CDA Exam

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A child in your group says "My truck!" to encourage more complex speech, you say

"Is that your truck? yes that is your truck!

Elliot says "Me go?" you respond

"Yes, you are going to the gym"

what is the most appropriate response to a toileting accident

"accidents happen, let me help you find some dry clothes"

An appropriate mealtime would include

- A well balanced meal that meets licensing regulations - Pleasant conversation at the table - Encouragement to eat

whose job is it to advocate for the needs of children and families

-the director - the owner -teachers -parents

why is it important to have different types of families represented in our preschool classroom?

-to help all families feel welcomed - to help children feel like the belong - to help children learn about families that are different from their own

why do we plan finger plays and movement games

-to help children develop fine and gross motor skills -to help children learn about the natural rhythms of language, as well as rhyming skills

sand and water play should be made available inside daily for which age groups?

-toddlers -preschoolers

true or false: when a parent has a concern about another child's behavior (not their own child) it is inappropriate to share information about the other child's family history


when should teachers wash their hands?

-upon arrival -after toileting/diapering -before eating -after wiping a nose

cribs, cots and mats should be cleaned and sanitized

-weekly -between users

when should a child care provider introduce solid (pureed) foods to an infant?

-when the child is between 4 and 6 months old -when the parent has given permission to do so

materials should be displayed on low, open shelves and labeled with

-words -pictures

children in diapers should have their diapers changed once every

2 hours or if there is a bowel movement whichever comes first

how far apart should cots/mats for toddlers or preschoolers be spaced

3 feet

how far apart should cribs be spaced

3 feet

how much nap/rest time should be provided for preschoolers?

45 minutes

true or false: during a conference, subjective descriptors or labels (such as aggressive, lazy, and hyperactive) should be avoided


informal health checks should be completed


Appropriate choices for young children include

" You may choose from art, the housekeeping area, or the puzzle table."

Caregivers should

- Be good listeners - Ask a lot of open-ended questions

To ensure safety, toys and equipment must meet

- Developmental needs of children - Current safety standards

Children need their own space in the classroom for their coat and other belongings because

- It promotes their positive self- concept - It helps maintain good health

At mealtime, a caregiver should

- Not insist that children finish all food on their plates - Not, not offer any dessert until all their food is finished - Not only offer dessert to the children who remained quiet at the table while eating

To extend a "teachable moment"

- Observe what is happening - Describe what is happening and ask open-ended questions - Let children come up with ideas about what they would like to do

What are not safe to place in a crib?

- Pillows - Bumpers - Fluffy blankets

A positive circle time experience includes

- Scheduling and planning beforehand - Interesting and active activities - Anticipating problems beforehand

The amount of adult supervision that is needed depends on

- The number of children in the group - The activity - The developmental needs of children who are present.

what temperature indicates a fever that a child should be excluded for?

-100 degrees orally -101 degrees under the arm

Some types of observations tools are

-Anectodal record - Running records and child interviews - Developmental checklists

Professional relationships with other staff include

-Attending professional development events together, such as conferences and workshops -Spending time planning cooperatively to meet the needs of the children. -Treating each other with respect

Classroom rules and rules for outdoor safety should be

-Few in number -Worded in simple terms, using pictures -Written in positive terms, saying what the children should be doing

The purpose of observing children is to

-Identify patterns of their growth and development - Provide the teachers with information so they can plan appropriate activities for the children

A developmentally appropriate group time

-Lasts only a short time - Gets the children actively involved - permits children to leave, if they wish

what do you do if you observe another teacher doing something that conflicts with what you have learned to be best practices

-express your concern calmly, in private - find out if theres an explanation - bring the information to your supervisor if there is harm being done to another person

Appropriate guidance techniques would include

-Planning to avoid problems with the use of space, placement and number of toys, and careful supervision. - Interacting with children in positive ways - Redirecting inappropriate behavior

Parent and teacher conflicts happen. A positive way to resolve them is to

-Practice active listening - Suggest the parents look over their copy of your programs parent handbook, referring to sections that may clear up misunderstanding and address the problem

Situations that reflect bias include

-Thanksgiving stories that depict Indians with war paint. - Halloween stories with pictures in which everything black is portrayed as scary

what is a family

-a group of two people or more related by birth, marriage or guardianship's/adoption most often residing together

teachers should teach children to sneeze and cough into

-a tissue -their elbow

transitions from one activity to another should

-be a learning opportunity - be completed in smaller groups, when possible

physical development occurs

-beginning with the head and ending with the feet -from the center of the body to the extremities

child abuse can cause

-behavior problems -low self-esteem -learning difficulties -abuse toward others

the best way to sanitize tables, counters and other surfaces is with

-bleach and water solution -other EPA approved, child-safe sanitizing products

according to NAEYC, which centers should be included when planning a preschool classroom?

-blocks, sand and water, pretend play -cooking, math and manipulative, science -art, music and movement, literacy

when a teacher has concerns about a child's development, her or she should refer the child to

-child development services (CDS) - the child's pediatrician

what should you do if you suspect that a child in your care is being abused?

-document observations -share concerns with your supervisor -report observations to DHHS

what is the best way to develop respectful relationships with families

-establish open communication by listening with respect to the family's needs and keeping each family informed - regard each other as equals who contribute to the partnership in different ways

observations are used to

-guide curriculum planning - inform parents about development - understand a child's behavior - assess the child's development

what records should be kept for each child in a locked file?

-immunizations -developmental screenings -hearing and vision exams

by promoting each child's physical health, teachers can help children to

-increase their attention span -increase academic success -feel confident and competent

what is a teachers role during outside time

-join in play -keep children safe

what are possible barriers to developing positive relationships with families

-language and/or culture - cultural differences - differing values

what is a subjective statement

-lola left the water table because she wanted to play with george - lola was sad because her dress got wet, so she left the water table

Ashley's mother has confided in her teacher that she is having financial difficulties. what is the best response from the teacher

-maintain confidentially and provide information about available resources

a child who is fearful of engaging in a physical activity can be encouraged through

-offering individual assistance -opportunities to practice -encouragement -modeling

who should you share a child's allergy information with?

-other teachers in your program -visitors

What are three things that need to be kept out of reach of preschool-aged children?

-over the counter medications - Window covering cords - Non-toxic cleaning solutions

An important part of a quality early childhood program is for caregivers to communicate with parents, some examples would be

-parent conferences - parent meetings - conversations at arrival and departure time

what community members do early childhood teachers work closely with

-parents -other teachers -school nurse - therapists

when parents have concerns about their own child, what do you do?

-provide books and/or activities that address the concern - refer the family to parenting classes and/or counseling (for the child or the family)

what do children learn through rountines

-self help skills -academic skills -social skills

Dylan's teacher is concerned about dylans language skills. what is the best way to approach dylans family with this concern?

-sett up a parent meeting and prepare observations and information about resources in advance

the best environment for non-mobile infants should include

-soft, comfortable areas to rest -soft toys within reach -pleasing things to look at, at eye level

what is the right thing to do when a family's cultural practices clash with our classroom practices

-talk to the parent and try to understand their culture - consider making accommodations for the child/family when possbile

A milestone of development is

A functional skills or task that most children can do at a certain age range

Who is the safest person (besides from a guardian or custodial parent) to release a child to at the end of the preschool day?

A neighbor authorized by the custodial parent or guardian

An example of a positive nonverbal communication is

A smile

true or false: unexpected "teachable moments" should be avoided in order to complete weekly curriculum plans


Children learn best when they

Actively participate

At what age is it safe to start applying sunblock to a child's skin?

After 6 months

Scribbling is

An early stage in the development of children's art and writing skills

You see a coworker leaving a group of napping children alone while she goes into the hallway. You decide to first

Approach her personally about your concerns

What should be under playground equipment to prevent injuries?

Approved shock-absorbing materials

A good early childhood practice is

Asking the children to pretend to be butterflies as they walk to the playground

An activity that develops small-motor skills would be

Bead stringing

true or false: usually it is not necessary to prepare for a conference in advance


You bring out a new toy fire truck for the children to play with today. The toddlers are having a hard time playing together with the truck, so you

Bring out a couple duplicates of this toy

true or false: what and how children learn during the first 5 years of life has no effect on the foundation for successful lifelong learning


The safest type of furnishings for preschoolers are


Children's artwork should be

Displayed at the children's eye level

Children' s artwork should

Emphasize the process rather than the product

A new child has just enrolled in your program. She is from china. Several of the children have approached you to say, "Mei Lee talks funny." You will

Explain to them that she is from another culture, speaks a different language, and is learning ours. Encourage them to help her learn words and to be a kind friend to her

true or false: when a parent cannot spend time in our program, there is little we can do to help them feel involved and informed


true or false: when an infant can hold their bottle on their own, they no longer need to be held for feedings


family style dining means

food is served in large serving bowls and children are encouraged to serve themselves, and pass the food to others

what are examples of developmentally appropriate gross motor skills?

scarves, bean bags, balls and ribbons

True or false: Infants should be soothed with a little honey on their pacifier


True or false: Outlets should be covered by safety caps only when infants are present


True or false: minimal screen time is developmentally appropriate part of the day for toddlers in a child care setting


True or false: teachers are responsible for checking for indoor safety hazards, only


When talking with a child, the caregiver should

Get down to the child's eye level

You want children to learn the rules of conversation, so you

Give them practice talking, listening, and responding in casual conversation as you sit with them at the lunch table

what are the four areas of ethical responsibility that are outlines in the code of ethical conduct

children, families, colleagues and community

The children have been asking for the same book to be read at story time everyday for the past week. You will

Happily reread it, because you know children benefit from repetition

An open-ended question

Has no right or wrong answer

The first- aid kit should be kept

In an easily accessible location, clearly marked, and out of the reach of children

A parent has expressed concern that her son is spending too much time in your program "just playing". A good response to her concern would be to

Invite her into the classroom to observe the children in order to understand what they are learning as they play

Frequent hand washing is important because

It keeps germs from spreading

Why do you give children a warning before activities are about to change

It provides them time to finish up an activity

Children's play materials should be

Kept on low, open shelves

If your building was built before 1978, it should be checked by a professional for


What materials are appropriate for preschoolers to prepare them for reading?

Magnetic letters, a well- stocked book corner, and reading to them everyday

A new child has enrolled who has a physical disability. So that she will feel welcomed, you will

Make any adaptions to the indoor and outdoor environment necessary so she can fully participate in activities to the greatest extent possible

Another activity that develops small-motor skills would be

Manipulating play-dough

In order to keep children safe, toys and materials must be

Non-toxic and non-flammable

Coloring books, ABC worksheets, and offering sample artwork are

Not developmentally appropriate

What is the best position for a child to be placed in their crib?

On their back

Where should dangerous substances, such as medicine and cleaning products, be kept?

Out of reach of children

A creative arts project is

Painting with orange and black paint on white paper

A writing center for preschoolers should include

Pencils, paper, markers, envelopes, an old typewriter, and pieces of old mail

The best example of an open- ended material would be

Unit blocks

Experience charts, labeling items in the room, and making lots of books available are all examples of

Practices that support emergent literacy

what is the constructivist theory

concept that children construct their own knowledge through engagement with their surroundings

Two boys want the same truck to haul blocks across the room. One boy goes to the housekeeping area and gets a basket. This is an example of

Problem solving

Exits should be

Properly marked and free of barriers

You want the children to learn cooperation, so you

Provide activities that require taking turns, sharing materials, and solving problems together

A good technique for dealing with favorite toys is to

Provide duplicates of them

Marcy came to school today with an angry, negative mood. You can see that this may soon erust into physical aggression. The best way to deal with this would be

Provide her with an activity that will help to diffuse her angry feelings, such as working with play dough or throwing sponge balls at a target

When arranging a classroom, a teacher should

Put related activities near each other

You find that it is becoming difficult to keep the children engaged during circle time. You should

Re-evaluate the length of time you are expecting the children to stay at circle time and whether the kinds of activities you are providing are interesting to them

Positive ways to involve parents in the program include

Reading stories

Gross- motor skills refer to skills that

Require children to make large movements with their bodies

Fine- motor skills refer to skills that

Require children to work with their hands and fingers

A parent has confided in you that her husband has left her and she is upset and unsure what will happen next. The best way to proceed would be to

Respect the parents privacy by keeping the information confidential and offer her a list of community agencies she might find helpful at this time

When you are preparing an environment for children, what should always be considered first?

Safety of the children

You are aware that many of the children watch a great deal of TV and videos at home. You would like the parents to support their children's development at home instead of relying on screen media. You will

Send home books and activity packets that the children can enjoy with their families

You plan to take a walk through the neighborhood to the fire station tomorrow. To prepare for this trip you will

Sit down and explain the trip to the children, reviewing the procedures for safely crossing the street, staying close to the teachers, and other safety rules

One of the children is having a tantrum just as circle time is beginning. The best way to proceed would be

Stay close to the child and explain to the others that she is having a hard time right now but will be alright in a few minutes. Let your co-teacher start the circle time

Andrew often hits and bites other children. After doing so, he laughs and runs off. He doesn't seem to realize he is hurting them. You will

Stop the behavior immediately and attend to the hurt child. Then get down on Andrew's level, pointing out and labeling the feelings of the child he has hurt

You are out on the playground with twelve preschool-age children. One of the children says he needs to use the restroom, so you

Take the child and half of the other children into the building

Preschoolers will use shocking language. An appropriate response would be

Telling the child that such language is not appropriate

A child needs help blowing his nose. You will help him use a tissue and then

You wash your hands and ask the child to wash their hands as well

Safety regulations are established by

The department of health and human services

Child abuse and neglect reporting is the responsibility of

The person who observed the incident

bronfenbrenners ecological theory can be described as

a theory that examines the impact of children's social environments on their development

what is a time sample

a tool that documents events in pre-determined time increments. can involve the whole group or one child

True or false: A toddler can drown in a toilet in only 2 minutes


What is another activity that is creative?

Using musical instruments with a CD that tells children when to play the instruments

A creative activity is

Using play dough

Children should be provided with these items for washing their hands

Warm water, liquid soap, and paper towels

the process involved in executive function include

confidence, curiosity and self- control

You have a small budget to use for purchasing materials for your classroom. When choosing, you will first consider

Whether the materials are developmentally appropriate, are mostly open-ended, and will enable the children to experience success.

What is one thing that should be out of reach of young children?

Window blind cords

what is an anecdotal record

a brief description of an incident involving one or more children

what is an example of a schema

a child refers to a cow as a horse because it has four legs and a tail

a mentor is

a colleague in a similar role that may help to guide a less -experiences teacher in their role

what is a running record

a description of children's behavior/activity recorded objectively, accurately, and chronologically over a specific length of time

what is a schema

a mental concept that informs a person about what to expect form a variety of experiences and situations

what is a reflection, in regard to teaching practices

a process of observation and self-evaluation

what is the safest place for an infant to sleep


what information about families should be held in confidence

all information

bleach and water solution should be prepared


what is a yes environment

an environment in which children are given the opportunity to explore freely, while remaining safe from hazards

what is an objective observation

an observation that does not evaluate or judge behavior, actions or skills

what is a work sample

an observation that provides an example of a child's work/play activity. can be a photograph of the child at play, a sample of artwork, or a writing sample

what is not a consideration when planning an environment for non-mobile infants

art materials at child's reach

reflection makes teachers better able to

assess their own teaching practices and their level of professionalism

what is the most effective way to advocate for children

attend town meetings and ensure that early childhood issues get on the agendas.

what are not examples of materials that encourage fine motor development

balls, bean bags and targets

what does ethical mean

being in accordance with the rules or standards for right conduct or practice, especially the standards of a profession

at what age is it appropriate for children to start learning how to use the toilet

between 2 and 3

what is a sign of physical abuse

bite marks

when an infant is not interested in finishing a prepared bottle, what should a child care provider do with the remainder of the bottle's contents (breast milk or formula?)

discard it

professional relationships are an important part of working with young children primarily because

effective team communication produces better outcomes for the child

unstructured play

encourages gross motor skills

gross motor activities should be scheduled

every day

curriculum is

everything that happens in the classroom, including activities, interactions, schedule and routines

One of the greatest factors that causes SIDS is

exposure to second hand smoke

True or false: children should be required to finish the food on their plate


True or false: infants who are not old enough to have sunblock applied should not be allowed to go outside


True or false: it is not appropriate for teachers to plan lessons around health and nutrition because it is the family's job to impact their own values about health and nutrition to their children


True or false: it is safe to warm formula in a microwave, but not breast milk


true or false: all art materials should be kept out of reach when working with toddlers


true or false: coloring books and worksheets are a developmentally appropriate teaching tool for preschoolers


true or false: cots or mats should be arranged so that children sleep head to head, toe to toe


true or false: executive function is not an important factor in regard to success in school


true or false: food should be used as rewards and/or punishments


true or false: if a child is showing symptoms that may be contagious, teachers should refrain from touching them


true or false: if a teacher observes one of the signs of abuse, the child is definitely in danger and should be removed from the home


true or false: in regard to appearance, it is important to dress everyday as if you are going on an interview


true or false: independence should always be encouraged, expect for children with special needs


true or false: individual needs and interests do not need to be considered when choosing materials for the whole group


true or false: lesson plans should be delivered in the same manner to every child, with the same levels of support


true or false: materials should reflect just one race and/or culture, in order to create less confusion for refugee and immigrant families


true or false: once teachers complete their CDA, there is no need for additional training and/or coursework


true or false: parent observations have no place in a parent/ teacher conference


true or false: relationships with families are less important than the relationships we build with children


true or false: sensory play is not an important part of preschool curriculum


true or false: shaming is a necessary component of toilet learning


true or false: shirts or hates with profanity or inappropriate imagery are acceptable for teachers to wear in preschool environments because the children cannot yet read


true or false: short skirts are okay to wear to work if you avoid sitting on the floor


true or false: teacher observations are not used to plan curriculum


true or false: teachers should avoid getting dirty at work


true or false: teachers should individualize curriculum only when there are no specific curriculum plans for the week


true or false: teachers should lead, not participate in movement activities


what is not an appropriate part of the schedule for infants

group meetings

what words should be avoided when completing observations

happy, sad, selfish and excited

family-style meals are offered in order to

help to model healthy eating habits and build positive relationships with food

What is the number one choking hazard for young children?

hot dogs

what does IEP stand for

individualized education plan

what is scaffolding in regard to education

introducing new information by extending up what the child already knows

what is an inappropriate form of parent involvment

invite parents to revise our parent handbook

what do children need most in order to develop cognitive skills to the best of their ability

loving, caring adults and opportunities for play

the best environment for mobile infants should include

low, secure railings

manipulative movement means

movement involving moving an object from one place to another

loco motor means

movement that gets you from one place to another

stability movement means

movement that requires and enhances balancing skills

what does NAEYC stand for

national association of the education of young children

when is it appropriate to share information with parents about other families and their children


when is it okay to place an infant in their crib on their stomach for nap time?


how many inches of cleavage are appropriate to be exposed at work


when is it okay to post images of children on the internet?

only on a program based website, and only with parental consent

formal meetings with parents include

parent/teacher conferences, parent meetings, home visits, and workshops

according to howard gardners theory of multiple intelligence's, what is true

people's intelligence is multi-faceted, not a one- dimensional measure of verbal and/or mathematical skill

what factor does not need to be considered when planning an indoor environment for preschoolers

placement of adult furniture

what is a sign of neglect

poor hygiene

what is not an example of sensory materials

pretend play food

what is cognitive development

process of acquiring intelligence and increasingly advance thought and problem, solving ability from infancy to adulthood

what is a good example of practices that encourage reflection

regularly observing children

what is a sign of emotional abuse

sleeping problems

what type of body language portrays a positive attitude

smiling, making eye contact, and maintaining good posture

What materials and equipment should be cleaned and sanitized daily?

surfaces (tables and counter tops)

what is self regulation

the ability to control one's behavior, emotions and thinking

what is empathy

the ability to understand and share the feelings of another person

whose job is it to investigate suspected child abuse

the department of health and human services

erik eriksons theory describes a stage of development called trust vs. mistrust. what is an accurate description of this stage?

the development of an infants ability to trust the adults around them and the world in which they live

piagets sensorimotor period describes

the development of the coordination of sensory input and motor responses

what is the main consideration in setting an infants sleep schedule?

the infants personal rhythms of sleeping and waking

what does executive function mean

the mental processes needed to connect past experience with present action

what is early intervention?

the process of identifying unique learning needs at an early age, and creating a learning plan to best support the child

what is a blended family

the product of a divorcee and/or breakup and new partner-ships

what is a rapport

the quality of the relationship or connection built with one or more people

what is autonomy

the state of acting or existing separately from others

which staff members have authority to administer medication?

those who have completed the medication administration training

what is intentionality , in regard to teaching

to act purposefully, with a goal in mind and a plan for accomplishing it

why do supervisors provide employees with feedback

to help you improve your performance

what is the primary reason why we observe children

to learn about how children develop

what is advocacy

to speak or write in favor of; support or urge by argument; recommend publicly

what is a sign of sexual abuse

toileting issues

True or false: teachers should help children understand safety rules, even when they are non--school related


true or false: a supervisor who does not provide feedback for employees regarding their performance is not doing their job


true or false: according to NAEYC, children who are ill, or unable to sit to remain with the group should not be forced to do so


true or false: according to maslows hierarchy of needs , children whose physical needs are not being met will have trouble developing positive self esteem


true or false: children should be emotional and intellectually ready, in addition to physically ready, before learning to use the toilet


true or false: development of the senses is part of physical development


true or false: even if you have many concerns about a child's behavior and/or development, a parent/teacher conference should always end on a positive note


true or false: everyday routines such as folding napkins, getting ready to go outside, and washing paint brushes are good opportunities for children to develop fine motor skills


true or false: fine motor activities can be planned for each area of the classroom (art, literacy, dramatic play, blocks,science, math and manipulative, and sand and water)


true or false: if possible, an interpreter should be provided for any families who are not fluent in english


true or false: intentional teachers ask themselves questions to ensure that they are meeting the educational needs of all the children


true or false: it is developmentally appropriate to demonstrate physical tasks such as cutting with scissors, throwing/catching a ball


true or false: kinship care is when extended family or close family friends care for the child(ren), rather than the parents


true or false: materials should be developmentally appropriate for children ages 6 months below the youngest child in the group, and 6 months older than the oldest child in the group


true or false: one step in enrolling a new family and helping them to feel welcomed is to provide them with a packet of information that reviews our program policies and procedures


true or false: one way teachers stay engaged is by continuing with their professional development


true or false: parents should be considered partners in the education of their child


true or false: riding a tricycle around cones is a developmentally appropriate activity for preschoolers


true or false: self-regulation is linked with future success in school


true or false: skirts should be long enough to allow teachers to able to sit on the floor, criss-cross applesauce, without showing anyone their private parts


true or false: spontaneous, unplanned form of learning is a part of quality curriculum


true or false: toddlers are capable of playing with blocks


what is the healthiest meal option for preschoolers?

turkey and cheese sandwich on whole wheat bread, lettuce and tomatoes, sliced peaches, and milk

what is a nuclear family

two married adults and their children

what is object performance

understanding that an object exists even when you can no longer see it

what is the correct sequence of steps when washing hands?

wet hands, apply soap, wash for twenty seconds, rinse, dry, turn off water using paper towel

individually curriculum is

when teachers modify lesson plans based on the needs and interests of individual children

what is not an important consideration when planning a parent/teacher conference

whether or not the parent is volunteering their time in the program

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