Ch. 11 Test C (Forensic Science)

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four to six hours for the stomach to empty its contents into the small intestine and another twelve hours for the food to leave the small intestine.

Medical examiners help determine the time of death by studying the stomach contents. In general, it takes ____________.


Only bone and hair remains.


A man with a heart condition is attacked and dies from a heart attack during the attack. In this case, the manner of death is __________.

12 on clock


death chill and describes the temperature loss in a corpse.

Algor mortis means roughly ____________.


An elderly woman dies after being kept from receiving proper health care by her children. The manner of her death would be ______.


Begins immediately after death; flies begin to arrive


Corpse swells due to gases produced by bacteria

rigor mortis

Death stiffness is roughly defined as __________.

two hours after death, and then moved to a second position befroe the lividity became permanent.

Dual lividity could occur if the body was kept in one position ____________.

2 on clock


all of the choices

Factors affecting rigor include ___________.

decay/black purification

Fluids seep from the body; large maggot masses are present; unpleasant odor

two hours after death

Pooling of blood in the body, known as lividity, provides a clue as to how long the person has been dead. Lividity first begins about ____________.

less than two hours or more than forty-eight hours

If a body shows no visible rigor, it has probably been dead _____________.


In the 17th century, before the stethoscope was invented, anyone in a coma or with a weak hearbeat was presumed dead, and buried.

death color

Liver mortis means roughly, the _________.

10 on clock



Rigor mortis is ___________.

post decay

Skin, hair, and bone remains; flies are replaced with arthropods

early between 2 to 12 hours

The body of the runner was found in the park one early, hot summer morning. Her body shows rigor in her face, neck, arms, and torso. How long has been dead?

proximate cause of death

The underlying cause of death is called the _________.


There are three ways a person can die, reffered to in official terms as the manner of death: natural death, accidental death, and homicidal death.


To take a corpse's temperature, forensic investigators insert a thermometer into the ___________.

extract the content of the guts of the maggot, then run DNA testing

What steps can be taken to verify if a maggot was feeding on a particular corpse?

when a group of maggots live, feed, and move within the same area and create a temperature increase in the area

Which of the following describes the "maggot mass effect?"

lay their eggs

Within minutes of a death certain insects arrive to ___________ on the warm body, attracted by the smell of the first stages of decomposition.

4 on clock

1st Instar

6 on clock

2nd Instar

8 on clock

3rd Instar

less than 2 hours or more than 36-48 hours

A body was discovered in the weight room of a gym. A man had been doing "arm curls" with heavy weights. The only place rigor was present was in his arms.

between 15 to 36 hours

A body was discovered with most muscles relaxed, except for the face.

between 15 to 36 hours

A body was discovered with rigor present in the legs but no rigor in the upper torso.

between 2 to 12 hours

A body was found exhibiting rigor in the chest, arms, face, and neck.

approximately 12 hours

A body was found exhibiting rigor throughout the entire body.

less than 2 hours or more than 36-48 hours

A body was found with no evidence of rigor.


The immature form of an animal that undergoes metamorphosis, for example a maggot, is a ____________.

cause of death

The reason someone dies is called the _________.

mechanism of death

The specific change in the body that brought about the cessation of life is called the __________.

nature of death

The speed of decomposition, or the rotting of all tissues and organs in the body, depends on the age, size of the body, and the ___________.


The stage in an insect's life cycle when the larva forms a capsule around itself and turns into its adult form is called a ___________.

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