Ch 11 Accounting

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Each entry in the purchases journal is an amount that ____. A. is to be paid to a vendor B. has been paid to a vendor C. is to be collected from a customer D. none of the above


The total of the schedule of accounts receivable should equal ____. A. the accounts receivable account balance in the general ledger B. the cash account C. the debit and credit proof D. none of the above


To indicate that column totals are not to be posted, ____. A. a check mark is placed in parentheses under the total B. a check mark is placed in the Post. Ref. column of the journal on the total line C. nothing is placed under the total D. an account number is placed in the Post. Ref. column of the journal


When a credit is posted to the accounts receivable ledger, ____. A. the new amount posted in the Credit column is subtracted from the previous balance B. the source document number and page number of the journal are written in the Post. Ref. column of the account C. the credit amount is written in the Debit column of the account D. Balance is written in the Item column


When a debit is posted to the accounts payable ledger, ____. A. the debit amount is written in the Debit column of the account B. the cash account increases C. the controlling account is increased by the entry D. all of the above


When opening a new page in an accounts receivable ledger, ____. A. Balance is written in the Item column B. the Item column is left blank C. a number is written in the Post. Ref. column D. none of the above


Each account in a subsidiary ledger has ____. A. two amount columns C. four amount columns B. three amount columns D. none of the above


The special amount column totals of the cash receipts journal are ____. A. posted monthly to a customer account B. posted to the general ledger controlling account at the end of each month C. not posted D. posted often


An account in a general ledger that summarizes all accounts in a subsidiary ledger is ____. A. an expense account C. a controlling account B. a contra account D. a capital account


A ledger that is summarized in a single general ledger account is a ____. A. ledger C. secondary ledger B. controlling ledger


Information to be recorded in the accounts payable ledger is ____. A. the date and posting reference information B. a debit or credit amount C. the new account balance D. all of the above


The totals of the General columns of the cash payments journal are posted to ____. A. the accounts payable ledger C. the general ledger B. the accounts receivable ledger D. none of the above


A schedule of accounts payable is prepared before all journal entries have been posted.


Entries in a cash receipts journal affect account balances in the accounts payable ledger and the general ledger.


The last journal to be posted should be the general journal.


The total amount of the purchases journal is posted to the purchases and accounts receivable accounts


The totals of the general columns of the cash payments journal are posted


A general ledger sorts and summarizes all information affecting income statement and balance sheet accounts


A listing of customer accounts, account balances, and total amount due from all customers is a schedule of accounts receivable.


A vendor account is opened by writing the vendor name and vendor number on the heading of the ledger account.


Accounts Payable is a single general ledger account that summarizes the total amount owed to all vendors.


Entries in a sales journal affect account balances in both the accounts receivable ledger and the general ledger.


The amounts on each line of a purchases journal are posted to vendor accounts in the accounts payable ledger


The balance of the controlling account Accounts Payable equals the total of all vendor account balances in the accounts payable subsidiary ledger.


The total amount of the purchases journal is posted to two general ledger accounts, Purchases and Accounts Payable.


A general ledger sorts and summarizes all information affecting ____. A. income statement and balance sheet accounts B. accounts receivable accounts C. accounts payable accounts D. none of the above


A subsidiary ledger containing only accounts for vendors from whom items are purchased or bought on account is ____. A. an accounts payable ledger C. a general ledger B. an accounts receivable ledger D. none of the above


A listing of customer accounts, account balances, and total amount due from all customers is a ____. A. schedule of accounts payable C. subsidiary ledger B. schedule of accounts receivable D. controlling list


A schedule of accounts receivable is prepared ____. A. before all current entries are posted B. after all current entries are posted C. before the special column totals are posted D. at the beginning of the month


Daily general ledger account balances are ____. A. usually not necessary B. necessary to do monthly financial statements C. posted to the accounts receivable ledger daily D. needed if the dollar amounts are large


Each entry in the purchases journal is ____. A. posted daily C. posted at the end of a month B. posted often D. none of the above


A vendor number is written in the Post. Ref. column of the journal as the last posting step to ____. A. identify the vendor B. start a new journal page C. show that posting of this line to the accounts payable ledger is complete D. show the general ledger account to which the total was posted


The amount on each line of a purchases journal is posted as a ____. A. debit to an account in the accounts payable ledger B. debit to an account in the accounts receivable ledger C. credit to an account in the accounts payable ledger D. credit to an account in the accounts receivable ledger


The ledger that contains all accounts needed to prepare financial statements is the ____. A. accounts payable ledger C. general ledger B. accounts receivable ledger D. subsidiary ledger


The total amount of the purchases journal is posted to the general ledger account(s) ____. A. Purchases B. Accounts Payable C. Purchases and Accounts Payable D. none of the above


When a customer account balance is changed, ____. A. the total of all account balances will be less than the balance of the controlling account B. all vendor numbers will change C. the balance of the controlling account Accounts Receivable is also changed D. none of the above


When posting the Accounts Receivable Credit column total of the cash receipts journal, return to the journal and write ____. A. the account number in the Post. Ref. column B. a check mark under the column total C. the account number under the column total in parentheses D. none of the above


To open a new customer account, ____. A. the customer name is obtained from the first invoice prepared B. the customer number is assigned C. the customer name and number are written on the account form D. all of the above


Errors made in recording amounts in subsidiary ledgers always affect the general ledger controlling account


Procedures for opening customer accounts are completely different from those used for opening vendor accounts.


The heading of the balance column of an account in the accounts payable ledger is titled Debit Balance.


The total of all customer account balances in the accounts receivable ledger equals the balance of the general ledger controlling account Accounts Payable.


When the balance of a vendor account in an accounts payable ledger is changed, the balance of the controlling account is unaffected.


A business's size, number of transactions, and type of transactions determine the number of ledgers used in an accounting system.


An account in a general ledger that summarizes all accounts in a subsidiary ledger is a controlling account


Balances of general ledger accounts are usually needed only when financial statements are prepared


Each amount in the General columns of a cash receipts journal is posted to a general ledger account


Each amount in the general columns of a cash payments journal is posted to a general ledger account.


Each amount in the sales journal's Accounts Receivable Debit column is posted to the accounts receivable ledger


Each entry in the Accounts Receivable Credit column of the cash receipts journal affects the customer named in the Account Title column


Items affecting customer or vendor accounts are posted periodically during the month.


The account form for a vendor has a Credit Balance column because accounts payable are liabilities and liabilities have normal credit balances.


The number of transactions determines how often to post to a general ledger.


The sales journal should be posted before the remaining journals are posted


When using an accounts receivable ledger, the total amount due from all customers is summarized in a single general ledger account.


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