Causes of the American Revolution

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What was the major effect of the Stamp Act (1765) on colonial trade?

many colonists boycotted British good

"Taxation without Representation"

the colonists were being taxed without having representatives in the British Parliament

In the American colonies, boycotts were an effective way of protesting British policies mainly because the boycotts

caused economic hardships for British merchants

In American colonies, boycotts were an effective way of protesting the British policies mainly because the boycotts

caused economic suffering for British merchants


citizen soldiers who could be ready to fight at a minute's notice

During the Revolutionary War period, Thomas Paine's Common Sense was important because it

convinced many Americans who had been undecided to support independence

In the pamphlet Common Sense, Thomas Paine urged the Americans colonists to

declare independence from great Britain

"...Every thing that is right or reasonable pleads for separation. The blood of the slain, the weeping voice of natural cries, "TIS TIME TO PART...."

declare their independence form England

Committes of Correspondence

groups of colonist who would exchange messages about the British to keep informed

Under mercantilism, the thirteen American colonies were expected to provide Great Brian with

raw materials and markets for British products

Colonial boycotts of British goods before the Revolutionary War were effective measures because

reduced the profits to British merchants

Intolerable Acts

series of laws passed in 1774 to punish Boston for the Tea Party

The slogan "No taxation without representation" referred to taxes enacted by who?

the English Parliament

The slogan "no taxation without representation" referred to taxes enacted by

the English Parliament

Which statement is most consistent with the views of Loyalists in the 1770s?

the colonists should be grateful to be under British rule and protection

The Albany plan of Union called for

a joint colonial council for defense

Which document is a primary source concerning the American Revolution? 1. a videotape showing a reenactment of a battle 2. a journal of the events written by a Continental soldier 3. a social studies textbook 4. a published article written by a history teacher

a journal of the events written by a Continental soldier

Tea Act

a law forcing colonists to buy tea from the British

Quartering Act

a law required colonist to house and feed British soldiers

First Continental Congress

a meeting of delegates form the colonies to discuss the situation with the British


a method of protest in which colonists refused to buy British goods

Boston Tea Party

an act of protest in which the Sons of Liberty dumped tea into the Boston harbor

Boston Massacre

an incident in which British soldiers fired into a group of unarmed , protesting colonists


colonist who favors American independence


colonist who sided with the British

Many American colonists believed that British tax laws were unfair because

colonists lacked representation in parliament

Townshend Acts

A tax that the British Parliament placed on leads, glass, paint and tea

Battle of Lexington and Concord

1st battles of Revolutionary War

Sons of Liberty

An American protest in which protest group who opposed the British using violent means

Stamp Act

British law that taxed official documents (newspapers, licenses)

Which heading best completes the partial outline below? I. ____________________________________ A. Committees of Correspondence B. Non-importation Agreements C. Boston Tea Party D. First Continental Congress 1.Protests Against Slavery in the American Colonies 2.British Parliamentary Actions to Punish Colonial Americans 3.Colonial Responses to British Mercantile Policies 4.Colonial Attempts to End the British Policy of Salutary Neglect

Colonial Responses to British Mercantile Policies

*Statement of grievances committed by Britain *Statement of natural rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness *Establishment of the United States of America Which document is associated with these actions?

Declaration of Independence

What was a result of the French and Indian War that led directly to the American Revolution?

England decided to make the American colonists help pay war debts.

Where was the first battle of the American Revolution fought?


What was the major effect of the Stamp Act 1765 on the colonial trade?

Many colonists boycotted British goods

Which statement is most accurate about the movement for independence in the thirteen colonies?

Protests against British colonial policies gradually led to demands for Independence

Which statement expresses an opinion about the causes of the Revolutionary War? 1. Colonists participated in triangular trade 2. Boston Massacre took place on March 5, 1770 3. Samuel Adams founded the Sons of Liberty 4. The Quartering Act was a serious violation of the colonists' liberties

The Quartering Act was a serious violation of the colonists' liberties

The colonist slogan "no taxation without representation, "expresses a belief in

The consent of the governed

Which principle of government is proposed in the Declaration of Independence?

The primary function of government is to protect natural rights

Who wrote the Declaration of Independence?

Thomas Jefferson

Primary sources of information about the colonial era would include a

journal entry by a member if the Second Continental Congress

The belief that colonies exit to benefit the economy of the mother country is known as

mercantilism (controlling trade)

In writing the Declaration of Independence , Thomas Jefferson was influenced most by John Locke's idea of

natural rights

The authors of the Declaration of Independence used the phrase, "Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness" to identify

natural rights


nickname for British soldiers

Which statement represents one of the main ideas in the Declaration of Independence?

people have the right to rebel against an unjust government

The pamphlet Common Sense, by Thomas Paine aided the Americans cause in the revolutionary War because

persuaded individuals who were undecided to support independence

What was the primary purpose of the Declaration of Independence?

to list reasons the colonist should be free form England

The slogan "molasses to rum to slave" is associated wit the

triangular trade

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