Career Prep Midterms Review

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How many Career Clusters are there?


When was the Occupation Safety & Health Act enacted?


If leave is foreseeable, how much advance notice should be given?

30 days

Employers are required to pay overtime after how many hours have been worked?

40 hours per week

Approximately how many work-related injuries or illnesses are reported each year?


What formula will appear in cell C7 if the formula =B6*$B$1 is copied from cell C6 to cell C7?


A cell references that does not change when copied because a dollar sign has been placed in front of both the column letter and row number, such as $A$5.

Absolute cell referance

Which of the following career pathway is responsible for keeping very careful track of how money is spent in a company or organization


The selected cell displayed with a bold outline. Data can only be entered into an active cell.

Active cell

Education and Training Health Science

Administration and Administrative Support

Consider every detail of every option over and over again


Which of the following achievements of Randy helps kids have fun while learning something hard?


Position of text in a paragraph relative to the sides of the page. Left, right, centered, and justified are alignments.


Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of organizational structures?

All organizations require a minimum number of people

What is the shortcut key for Switching between applications?


What situation would qualify an employee for 12 weeks of unpaid leave under the FMLA?

An employee on maternity leave caring for a new child

Which of the following is not a part of the priority list for the OSHA enforcement schedule?

Anonymous reports

Data required by a function to perform calculations.


One reason to make a decision is to

Arrive at a solution which ends uncertainty or a displute,selecting a course of action, making a choice between two or more alternatives

Which of the following actions is recommended in how to deal with a bully?

Attack the problem, not the person.

Function that adds the values of the cells in a range and divides the result by the number of cells in the range.


Which technological tool is important for storing critical files?

Battery backup systems and drives

A(n) _______________ is a small program that tells the operating system how to communicate with a device.


Which of the following career pathway of Human Services is responsible for providing services that may relate to things as different as purchase of real estate, creating a public image for a company, overseeing property, or having text or conversation translated to another language?

Consumer Services

Law, Public Safety, Corrections, and Safety

Correction Services

Human Services

Counseling & Mental Health Services

Being able to evaluate arguments and information quickly, solve problems creatively and identify mistakes with efficiency is referred to as

Critical thinking

Jane remains relevant to the point, seeks information as well as precision in information and is open-minded to new ideas exibits which employability skill?

Critical thinking

What short-cut keys selects all files?


what is the shortcut for copying a file?


What is the shortcut key for creating a new document?


What is the shortcut key for printing a document?


The data to be charted.

Data range

A set of related data to be plotted on a chart.

Data series

Striving to ensure a quality performance, such as putting in extra hours beyond what is expected is an example of which ethical skill?


Procrastination is a decision-making strategy to do which of the following?

Delay making a decision

Which of the following is not covered under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act?

Discrimination based on political views

Which of the following menu commands provides you the capability to find and replace text within your document?

Edit, Find & Replace

Inspiring trust and confidence is a Cluster responsibility of which Cluster?

Education and Training

Is possibly the most important skill in the workplace

Effective communication

What do surge protectors help prevent in the workplace?

Electrical fires

Which of the following is an occupation in the Architecture and Construction Cluster?


Which of the following career pathway of Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security is responsible for protecting the public by helping when there are emergencies

Emergency & Fire Management Services

Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM)

Engineering & Technology

If you have the capability to see the "big picture" and like complexity and puzzles then you have the characteristics that make you ideally suited for a career in

Enterprise Systems Analysis and Integration

What are some factors in decision making?

Environment, peers, family

What does EEOC stand for?

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

"Don't worry about it!" Valerie deflected when her mom asked about her homework. This is an example of which decision-making strategy?


Paragraph format that adds more space between each line of text.

Double Spaniin

Which of the following methods may be used to open an application?

Double-click on an icon, Right-click on an icon and select "Open", Select the program from the Start menu

Avoid a decision or make up an answer to deflect an injury


Organizational structures should accomplish which of the following?

Establish growth and reach objectives

Which of the following is an appropriate sanitation practice?

Establish hand-washing procedures when appropriate

Which of the following is an advantage of the indoor workplace?

Established work area

What must an employee do to perform their role in a safe and healthy work environment?

Execute appropriate judgment and behavior

I enjoy discussing questions about life


Transportation, Distribution and Logistics

Facility & Mobile Equipment Maintenance

Which act provided child labor laws?

Fair Labor Standard Act

A graphical user interface typically is more difficult to learn and use than a command-line interface because it requires memorization of a command language.


A multiprocessing operating system uses the computer hardware to simulate several virtual machines.


A multitasking operating system uses the computer hardware to simulate several virtual machines.


A person must have suffered economically in order to claim to be a victim of harassment.


A picture is moved by dragging a handle.


A synonym is a word that has an opposite meaning.


Coca-Cola® is an example of a business-to-consumer business.


Columns are horizontal.


Delayed payments ofent help you save money in the long run.


Emotions play a more important role in decision making than intellect.


Etiquette are values or standards which direct the way individuals live.


Fear of failure makes all people more determined to ensure they make the right decision.


Fonts, or letter shapes, fall into two main categories: Serif and Times New Roman.


If you are running a UNIX or Linux operating system on your computer, you can use the same software that you use for a computer running Windows.


Individual columns on a worksheet are identified by a number.


Most IT workers must sit at a desk all day


Scarcity is the problem of society having limited wants and needs, while possessing unlimited resources.


The header area should display at the bottom of the every page


The kernel contains external commands.


affects employers when dealing with chronic health problems of employees

Family Medical Leave Act

With Windows, the formatting process defines the _____________, which is a table of information that the operating system uses to locate files on the disk.

File Allocation Table

Shape of a set of characters.


Text that is printed at the bottom of each page.


consists of upward, downward and horizontal communication

Formal Communication

Which of the following menu commands provides you the capability to change an existing style?

Format | Paragraph Styles

__________________ is the process of preparing a disk for reading and writing.


Area near the top of the worksheet window that displays the contents of the active cell.

Formula bar

A business organization in which an entity allows another business to operate under the name of the sponsoring company like "McDonalds" is called a .


to friend; to accept another user's friend request on a social networking website


Performs a calculation that results in a single value


Randy Pausch's advice in dealing with difficult people is to

Give them time, eventually they'll surprise you

___ are set up in order to plan how one will obtain a want or need.


Forensic accountant is an example of a(n) __________________ occupation within the Finance Cluster?


Have a good ability to learn and use language to accomplish your goals

Have a good ability to learn and use language to accomplish your goals

What was one of the most useful tools Randy Pausch used to inform the students how well they were doing in a project group setting?

Having each group member rate the other

Text that is printed at the top of each page.


decentralized; employees make more of their own decisions, communication is less distorted

Horizontal Organizations

Which of the following is true about horizontal organizational structures?

Horizontal organizations handle problems faster

Food service manager is an example of a career in which of the following career clusters?

Hospitality and Tourism

Business Management and

Human Resources Management

Assisting people with decisions is a Cluster responsibility of which Cluster?

Human Services

Which of the following statements is an example of a good goal?

I want to graduate in the top 10 of my class

Go with first reaction


Pettiness, rudeness, profanity, "attitude" are characteristics of which inappropriate behavior?


commonly known as the "grapevine"

Informal Communication

Which of the following is also known as "the grapevine."

Informal communication

What refers to the day-to-day work procedures, social and informal interactions and corporate environment.

Informal structures

Information Technology

Information Support & Services

Which of the following career pathway of Information Technology is responsible for collecting, entering, and analyzing data by computer. Some organize computer databases?

Information Support & Services

Where must you click in order to move a window to a new location?

Inside the title bar



I learn best interacting with others


I need to know why I should do something


What question should you ask your self when determining if a certain action you are deciding to take is ethical?

Is it illegal? Does it follow policy and procedures? Do I have to think twice? Would I do it to someone I trust?

How does surfing the Internet during business hours negatively effect the

It can spread viruses to other computers and it can expose private details to co-workers

How does surfing the Internet during business hours negatively effect the workplace?

It can spread viruses to other computers and it can expose private details to co-workers

What happens when you minimize a window?

It shrinks down to a button on the taskbar

Character format that makes text slanted.

Italic text

Which of the following career pathway is responsible for gathering information, write news stories, and get them out to the public

Journalism & Broadcasting

Paragraph format where both sides of the paragraph are straight.

Justified alignment

I enjoy making things with my hands


________________ is the ability to motivate people to accomplish a better result for an organization


Data graphed using a continuous line.

Line chart

Hospitality Services


Strength in this intelligence suggests that you are good at math and good at analyzing problems logically.


Which of the following career pathway of Manufacturing is responsible for getting materials needed to the right place at the right time?

Logistics & Inventory Control

People who work in this pathway of Transportation, Distribution, and Logistics plan the best way for people and goods to be moved.

Logistics Planning & Management Services

What should be considered before accepting a job which requires physical labor?

Loss of work due to weather conditions

Which of the following is NOT an example of an industry occupation in the Law, Public Safety, Corrections & Security Cluster?

Loss prevention specialist

Architecture and Construction

Maintenance /Operations

The Americans with Disabilities Act does not require employees to do which of the following?

Make accommodations that would cause financial hardship

Real estate broker is an occupation in which Cluster?


Which of the following career pathway of Marketing is responsible for figuring out what causes people to buy products and services?

Marketing Research

Solving problems comes easily to me


Which of the following is NOT one of the Career Clusters?




Which of the following is an occupation in the Health Science Cluster?


control loose wires or fraying cords

Monitor Outlets

I enjoy many kinds of music


Government and Public Administration

National Security

A high score in this intelligence suggests that you like the outdoors and that you might like studying animals and natural systems. This intelligence suggests that you are good at noticing subtle differences, and that you are skilled in identifying patterns in the natural world.


I enjoy studying biology, botany and/or zoology


Which characteristic of a good employee calls for looking ahead and taking care of "challenges" before they become problems?

Positive and Proactive Attitude

Deciding what tasks are urgent or important and completing those items first describes which skill of time management?


Which employability skill requires gathering reliable information, assessing the information for answers and selecting a suitable solution based on the situation?

Problem Solving

___________________ allows for making decisions by creating a step-by-step process which allows an employee to work through problems in a systematic way.

Problem Solving

Delay until someone else makes the decision


Which of the following career pathway is responsible for assisting people with personal and family needs, mental health assistance, education goals and career making decisions

Professional Support Services

Is a specific style of behavior in the workplace


How should employers promote nutrition and exercise in the workplace?

Provide discounts to area gyms

What was the importance of Coach Graham riding and criticizing young Randy all day during practice?

Randy got to understand the importance of accepting criticism

__ is understanding the facts in a situation and weighing them when making a decision.


Which of the following career pathway is responsible for using their knowledge of rules, laws and regulatory systems to protect our health, safety and environment


Which of the following is a disadvantage of an indoor work environment?

Repetitive environment

To remain safe in the workplace, employees should do which of the following?

Report violations

__ involves being accountable for one's actions and regarding all options when making a decision.


Paragraph format where the right edge of the paragraph is straight and the left edge is jagged.

Right alignment

Goals should be

SMART: specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, time-bound

Which of the following inappropriate behaviors is illegal?

Sexual Harrassment

Sarah logs into Facebook while at work and uploads photos of a party she went to over the weekend. Which of the following could NOT occur due to her use of social media?

She could receive a promotion for her social skills

What key is used to allow you to create a range of files and folders?


an online network of individuals where users can connect with other users through photographs, updates and common interests; Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, Friendster

Social Networking

A process called _________________ sends print jobs to a buffer instead of sending them immediately to the printer.


prevent against electrical fires

Surge Protectors

`_________________ consists of programs that control the operations and its devices.

System software

Specifies a location within a line of text.

Tab stop

Characters used to position text within a line.


Your company has a confidentiality policy, however you were paid by a competitor to leak trade secrets. Due to this breach of confidentiality, which of the following could happen?


centralized and often used by large companies; follow a specific chain of command

Vertical Organizations

With ___________________, the operating system allocates a portion of a storage medium, usually the hard disk, to function as additional RAM.

Virtual memory

I can recall things in mental pictures


Which of the following acts authorized largest amount of federal funds ever allocated for vocational education ?

Vocational Applied Technology Education Act

Which of the following is an occupation in the Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources Cluster?


What is the shortcut key for opening File Explorer?


__ is a set of values based on the moral virtues of hard work and perseverance.

Work ethic

program dedicated to providing insurance for work-related injuries

Worker's Compensation

Charlie fell while moving boxes at work and broke his leg. Which of the following will pay for his medical expenses?

Workers' compensation

set of rules which define the professional manner within a company; many times written down and distributed in the form of a company handbook

Workplace Policies

step-by-step descriptions of how duties or functions are to be performed within a job; can also be written down and distributed in the form of a company handbook

Workplace Procedures

Defamation or hostility towards a person is a characteristic of which of the following inappropriate behaviors?

Workplace harassment

Which of the following careers falls into the Finance Cluster?


Which of the following is an example of indoor workplace injury or disease?

back problems, carpel tunnel, depression

What is the best way to organize files?

by category

Which of the following careers falls into the Arts, Audio/Video Technology and Communication Career Cluster?


Page numbers can be added to a footer by placing the insertion point in the footer and then

clicking Insert,Page Number

Cells are referenced by _____________.

column letter and row number

Which of the following careers falls into the Government and Public Administration Cluster?

combat control officer

Substance abuse in the workplace can lead to

decreased productivity

__________________ a disk, or reorganizing it so the files are stored in contiguous sectors, speeds up data access and thus the performance of the entire computer.


Which of the following career pathway is responsible for preparing detailed plans for the construction of buildings and other kinds of things?


Word processing is the ability to produce or modify text to create a _____________.


Bill Gates developed the microcomputer operating system called CPM.


What was the first dream Randy checks off in his list of accomplishments?


Being skilled in managing stress can result in

greater productivity in the workplace, improved mental and physical health, greater success in life

Right aligned text

has a jagged left edge and a straight right edge.

Which of the following resources publishes the Occupation Outlook Handbook?

An individual is more likely to gain employment in today's job market with

knowledge of technology

According to Randy Pausch, the purpose of brick walls is to

let us prove how badly we want something

People with the following characteristics are suited for a career in technical support.

likes people, likes communication and teamwork, helps others understand, and happy to share what has been learned

Proper speech can show an individual as

mature, confident, intelligent, professional

Which of the following careers falls into the Health Science Cluster?

medical records and health information technician, athletic trainers, microbiologist

What type of pointing device is commonly used with a graphical user interface


The two types of system software are ____.

operating systems and utility programs

A file manager ____.

performs functions related to storage and file management

Which of the following careers falls into the Business Management and Administration Career Cluster?

public relations manager

Which of the following habits is not representative of a positive financial habit.

purchasing items you want rather than need

A sign of good note taking skills is that your notes may prove to be difficult to ____________ the next day.


When you change values in a spreadsheet, formulas are ___________ automatically.


How are misspelled words identified in Writer?

red squiggly line

To correct a misspelled word

right-click the word and then select the correct spelling from the menu.

If you make a mistake on homework problems, you should rework and work __________ problems until you understand the concept.


Which of the following careers falls into the Education and Training Career Cluster?

social worker

It is the teacher's responsibility to ________, it is the student's responsibility to _______.

teach, learn

Columns and rows are used ____________.

to organize data or information in a spreadsheet

Bringing together different view points helps create solutions to an issue.


A way to change the size of selected text is to

use the Font Size box on the toolbar.

The two types of system software include operating systems and ____________.

utility programs

Which of the following is a(n) characteristic of bullying?

verbal abuse, offensive conduct/behaviors (including nonverbal) which are threatening, humiliating or intimidating, work interference -- sabotage -- which prevents work from getting done

Experience is

what you get when you don't get what you want

To communicate with each device in the computer, an operating system relies on device drivers.


Use a sans serif font for headings because it helps draw attention to paragraph text below it.


Use bulleted lists for items not requiring a specific sequence.


What-if analysis is a powerful tool for testing the impact of changing values in a formula.


When making decisions, you should try to avoid listening to your impulses.


You must use Styles to generate a table of contents.


Let someone else decide; handing over control


If you like to keep things organized and in order and you give careful attention to organization, procedure, and structure then you may like a career in

Computer Programming

Which of the following is not a type of characteristic of indoor work environments.

Physical labor

Which of the following involves identifying your goal and the steps you will take to achieve it?


Choose the alternative with the lowest level of risk

Play it safe

Changing the margins can affect the number of pages in a document


Employability is used to describe the positive work behaviors and personal qualities which make individuals more likely to gain employment and succeed in their chosen career.


Employability skills are often more important to employers than having specific job-related skills


Ethical behavior governs the way people behave towards family members, employers, supervisors, co-workers and customers.


Every formula in a spreadsheet must begin with an equal sign.


Holding down the SHIFT key ensures the picture will resize proportionally.


Impulse buying appeals to the emotional side of the consumer.


In a cooperative multitasking system, the CPU access is controlled by other programs being used.


Limited financial resources can be managed with proper budgeting and allocation of funds.


Selecting a row and then clicking the Insert Rows button on the context menu adds a row below the selected row.


Serif font is excellent for body text because their "feet" lead your eye across the page, and make long passages easier to read.


System software serves as the interface between the user, the application software, and a computer's hardware.


Tables also provide more formatting options for borders and shading.


Tabs are used to position text within a line.


Templates are documents in which all the formatting and layout has already been done.


The computer industry is in a continual state of change.


The operating system can give higher priority to important programs by allocating them more time slices.


How can you have a positive attitude when it comes time to take a quiz or test?

Begin reviewing early

Health Science

Biotechnology Research and Services

Which of the following requires coming up with as many solutions as possible.


An entity engaged in the purchase or sale of specific commodities is referred to as a(n) ___.


Which of the following is NOT a Pathway in the Business Management & Administration Cluster?

Business Finance

Which of the following career pathway is responsible for designing, installing, maintaining and use general accounting systems to prepare, analyze and verify financial reports and related economic information to help make important financial decisions for an organization

Business Information Management

How can you stop harassment from occuring?

By not harassing others, by providing feedback to others who engage in offensive behavior, By reporting harassment when it continues

Which of the following acts changed the term "vocational education" to "career and technical education" CTE?

Career and Technical Education Improvement Act 2006

The intersection of a row and column is a


The column letter and row number used to identify a cell, such as B3.

Cell referance

Alignment format that positions text evenly between the left and right margins.

Center Alignment

In order to adequately prepare for class you should read the ______ before the class actually meets

Chapter Material

A formatting level that affects the selected characters.

Character format

Displays dialog boxes where the user can select options to create a chart.

Chart Wizard

Which of the following skills is(are) examples of teamwork.

Collaboration, conflict resolution, reliability, bringing together different view points

Data graphed as a series of vertical bars.

Column chart

Which of the following is not covered in the Occupational Safety & Health Act?


What requires frequent safety and health inspections?


How would you address an employee who is abusing substances?

Offer rehabilitation programs

A(n) _________________ is a set of programs containing instructions that coordinates all of the activities among computer resources.

Operating System

Changes the pagination in a document.

Page break

A formatting level that affects the entire document.

Page format

The process of determining where one page ends and another begins


The technique of swapping items between memory and storage is often called ______________.


A formatting level that affects the selected paragraph(s).

Paragraph format

Which of the following types of bullies is the most common?

The Snake

What happens when you select a file then select the cut command?

The icon dims

Which of the following should not be considered when creating workplace policies?

They should be reviewed once

When an operating system spends too much of its time paging, instead of executing application software, it is said TO BE


Which of the following menu commands provides you the capability to activate the word count command in Writer?

Tools, Word Count

Which of the following illustrates the correct flow of a formal structure?

Top management Middle management Supervisors Employees

Which of the following career pathway of Transportation, Distribution, and Logistics is responsible for planning transportation systems - such as subways, railroads, and road systems?

Transportation Systems/Infrastructure Planning, Management & Regulation

A spreadsheet can convert numerical calculations into charts and graphs to show relationships graphically.


A spreadsheet is a worksheet that resembles a table and is used for organizing numbers.


Adjacent cells are cells that are next to each other.


An opportunity cost is the cost of an item in terms of other opportuniies which were given up.


Both the harasser and employer may be personally liable for damages.


Brick walls are there to prove how badly you want something.


A cell reference that changes when it is copied is called

a relative cell reference.

Which of the following career pathway is responsible for coordinating all activities which contribute to the production of agricultural commodities and resources?


A multitasking operating system ____.

allows a single user to work on two or more applications at the same time

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