CB CH 10

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T/F Emotional advertisements that trigger a positively evaluated emotion will enhance the liking of the ad itself.


T/F Personality is an individual's characteristic response tendencies across similar situations.


__________ motives deal with the need to reach satisfying feeling states and to obtain personal goals.


A set of human characteristics that become associated with a brand is referred to as

brand personality

Lori reads three newspapers a day and is always reading a book in the evening. She has a high need to engage in thinking, and she actually enjoys it. She likes to complete crossword puzzles and do other types of word games. Lori has a high need for


Consumers who purchase only popular brands because of insecurity are most likely influenced by the __________ motive.

ego defense

the 5 core traits in the Five Factor Model of personality:

extroversion instability agreeableness openness to experience conscientiousness

Which core trait in the Five-Factor Model of personality is manifested by an individual being moody, temperamental, and touchy?


Which of the following is a motivational state caused by consumer perceptions that a product, brand, or advertisement is relevant or interesting?


Which need is activated when one's identity is threatened, motivating the person to protect his or her self-concept and utilize defensive behaviors and attitudes?

need for ego defense

A consumer's need for reinforcement is

passive and external

Which of the following reflects the relatively stable behavioral tendencies that individuals display across a variety of situations?


In regulatory focus theory, __________ motives revolve around a desire for growth and development and are related to consumers' hopes and aspirations.

promotion focused

Which of the following is not a core trait in the Five-Factor Model of personality? extroversion conscientiousness reliability openness to experience instability


T/F Motives that are known and freely admitted are called primary motives.


Which of the following is false regarding how emotional responses to advertising influence consumer behavior?

While emotional content in advertisements may increase attention, emotional messages have not been found to be processed more thoroughly than neutral messages.

A consumer's propensity to pursue differentness relative to others through the acquisition, utilization, and disposition of consumer goods is exhibiting

a need for uniqueness

what motive deals with the need to reach satisfying feeling states and to obtain personal goals?

affective motives

An advertising theme such as "Serve Pepsi to your friends, they'll love you for it" is most likely based on __________ motivation.


refers to the need to develop mutually helpful and satisfying relationships with others


Elizabeth is 15 years old and is asking her parents for more freedom. She wants to make more of the decisions that affect her, such as the clothes she wears, how late she can stay out, and what school she attends. This is an example of Elizabeth's need for


n McGuire's classification of motives, which ones focus on the person's need for being adaptively oriented toward the environment and achieving a sense of meaning?


trong, relatively uncontrollable feelings that affect our behavior are known as


Which of the following is a characteristic associated with emotions? emotions occur independently from physiological changes emotions are not associated with behaviors emotions involve objective feelings emotions are often triggered by environmental events all are correct

emotions are often triggered by environmental events

Which of Maslow's needs reflects individuals' desires for status, superiority, self-respect, and prestige?


A consumer who purchases a certain style of clothes to establish and reinforce a unique identity is most likely fulfilling a need for


what is constructing a means end or benefit chain?


James begged his mother to buy him some high-top Converse shoes. When asked why he wanted these shoes, he said that he wanted them because they are comfortable. He really wanted them because his two best friends have them, and if he had them, he would be considered "cool," but he didn't want to tell his mother that. Wanting to appear "cool" to his friends represents which type of motive?


reflects an individual's propensity to engage in and enjoy thinking

need for cognition

Which motives reflect needs for observable cues or symbols that enable people to infer what they feel and know?

need for objectification

While any given advertisement for a product may focus on only one or a few purchasing motives, the

overall campaign should attempt to position the product in the schematic memory to correspond with the target market's purchase motives and advertising campaign needs to cover all the important purchase motives of the target market.

Smoke detectors, preventive medicines, insurance, retirement investments, seat belts, burglar alarms, and sunscreen are all examples of products to satisfy consumers' __________ needs.


Advertisements for BC Headache Powders usually show blue-collar workers using this product to obtain fast pain relief caused by their job (e.g., heavy lifting). Which advertising tactic is BC using to communicate its brand personality?

user imagery

Which of Maslow's needs involves the desire for self-fulfillment, to become all that one is capable of becoming?

self actualization

A substantial amount of brand switching when the current brand is satisfactory may be explained by the __________ motive.


A consumer's tendency to initially react to a new product as though it were the same as similar existing products is most likely to be based on a need

to categorize

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