ch 12 Behavioural skills training process

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instruction effectiveness is dependent on:

- instructions at learner level of comprehension - instructions delivered by someone of credibility, eg boss, teacher parent -rehearse asap after instructions -instruct only when learner is paying attn - learner should repeat instruction so he can later self-prompt and the teacher knows he has 'got it'

disadvantages of group training

-each person does not have the trainers undivided attention -some ppl in groups will dominate , while others hang back

in situ assessment

-ensure the learner doesn't know he is being assessed. it is important cos then we will know if the learner will use these skills when needed.

advantages of group training

-more time efficient. -more ppl are modeling and receiving feedback so clients also learn from each other -members evaluate peers performance. -reinforcement is magnified as praise comes from so many more ppl

rehearsal. things that might afffect effectiveness

-practice in proper context, in situ or role play that simulates that situation. it facilitates generalisation. -rehearsals should be programmed for success. learners practice easy behaviors first then more difficult. - rehearsal should always be followed by reinforcement -Rehearsals that are partly correct or are incorrect should be followed by corrective feedback. ■ The behavior should be rehearsed until it is demonstrated correctly at least a few times.

factors effecting modeling:

-should result in reinforcer for + outcome -model should be high status eg teacher modeling for kids, sports stars n celebrities selling products. -complexity appropriate to the learner's level of comprehension. too easy he may not pay attn/ too hard n they won't learn. =pay attention to details eg when model says 'see how i make eye contact" -modelled behaviour should be in context eg video of kids abduction skillls should show from school yard or walkinghome. -repetition for reinforcement -behaviour should be modelled in a variety of ways and situations to enhance generalisation -learner should have opportunity to rehearse as soon as poss after observing model.

in situ training

-this kind of training promotes generalisation.

applications of behavioural skillls training BST

-used extensively with kids eg abduction and sex abuse prevention. having rehearsal and feedback strengthened the learning process than just having instruction and modeling. Also used with fire emergency skills - used also for social skills deficits. eg aggressive adolescents. and social skills to psychiatric patients to decrease fighting and arguments. Also effective use in child management. For noncompliant kids. Parents learned how to reward,, make requests appropriately and use time out. Also effective for nurses for residents of nursing homes And for teaching college kids how to conduct clinical interviews. -

how to use Behavioural skills training BST procedures

1. identify and define skills to teach. ie ALL the behaviours in the skills. and the skills needed in diff situations and conduct task analysis of complex skills ( behavioural chains) 2. Identify all relevent stimulus situations Sds that the skills must be used. eg in abduction prevention, u must identify all poss abduction lures that a person might use so the child can successfully respond to each situation. When teaching assertiveness, you have to identify all possible situations in which a person might act unassertively so that the person can learn to respond assertively in every situation 3. assess learners skills to determine baseline. 4 begin training, easiest skill first 5. Begin a session by modeling and describing important aspects. Simulation should be as real as poss. or in situ 6. have learner practice behaviour after instructions and sees model. Rehearsal 7. Feedback. descriptive praise then instructions for improvement as needed 8 repeat rehearsal and feedback process as required 9. After success with one training situation, move to another situation and continue the process of modeling, instructions, rehearsal, and feedback until the learner has mastered each skill in each situation. While adding new situations, continue to have learners practice training situations they have mastered to ensure maintenance. 10 AFter learning all skills in training, program for generalisation . Generalisation is more likely if rehearsal is in situ or the most natural setting. Or to continue to increase difficulty.

how do you use behavioural skills training procedures in groups?

Groups might be used for 'assertiveness training', or 'discipling children'. So here modeling and instructions are provided to whole group. . Each member then rehearses in role play and receives feedback from trainer and peers. Behaviour practiced until its performed correctly in a variety of simulated situations.

how is the concept of the three term contingency related to behavioural skills training procedures? (3 term contingency: antecedents, behaviour , consequences)

The modeling and instructions are antecedent strategies used to evoke the correct behavior. Because most people have successfully followed instructions or imitated models in the past, instructions and modeling are effective discriminative stimuli for the correct behavior. Rehearsal involves executing the behavior that was modeled or described in the instructions. When the behavior is rehearsed correctly, feedback involves a reinforcing consequence that strengthens the correct behavior. if behaviour is only partly correct feed provides instructions to improve performance.

when is the the appropriate time to use behavioural skills training procedures

These are used together in training sessions to help a person acquire useful skills eg social skills, asertiveness skills or job related skills. Often used in role play context. The therapist may model behaviour first. Instruction, modeling rehearsal and feedbak

BST goal:

for the learner to acquire new skills and to use these skills in the appropriate circumstances outside the training sessions First thro roleplays, second in real-life training. thirdly: provide assignments for learner to practice in real life situation.

As opposed to chaining which is often used for mentally deficient folk who need extensive prompting. , BST is used

in more normal ppl.


involves praise or other reinforces for correct behaviour. Correction of errors, further instructions on how to improve

4 components of a b behavioural skills training BST procedure?

modeling, instructions, rehearsal and feedback or reinforcement


must be specific. for a chain of behaviours, instructions need to specify each component in proper sequence. Instructions should include circumstances in which to engage in the behaviour.

MOdeling (components of the BEhavioural skills training procedure)

the learner imitates what the models behaviour. So the learner must be capable of learning from modeling. Ususally second nature for kids who model parents, teachers, peers etc. Live modeling is in situ. symbolic modeling can be done via video, audio, cartoon


the role play practice of behaviour after recieving intsructions cos 1. teacher can see behaviour is learned 2. it reinforces behaviour 3. provides opportunity to assess and correct errors

Feedback: factors that influence feedback

■ Feedback should be given immediately after the behavior. ■ Feedback should always involve praise (or other reinforcers) for some aspect of the behavior. If incorrect praise learner for trying. ■ Praise should be descriptive. Describe what the learner said and did that was good (correct). Focus on all aspects of the behavior, verbal and nonverbal (i.e., what the learner said and did and how the learner said and did it). ■ When providing corrective feedback, do not be negative. Do not describe the learner's performance as bad or wrong. Rather, provide instructions that identify what the learner could do better or how the learner could improve the performance. ■ Always praise some aspect of the performance before providing corrective feedback. ■ Provide corrective feedback on one aspect of the performance at a time.

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