Ch. 11 - Axial Muscles pt. 1

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Which muscle draws the eyebrows together and creates vertical wrinkle lines above the nose?

Corrugator supercilii

As swallowing ends, the anterior neck muscles that contract to influence the position of the hyoid bone and the larynx are the ______ muscles.


The muscle that both elevates and protracts the mandible is the _________ pterygoid.


Which muscle attaches to the lower lip and protrudes the lower lip, as in pouting, when it contracts?


Frontal belly of occipitofrontalis

moves scalp, raises eyebrows; wrinkles skin of forehead

*When a person blinks she is using her

pitofrontalis muscle. orbicularis oris. procerus. → orbicularis oculi. depressor labii inferioris.

The ______ muscle runs over the bridge of the nose, and is continuous with the frontalis muscle.


Zygomaticus major

retracts and elevates corner of mouth; smiling

Most muscles of facial expression are innervated by the ______________ cranial nerve.

seventh, 7, 7th, VII, facial, or Seventh

Which muscle pulls the corners of the mouth inferiorly?

Depressor anguli oris

Which muscle acts to elevate the hyoid bone and depress the mandible?

Digastric muscle

Palatopharyngeus muscle

Elevates pharynx and larynx

Levator veli palatini muscle

Elevates soft palate when swallowing

Which muscle raises the eyebrows and wrinkles the skin of the forehead when it contracts?

Frontal belly of the occipitofrontalis

Which muscle elevates the upper eyelid when you open your eyes?

Levator palpebrae superioris

*Your favorite niece just gave you a kiss. What muscle did she use?

Orbicularis oris (Compresses and purses lips ("kiss" muscle))

*The mentalis muscle has what action?

Smiling Frowning → Pouting (Protrudes lower lip; wrinkles chin) Blowing Sucking

*Match the muscle of the anterior neck with its function. 1. Depresses the hyoid bone 2. Elevates the hyoid bone 3. Depresses and fixes hyoid during opening of mouth 4. Depresses mandible; elevates hyoid bone

1. Depresses the hyoid bone - Sternohyoid 2. Elevates the hyoid bone - Geniohyoid 3. Depresses and fixes hyoid during opening of mouth - Omohyoid 4. Depresses mandible; elevates hyoid bone - Digastric

*A nursing baby is using what muscle?


*There are four muscles of mastication. Select the exception. A. Buccinator B. Masseter C. Temporalis D. Lateral pterygoid E. Medial pterygoid

Buccinator •Temporalis: elevates and retracts mandible •Masseter: most powerful of masticatory and elevates and protracts mandible •Lateral and medial pterygoid: protract and move the mandible from side to side while chewing

Which is an attachment site of the ocular rectus muscles?

Common tendinous ring

Which muscle draws the eyebrows together and creates vertical wrinkle lines above the nose when it contracts?

Corrugator supercilii muscle

Which describes the location of the corrugator supercilii muscle?

Deep to the frontal belly of the occipitofrontalis muscle

*The rectus capitis posterior major and minor muscles function to

Extend the head/neck

Which muscles attach to the sclera of the eye and function to move the eyeball?

Extrinsic eye muscles

Pharyngeal constrictors

Force bolus into esophagus

Depressor anguli oris


*The muscle responsible for sticking out the tongue is the


*You hear a sharp noise to your left causing you to shift your eyes in that direction. Which muscles were responsible for your glance?

Left eye - lateral rectus, right eye - medial rectus

*What muscle elevates the soft palate when swallowing?

Levator veli palatini

*Which muscle is the most powerful of the masticatory muscles, and functions to elevate and protract the mandible?


*The frontal belly of the occipitofrontalis muscle causes what action?

Moves scalp, eyebrows; wrinkles skin of brow (forehead)

*Which muscles arise from the skull and often attach to the skin?

Muscles of Facial Expression

Which muscle covers the back side of the head and retracts the scalp?

Occipital belly of the occipitofrontalis

*The muscle that causes the look of fear by tensing the skin of the neck is the

Platysma (Pulls lower lip inferiorly; tenses skin of neck, cause the look of fear)

*You just ran over a skunk on your way to class. The odor was overwhelming and in response you wrinkled your nose in disgust. You have just used your


*Which of the following muscles that move the head and neck have their superior attachment in the inferior nuchal line of the occipital bone? Check all that apply.

Rectus capitis posterior major and minor muscles; Obliquus capitis superior

*Your professor says something profoundly funny. You are tempted to laugh but because you failed to brush your teeth this morning all you can do is to manage a closed-mouth smile. What muscle are you primarily using?


*This muscle has its inferior attachment on the manubrium and sternal end of the clavicle, and its superior attachment on the mastoid process.


Which of the following are attachment sites for facial muscles?

Superficial fascia of skin Skull bones

*Which extrinsic eye muscle moves through a pulleylike loop?

Superior oblique passes through pulley-like loop trochlea

Tensor veli palatini muscle

Tenses soft palate and opens auditory tubes when swallowing or yawning

*You have just disembarked from an airplane following a cross-country flight. You are experiencing difficulty in hearing and notice that your ears are plugged. To relieve the pressure you try "yawning" to clear the ear canal. It worked. What muscle was involved?

Tensor veli palatini

Which muscle attaches to the posterolateral part of the eye, elevates the eye, and turns the eye laterally when it contracts?

The inferior oblique muscle

Identify all the muscles that elevate part or all of the upper lips.

The levator anguli oris muscle The levator labii superioris muscle The zygomaticus major and minor muscles

Which muscle elevates and protracts the mandible during mastication?

The masseter muscle

Which muscle attaches to the posterolateral part of the eye, depresses the eye and turns the eye laterally when it contracts?

The superior oblique muscle

Which muscle elevates and retracts the mandible during mastication?

The temporalis muscle

Which of the following are considered muscles of mastication?

The temporalis muscle The masseter muscle The lateral pterygoid muscle The medial pterygoid muscle

*If you contract your right sternocleidomastoid muscle, what movement would you expect?

Your head would turn to the left

Identify the muscle of facial expression, which elevates the corner of the mouth.

Zygomaticus minor

*Match the muscle of the tongue with its function. a. Elevates and retracts tongue b. Protracts tongue c. Depresses and retracts tongue d. Elevates posterior part of tongue

a. Elevates and retracts tongue - Styloglossus b. Protracts tongue - Genioglossus c. Depresses and retracts tongue - Hypoglossus d. Elevates posterior part of tongue - Palatoglossus

Orbicularis oculi

blinking, winking, responsible for crow's feet

Which muscle elevates the corners of the nostrils when it contracts?


When one "puckers up for a kiss," one is using the ______ muscle.

orbicularis oris

*The ending "glossus" on the name of a muscle refers to

the tongue

Which of the following describes the location of the levator palpebrae superioris muscle?

Attached to the upper eyelid

*Match the muscle of the pharynx with its function. a. Elevates pharynx and larynx b. Opens auditory tube when swallowing c. Constricts pharynx in sequence d. Elevates soft palate when swallowing

a. Elevates pharynx and larynx - Palatopharyngeus b. Opens auditory tube when swallowing - Tensor veli palatini c. Constricts pharynx in sequence - Middle constrictor d. Elevates soft palate when swallowing - Levator veli palatini

*All of the "rectus" extrinsic eye muscles attach to which two features a: Bones of the orbit b: Dura mater of the CNS c: Sclera of the eye d: Central tendinous ring e: Common tendinous ring

c: Sclera of the eye e: Common tendinous ring

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