CH. 07: Introduction to SQL

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51. The basic SQL vocabulary has fewer than _____words.

100 one hundred a hundred DIFFICULTY: Difficulty: Easy REFERENCES: 7-1 Introduction to SQL LEARNING OBJECTIVES: 07.01 - Retrieve specified columns of data from a database

4. The COMMIT command does not permanently save all changes. In order to do that, you must use SAVE. a. True b. False

False DIFFICULTY: Difficulty: Easy REFERENCES: 7-1 Introduction to SQL LEARNING OBJECTIVES: 07.01 - Retrieve specified columns of data from a database

69. The _____ operator could be used in place of EXCEPT (MINUS) if the DBMS does not support it.

NOT IN DIFFICULTY: Difficulty: Easy REFERENCES: 7-10 Relational Set Operators LEARNING OBJECTIVES: 07.06 - Identify and use a variety of SQL functions for string, numeric, and date manipulation

1. A database language enables the user to perform complex queries designed to transform the raw data into useful information. a. True b. False

True DIFFICULTY: Difficulty: Easy REFERENCES: 7-1 Introduction to SQL LEARNING OBJECTIVES: 07.01 - Retrieve specified columns of data from a database

28. Which query is used to list a unique value for V_CODE, where the list will produce only a list of those values that are different from one another? a. SELECT ONLY V_CODE FROM PRODUCT; b. SELECT UNIQUE V_CODE FROM PRODUCT; c. SELECT DIFFERENT V_CODE FROM PRODUCT; d. SELECT DISTINCT V_CODE FROM PRODUCT;

a DIFFICULTY: Difficulty: Moderate REFERENCES: 7-3e Listing Unique Values LEARNING OBJECTIVES: 07.01 - Retrieve specified columns of data from a database

31. If a designer wishes to create an inner join, but the two tables do not have a commonly named attribute, he can use a(n) _____ clause. a. OF b. USING c. HAS d. JOIN ON

d DIFFICULTY: Difficulty: Easy REFERENCES: 7-4c JOIN ON Syntax LEARNING OBJECTIVES: 07.03 - Restrict data retrievals to rows that match complex criteria

55. The _____ condition is generally composed of an equality comparison between the foreign key and the primary key of related tables.

join DIFFICULTY: Difficulty: Easy REFERENCES: 7-4 FROM Clause Options LEARNING OBJECTIVES: 07.03 - Restrict data retrievals to rows that match complex criteria

54. A(n) _____ character is a symbol that can be used as a general substitute for other characters or commands.

wildcard wild card DIFFICULTY: Difficulty: Easy REFERENCES: 7-3 SELECT Statement Options LEARNING OBJECTIVES: 07.02 - Join multiple tables in a single SQL query

59. A specialty field in mathematics, known as _____ algebra, is dedicated to the use of logical operators.

Boolean DIFFICULTY: Difficulty: Easy REFERENCES: 7-6d Logical Operators: AND, OR, and NOT LEARNING OBJECTIVES: 07.03 - Restrict data retrievals to rows that match complex criteria

65. _____ functions allow you to take a value of a given data type and convert it to the equivalent value in another data type.

Conversion DIFFICULTY: Difficulty: Easy REFERENCES: 7-9d Conversion Functions LEARNING OBJECTIVES: 07.06 - Identify and use a variety of SQL functions for string, numeric, and date manipulation

67. The _____ statement in SQL combines rows from two queries and returns only the rows that appear in the first set but not in the second.

EXCEPT DIFFICULTY: Difficulty: Easy REFERENCES: 7-10 Relational Set Operators LEARNING OBJECTIVES: 07.06 - Identify and use a variety of SQL functions for string, numeric, and date manipulation

2. SQL is considered difficult to learn; its command set has a vocabulary of more than 300 words. a. True b. False

False DIFFICULTY: Difficulty: Easy REFERENCES: 7-1 Introduction to SQL LEARNING OBJECTIVES: 07.01 - Retrieve specified columns of data from a database

5. All SQL commands must be issued on a single line. a. True b. False

False DIFFICULTY: Difficulty: Easy REFERENCES: 7-2 Basic SELECT Queries LEARNING OBJECTIVES: 07.02 - Join multiple tables in a single SQL query

8. Oracle users can use the Access QBE (query by example) query generator. a. True b. False

False DIFFICULTY: Difficulty: Easy REFERENCES: 7-6a Selecting Rows with Conditional Restrictions LEARNING OBJECTIVES: 07.03 - Restrict data retrievals to rows that match complex criteria

10. Comparison operators cannot be used to place restrictions on character-based attributes. a. True b. False

False DIFFICULTY: Difficulty: Easy REFERENCES: 7-6b Using Comparison Operators on Character Attributes LEARNING OBJECTIVES: 07.03 - Restrict data retrievals to rows that match complex criteria

14. You cannot insert a row containing a null attribute value using SQL. a. True b. False

False DIFFICULTY: Difficulty: Easy REFERENCES: 7-6f Special Operators LEARNING OBJECTIVES: 07.01 - Retrieve specified columns of data from a database

17. Most SQL implementations yield case-insensitive searches. a. True b. False

False DIFFICULTY: Difficulty: Easy REFERENCES: 7-6f Special Operators LEARNING OBJECTIVES: 07.03 - Restrict data retrievals to rows that match complex criteria

7. An alias cannot be used when a table is required to be joined to itself in a recursive query. a. True b. False

False DIFFICULTY: Difficulty: Moderate REFERENCES: 7-4h Recursive Joins LEARNING OBJECTIVES: 07.02 - Join multiple tables in a single SQL query

61. Rows can be grouped into smaller collections quickly and easily using the _____ clause within the SELECT statement.

GROUP BY DIFFICULTY: Difficulty: Easy REFERENCES: 7-7b Grouping Data LEARNING OBJECTIVES: 07.04 - Aggregate data across groups of rows

62. The _____ clause of the GROUP BY statement operates very much like the WHERE clause in the SELECT statement.

HAVING DIFFICULTY: Difficulty: Easy REFERENCES: 7-7c HAVING Clause LEARNING OBJECTIVES: 07.04 - Aggregate data across groups of rows

68. The _____ operator could be used in place of INTERSECT if the DBMS does not support it.

IN DIFFICULTY: Difficulty: Easy REFERENCES: 7-10e Syntax Alternatives LEARNING OBJECTIVES: 07.06 - Identify and use a variety of SQL functions for string, numeric, and date manipulation

64. DATE() and SYSDATE are special functions that return today's date in MS Access and _____, respectively.

Oracle DIFFICULTY: Difficulty: Easy REFERENCES: 7-9a Date and Time Functions LEARNING OBJECTIVES: 07.06 - Identify and use a variety of SQL functions for string, numeric, and date manipulation

58. The _____ command, coupled with appropriate search conditions, is an incredibly powerful tool that enables a user to transform data into information.

SELECT DIFFICULTY: Difficulty: Easy REFERENCES: 7-6 WHERE Clause Options LEARNING OBJECTIVES: 07.03 - Restrict data retrievals to rows that match complex criteria

3. The ANSI SQL standards are also accepted by the ISO. a. True b. False

True DIFFICULTY: Difficulty: Easy REFERENCES: 7-1 Introduction to SQL LEARNING OBJECTIVES: 07.01 - Retrieve specified columns of data from a database

6. Although SQL commands can be grouped together on a single line, complex command sequences are best shown on separate lines, with space between the SQL command and the command's components. a. True b. False

True DIFFICULTY: Difficulty: Easy REFERENCES: 7-2 Basic SELECT Queries LEARNING OBJECTIVES: 07.02 - Join multiple tables in a single SQL query

9. You can select partial table contents by naming the desired fields and by placing restrictions on the rows to be included in the output. a. True b. False

True DIFFICULTY: Difficulty: Easy REFERENCES: 7-6a Selecting Rows with Conditional Restrictions LEARNING OBJECTIVES: 07.03 - Restrict data retrievals to rows that match complex criteria

11. String comparisons are made from left to right. a. True b. False

True DIFFICULTY: Difficulty: Easy REFERENCES: 7-6b Using Comparison Operators on Character Attributes LEARNING OBJECTIVES: 07.03 - Restrict data retrievals to rows that match complex criteria

12. Date procedures are often more software-specific than other SQL procedures. a. True b. False

True DIFFICULTY: Difficulty: Easy REFERENCES: 7-6c Using Comparison Operators on Dates LEARNING OBJECTIVES: 07.03 - Restrict data retrievals to rows that match complex criteria

13. SQL allows the use of logical restrictions on its inquiries such as OR, AND, and NOT. a. True b. False

True DIFFICULTY: Difficulty: Easy REFERENCES: 7-6d Logical Operators: AND, OR, and NOT LEARNING OBJECTIVES: 07.03 - Restrict data retrievals to rows that match complex criteria

15. ANSI-standard SQL allows the use of special operators in conjunction with the WHERE clause. a. True b. False

True DIFFICULTY: Difficulty: Easy REFERENCES: 7-6f Special Operators LEARNING OBJECTIVES: 07.03 - Restrict data retrievals to rows that match complex criteria

18. Some RDBMSs, such as Microsoft Access, automatically make the necessary conversions to eliminate case sensitivity. a. True b. False

True DIFFICULTY: Difficulty: Easy REFERENCES: 7-6f Special Operators LEARNING OBJECTIVES: 07.03 - Restrict data retrievals to rows that match complex criteria

16. The conditional LIKE must be used in conjunction with wildcard characters. a. True b. False

True DIFFICULTY: Difficulty: Moderate REFERENCES: 7-6f Special Operators LEARNING OBJECTIVES: 07.03 - Restrict data retrievals to rows that match complex criteria

19. The COUNT function is designed to tally the number of non-null "values" of an attribute, and is often used in conjunction with the DISTINCT clause. a. True b. False

True DIFFICULTY: Difficulty: Moderate REFERENCES: 7-7a Aggregate Functions LEARNING OBJECTIVES: 07.04 - Aggregate data across groups of rows

20. Numeric functions take one numeric parameter and return one value. a. True b. False

True DIFFICULTY: Difficulty: Moderate REFERENCES: 7-9b Numeric Functions LEARNING OBJECTIVES: 07.06 - Identify and use a variety of SQL functions for string, numeric, and date manipulation

52. The _____ specification is used to avoid having duplicated values in a column.

UNIQUE DIFFICULTY: Difficulty: Easy REFERENCES: 7-1 Introduction to SQL LEARNING OBJECTIVES: 07.01 - Retrieve specified columns of data from a database

66. "_____" means that the names of the relation attributes must be the same and their data types must be alike.

Union-compatible DIFFICULTY: Difficulty: Easy REFERENCES: 7-10 Relational Set Operators LEARNING OBJECTIVES: 07.06 - Identify and use a variety of SQL functions for string, numeric, and date manipulation

50. _____ is a relational set operator. a. EXCEPT b. PLUS c. ALL d. EXISTS

a DIFFICULTY: Difficulty: Easy REFERENCES: 7-10 Relational Set Operators LEARNING OBJECTIVES: 07.06 - Identify and use a variety of SQL functions for string, numeric, and date manipulation

26. A(n) _____ is an alternate name given to a column or table in any SQL statement. a. alias b. data type c. stored function d. trigger

a DIFFICULTY: Difficulty: Easy REFERENCES: 7-3a Using Column Aliases LEARNING OBJECTIVES: 07.03 - Restrict data retrievals to rows that match complex criteria

32. A(n) _____ join returns not only the rows matching the join condition (that is, rows with matching values in the common columns) but also the rows with unmatched values. a. outer b. inner c. equi- d. cross

a DIFFICULTY: Difficulty: Easy REFERENCES: 7-4e Outer Joins LEARNING OBJECTIVES: 07.03 - Restrict data retrievals to rows that match complex criteria

38. The special operator used to check whether an attribute value is within a range of values is _____. a. BETWEEN b. NULL c. LIKE d. IN

a DIFFICULTY: Difficulty: Easy REFERENCES: 7-6f Special Operators LEARNING OBJECTIVES: 07.03 - Restrict data retrievals to rows that match complex criteria

40. The SQL aggregate function that gives the number of rows containing non-null values for a given column is _____. a. COUNT b. MIN c. MAX d. SUM

a DIFFICULTY: Difficulty: Easy REFERENCES: 7-7a Aggregate Functions LEARNING OBJECTIVES: 07.04 - Aggregate data across groups of rows

42. In subquery terminology, the first query in the SQL statement is known as the _____ query. a. outer b. left c. inner d. base

a DIFFICULTY: Difficulty: Easy REFERENCES: 7-8 Subqueries LEARNING OBJECTIVES: 07.05 - Create subqueries to preprocess data for inclusion in other queries

46. When using the Oracle TO_DATE function, the code _____ represents a three-letter month name. a. MON b. MM3 c. MONTH d. MM

a DIFFICULTY: Difficulty: Easy REFERENCES: 7-9a Date and Time Functions LEARNING OBJECTIVES: 07.06 - Identify and use a variety of SQL functions for string, numeric, and date manipulation

47. _____ is a string function that returns the number of characters in a string value. a. LENGTH b. SUBSTRING c. CONCAT d. UCASE

a DIFFICULTY: Difficulty: Easy REFERENCES: 7-9c String Functions LEARNING OBJECTIVES: 07.06 - Identify and use a variety of SQL functions for string, numeric, and date manipulation

30. A(n) _____ join will select only the rows with matching values in the common attribute(s). a. natural b. outer c. full d. cross

a DIFFICULTY: Difficulty: Moderate REFERENCES: 7-4a Natural Join LEARNING OBJECTIVES: 07.03 - Restrict data retrievals to rows that match complex criteria

24. The _____ command restricts the selection of grouped rows based on a condition. a. DISPLAY b. HAVING c. FROM d. CONVERT

b DIFFICULTY: Difficulty: Easy REFERENCES: 7-1 Introduction to SQL LEARNING OBJECTIVES: 07.01 - Retrieve specified columns of data from a database

25. A(n) _____ query specifies which data should be retrieved and how it should be filtered, aggregated, and displayed. a. INSERT b. SELECT c. COMMIT d. UPDATE

b DIFFICULTY: Difficulty: Easy REFERENCES: 7-1b SQL Queries LEARNING OBJECTIVES: 07.01 - Retrieve specified columns of data from a database

43. The special operator used to check whether a subquery returns any rows is _____. a. BETWEEN b. EXISTS c. LIKE d. IN

b DIFFICULTY: Difficulty: Easy REFERENCES: 7-8g Correlated Subqueries LEARNING OBJECTIVES: 07.05 - Create subqueries to preprocess data for inclusion in other queries

44. Which is a feature of a correlated subquery? a. The inner subquery executes first. b. The outer subquery initiates the process of execution in a subquery. c. The inner subquery initiates the process of execution in a subquery. d. The outer subquery executes independent of the inner subquery.

b DIFFICULTY: Difficulty: Easy REFERENCES: 7-8g Correlated Subqueries LEARNING OBJECTIVES: 07.05 - Create subqueries to preprocess data for inclusion in other queries

21. The SQL data manipulation command HAVING: a. restricts the selection of rows based on a conditional expression. b. restricts the selection of grouped rows based on a condition. c. modifies an attribute's values in one or more table's rows. d. groups the selected rows based on one or more attributes.

b DIFFICULTY: Difficulty: Moderate REFERENCES: 7-1 Introduction to SQL LEARNING OBJECTIVES: 07.01 - Retrieve specified columns of data from a database

33. The syntax for a left outer join is _____. a. SELECT column-list FROM table1 OUTER JOIN table2 LEFT WHERE join-condition b. SELECT column-list FROM table1 LEFT [OUTER] JOIN table2 ON join-condition c. SELECT column-list WHERE LEFT table1 = table d. SELECT column-list FROM table1 LEFT table2 [JOIN] WHERE join-condition

b DIFFICULTY: Difficulty: Moderate REFERENCES: 7-4e Outer Joins LEARNING OBJECTIVES: 07.03 - Restrict data retrievals to rows that match complex criteria

34. A(n) _____ join performs a relational product (also known as the Cartesian product) of two tables. a. full b. cross c. natural d. equi-

b DIFFICULTY: Difficulty: Moderate REFERENCES: 7-4f Cross Join LEARNING OBJECTIVES: 07.03 - Restrict data retrievals to rows that match complex criteria

22. The SQL command that allows a user to permanently save data changes is _____. a. INSERT b. SELECT c. COMMIT d. UPDATE

c DIFFICULTY: Difficulty: Easy REFERENCES: 7-1 Introduction to SQL LEARNING OBJECTIVES: 07.01 - Retrieve specified columns of data from a database

39. The special operator used to check whether an attribute value matches a given string pattern is _____. a. BETWEEN b. IS NULL c. LIKE d. IN

c DIFFICULTY: Difficulty: Easy REFERENCES: 7-6f Special Operators LEARNING OBJECTIVES: 07.03 - Restrict data retrievals to rows that match complex criteria

41. A(n) _____ is a query that is embedded (or nested) inside another query. a. alias b. operator c. subquery d. view

c DIFFICULTY: Difficulty: Easy REFERENCES: 7-8 Subqueries LEARNING OBJECTIVES: 07.05 - Create subqueries to preprocess data for inclusion in other queries

45. The _____ function returns the current system date in MS Access. a. TO_DATE() b. SYSDATE() c. DATE() d. TODAY()

c DIFFICULTY: Difficulty: Easy REFERENCES: 7-9a Date and Time Functions LEARNING OBJECTIVES: 07.06 - Identify and use a variety of SQL functions for string, numeric, and date manipulation

48. The Oracle _____ function compares an attribute or expression with a series of values and returns an associated value or a default value if no match is found. a. NVL b. TO_CHAR c. DECODE d. CONVERT

c DIFFICULTY: Difficulty: Easy REFERENCES: 7-9c String Functions LEARNING OBJECTIVES: 07.06 - Identify and use a variety of SQL functions for string, numeric, and date manipulation

49. In Oracle, the _____ function converts a date to a character string. a. CONVERT() b. TO_DATE c. TO_CHAR() d. TO_STRING()

c DIFFICULTY: Difficulty: Easy REFERENCES: 7-9d Conversion Functions LEARNING OBJECTIVES: 07.06 - Identify and use a variety of SQL functions for string, numeric, and date manipulation

27. According to the rules of precedence, which of the following computations should be completed first? a. Additions and subtractions b. Multiplications and divisions c. Operations within parentheses d. Power operations

c DIFFICULTY: Difficulty: Moderate REFERENCES: 7-3c Arithmetic Operators: The Rule of Precedence LEARNING OBJECTIVES: 07.02 - Join multiple tables in a single SQL query

29. When using a(n) _____ join, only rows from the tables that match on a common value are returned. a. full b. outer c. inner d. set

c DIFFICULTY: Difficulty: Moderate REFERENCES: 7-4 FROM Clause Options LEARNING OBJECTIVES: 07.03 - Restrict data retrievals to rows that match complex criteria

37. What type of command does this SQL statement use? SELECT P_CODE, P_DESCRIPT, P_PRICE_V_NAME FROM PRODUCT, VENDOR WHERE PRODUCT.V_CODE=VENDOR. V_CODE a. set operator b. natural join c. "old-style" join d. procedural statement

c DIFFICULTY: Difficulty: Moderate REFERENCES: 7-6e Old-Style Joins LEARNING OBJECTIVES: 07.05 - Create subqueries to preprocess data for inclusion in other queries

56. A(n) _____ order sequence is a multilevel ordered sequence that can be created easily by listing several attributes, separated by commas, after the ORDER BY clause.

cascading DIFFICULTY: Difficulty: Easy REFERENCES: 7-5 ORDER BY Clause Options LEARNING OBJECTIVES: 07.03 - Restrict data retrievals to rows that match complex criteria

60. In SQL, all _____ expressions evaluate to true or false.

conditional DIFFICULTY: Difficulty: Easy REFERENCES: 7-6d Logical Operators: AND, OR, and NOT LEARNING OBJECTIVES: 07.03 - Restrict data retrievals to rows that match complex criteria

23. The _____ command defines a default value for a column when no value is given. a. CHECK b. UNIQUE c. NOT NULL d. DEFAULT

d DIFFICULTY: Difficulty: Easy REFERENCES: 7-1 Introduction to SQL LEARNING OBJECTIVES: 07.01 - Retrieve specified columns of data from a database

35. How many rows would be returned from a cross join of tables A and B, if A contains 8 rows and B contains 18? a. 8 b. 18 c. 26 d. 144

d DIFFICULTY: Difficulty: Moderate REFERENCES: 7-4f Cross Join LEARNING OBJECTIVES: 07.03 - Restrict data retrievals to rows that match complex criteria

36. Which comparison operator indicates a value is not equal? a. < b. <= c. >= d. <>

d DIFFICULTY: Difficulty: Moderate REFERENCES: 7-6a Selecting Rows with Conditional Restrictions LEARNING OBJECTIVES: 07.03 - Restrict data retrievals to rows that match complex criteria

53. In the SQL environment, the word _____ covers both questions and actions.

query DIFFICULTY: Difficulty: Easy REFERENCES: 7-1b SQL Queries LEARNING OBJECTIVES: 07.01 - Retrieve specified columns of data from a database

70. The syntax of the EXCEPT statement in Oracle is _____.

query EXCEPT query DIFFICULTY: Difficulty: Easy REFERENCES: 7-10d Except (Minus) LEARNING OBJECTIVES: 07.06 - Identify and use a variety of SQL functions for string, numeric, and date manipulation

57. An alias is especially useful when a table must be joined to itself in a(n) _____ query.

recursive DIFFICULTY: Difficulty: Easy REFERENCES: 7-4h Recursive Joins LEARNING OBJECTIVES: 07.03 - Restrict data retrievals to rows that match complex criteria

63. A(n) _____, also known as a nested query or an inner query, is a query that is embedded (or nested) inside another query.

subquery DIFFICULTY: Difficulty: Easy REFERENCES: 7-8 Subqueries LEARNING OBJECTIVES: 07.05 - Create subqueries to preprocess data for inclusion in other queries

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