Care & Prevention

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A __________________AC sprain involves rupture of the AC ligament and coracoclavicular ligament. a) Type II b) Type III c) Type IV d) Type V


A brachial plexus injury usually affects what nerve roots of the plexus? a)C5-C6 b)C6-C7 c)C7-C8 d)C8-T1


A characteristic of a _________________ is carrying the arm tightly against the chest and cross the front of the trunk in rigid adduction and internal rotation. a) anterior glenohumeral dislocation b) posterior glenohumeral dislocation c) SC sprain d) type IV AC sprain


A classic sign associated with a biceps tendon rupture is a) point tenderness at the acromion process b) a painful arc c) a pins and needles sensation that extends into the fingers d) a "Popeye" appearance


A function of the scapular muscles is a) to rotate the humerus b) to abduct the humerus c) to facilitate movements of the upper extremity through appropriate positioning of the glenohumeral joint d) to hold the head of the humerus against the glenoid fossa


A loss of cerebrospinal fluid around the spinal cord because of deformation of the spinal cord or a narrowing of the neural canal is called: a) spina bifida b) spinal occlusion c) spinal stenosis d) Scheuermann's disease


A positive Spurling test suggests: a) a nerve root impingement due to a narrowing of the neural foramina b) a herniated disc c) occlusion of the cervical vertebral artery d) hypomobility of the vertebrae


A weakened _____________ muscle is present in many chronic shoulder problems, particularly among throwers. a) deltoid b) suprapinatus c) biceps femoris d) teres major


A wrist fracture where the radius and ulna are forced dorsally is called a a) Smith's fracture b) de Quervain's fracture c) Colles' fracture d) bowler's fracture


Actions involving stimulation of a motor neuron by a sensory neuron in the spinal cord without involvement of the brain are called: a) segmental nerves b) cauda equina c) reflexes d) spinal nerves


After executing a tackle by leading with his head, a football player is down on the field. All of the following suggest an unstable neck except: a) the player is unconscious b)the player is conscious and reports numbness in the upper extremities c)the player is conscious, neurologically intact, and reports neck pain d)all of the above suggest an unstable neck


After receiving a blow to the sternum, an indivdiual has difficulty swallowing and breathing and a diminished pulse. What injury should be suspected? a) posterior displacement of the clavicle b) fracture of the sternum c) fractured clavicle d) glenohumeral dislocation


An anterior glenohumeral dislocation outwardly displays a) a high riding clavicle b) a flattened deltoid c) a depressed sternum d) normal shoulder contours


An injury to the volar plate requires a ______________ force. a) medial b) hyperextension c) lateral d) flexion


Bilateral sensory changes including burning pain, tingling, or total loss of sensation are referred to as: a) cervical dislocation b) burner c) cervical fracture d) neurapraxia


During a brachial plexus injury, muscular weakness is evident in the: a) external rotators, deltoid, and biceps brachii b) internal rotators and deltoid c) external rotators and deltoid d) internal rotators, deltoid, and biceps brachii


Finger abduction assesses which of the following cervical nerves? a) C7 b) C6 c) C8 d) T1


Following a elbow dislocation, the arm is typically held a) Extended with the forearm supinated b) Slightly flexed with the forearm pronated c) Extended with the forearm appearing shortened d) Slightly flexed with the forearm appearing shortened


Frontal plane movements of the humerus at the shoulder include: a) horizontal abduction and adduction b) medial and lateral rotation c) abduction and adduction d) flexion and extension


Grade II burners represent: a) cervical compression b) neurotmesis c) axonotmesis d) neurapraxia


If a unilateral cervical dislocation is present, the neck will be visibly tilted in what direction? a) away from the dislocated side b) toward flexion of the neck c) toward extension of the neck d) toward the dislocated side


In a rotator cuff strain, pain increases when the arm moves actively between what degrees of abduction? a) 0° to 30° b) 40° to 70° c) 70° to 120° d) 120° to 180°


In an AC separation, the ____________ is elevated. a) scapula b) proximal clavicle c) distal clavicle d) deltoid muscle


Inability to horizontally adduct the arm without considerable pain is characteristic of a grade II a) glenohumeral sprain b) deltoid strain c) AC sprain d) SC sprain


Jersey finger occurs when the a) flexor digitorum superficialis is ruptured b) flexor digitorum profundus tendon is ruptured c) extensor digitorum profundus tendon is ruptured d) central slip of the extensor hood on the middle phalanx is ruptured


Rupture of the extensor tendon from the distal phalanx due to forceful flexion of the phalanx is called a a) jersey finger b) mallet finger c) boutonniere deformity d) trigger finger


The _____________ bursa may become irritated when repeatedly compressed during the overhand arm action. a) subcoracoid bursa b) biceps bursa c) subscapularis bursa d) subacromial bursa


The anterior deltoid and clavicular pectoralis major are the primary a) shoulder flexors b) shoulder extensors c) shoulder abductors d) shoulder adductors


The biceps brachii contributes most effectively to flexion when the forearm is _____________. a) extended b) flexed c) pronated d) supinated


The bone most commonly dislocated during axial loading on an extended wrist is the a) Capitate b) Triquetrium c) Lunate d) Scaphoid


The cumulative range of motion for flexion/extension of the cervical spine is: a) 8-18 degrees b) 12-20 degrees c) 18-26 degrees d) 4-12 degrees


The development of one or more wedge-shaped vertebrae in the thoracic region through abnormal epiphyseal plate behavior is called: a) spinal stenosis b) spondylolysis c) Scheuermann's disease d) spear tackler's spine


The functional unit of the spine is called the: a) intervertebral disc b) motion segment c) vertebrae d) ligamentum nuchae


The immediate management for a SC joint sprain involving a posterior displacement includes a) physician referral b) summoning EMS c) application of cold and a sling d) referral to an emergency medical facility


The ligament that connects the pedicles of adjacent vertebrae is the: a) ligamentum flavum b) posterior longitudinal ligament c) supraspinous ligament d) interspinous ligament


The ligament that stabilizes and encircles the head of the radius is the a) annular ligament b) radial collateral c) ulnar collateral d) quadrate ligament


The main function of the rotator cuff muscles is to a) facilitate scapulothoracic motions b) perform abduction and internal rotation c) perform abduction and external rotation d) hold the head of the humerus in the glenoid tossa


The middle finger is the dermatome for: a) C8 b) C5 c) C6 d) C7


The most common mechanism of injury for damage to the glenohuneral joint is a) fall on an outstretched arm b) excessive shoulder external rotation and extension c) fall on the point of the shoulder d) direct blow


The muscle that provides elbow extension is the a) biceps brachii b) extensor carpi radialis longus c) triceps d) brachialis


The rotator muscle group includes all but which of the following? a) subscapularis b) teres major c) teres minor d) infraspinatus


The true shoulder joint is referred to as the: a) coracoclavicular joint b) acromioclavicular joint c) coracoclavicular joint d) glenohumeral joint


The vertebrae that consists of a bony ring with large, flat, superior articular facets on which the skull rests is the: a) atlas b) axis c) dens d) annulus fibrosus


When the body is in an upright position, the line of gravity passes where in relation to the spinal column? a) posterior to the spinal column b) through the middle of the lumbar vertebrae c) anterior to the spinal column d) through the middle of the thoracic vertebrae


When viewing an individual from a posterior view, the spine is found to be curved. This condition is known as: a) lordosis b) scoliosis c) spondylolysis d) kyphosis


Which of the following characteristics would suggest a cervical sprain rather than strain? a) symptoms that persist for several days b) stiffness c) restricted ROM d) pain


Which of the following is a hinge joint? a) humeroradial b) humeroulnar c) proximal radioulnar d) distal radioulnar


Which of the following signs or symptoms would not indicate a cervical spinal injury? a) muscular weakness in extremities b) positive Babinski test result c) absent or weak reflexes d) sensory changes in the upper clavicular area

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