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What American family had Molatto children who were treated better and sold at a higher price

African- American

the group of participants that does not receive the independent variable manipulation

Control group

*True or False: Feminist theory seeks to move research on the family in an androcentric direction.*


True or false: women typically retain more power and family dynamics the men do


True or false: The UN believes that cultural traditions are more important than individual human rights

False The UN believes that individual human rights are more important in some cases then cultural traditions

True or false: The term family referred to married couple with their biological children

False did not

Age of consent and exogamy laws are an example of

How marriage, divorce, adoption, sexual practices are regulated or controlled and determined by cultural traditions religion or governmental policy

In the 20th century the pursuit of___was possible


*Which researcher's studies of young monkeys showed that contact comfort was more significant than food in building attachments?*

Harry Harlow

term used for viewing heterosexual orientation as normative and others orientation as deficient or foreign; privileging heterosexuality over other orientations.


A social system more men marry into their wives families and often live with them


A social system were good and property hard heritage or passed down through the maternal line


*A(n) _________ study is one in which participants are followed over extended periods of time.*


*Which type of social structure has never existed in any human society?*


*A society in which a young couple goes to live with the wife's family after they are married is best described as*


*The dependent variable in an experiment is the variable that is:*

measured at the end of the study

*The dependent variable in an experiment is the variable that is*

measured at the end of the study.

*a _______ is a set of ideas or principles that guides thinking and predicts research outcomes.*


this organizing set of principles used to guide thinking and predict research outcomes


*Attachment Theory posits that the factors most important to human survival are:*

touch, responsiveness, love, and warmth

*Attachment Theory posits that the factors most important to human survival are*

touch, responsiveness, love, and warmth.

*True or false: The parents in this case were least interested in addressing their marital problems.*


A social system where women hold power and influence in the clan or family


There is no evidence of this social system in the US


Because children were seen as furthering success of family what did the white middle-class families do

- They invested more in their educational/their welfare - plan fewer children

What are the two different types of families

1. Family of origin 2. Family of procreation

What 2 rolls seen in the white middle-class was an indication that you were moving up the economic ladder

1. Good provider 2. Cult of domesticity

What key changes or developments occur during the Industrial Revolution to affect family life

1. dangerous child labor 2. Families moved to cities 3. Medical advancements

*The family you grew up in is your ________ while the family that includes your mate and children is your ____________.*

1. family of origin 2. family of procreation

*During which time period were marriage ages lowest?*


*Immigration quotas on Chinese immigrants were lifted in*


*Approximately what percentage of the U.S. population is Asian American?*

4 percent

*Which statement demonstrates critical thinking?* A) "I've always supported this candidate, but his recent statements are causing me to reconsider." B) "My family has always supported this party, and I see no reason to change." C) "This study was published by a famous university, so its conclusion must be correct." D) "Members of that ethnic group are always dishonest."

A "I've always supported this candidate, but his recent statements are causing me to reconsider."

*Which of the following is an element of family structure?*

A grandmother has recently moved into the home.

*Which of the following is an example of a modern family?*

A male and female partner, both of whom work outside the home, while the female does more than half of the household chores and child care.

*Which of the following is an example of a Standard North American Family (SNAF)?*

A married heterosexual couple who live together with their two biological children.

*Which statement about today's African American families is INCORRECT?* African Americans have A) higher poverty rates than European Americans. B) higher rates of infant mortality than other groups. C) higher divorce rates than other groups. D) smaller gender gap in education than other groups.

African Americans have a smaller gender gap in education than other groups.

*Which of the following best describes the trend in divorce rates among European American families in the twentieth century?*

An upward trend began in the 1960s and lasted for approximately 30 years.

term for a research that resembles real- life situations but is artificially manipulated in the lab.


a world view that holds men and male perspectives as the norm by which women are measured and compared.


Marriage where in partners are chosen by family members, religious leaders or cultural leaders and not by the bride and groom. Have lower divorce rates

Arranged marriage

John Bowlby's theory stressing the importance early caregiving relationships for shaping the way peoples process information and adjust socially and emotionally in adulthood

Attachment Theory

problem with Longitudinal study, this term is the rate at which participants leave a study through drop- out, death, relocation, or refusal to participate.


*All of the following were found in Lareau's study, except:* a. Working/lower class kids had a sense of frustration with institutions b. Upper class children had many extended family ties Correct c. Upper class children had a sense of entitlement d. Working/lower class kids had a sense of constraint

B. Upper class children had many extended family ties

in an experimental design this assessment a manipulation check to assess the participants on key variables before the experiment has taken place

Baseline assessment

Why did the average age of marriage drop during World War II?

Because of the booming economy they married before men got shipped off to war and people had less incentive to delay marriage

*Which theoretical perspective serves as the organizing framework for this textbook?*

Bioecological Theory

this theory considers person, process, context model. Assumes that individuals exist within multiple complex systems of influence, from biological to cultural, all of which interact with each other to shape family functioning.

Bioecological Theory

*Which statement about the relationship between race and social class is INCORRECT?* A) Social class affects family relationships and processes more strongly than does ethnicity. B) Middle-class parents, regardless of race, cultivate a wide variety of academic, social, and emotional skills in their children. C) People in high-paying jobs exhibit a greater degree of obedience and conformity than people in low-paying jobs. D) Social class is primarily determined by income, but it is greatly affected by race.

C People in high-paying jobs exhibit a greater degree of obedience and conformity than people in low-paying jobs.

term for a definitive statement about one variable causing changes in another variable


*All of the following social changes were associated with the rise of the new middle class in the early twentieth century, EXCEPT:*

Children had harder lives than their parents had.

*Which is an example of "concerted cultivation"?*

Children in a gated community taking private music lessons

the time period effects on your development


A union that is recognized as legitimate even though no formal ceremony or legal documentation has taken place

Common law marriage

this system of influence is an analysis of capitalist societies that claims the rich will always exploit the labor of the poor and will eventually the poor will revolt to reap the fruits of their own labor


A belief where many men and women or thought as coparents for children


term used to describe middle class parents who desire to cultivate a wide variety of academic, social and emotional skills in their children. - Regularly create specific opportunities for their children to participate in structured activities like sports and class trips.

Concerted cultivation

Stems from structural- functionalism; argues that conflict is normal & a natural part of family life. - struggle as a stimulus toward necessary change.

Conflict Theory

a study that examines links, associations, or relationships between variables but cannot assess causal influences due to a lack of experimental controls.

Correlational study

the ability to use reason to find accurate information, to think logically and not be gullible to ideas that have no supporting evidence.

Critical thinking

a study design where one or more group of people are measured at one point in time.

Cross sectional

This is the idea that each poachers believes and practices hold equal value and that one culture should not judge another culture as inferior, wrong, or unhealthy for its members. Live and let live

Cultural relativism

characteristics of the researchers or research setting that influence the behavior or thoughts of participants.

Demand characteristics

the variable that is measured at the end of a research study.

Dependent variable

____ has always been the norm


an approach to research that capitalizes on the strengths of many different theories

Eclectic Approach

Maring within a specific circle of people. Example for kids to marry within their ethnic group


this term refers to a shared cultural history, language and customs.


term used for viewing ones own ethnicity as normative and others as deficient or foreign; privileging one ethnic groups perspective over that of others.


Marring outside their own group. Example religion


Must marry outside your own gender, against Mehring with in one's own family, not allowed to have sex relationships with children; these laws are all an example of___laws in the US


in the bioecological theory, 3rd system of influence in which you do not directly come into contact with. These influences you indirectly through members of your microsystem. - Parents boss can have an indirect effect on you


term for a research method employing strict controls & random assignment of subjects; the only method that allows one to make causal statements.


the group of participants that receives the independent variable manipulation.

Experimental group

A belief where in the needs and goals of the family, especially the elders, take precedence over the needs and goals of any given individual.


What is a group of two or more people connected by blood, adoption, marriage or choice, who may rely on each other for social, emotional and family support


*The therapist chose to use a ____ ____ approach to treating this case.*

Family System

an application of structural- functionalism; argues that we can't understand a family without recognizing that the whole is greater than the sum of parts. - Wherein each member is interdependent with every other member

Family Systems Theory

A type of family in which we grew up in

Family of origin

A type of family that includes are mate and our children

Family of procreation

Name an example where individual human rights was being violated in a different country because of a cultural tradition. Why was it practiced?

Female circumcision, in Kenya Africa It was right of passage and Mark their development into adulthood

this perspective is the traditional research approach that interpreted gender differences as due to female inferiority, instead of appreciating findings about women as normal in their own right.

Female deficit perspective

this theory argues that women can be the focus of theory and research in their own right, and not only in comparison to men

Feminist Theory

For 19th-century white middle-class children were seen as

Furthering success of family.

this term refers to the socially constructed aspects of what makes a person male or female


when examining results this term is used to describe the degree to which research results can be applies to larger populations based on the sample results found in a study


The UN decided that we should allow cultural and religious freedom to prosper as long as the practices do not violate a family member's ___ ___ or an individuals ____ to make choices that make them happy without the threat of: ____, ____ or ______ harm.

Human rights Freedom Violence Ostracism Psychological

term for a concrete, testable statement employed in research studies.


the variable that is manipulated in a research study

Independent variable

this model is an unconscious cognitive template shaped thru interactions with early caregivers, which guides peoples thinking & behaviors in relationships.

Internal Working Model

The idea that every person is affected by multiple identities stemming from his or her sex, gender, sexual orientation, race, religion, ethnicity, and social class

Intersectional identities

term for the idea that every person is affected by multiple identities stemming from his or her sex, gender, sexual orientation, race, religion, ethnicity and social class.

Intersectional identity:

term for characteristics that make a person less clearly distinctly male or female; often includes ambiguous genitalia


*The founder of Attachment Theory was*

John Bowlby

*The founder of Attachment Theory was:*

John Bowlby

term for a study design that follows the same people over long periods of time

Longitudinal study

in the bioecological theory, is comprised of larger cultural factors that influence us. These influences may include:


in the bioecological theory, members of your microsystem interact with each other to affect your development in a way that is different from how any individual member of the microsystem could affect you. - Relationship of your gf/bf & parents


in the bioecological theory, this system of influence that includes the process of influence with others in our immediate environment. - Includes forces & people that regularly & immediately have an impact on you. - ie. Parents, peers, siblings, teachers. - Often your attachment figures


Positive stereotypes that paint a group as a model to live up to. Can press your children to reach high levels of education and economic success

Model minority

This type of family is a dual earner household where roles and responsibilities in the home are unequal. Female partner still completes the majority of the housework and childcare

Modern family

What American family went through assimilation which deprive them of their own culture

Native Americans

term used to describe lower income parents, who support their children in developing their own skills and interests without a lot of control and structure over their daily activities.

Natural growth

a group comparison research design where groups are not randomly assigned but are naturally occurring.

Natural/ quasi experiment

in an experimental design this is a group of participants that receives no level of the independent variable manipulation.

No- treatment control group

a non- ___ is a family of color, immigrant families, or same-sex families, are seen as imperfect


A small family consisting of parents and children without extended kin present

Nuclear family

Did 16th-century men and women marry at an older or younger age and why

Older age, men had to wait until they learn the trade or secure a home to marry

a definition for a concrete, extremely clear definition of research variables which allows others scientists to easily replicate the work.

Operational definition

A social system where men rule and enjoy power, privileged and control over women and children. Elders could also wield power in family dynamics


Most societies around the world have been and continue to be ____ in nature.


A practice common and Hispanic and Latino families, where goods and services are exchanged in a face to face, or personal manner. People preferred to deal with those in their own community on a personal level


The practice of one woman Mary more than one man


The practice of one man marring many women


This type of family has at least one element of the SNAF ideal deconstructed or transformed. For has equal gender roles, or consists of same-sex couples, father remain single by choice, working mother

Post modern family

Whiteness became a way to differentiate ___ from ____

Privileged Underclass

Interactional variables like caring, sharing, and communicating; which are not always easily visible; we cannot determine how well a child will turn out, or how successful or content and family will be based on its external structure


*Which Latino group is poorest today?*

Puerto Rican Americans

Which Latino Hispanic American subgroup where the poorest and wealthiest families

Puerto Ricans were the poorest in Cubans are the wealthiest

data that occur in narrative form, as is found in open- ended interviews.


*_________ research refers to studies in which the phenomena being studied are expressed in terms of numbers.*


Data that occur in numerical form, as is found in questionnaires of surveys


a socially constructed concept referring to different colors of people thought to stem from diverse genetic lines in human history; in reality there are o true race of people.


this type of assignment is a technique used in experiments whereby participants are assigned to groups in a random, versus systematic, manner; increases validity of conclusions made from results.

Random Assignment

term for doing a research study again to confirm that results are valid


term for a sample of participants that closely resembles the larger group to whom research results are meant to generate.

Representative Sample

Argues that all children in every culture have the right to be loved and valued, to receive education and to live a life free of violence or abuse of any kind.

Rights of the child

sexual attraction one has toward people of specific gender(s) has consequences- can be discriminated against

Sexual orientation

the idea that humans construct their own reality & those constructions affect behaviors in families - we filter info and then reconstruct everything we encounter through our own view points

Social Construction

*A family therapist who tries to help clients understand how each family member understands a situation or conflict is working from a*

Social Constructivist perspective.

this theory agues that people are always weighing the costs and benefits of their actions & trying to maximize gains & minimize losses.

Social Exchange Theory

term for one's level of income or socioeconomic status

Social class

What is the concept which consist of a homemaker mother, breadwinning father, and their children. Usually envisioned a white middle-class

Standard North American family or SNAF

Stems from communist theory; Emphasizes maintaining the status quo of a society or family, with specific structures remaining in place to ensure the system works as it should, with specific people in power

Structural- Functionalism

each person plays a crucial role in keeping the family functioning as it always has.

Structural- Functionalism

*Which theoretical perspective is useful in helping to understand why a pattern of family interaction is maintained?*


A family's composition how many members it has weather people are married, their ages, and other demographic variables


*Which of the following is part of the macrosystem?*

The effects of societal economic problems.

*True or False: In same sex families, gay males are more likely to adopt children out of foster care than are lesbians.*


True or false: it was the norm that most families had co-provider families before the 19th Century?


True or false: structural arrangements don't guarantee women much power in marriages


True or false: huge advantage for whiteness, white skinned people could try to climb to the top. That's how you were going to get ahead in this nation

True, it was a belief

*Which of the following is the most comprehensive definition of a family?*

Two or more people connected by blood, adoption, marriage, or choice who rely on each other for social, emotional, and financial support.

term for the attempt to keep personal beliefs out of the research process.


This bureau defines family is two or more people living together where the members are related by birth, marriage or adoption. Lead householder and all the people in the household related to him or her are considered family members

United States Census Bureau

A form of identity for those with European backgrounds emerged as a concept during the Industrial Revolution.


*Despite their problems, this family had several strengths. All of the following were strengths, EXCEPT:*

a willingness to change

*Approximately what percentage of the U.S. population today is Native American?*

less than 1 percent (0.63%)

*An emic approach refers to*

an insider's viewpoint.

*A(n) __________ experiment uses simulated conditions to imitate real life.*


*Which is an example of "accomplishment of natural growth"?* a. Children going to music camp b. Children being given a voice in family meal planning c. Children being told to prepare for questions to ask the doctor d. Children coming home from school and hanging out on the porch with kin

d. Children coming home from school and hanging out on the porch with kin

*All of the following are limitations on same-sex couples' parental rights in various U.S. states, EXCEPT:* a. denial of adoption rights to any unmarried individual, including homosexual people b. allowing only legally married gay couples to adopt c. gay people being banned from adopting d. "second parent" adoption option being unavailable

b. allowing only legally married gay couples to adopt

*The Meezan and Rauch article came to 4 main conclusions. Which of these was NOT one of their conclusions?* a. most studies show few peer relations difficulties in children with same-sex parents b. children of gay males but not lesbians are more likely to grow up to be gay c. there are no differences in cognitive or behavioral development in children of same-sex couples d. same-sex parents are quite similar to other-sex parents

b. children of gay males but not lesbians are more likely to grow up to be gay

*Which statement demonstrates critical thinking?* Select one: a. "Members of that ethnic group are always dishonest." b. "This study was published by a famous university, so its conclusion must be correct." c. "I've always supported this candidate, but his recent statements are causing me to reconsider." d. "My family has always supported this party, and I see no reason to change."

c. "I've always supported this candidate, but his recent statements are causing me to reconsider."

*All of the following were limitations found in the research on same-sex couples, EXCEPT:* Select one: a. Small sample sizes b. Unrepresentative samples c. Over-representation of gay male headed families d. Statistical limitations

c. Over-representation of gay male headed families

*Which statement about the relationship between race and social class is INCORRECT?* a. Social class is primarily determined by income, but it is greatly affected by race. b. Middle-class parents, regardless of race, cultivate a wide variety of academic, social, and emotional skills in their children. Incorrect c. People in high-paying jobs exhibit a greater degree of obedience and conformity than people in low-paying jobs. d. Social class affects family relationships and processes more strongly than does ethnicity.

c. People in high-paying jobs exhibit a greater degree of obedience and conformity than people in low-paying jobs.

*A limitation of a cross-sectional study is that it*

cannot examine changes in a population over time.

*The term ______ refers to spiritual parenting among members of the Latino community.*


people can use ______ to help relationships mature & grow through renegotiating power relationships.


*The idea that values, practices, and beliefs differ by cultural group and that none are better or worse than any others is referred to as ___________.*

cultural relativism

*The term gender refers to*

culturally constructed categories of male and female.

*The term gender refers to:*

culturally constructed categories of male and female.

*_____________ is defined as viewing one's own ethnicity as normative and others' as deficient or foreign.*


*A qualitative approach to research that involves documenting the lives and experiences of a population in depth is referred to as*


*In the bioecological model, the system of influences that with which you do not come into direct contact is the*


*In the bioecological model, the system of influences with which you do not come into direct contact is the:*


*Your significant other has a demanding boss. As a result, your partner is often cranky. This is an example of:*

exosystem influence

*Your significant other has a demanding boss. As a result, your partner is often cranky. This is an example of*

exosystem influence.

*True or False: In the Meezan and Rauch article, they found that older adults who had lived through the struggle for civil rights were more in favor of the legalization of same-sex marriage than were younger adults.*


*True or False: The main argument of the article is that ethnicity or race is more influential in childrearing attitudes than is socioeconomic status.*


*True or false: The therapist reframed the parents' view of their son into one of a "hero" because he was able to save their marriage by changing his bad behavior.*


*True or false:The therapist concluded that what Joshua needed was to see a good internist regarding his bowel problems.*


true or false: feminist theory privilege the SNAF ideal

false, Do not privilege the SNAF because they view all family forms as legitimate and normative.

*The idea that individuals in families are affected by the interactions among gender, ethnicity, race, sexual orientation, and social class is referred to as*

intersectional identity.

*The idea that individuals in families are affected by the interactions among gender, ethnicity, race, sexual orientation, and social class is referred to as*

intersectional identity.

*What type of research design was used in the Lareau article on ethnic and social class issues in childrearing?*


*Which term refers to a preference for solving problems face-to-face within a close-knit social network?*


*The practice of one woman marrying more than one man is referred to as*


*A family in which at least one aspect of traditional SNAF ideas about the family has been transformed or reconstructed is a(n) _____________.*

post modern family

this term refers to a persons outside appearance; groups are judged or categorized by their external features


this method entails a series of steps taken to conduct accurate research

scientific method

this term refers to the biological sex of people


*____________ argues that we filter information through our existing viewpoints, and that we cannot truly know an objective reality.*

social constructionism theory

what is the first level of the bioecological theory

the person

*A set of ideas or principles about how something works is a ___________.*


true or false: We can never determine causation from correlation


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