation by

"releasing clotting factors","","activating surface fibers","producing fibrin","attacking the endothelium","releasing clotting factors","activating collagen","D"

which of the following vessels is NOT supplied from the celiac trunk?

"renal artery","","common hepatic artery","renal artery","splenic artery","left gastric artery","","B"

the coronary sinus drains blood into the

"right atrium","","left atrium","right atrium","right ventricle","left ventricle","","B"

blockage of the right internal carotid would be expected to compromise blood supply to the

"right brain","","right face","left brain","right brain","left face","","C"

problems do NOT develop for Rh-negative mothers during their first pregnancy with an Rh-positive child because

"sensitization has not occurred","","Rh incompatibility is only an issue with Rh negative fetuses","Rh incompatibility is only an issue with Rh-positive mothers","Rh incompatibility is only an issue with Rh positive fetuses","sensitization has not occurred","","D"

a condition characterized by multiplication of a pathogen in blood is called


the endocardium of the heart is composed of

"simple squamous epithelial and areolar tissue","","stratified squamous epithelial and elastic tissue","stratified cuboidal epithelial and elastic tissue","simple squamous epithelial and elastic tissue","stratified squamous epithelial and areolar tissue","simple squamous epithelial and areolar tissue","E"

the liver structure that allows plasma proteins to diffuse across capillary beds is/are

"sinusoids","","CHP","hypothalamus","sinusoids","fenestrae","tissue perfusion","C"

which of the following will NOT decrease venous return?

"skeletal muscle contraction","","bleeding","dehydration","reduction of peripheral blood flow","skeletal muscle contraction","excessive water loss at the kidneys","D"

the average pH of blood falls in a range of

"slightly alkaline","","very acidic","slightly alkaline","slightly acidic","very alkaline","totally neutral","B",

the metarteriole segment of a capillary bed possesses

"smooth muscle and regulates the exit from the arteriole","","smooth muscle and regulates the exit into the venule","skeletal muscle and regulate the entrance to the venule","skeletal muscle and regulate the exit fro the arteriole","smooth muscle and regulates the exit from the arteriole","","D"

an intercalated disc is a

"specialized cardiac muscle intercellular connection","","calcium repository","specialized cardiac muscle intercellular connection","site for atrial ventricular communication","site for oxygen diffusion between cells","site for mitochondrial interactions","B"

the bone lying anterior to the heart is the

"sternum","","scapula","os coxa","sternum","clavicle","humerus","C"

abnormally high blood volume is recognized by

"stretch receptors in the heart wall","","cranial pressure receptors","kidneys","liver sinusoids","stretch receptors in the heart wall","aortic elastic tissue","D"

cardiac output depends on

"stroke volume and heart rate","","peripheral resistance","blood pressure","stroke volume and heart rate","stroke volume only","heart rate only","C"

the right atrium receives blood from the

"superior and inferior vena cava","","aortic arch","right and left pulmonary veins","right and left pulmonary arteries","superior and inferior vena cava","","D"

the aortic arch branches supply blood to structures that are drained by the

"superior vena cava","","inferior vena cava","descending aorta","superior vena cava","pulmonary trunk","visceral aorta","C"

the base of the heart is the portion that is most


the circuit that travels through the left side of the heart is the _____ circuit


an accelerated heart rate above 100 BPM is called

"tachycardia","","parasympathetic","resting heart rate","QRS complex","tachycardia","brachycardia","D"

heart rate is stimulated by

"the cardioacceleratory center","","the vasomotor center","the cardioinhibitory center","the cardioacceleratory center","the adrenal gland","local vasoconstrictions","C"

increased inhalation during exercise pulls blood into the vena cava by a mechanism called

"the respiratory pump","","the respiratory pump","vasoconstriction","vasodilation","cardiac output","","A"

peripheral vasoconstriction is stimulated by

"the vasomotor center","","the adrenal gland","the cardioinhibitory center","local vasoconstrictions","the vasomotor center","the cardioacceleratory center","D"

the descending aorta is divided into

"thoracic and abdominal aortas by the diaphragm","","thoracic and abdominal aortas by the last rib","medial and lateral aortas by the mediastinum","superior and inferior aortas by the diaphragm","superior and inferior aortas by the sternum","thoracic and abdominal aortas by the diaphragm","E"

which of the following structures is NOT contained in the mediastinum =?


a single artery leading toward connective tissue becomes blocked. which of the following statements is true?

"tissue damage is likely avoided by the presence of collateral arterioles","","tissue damage is minimized by precapillary sphincters","tissue damage is inevitable","tissue damage is likely avoided by the presence of collateral arterioles","tissue damage is minimized by the small area of the arterial feed","","C"

the viscera supplied by the celiac trunk are drained by the

"tributaries of the hepatic portal vein","","superior vena cava","hepatic vein","tributaries of the hepatic portal vein","inferior mesenteric artery","","C"

the right atrioventricular valve is the

"tricuspid","","aortic semilunar valve","pulmonary semilunar valve","tricuspid","bicuspid","","C"

the layer that stabilizes and anchors a blood vessel is the

"tunica externa","","tunica intima","tunica media","endothelium","tunica externa","internal elastic membrane","D"

vasoconstriction is accomplished by the

"tunica media","","tunica externa","tunica media","endothelium","tunica intima","internal elastic membrane","B"

Megan has type O blood. what blood type would cause agglutination or cross reaction with her blood?

"types A, B, AB","","types A, B, AB","all blood types","types B and AB","type O","no blood types","A"

Jennifer has type A blood. what blood type would cause agglutination or cross reaction with her blood?

"types B and AB","","types B and AB","type B only","type O only","type AB only","type A or B","A"

which of the following is NOT an important functional aspect of the biconcave design of RBCs?

"undergo cell division quickly and efficiently","","can form stacks for efficient transport","undergo cell division quickly and efficiently","provide flexibility","provide a large surface area to volume ratio","","B"

a midsagittal section through the trunk would divide the heart

"unequally, with most lying on the left side","","unequally, with most lying on the right side","unequally, with most lying on the left side","equally into two halves","unequally, with most lying superior","","B"

local contraction of smooth muscle in response to damage is called

"vascular spasm","","platelet plug","vascular spasm","embolus","coagulation","thrombus","B"

increasing the diameter of a blood vessel by relaxing a muscle is called

"vasodilation","","vasodilation","arteriodilation","arterioconstriction","vasoconstriction","elastic recoil","A"

the afferent vessels of the heart are


the amount of blood arriving at the right ventricle each minute is

"venous return","","peripheral resistance","cardiac output","venous pressure","venous return","capillary exchange","D"

the T wave of an ECG corresponds to

"ventricular diastole","","atrial systole","ventricular diastole","ventricular systole","atrial diastole","","B"

relaxation of the lower chambers of the heart is called

"ventricular diastole","","ventricular diastole","atrial diastole","ventricular systole","atrial systole","","A"

the phase of ventricular systole that creates enough pressure to open the semilunar valves is

"ventricular ejection","","ventricular ejection","late diastole","early diastole","isovolumetric relaxation","isovolumetric contraction","A"

blood circulates into the coronary arteries during

"ventricular relaxation","","atrial contraction","ventricular relaxation","ventricular contraction","atrial relaxation","","B",

the vessels that collect blood from capillary beds are called


the posterior cerebrum receives blood from the

"vertebral and basilar arteries","","external carotid artery","internal jugular","vertebral and basilar arteries","common jugular","internal carotid artery","C"

the serous membrane covering the heart is the

"visceral pericardium","","endothelium","myocardium","visceral pericardium","endocardium","parietal pericardium","C"

the membrane covering the heart is the

"visceral pericardium","","pericardial cavity","parietal pericardium","fibrous pericardium","visceral pericardium","","D"

the most effective way to aid venous return in lower limbs following any surgery is to

"walk to contract leg skeletal muscles","","walk to contract leg skeletal muscles","sit and massage the legs to manipulate valves","lay flat with feet elevated","lay totally flat with legs below the level of the heart","lay supine with the head above the feet","A"

the most abundant formed elements are

"RBCs","","RBCs","WBCs","platelets","plasma proteins","inorganic molecules","A"

erythroblastosis fetalis results from

"anti-Rh antibodies crossing the placenta","","anti-ABO antibodies crossing the placenta","anti-Rh antibodies crossing the placenta","Rh antigen crossing the placenta","AB antibodies in the fetal blood","ABO antigen crossing the placenta","B"

which of the following is NOT a tributary of the external jugular?


blood is a type of _____ tissue


parasympathetic innervation travels to the heart via the

"vagus nerve","","cardiac nerve","cervical ganglion","phrenic nerve","vagus nerve","medulla oblongata","D"

weak venous valves can result in

"varicose veins","","vasomotion","atherosclerosis is a subgroup of arteriosclerosis","vasoconstriction","arteriosclerosis is a subgroup of atherosclerosis","varicose veins","E"

the heart

in response to high blood volume, releases,"ANP","","epinephrine &amp norepinephrine","EPO","renin","ANP","aldosterone","D"

the vessels that exchange nutrients

respiratory gases, and waste are,"capillaries","","capillaries","arteries","veins","pulmonary","systemic","A"

the impact of temporary occlusions is reduced by

"anastomoses","","vasoconstriction","metarterioles","anastomoses","precapillary sphincters","vasomotion","C"

the layer of the heart containing cardiac muscle is the

"myocardium","","visceral pericardium","endocardium","epicardium","myocardium","parietal pericardium","D"

the kidneys are drained by the

"renal vein","","adrenal veins","gonadal vein","phrenic vein","hepatic vein","renal vein","E"

blood that has an unaltered composition is called

"whole blood","","plasma","fractionated","whole blood","hematocrit","a formed element","C"

the pancreas

duodenum, small intestine, and most of the large intestine are supplied with blood by the,"superior mesenteric artery","","celiac trunk","superior mesenteric artery","adrenal artery","gonadal artery","phrenic artery","B"

Sylvia is pregnant and experiencing anemia. as a result of her _____

her kidneys will attempt to re-establish homeostasis by releasing _____,"hypoxia erythropoietin","","hyperoxia erythropoietin","hyperoxia platelets","hypoxia erythropoietin","hypoxia platelets","hypoxia histamine","C"

if capillary blood flow is too fast

insufficient time for efficient diffusion occurs. the body can compensate by adjusting the capillary,"pressure gradient","","diastolic pressure","cardiac output","pressure gradient","venous return","peripheral resistance","C"

the artery that supplies blood to the neck

lower jaw, and face is the,"external carotid","","external jugular","internal carotid","external carotid","internal jugular","","C","","","",""

the mediastinum

lungs,and esophagus are drained by the,"azygos and hemiazygos veins","","thoracic aorta","superior mesenteric vein","azygos and hemiazygos veins","descending aorta","inferior vena cava","C",

as vessels become smaller

peripheral resistance,"increases","","stays unchanged","increases","decreases","","","B"

following serious hemorrhage

the body maintains arterial blood volume by,"vasoconstriction of the venous system","","vasodilation of the arterial system","vasodilation of the venous system","vasodilation of the arteriole system","vasomotion","vasoconstriction of the venous system","E"

when the heart rate increases

the greatest cardiac shortening occurs in,"both diastole","","both systoles","atrial but not ventricular systole","both diastole","atrial but not ventricular diastole","","C"

during light exercise

the increase in cardiac output is mostly due to,"increased venous return","","heart rate increases","capillary flow increases","EPO release","increased venous return","vasodilation","D"

if the normal pacemaker of the heart fails

the job will be taken over by the,"AV node","","purkinje fibers","SA node","AV node","AV bundle","","C"

in adults

the precursor multipotent stem cell for hematopoiesis is found in the,"red bone marrow","","thymus","white bone marrow","red bone marrow","thyroid","spleen","C"

when the ventricles contract

the semilunar valves are _____ and the atrioventricular valves are _____,"open closed","","closed open","open open","closed closed","open closed","","D"

when the cardiac cycle begins

the,"atrioventricular valve is open and the semilunar valves are closed","","atrioventricular and semilunar valves are both closed","atrioventricular valve is closed and the semilunar valves are open","atrioventricular and semilunar valves are both open","atrioventricular valve is open and the semilunar valves are closed","","D"

when the heart rate is 70 beats per minute and the stroke volume is 80mL

what is cardiac output?,"5600 mL/min","","150 mL/min","1500 mL/min","56 mL/min","5600 mL/min","560 mL/min","D"

if the superior mesenteric artery is blocked

what organ is likely to be affected?,"pancreas","","stomach","rectum","gallbladder","spleen","pancreas","E"

a typical bioprosthetic valve will provide service for approximately

"10 years","","10 years","1 year","5 years","20 years","a full lifetime","A"

blood pressure in a peripheral venule is about _____% of the pressure of the ascending aorta


a normal hemoglobin range for a healthy female who is neither pregnant nor nursing is

"12-16 g/dl","","20 g/dl","50 g/dl","25 g/dl","12-16 g/dl","10 g/dl","D"

individuals with sickle cell anemia have inherited

"2 copies of the sickling gene","","1 copy of the sickling gene","a complete inability to produce hemoglobin","an inability to bind iron","no copies of the sickling gene","2 copies of the sickling gene","E"

a typical RBC lasts

"2-3 months","","2-3 months","for a persons lifetime","2-3 hours","2-3 days","2-3 weeks","A"

a single drop of whole blood from an average healthy adult contains _____ RBCs

"260 million","","2 million","26 billion","2 billion","26 million","260 million","E",

during heavy exercise cardiac output increases approximately _____ and skeletal muscle blood flow increases _____

"3-fold 10-fold","","5-fold 10-fold","2-fold 2-fold","2-fold 3-fold","3-fold 5-fold","3-fold 10-fold","E"

RBCs comprise about ______ of the cells in the human body


oxyhemoglobin consists of

"4 oxygen molecules and 4 hemes","","4 oxygen molecules and 4 hemes","2 oxygen molecules and a heme","2 oxygen molecules and 2 hemes","2 hemes and 4 oxygen molecules","2 hemes and an oxygen molecule","A"

the best description of the heart is that it has

"4 paired pumps","","4 alternating pumps","a single pump","4 paired pumps","2 alternating pumps","6 paired pumps","C"

the typical adult female hematocrit is ___%


adult males will typically have _____ liters of blood in their cardiovascular system


platelets circulate for

"9-12 days","","9-12 hours","9-12 days","9-12 weeks","9-12 months","a lifetime","B"

<p>the response of the kidneys to low blood pressure and volume is release of</p>

"<p>ANP</p>","","epinephrine &amp norepinephrine","angiotensin 2","ANP","aldosterone","renin","E"

<p>arterial blood is bright red because</p>

"<p>the hemes carry oxygen</p>","","the hemes carry carbon dioxide","the globins carry oxygen","the hemes carry oxygen","the globins carry carbon dioxide","blood is bright red all the time","C"

<p>the majority of the body's volume at one time is found within the</p>


why would administering an ACE inhibitor in the form of an inhaler make sense?

"ACE is made and used in the lungs","","ACE inhibitors work by decreasing respiration rates","ACE is made and used in the lungs","ACE requires carbon dioxide","ACE acts on oxygen","ACE inhibitors are oxygen-dependent","B"

a recording of the electrical events in the heart is a(n)

"ECG","","digital subtraction angiography","coronary ischemia","angioplasm","ECG","MRI","D"

the extrinsic and intrinsic clotting pathways differ in how

"Factor X becomes activated","","fibrinogen becomes activated","Factor X becomes activated","the vascular phase is carried out","thrombin becomes activated","the spasm is carried out","B"


"Potente substancia vasoactiva con actividad GMPc estimulante. Se libera en respuesta al aumento del volúmen sanguíneo medido por aumento de la presión de la auricula. Inhibe la secreción de reina. En familias con fibrilación atrial, se ha encontrado mutaciones autosomicas dominantes del gen NPPA"


"Raro tipo de cardiopatía congénita, en la cual un solo vaso sale desde los ventrículos derecho e izquierdo. Hay comunicación inter ventricular. Cianosis, HTP y acrocianosis"

the pacemaker of the heart is normally the

"SA node","","SA node","AV bundle","AV node","purkinje fibers","","A"

the first step in the common pathway of coagulation is

"activation of Factor X","","platelet plug formation","conversion of fibrinogen to fibrin","conversion of prothrombin to thrombin","activation of Factor X","exposure to collagen","D"

which of the following is NOT a risk factor associated with atherosclerosis?

"active lifestyle","","active lifestyle","cigarette smoking","high blood pressure","gender","age","A"

a blockage in the popliteal artery would restrict blood flow to the

"anterior and posterior tibial arteries","","femoral arteries","great saphenous vein","dorsal venous arch","plantar venous arch","anterior and posterior tibial arteries","E"

an anastomosis connects the

"anterior and posterior tibials","","femoral and great saphenous vein","popliteals","internal and external iliacs","anterior and posterior tibials","tibial and fibular arteries","D"

the boundary between the right and left ventricles is the

"anterior atrioventricular sulcus","","anterior atrioventricular sulcus","coronary sulcus","auricles","ligamentum arteriosum","superatria","A"

which of the following is a TRUE statement?

"anti-Rh antibodies are present only upon sensitization but anti-A &amp anti-B are present throughout a persons lifetime","","anti-Rh antibodies are present only upon sensitization but anti-A &amp anti-B are present throughout a persons lifetime","anti-A &amp anti-B antibodies are present only upon sensitization, but anti-Rh antibodies are always present","anti-A &amp anti-B antibodies are present throughout a persons lifetime","all the blood group antibodies require sensitization","","A"

all the vessels of the systemic arterial system originate from the

"aorta","","aorta","descending aorta","femoral artery","carotid","vena cava","A"

the major symptom of leukemia is

"appearance of immature and abnormal WBCs","","appearance of abnormal platelets and clotting factors","absence of blood cells","conversion of red to white blood cells","appearance of immature and abnormal RBCs","appearance of immature and abnormal WBCs","E"

cardiac muscle differs from skeletal muscle in that cardiac cells

"are chemically and functionally connected into a single functional unit","","contain more mitochondria than skeletal muscle cells","are chemically and functionally connected into a single functional unit","are larger than skeletal muscle cells","are all self-excitatory","are linear","B"

the large vessel that transports blood away from the heart are


a condition characterized by a generalized thickening and toughness of arterial walls is

"arteriosclerosis","","vasomotion","arteriosclerosis","collateral damage","balloon angioplasty","","B"

central regulation of cardiovascular action by neural and endocrine mechanisms occur

"at any time that autoregulation is ineffective","","at any time that autoregulation is ineffective","only during sympathetic innervations","during waking hours","during sleeping hours","continually","A"

blood flow in the coronary arteries originates

"at the base of the ascending aorta","","in the descending aorta","in the left ventricle","in the right ventricle","at the base of the ascending aorta","in the left atrium","D"

atherosclerosis is related to arteriosclerosis in that

"atherosclerosis is a subgroup of arteriosclerosis","","arteriosclerosis is a subgroup of atherosclerosis","both can be prevented by appropriate lifestyle choices","both inevitably involve cholesterol deposits","atherosclerosis is a subgroup of arteriosclerosis","","D"

the formation of lipid deposits on the tunica media is called

"atherosclerosis","","arteriosclerosis","collateral damage","balloon angioplasty","atherosclerosis","vasomotion","D"

contraction of the upper chamber of the heart is called

"atrial systole","","ventricular diastole","atrial diastole","ventricular systole","atrial systole","","D"

the P wave of an ECG corresponds to

"atrial systole","","ventricular diastole","atrial systole","atrial diastole","ventricular systole","","B"

the first "lubb" heart sound is associated with

"atrioventricular valves closing","","atrioventricular valves closing","semilunar valves opening","semilunar valves closing","atrioventricular valves opening","","A"

expandable extensions of the atrium are called

"auricles","","sulci","superatria","auricles","ligamentum arteriosum","ventricles","C"

which of the following is NOT a vein found in the forearm?

"axillary","","ulnar","axillary","median cubital vein","deep palmar arch","radial","B"

a common technique to improve blood flow and remove plaque in coronary vessels is

"balloon angioplasty and stent placement","","MRI","balloon angioplasty and stent placement","pharmaceutical plaque removal","bioprosthetic valve replacement","angiography","B"

the WBC that releases histamine is the


the internal iliac artery supplies blood to the

"bladder and genitalia","","knee","lower limbs","bladder and genitalia","feet","thigh","C"

the artery that supplies blood to the upper limbs is the

"brachial","","common carotid","radial","vertebral","ulnar","brachial","E"

the superior vena cava collects blood directly from the

"brachiocephalic vein","","vertebral vein","inferior vena cava","jugular vein","subclavian vein","brachiocephalic vein","E"

the first branch off the aortic arch is called the

"brachiocephalic","","left common carotid","right common carotid","right subclavian","left subclavian","brachiocephalic","E"

the clotting pathways require large amounts of

"calcium","","hydrogen ions","calcium","sodium","iron","copper","B"

low pressure and slow flow rates are characteristics of favorable

"capillary exchange","","aortic flow","arteriole diastole","stroke volume","capillary exchange","venous return","D"

the pressure needed to force blood through all of the peripheral capillaries is

"capillary hydrostatic pressure","","capillary hydrostatic pressure","venous return","aortic flow","stroke volume","capillary exchange","A"

parasympathetic neurons that slow heart rate are contained in the

"cardiac inhibitory center","","cardiac inhibitory center","cardioacceleratory center","sympathetic postganglionic fibers","cardiac nerve","cervical sympathetic ganglion","A"

sympathetic innervation travels to the heart via the

"cardiac nerve","","cervical ganglion","phrenic nerve","cardiac nerve","medulla oblongata","vagus nerve","C"

pressure gradient adjustments can be changing

"cardiac output and/or peripheral resistance","","heart rate only","stroke volume only","cardiac output and/or peripheral resistance","peripheral resistance only","cardiac output only","C"

the indicator of peripheral blood flow is

"cardiac output","","respiration rate","peripheral resistance","stroke volume","cardiac output","heart rate","D"

baroreceptors are located in

"carotid arteries and the aorta","","right and left atria","jugular veins","right and left ventricles","carotid arteries and the aorta","brachial veins","D"

the chemical characteristic that guides WBCs toward damaged tissue is called


release and reinfection of RBCs by the Plasmodium parasite results in the characteristic symptom of

"chills and fever","","vomitting","nausea","chills and fever","calcium deficiency","fatigue","C"

when the ventricles are relaxed the semilunar valves are _____ and the atrioventricular valves are _____

"closed open","","closed closed","closed open","open open","open closed","","B"

the lower limbs are drained by tributaries of the

"common iliac veins","","common iliac veins","femoral arteries","popliteal veins","great saphenous veins","","A"

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