CH 12 HW

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Which of the following statements about helminths is FALSE?

All are parasites.

Which phylum of protozoa contains organisms that are non-motile, obligate intracellular parasites?


Yeast infections are cause by

Candida albicans

Which statement regarding helminths is true?

Helminths usually possess specialized organ systems, including circulatory, nervous, and reproductive systems.

______ are utilized commercially to produce carrageenan and can photosynthesize at depths greater than 10 meters.


Choose the answer that best describes the three characteristics common to all protozoa.

eukaryotic, unicellular, lack a cell wall

Which of the following infections are also caused by C. albicans?

fulminating disease oral thrush

Ringworm is caused by a


Helminthic diseases are usually transmitted to humans by

gastrointestinal route.

Which of the following groups of algae does NOT produce compounds that are toxic to humans?

green algae

In the malaria parasite life cycle, humans are the ________ host, while mosquitoes are the ________ host as well as the vector.

intermediate; definitive

What do tapeworms eat?

intestinal contents

Candida albicans, a species of pathogenic yeast, is often recognized by its _____, which are large, thick-walled asexual spores within a hyphal segment.


The structural framework in a cell is the


Which of the following new chemicals would NOT be effective against Giardia?

A chemical that inhibits the formation of cell walls.

The _____ is a diverse group that includes the diatoms, a major component of phytoplankton.


Which of the following pairs is mismatched?

Coenocytic hyphae hyphae with cross-walls

Distinguishing features of Protozoa

Members of this group cause malaria and diarrheal illnesses such as amebiasis and giardiasis

Which of the following facts does NOT provide evidence for the endosymbiotic theory?

Prokaryotes contain peptidoglycan in their cell walls.

How do pseudohyphae in yeasts differ from vegetative hyphae in filamentous fungi?

Yeasts use pseudohyphae to invade host tissue, whereas filamentous fungi use their vegetative hyphae for obtaining nutrients.

Which of the following arthropods does NOT transmit diseases by sucking blood from a human host?


Where are lipids made in the cell?

smooth endoplasmic reticulum (ER)

A definitive host harbors which stage of a parasite?


1-Arthroconidium 5-Chlamydoconidium 2-Ascospore 6-Conidiospore 3-Basidiospore 7-Sporangiospore 4-Blastoconidium 8-Zygospore In the table, which of these spores are asexual spores?

1, 4, 5, 6, 7

Qualities of prokaryotes

70S ribosomes, binary fission, singular circular chromosome, cell wall contains peptidoglycan or pseudomurein

Why are archaea and bacteria—both collections of prokaryotic organisms—grouped into different domains while organisms like fungi and animals are in the same domain?

Bacteria and archaea differ significantly in their rRNA sequences, but fungi and animals share some rRNA characteristics.

How do blastoconidia and chlamydoconidia produced by yeast differ from bacterial endospores?

Blastoconidia and chlamydoconidia are spore structures produced by budding in yeasts, whereas bacterial endospores are produced by bacteria under extreme conditions.

Tori, a 24-year-old graduate student, had been suffering from a respiratory infection for over a week. She went to the student health center, where the physician prescribed her a broad-spectrum antibiotic. By the end of her round of antibiotics, Tori was no longer suffering from respiratory complications, but she had noticed an increase in itchiness in her genital region. Within a few days, the itchiness was getting worse and was accompanied by a vaginal discharge that had a cheesy consistency and foul odor. Tori returned to the student health center to discuss her condition with the physician. A sample of her discharge was taken and sent to the laboratory for microscopy and plating. Above image shows the microscopy results for the vaginal sample. To confirm the identity of the organism, lab technicians also plated a sample of the organism on a nutrient media and on a Sabouraud dextrose agar plate. Based on the lab results, which organism is most likely causing Tori's new symptoms?

Candida albicans (Diagnosis of a yeast infection usually involves patient history, observation of yeast cells via microscopy, and growth of a culture on Sabouraud dextrose agar. Differentiation between yeasts and bacteria is reliant on biochemical characteristics. Differentiation between yeasts and molds is reliant on spore type and function.)

Considered the progenitor of land plants, ______ have 18S rRNA sequences comparable to plants.


Which of the following is found in the cytoplasm of prokaryotic cells but is ABSENT from the cytoplasm of eukaryotic cells?


T/F In helminth life cycles, the organism that harbors the adult sexually reproductive phase of the parasite is called the intermediate host.


T/F Most cases of hookworm infection are acquired by ingestion of adult forms in contaminated food or water.


Which of the following statements best describes why the treatment for Tori's fungal infection may result in side effects to her own cells?

Fungal cells and human cells have a nucleus, multiple organelles, and 80S ribosomes for protein synthesis.

Which of the following statements is FALSE?

Fungal spores are highly resistant to heat and chemical agents.

Eukaryotic organisms involved in causing/spreading disease

Fungus, arthropod, alga, helminth, protozoan

Which of the following is part of the endomembrane system?

Golgi apparatus

Which statement regarding the structure or function of ribosomes is correct?

In eukaryotes, the ribosomes found in chloroplasts and mitochondria are 70S ribosomes, which are similar in size to prokaryotic ribosomes.

Trichomonas vaginalis can be distinguished from other parasitic protozoa by which of the characteristics listed below?

It has an undulating membrane, infects the vagina, and is frequently transmitted by sexual contact.

Which of the following statements about fungi is true?

Karyogamy refers to a part of the sexual reproduction cycle in which two haploid nuclei fuse to form a diploid zygote.

Movement of proteins through the endomembrane system and out of the cell:

Manufactured in the ER Transport from ER in vesicles Processing in the Golgi apparatus Transport from GA in vesicles Secretion out the plasma membrane

Distinguishing features of Algae

Members of this group are found predominately in aquatic environments Members of this group generally don't cause infections, but some produce neurotoxins that cause intoxications in animals that consume them

Distinguishing features of Helminths

Members of this group come in flat or round forms, and although many parasitize animals, there are also free-living forms Parasitic members of this group often have complex life cycles involving one of more intermediate hosts in which larvae develop

Distinguishing features of Fungi

Members of this group produce a variety of different reproductive spores and filaments referred to as hyphae This group includes unicellular as well as filamentous forms, a number of which cause infections

Distinguishing features of arthropods

Members of this group serve as vecotrs, transmitting several different viruses, bacteria, and protozoan parasites between the hosts Members of the group have hard exoskeletons and jointed apendages

Qualities of eukaryotes

Nuclear envelope compartmentalizes the chromosomes, membranous organelles (mitochondria, lysosomes, endoplasmic reticulum), 80S ribosomes

Describes as "hairy" in appearance, _____ produce alginic acid, which can be used as a thickening agent.


You are given an unknown, pure sample of a eukaryotic organism. Which of the following tests would allow you to determine if the sample contains algae?

Place the sample in a clear container filled with media containing no sugars, and leave it in a sunny window. After a few weeks, look for growth of the organism.

Qualities of both prokaryotes and eukaryotes

Plasma membrane encloses the cytoplasm, has both DNA & RNA, unicellular

Which of the following organisms requires an additional non-human host to complete its life cycle?

Plasmodium species

Humans are the definitive host for __________, which is a type of __________.

Taenia saginata; tapeworm

Which of the following best explains why Tori developed a new series of symptoms?

The antibiotics that treated Tori's primary respiratory infection also removed some of her normal bacterial flora, resulting in an overgrowth of other organisms.

The term dermatophyte is typically used for fungi that cause which of the following?

cutaneous mycoses

All of the following are characteristic of algae EXCEPT which ONE of the following?

They are currently classified as plants.

T/F Arthropod vectors are blood-sucking animals such as ticks, lice, and fleas that transmit microbial pathogens.


T/F Plasmogamy, karyogamy, and meiosis are stages of the fungal sexual life cycle.


T/F Some species of dinoflagellates produce neurotoxins that cause fish kills and red tides.


Which of the following statements about protozoa is true?

When conditions become harsh, some protozoa can form a protective capsule, which is called a cyst.

The life cycle of the fish tapeworm is similar to that of the beef tapeworm. Which of the following is the most effective preventive measure?

cooking fish before eating

What is the key difference between yeast and mold?

Yeast is unicellular, while mold is multicellular

Which of the following could Tori's physician choose as a treatment for her yeast infection?

a single oral dose of fluconazole a topical over-the-counter ointment, such as clotrimazole or miconazole

Dinoflagellates are a type of unicellular __________. One genus of dinoflagellates is responsible for a foodborne disease called __________.

algae; paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP)

Which of the following pairs is mismatched?

anamorphs lack spores

Coccidioides immitis is a pathogenic fungus that forms asexual spores called ________, which result from fragmentation of hyphae.


Some fungi reproduce sexually by forming _____, which are sexual spores contained within a sac structure.


Sexual spores known as _______ are located on a base pedestal and are found in mushrooms.


Asexual spores that form as buds coming off the parent cell are known as ______ and are produced by yeasts such as Candida albicans & Cryptococcus neoformans.


Giardia and Trichomonas are unusual eukaryotes because they

lack mitochondria.

Which of the following organelles breaks down worn-out organelles?


What carries instructions for making proteins from the nucleus into the cytoplasm?


Where in a cell is ATP made?


Dengue fever is transmitted by which of the following?


Where is the genetic information of the cell stored?


Amino acids and fatty acids are oxidized in which of the following organelles?


What structure acts as a selective barrier, regulating the traffic of materials into and out of the cell?

plasma membrane

One of the ways smooth endoplasmic reticulum (ER) differs from rough endoplasmic reticulum is that rough ER is covered by


Rhizopus stolonifer, the common black bread mold, forms asexual spores called _____, which are contained in a sac at the end of aerial hyphae.


All of the following are characteristic of lichens EXCEPT

they are a symbiotic relationship between a fungus and a protozoan.

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