CE Test 2

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assumed similarity

"Like me" effect the observer's perception of others is influenced more by the observer's own characterisitcs than those of the person observed want to think people are similar to us, but we become center of attention

How the Communication Process Works

1&2: the sender initiates a message by encoding a thought 3: the message 4: the channel 5 &6: the receiver (person who message is meant for) will receive the message after decoding 7: feedback loop

never sure if people actually listen and hear what you say

Don't know how they will interpret what you are saying youtube video ex

step 1 SMP:

Identifying the organization's current mission, goals, and strategies defining the mission forces managers to identify what they are in business to do/ their organizational purpose

step 5 SMP:

Implementing strategies; one strategies are formulated they must be implemented (and properly)

Corporate Strategy

Specifies what businesses to be in and what to do with those businesses growth, stability, and renewal

Advantages of written communication

Tangible/verifiable Permanent record Stored indefinitely Well-thought out, clear, logical available for later reference

owned, not disowned

a focus on taking responsibility for your own statements by using "I" words ex: "I have decided to turn down your request bc..." not "you have a pretty good idea but it wouldn't get approved"

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator

a personality test that taps four characteristics and classifies people into 1 of 16 personality types extroversion: get feedback from others introversion: want to think through by themselves first judging: organized perceiving: spontaneous, less organized

the message

actual physical product from the source that conveys some purpose


assets (financial, physical, human, and intangible) that are used to develop, manufacture, and deliver their products to the customer "what" an organization has

____ is most important part of conveying a message

body language

Barriers for effective communication

body language cultural gender/generational

Workplace design

can affect communication and influence an organization's overall performance and should support: focused work(employee needs to concentrate on a task) collaborative work (employees need to work together to complete a task) learning work (when employees are engaged in training/ doing something new add could involve focused/collaborative work) socializing work (employees gather informally to chat) open work spaces

why strategic management is important

can make a difference in how well an organization can perform managers in organizations of all types and sizes face continuously changing situations; they cope with this uncertainty by using the SMP to examine relevant factors in planning future actions helps bc organizations are complex and diverse and each part needs to come together to achieve the organizations goals

written communication 4 C's

clarity, completeness, conciseness, correctness

nonverbal communication

communication using body movements, gestures, and facial expressions combo of body language and verbal intonation

8 attributes to supportive communication (1 more from debra)

congruence descriptive problem validating specific conjunctive owned supportive listening timely

three types of strategy

corporate, business, functional

service delivery process

customer service organization and individual service provider

Descriptive, not evaluative

describing an objective occurrence, describing reaction to it, and offering a suggested alternative ex: "this is what happened, here is my reaction/the consequences, and here is a suggestion that would be more acceptable" and not "you are wrong/at a fault for what you did"

step 2 SMP:

doing an external analysis: managers hold examine all components of the environment (economic, demographic, political/legal, sociocultural, technological ad global) to see trends and changes once they have analyzed the environment, managers need to pinpoint opportunities that the organization can eploit and threats that it must counteract or buffer against opportunities= positive trends in the environment threats= are negative trends in the environment

step 3 SMP:

doing an internal analysis; provides information about an organization's specific resources and capabilities contains resources and capabilities core competencies after completing analysis, identify strengths(activities the org does well/the resources they have) and weaknesses (activities the organization does poorly/resources they dont have)

efficient vs effective

effective: get it done efficient: did it well/ in best way possible

Ethical Decision Making

ethical communication (includes all relevant info, is true in every sense and is not deceptive in anyway) establishes clear guidelines for ethical behavior, including ethical business communication fine line between legal/ethical and legal/unethical

step 6 SMP:

evaluating results

word matrix worksheet

everyone has all of the dimensions, but learning preference will link to one or two dimensions

the way information is presented matters to learning

ex: numbers in tik tak toe board, at first seemed like hieroglyphics but then when showed in board could easily memorize if you're struggling with a topic, must ask questions to better help your learning style ex: multiple choice on a test vs short answer (some people prefer certain styles)

speak name of product and say company

ex; facial tissue=kleenex, flour=gold medal, soft drink=coke, soup=cambells all of these companies have been operating for 100+ years marketers want to create the perception that they are the best

"where you stand depends on where you sit"

experience/background influence your reality

social trends, influencers, and how percieved by others are

external factors that effect behavior

what influences your personality

family friends trauma culture biology/heredity society


feedback needs to be timely; address the problem as soon as possible... do not wait

Problem not person oriented

focus on person and issues that can be changed rather than on people and their characteristics ex: "how can we solve this problem" and not "bc of the way you are, this problem exists"

specific not global

focus on specific events or behaviors and avoiding general, extreme, or either or statements easily acted upon ex: "you interrupted me three ties during the meeting" not "youre always trying to get attention"

conjunctive not disjunctive

focus on statements that communicate respect flexibility, collaboration, and areas of agreement A focus on statements that flow from what has been said previously and facilitate interaction. ex: "relating to what you just said, I'd like to raise the point..." not "I want to say something (regardless of what you said)"

validates not invalidates

focus on statements that communicate respect, flexibility, collaboration, and areas of agreement ex" I have some ideas but do you have any suggestions" and no "you wouldnt understand so we will do it my way"

supportive listening, not one way message delivery

focus on using a variety of appropriate responses, with a bias toward reflective responses ex: "I believe I heard you say you prefer this approach, is that correct?" not "As i said before, I just dont understand you"

step 4 SMP

formulating strategies; as managers formulate stategies they should consider the realities of the external environment and their available resources and capabilities and design strategies that will help an organization achieve its goals (corporate, business, or functional)

presentation game: counting f's

got flashed a sentence... then again.. "may not be correct but I'm sure" "might be right" change lens to see things differently

Horizontal Integration

growing by moving into a different industry


growth by focusing on primary LOB and increasing the number of products offered / markets served

Vertical Integration

growth by gaining control of outputs, inputs, or both (becoming own supplier or distributor)

every oral communication

has a nonverbal message

how things are said is more important than words

has to do with verbal intonation ex:State farm commercial way in which same words can be said are totally different

contemporary issues include civil conversations in the workplace, highlighted in WSJ presenation

healthy debate over issues can be a good way to figure out the best way to do thigs and to be creative and innovative we have become a society of individuals who seemingly cannot handle opinions that depart from their own "politically correct views" incivility and civil conversations are topics managers need to address working together to accomplish tasks are the glue creating a culture of civility is the responsibility of an organization's leaders... need to set an example matter of give and take (listen/ask questions, separate facts and opinions)

strategic planning exists

in all levels of an organization goals must be in line with upper level goals; everything is connected

employee input

in changing environments, companies need input from their employees managers do business in a world where cannot afford to ignore such potentially valuable information companies need candor, even when truth is difficult to hear managers need to be open to bad news and contrary opinions

barrier for effective comm: cultural

in europe kiss on cheek (some 2 some 3) and not shake hands, thumbs up/peace signs are offensive in some places, in some cultures (korea) not supposed to make eye contact with superiors, in spain it is offensive to leave a convo early, in switzerland after meeting don't clap but rather pound on table

open workplaces

include few physical barriers and enclosures individual work spaces are being designed around the type of work an employee needs to do rather than an assigned place

media richness

indicates how well a particular medium conveys information and promotes learning


individual reality ex; riding bike, swerve around upcoming rock, look back and there's no rock but for that time you percieved and believed that there was a rock product of experiences

what gets in the way of listening

lack of paying attention thinking about your own question conflict/ difference in opinions technology multitasking fake listening

disadvantages of verbal communication

less thought out/ precise

SMP is not always

linear intended strategy = realized strategy when things go as planned, but do not equal when things do not go to plan this allows more strategies to emerge

least taught communication skill


most commonly used communication skill in business


simplify language

managers should consider the audience to whom the message is directed and tailor the language to them effective communication is achieved when a message is both received and understood jargon can facilitate understanding if used in a group that knows what it means but can cause a problem when it is used outside of that group

remedy for all barriers to effective communication is

more open communication own responsibility/ what you are feeling but then get to a place of understanding

fake listening

nodding head, making eye contact, smile, leaning forward but not actually listening

all organizations strategically plan

nonprofits organizations (gov, hospitals) strategically plan

stability strategy

organization continues, often during times of uncertainty, to do what it is currently doing to maintain things as they are

growth strategy

organization expands the number of markets served or products offered either through current business or through new business concentration vertical integration horizontal integration

contingency planning

plan for the best but be ready for the worst failure to plan is planning to fail

things that people really know,

pop into brain right away sometimes forget things you know but it is in the subconscious... subconscious is always recording... say "that's not like me" not "i am so stupid"

3 personalities

ppl act differently in different places

disadvantages of written communication

preciseness takes up more time, lack of feedback(no built in feedback mechanism)

rich media

provides digital ads that have advanced features such as video games and other elements that offer more ways for consumers to interact and engage with the content and thus generate user response least rich: personal static media (memos, letters,tailored computers, reports) medium: interactive media (phone, electronic media) most: face to face / physical presence

stick umbrella activity

put blind fold on volunteer to balance.. doesnt go well blind fold comes off, focuses on bottom on hand= unsuccessful, focus on top= sucessful

Advantages of verbal communication

rapid feedback quicker better for time sensitive decisions

body language

refers to gestures, facial configurations, and other movements of the body ex; hand motions, facial expressions, etc can communicate temperament emotion and temperments

verbal intonation

refers to the emphasis someone gives to words or phrases "it's not what you say but how you say it" is something managers should remember as they communicate.

communcation process

seven part process of transferring and understanding of meaning


skills and abilities needed to do the work activities in its business the "how" to doing work

must understand SMP is not always linear

some strategies are unrealized which allows new strategies to emerge

major skills associated with communication

speaking, writing, listening

shortcuts for perception/perceptual errors

sterotyping halo effect selectivity similarity

stick umbrella is a metaphor for

strategic planning: whats the big picture/mission of overall company fabric is overall strategic plan spokes of umbrella has to pay attention to pay attention to higher strategic plans and then create their own *** planning occurs at all levels and have to pay attention to levels above***


symbols are translated into an understandable form

T or F: perceptions can be wrong


zen counting exercise

team must count to ten with eyes closed without interrupting eachother purpose: BECOMING COMFORTABLE WITH SILENCE silence gives the opportunity to think, gather response, and speak it one minute is average

feedback loop

the check on how successful we've been in transferring our messages as intended

the channel

the medium through which the message travels; selected by some source

personality/ behavior is the result of

the person and the situation

selective perception

the tendency for people to only absorb parts of what they observe, which allows us to "speed read" others see things we want to see based on past experiences


the unofficial way that communication takes place within an organization info spread through word of mouth (or electronically) and gets info to organizational members are quickly as possible in an open company, grapevine may be accurate; in an authoritative culture rumor may not be true

cannot kill the grapevine therefore must

use it to spread information (true and positive)

core competencies

value creating capabilities of the organization

congruence, not incongruent

verbal statements match thoughts/emotions/feelings a focus on honest messages in which verbal statements match thoughts and feelings ex; "your behavior really upsets me" and not "do I seem upset? no everythings fine"

customer service

what communication takes place and how it takes place can have a significant impact with customer's satisfaction with service and the likelihood of being a repeat customer strong service culture values taking care of customers (finding out their needs, meeting their needs, and following up) many service organizations use specific customer service strategies (ex; personalization) employees asked to communicate honestly and timely to related service provider people on the front line involved with the "critical service encounters" are often the first to notice service failures or breakdowns; must decided how and what to communicate during these instances individual service provider must make sure he/she has the info necessary to deal with customers efficiently and effectively


what you're trying to accomplish and how going to get it done.... how to do it effectively and efficiently goals, action plan, resource allocation

halo effect

when we form a general impression of a person on the basis of a single characteristic can be positive or negative ex; can be excluded from a job interview because too low of a GPA


when we judge someone on the basis of our perception of a group to which thats persons belong using characteristics for assumptions... usually not right ex; someone who is irish can be seen as a ginger with freckles, big drinker, catholic, has a big family ex; americans are fat stupid lazy have guns, loud, ignorant of foreign nations, culturally insensitive

barrier for effective comm; gender/generational

women hold eye contact longer, knowing audience and using proper language, technology differences, take notes in meeting on paper, older generations respond with "you're welcome" and younger people respond with "of course", mansplaining= tendency to over explain things to girls, men say "I" for group projects, women say "we", manspreading: body language (men spread legs open) while women cross legs

Total Communication

words =7% body language=55% verbal cues=38%

least commonly used communication skill in business


most taught communication skill


communication skillls

writing= 10% use, 16 yrs training reading+ 15% use, 6 yrs training speaking= 30% use, 1 yr training listening=45% use, no formal training

barrier for effective comm: body language

yawning=uninterested/ tired, lack of eyecontact= disegaged, crossing arms= standoffish, fidgiting= nervous, headnodding=agreeing (or fake listening), hands= expressive/ distracting, dress= slob or business casual

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