Ch. 12 Muscular Analysis, upper and lower extremity exercises (Ex. 4)

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Describe the movement phase:

AKA acceleration, action, motion, or contact phase. Action part of the skill. Summation of force generated is directly applied to the/ an object or opponent. Characterized by near-maximal concentric activity of the used muscles.

Describe the Chest press exercise:

AKA bench press. Subject lies supine on exercise bench. Subject grasps barbell & presses weight upward through full range of arm & shoulder movement. Weight is then lowered to starting position. open-kinetic chain exercise

Describe the dumbbell bent over row exercise:

AKA bent-over row. Subject is kneeling on a bench using contralateral arm to support the body. Involved arm is free from contact with floor . With dumbbell in hand, arm & shoulder hanging straight to the floor, subject adducts shoulder girdle & horizontally abducts shoulder joint. Then slowly lower dumbbell to the starting position. open-kinetic chain exercise.

Describe the pull-up exercise:

AKA chin up. Subject grasps horizontal bar with palms away from face. From hanging position, subject pulls up until the chin is over the bar. Return to starting position. Closed-kinetic-chain exercise.

Describe the preparatory phase:

AKA cocking/ wind-up phase. Lengthen (eccentric) appropriate muscles. Most critical phase in leading to the desired result of activity. Can become more dynamic if needed to increase explosiveness.

Describe the follow through phase:

AKA deceleration phase, eccentric. Happens right after climax of movement phase. Negative acceleration of moving limbs/body segments. Velocity progressively decreases over a wide range of motion. The greater the acceleration of the movement phase the more important this phase becomes.

Describe latissimus pull exercise:

AKA lat pull. Subject, sitting, reaches up & grasps a horizontal bar. Subject pulls bar down to a position behind the neck & shoulders. Bar is returned slowly to the starting position. open-kinetic chain exercise.

Describe the barbell press exercise:

AKA overhead or military press. Barbell is held high in front of chest, with palms facing forward, feet comfortably spread, back & legs straight. Barbell is pushed upward until arms are fully extended overhead and then return to starting position. Open-kinetic chain exercise.

Name a few isometric exercises:

Abdominal contraction. Leg lifter. Rowing exercises.

For the barbell press, what are the agonist and antagonistic muscles and their action of the elbow during the lifting and lowering phase?

Action extension/ lowering phase eccentric contraction. Agonists muscles: elbow extensors: triceps brachii, and anconeus.

For the Latissimus pull, what are the agonist and antagonistic muscles and their action of the wrist and hand during the lifting and lowering phase?

Action flexion, isomertic contraction. Agonists: wrist/ hand flexors.

For the arm curl, what are the agonist and antagonistic muscles and their action of the elbow for the lifting phase?

Action flexion. Agonists: elbow fleors; biceps brachii, brachialis, brachioradialis.

For the dead lift, what are the agonist and antagonistic muscles and their action of the wrist and hand during the lifting and lowering phase?

Action: Lifting and lowering-Neutral or Slightly Extended due to wrist extensors applying stabilizing force for hand flexors. Agonists: Wrist & hand flexors (isometric contraction) Flexor carpi radialis Flexor carpi ulnaris Palmaris longus Flexor digitorum profundus Flexor digitorum superficialis Flexor pollicis longus.

For the dead lift, what are the agonist and antagonistic muscles and their action of the hip during the lifting and lowering phase?

Action: Lifting-extension. Lowering- flexion. Agonists: Hip extensors- eccentic on lowering. Gluteus maximus Semimembranosus Semitendinosus Biceps femoris

For the Push up, what are the agonist and antagonistic muscles and their action of the elbow during the lifting and lowering phase?

Action: Lifting-extension. Lowering-flexion, eccentric contraction. Agonists: Triceps brachii Anconeus

For the dead lift, what are the agonist and antagonistic muscles and their action of the knee during the lifting and lowering phase?

Action: Lifting-extension. Lowering-flexion. Agonists: Knee extensors (quadriceps) Rectus femoris Vastus medialis Vastus intermedius Vastus lateralis

For the squat, what are the agonist and antagonistic muscles and their action of the Knee during the lifting and lowering phase?

Action: Lowering-flexion, eccentric. Lifting-extension. Agonists: Knee extensors Rectus femoris Vastus medialis Vastus intermedius Vastus lateralis

For the Latissimus pull, what are the agonist and antagonistic muscles and their action of the shoulder girlde during the lifting and lowering phase?

Action: Pull-down phase-Adduction, depression, & downward rotation Return phase-Abduction, elevation, & upward rotation eccentric contraction. Agonists: Trapezius (lower & middle) Pectoralis minor Rhomboids

For the dumbbell bent over row, what are the agonist and antagonistic muscles and their action of the elbow during the lifting and lowering phase?

Action: Pulling-flexion. Lowering-extension. Agonists: Passive flexion occurs as the arm becomes parallel to the floor due to gravity. Passive extension occurs as the arm becomes perpendicular to the floor due to gravity.

For the dumbbell bent over row, what are the agonist and antagonistic muscles and their action of the shoulder during the lifting and lowering phase?

Action: Pulling-horizontal abduction. Lowering- horizontal adduction,eccentric contraction. Agonists: Posterior deltoid Infraspinatus Teres minor Latissimus dorsi

For the abdominal curl up, what are the agonist and antagonistic muscles and their action of the hip during the lifting and lowering phase?

Action: curling phase- flexion. Rotating phase- maintenance of hip flexion. Return phase-sitting-up-maintenance of hip flexion. Return phase to starting-extension. Agonists: Iliopsoas Rectus femoris Pectineus

For the abdominal curl up, what are the agonist and antagonistic muscles and their action of the trunk during the lifting and lowering phase?

Action: curling phase- flexion. Rotating phase- right lumbar rotation. Return phase-sitting-up- left lumbar rotation. Return phase to starting-extension. Agonists: Rectus abdominis External oblique abdominal Internal oblique abdominal rector spinae

For the dead lift, what are the agonist and antagonistic muscles and their action of the trunk during the lifting and lowering phase?

Action: lifting and lowering-maintenance of extension. Agonists: Trunk extensors (isometric contraction) Erector spinae (sacrospinalis) Quadratus lumborum.

For the Push up, what are the agonist and antagonistic muscles and their action of the shoulder during the lifting and lowering phase?

Action: lifting- horizontal adduction. Lowering- horizontal abduction, eccentric contraction. Agonists: Pectoralis major Anterior deltoid Biceps brachii Coracobrachialis

For the squat, what are the agonist and antagonistic muscles and their action of the hip during the lifting and lowering phase?

Action: lowering-flexion, eccentric contraction. Lifting-extension. Agonists: Hip extensors Gluteus maximus Semimembranosus Semitendinosus Biceps femoris

For the dumbbell bent over row, what are the agonist and antagonistic muscles and their action of the shoulder girdle during the lifting and lowering phase?

Action: pulling-adduction. Lowering-abduction, eccentric contraction. Agonists: Trapezius (lower & middle) Rhomboids.

For the abdominal curl up, what are the agonist and antagonistic muscles and their action of the cervical spine during the lifting and lowering phase?

Action: Curling phase: flexion. Rotating phase: Maintenance of cervical flexion. Return phase to sitting-up:Maintenance of cervical flexion Return phase to starting-extension. Agonists: Sternocleidomastoid Isometric, and eccentric contractions.

For the squat, what are the agonist and antagonistic muscles and their action of the ankle during the lifting and lowering phase?

Action: Lowering-dorsiflexion, eccentric contraction. Lifting- plantar flexion. Agonists: Plantar flexors Gastrocnemius Soleus

For the Push up, what are the agonist and antagonistic muscles and their action of the shoulder girdle during the lifting and lowering phase?

Action: lifting-abduction. Lowering-adduction, eccentric contraction. Agonists: Serratus anterior Pectoralis minor

For the shoulder pull, what are the agonist and antagonistic muscles and their action of the Elbow for phase 1?

Action: Extension. Agonist: triceps brachii, and anconeus. Antagonistic: Biceps brachii, brachialis, brachioradialis.

For the Push up, what are the agonist and antagonistic muscles and their action of the wrist and hand during the lifting and lowering phase?

Action: Flexion, isometric contractions. Agonists: Wrist/hand flexors.

For the shoulder pull, what are the agonist and antagonistic muscles and their action of the wrist and hand for phase 1?

Action: Flexion. Agonist muscles: wrist/ hand extensors. Antagonistic muscles: Wrist/hand flexors.

For the shoulder pull, what are the agonist and antagonistic muscles and their action of the wrist and hand for phase 2?

Action: Flexion. Agonist: wrist/ hand flexors. Antagonistic: wrist/ hand extensors.

For the shoulder pull, what are the agonist and antagonistic muscles and their action of the Shoulder for phase 1?

Action: Horizontal abduction. Agonist: deltoid and supraspinatus. Antagonistic: teres major, latissimus dorsi, pectoralis major.

For the shoulder pull, what are the agonist and antagonistic muscles and their action of the Shoulder for phase 2?

Action: Horizontal abduction. Agonist: teres major, latissimus dorsi, pectoralis major. Antagonistic: deltoid and supraspinatus.

For the shoulder pull, what are the agonist and antagonistic muscles and their action of the Shoulder Girdle for phase 2?

Action: abduction. Agonist: serratus anterior, pectoralis minor, trapwzius upper and middle. Antagonistic: rhomboid and trapezius.

For the shoulder pull, what are the agonist and antagonistic muscles and their action of the Shoulder Girdle for phase 1?

Action: adduction. Agonist: rhomboid and trapezius. Antagonistic: serratus anterior, pectoralis major, upper and middle trapezius.

For the triceps extension, what are the agonist and antagonistic muscles and their action of the elbow during the lifting phase?

Action: extension. Agonists: elbow extensors; triceps brachii, and anconeus.

For the arm curl, what are the agonist and antagonistic muscles and their action of the elbow for the lowering phase?

Action: extension. Agonists: elbow flexors (eccentric contraction); Biceps brachii, brachialis, brachioradialis.

For the chest press, what are the agonist and antagonistic muscles and their action of the wrist and hand during the lifting and lowering phase?

Action: flexion Agonists: wrist/ hand flexros, isometric contraction.

For the dumbbell bent over row, what are the agonist and antagonistic muscles and their action of the hand during the lifting and lowering phase?

Action: flexion, isometric contraction. Agonists: Flexor digitorum profundus Flexor digitorum superficialis Flexor pollicis longus

For the triceps extension, what are the agonist and antagonistic muscles and their action of the wrist and hand for the lifting and lowering phase?

Action: flexion. Agonisits: wrist/ hand flexors, isometric contraction:

For the shoulder pull, what are the agonist and antagonistic muscles and their action of the elbow for phase 2?

Action: flexion. Agonist: Biceps brachii, brachialis, brachioradialis. Antagonistic: Triceps brachii, anconeus.

For the arm curl, what are the agonist and antagonistic muscles and their action of the wrist and hand for lifting and lowering phaseses?

Action: flexion. Agonist: wrist/ hand flexors (isometric contraction).

For the triceps extension, what are the agonist and antagonistic muscles and their action of the elbow during the lowering phase?

Action: flexion. Agonists: Elbow extensors, eccentric contraction; Triceps brachii, and anconeus.

For the Chin-up, what are the agonist and antagonistic muscles and their action of the wrist and hand during the lifting and lowering phase?

Action: flexion. Agonists: wrist/ hand flexors, isometric contraction.

For the barbell press, what are the agonist and antagonistic muscles and their action of the wrist and hand during the lifting and lowering phase?

Action: flexion. Agonists: wrist/ hand flexors, isometric contraction.

For the barbell press, what are the agonist and antagonistic muscles and their action of the shoulder during the lifting and lowering phase?

Action: flexion/ lowering phase eccentric contraction. Agonists: shoulder flexros: Pectoralis major clav head and upper fibers, anterior deltoid, coracorbrachiallis, and biceps brachii.

For the chest press, what are the agonist and antagonistic muscles and their action of the Shoulder girlde during the lifting and lowering phase?

Action: lifting-abduction. Lowering-adduction, eccentric contraction. Agonists: Serratus anterior and pectoralis minor.

For the chest press, what are the agonist and antagonistic muscles and their action of the elbow during the lifting and lowering phase?

Action: lifting-extension, lowering-flexion, eccentric contraction. Agonists: Triceps brachii, and anconeus.

For the chest press, what are the agonist and antagonistic muscles and their action of the Shoulder during the lifting and lowering phase?

Action: lifting-flexion and horizontal adduction. Lowering-extension and horizontal abduction, eccentric contraction. Agonists: Pectoralis major, anterior deltoid, coracorbrachialis, biceps brachii.

For the Latissimus pull, what are the agonist and antagonistic muscles and their action of the shoulder during the lifting and lowering phase?

Action: pull-down phase adduction. Return phase abduction, eccentric contraction.. Agonists: Pectoralis major Posterior deltoid Latissimus dorsi Teres major Subscapularis

For the Latissimus pull, what are the agonist and antagonistic muscles and their action of the elbow during the lifting and lowering phase?

Action: pull-down phase flexion. Return phase extension, eccentric contraction. Agonists: Biceps brachii Brachialis Brachioradialis

For the Chin-up, what are the agonist and antagonistic muscles and their action of the Shoulder Girlde during the lifting and lowering phase?

Action: pull-up phase adduction depression and downward rotation. Lowering phase elevation abduction and upward rotation, eccentric contraction. Agonists: Trapezius (lower & middle) Pectoralis minor Rhomboids

For the Chin-up, what are the agonist and antagonistic muscles and their action of the Shoulder during the lifting and lowering phase?

Action: pull-up phase extension. Lowering phase flexion, eccentric contraction. Agonists: Latissimus dorsi Teres major Posterior deltoid Pectoralis major Triceps brachii (long head)

For the Chin-up, what are the agonist and antagonistic muscles and their action of the Elbow during the lifting and lowering phase?

Action: pull-up phase- flexion. Lowering phase extension, eccentric contraction. Agonists: Biceps brachii, brachialis, brachioradialis.

For the barbell press, what are the agonist and antagonistic muscles and their action of the shoulder girlde during the lifting and lowering phase?

Action: upwards rotation and elevation/ lowering phase eccentric contraction. Agonists: Trapezius, Levator scapulae, and serratus anterior.

Describe the stance phase:

Assume a comfortable and balanced body position to initiate the sport skill. Emphasis on setting various joint angles into the proper positions. A static phase, short ranges of motion.

How are muscles grouped together?

By their concentric function.

What happens if you begin the follow-through phase too soon?

Cuts the movement phase short. Less then desirable result in activity.

What type of movement is deceleration?

Eccentric/ lengthening of muscle.

Gives an example of aggregate muscle grouping activity:( AKA paired opposition)

Elbow flexors work together as an agonist group to cause flexion in opposition to the triceps brachii & anconeus (elbow extensors) The elbow extensor are cooperating in their lengthening to allow the flexors to perform their task

What are the 3 important parts for having/ needing shoulder strength and endurance?

Essential for improved appearance/ posture. More efficient skill performance. Exercise specificity.

Describe the Arm curl exercise:

Exercise where a dumbbell is curled upward and forward until elbows are completely flexed. Open kinetic chain exercise.

What is triple extension?

Extension/ flexion at 3 joints/ points of the body at the same time to achieve a specific movement/ action.

Why are "typical" weight room exercise an issue?

Focus too much on the anterior muscles. Leads to strong and tight anterior muscles, while posterior muscles become weak. Leads to tendentious.

What are the 3 different variables in which overload may be modified by when changing them?

Frequency. Intensity. Duration.

Describe the recovery phase:

Happens after the follow-through phase to regain balance and to reset for the next sport skill needed. Same muscles used eccentrically in the follow-though phase will now be used concentrically to bring about initial return to a functional position.

What is periodization?

Intentional variance in a training program at regular intervals. Used to bring about optimal gains in physical performance. Designed so that an athlete will be at their peak level during competition.

Are are the issues we tend to face involving our upper extremities?

Limited use in modern culture. Weakness impairs skill development and performance. Appropriate base of muscular strength and endurance is essential for injury prevention and skill development.

Describe closed kinetic chain:

More then one joint working/moving. Body moves relative to a fixed distal segment. Very functional.

Is overload always progressively increased?

No, at certain periods of training overload is reduced to improve total results.

Describe a open kinetic chain:

Non-functional, one joint only. The weight and joint used are not affected by other joints/ objects such as the ground. Distal end of the working extremity is not fixed to any surface.

Variables of overload principle that my be manipulated include:

Number of sets. Repetitions per set. Types of exercises. Number of exercises per session. rest periods between sets and reps. resistance used for set. type of muscle contractions. Number of training session per day/week.

Describe the triceps extension exercise:

Opposite hand used to assist in maintaining full shoulder flexion. Starts with elbow in full flexion, with wight behind head and then you move into full extension of elbow, holding the weight up overhead. Open kinetic chain.

Describe the dead lift exercise:

Participant begins in hip flexed position, keeping arms, legs, & back straight, and grasps the barbell on the floor. Move to standing position is made by extending the hips. Lumbar extensors must be utilized as isometric stabilizers of the low back while the hip extensors perform the majority of the lift in this exercise. Closed kinetic chain exercise.

Describe the abdominal curl-up exercise:

Participant lies on back, forearms crossed and lying across chest, with knees flexed 90 degrees & feet about hip-width apart. Hips & knees are flexed in this manner to reduce hip flexor length, thereby reducing their contribution to sit-up & allow more emphasis on abdominals. Participant curls up to a sitting position, rotates trunk to right, touches left elbow to right knee. Returns to starting position. Rotate to left on next repetition. open kinetic chain exercise.

Describe the squat exercise:

Participant places a barbell on the shoulders behind the neck and grasps it with palms-forward position of hands. Participant squats down until thighs are parallel to floor, keeping back straight. Return to starting position Ensure that the shins remain as vertical as possible. Closed kinetic chain exercise

What are the the names and order of each phase found in most sports?

Preparatory phase. Movement phase. Follow-through phase. Recovery Phase.

Describe the shoulder pull exercise:

Pull interlocked fingers apart for 5 to 20 seconds. A type of isometric exercise using wrist, hand, elbow, shoulder joint, and shoulder girdle muscles. Antagonistic muscles contract as strong as the agonist.

Give an example of a closed kinetic chain exercise:

Pull ups. Squats. Push-ups.

What is the most powerful movement?


SAID stands for what principle?

Specific Adaptations to Imposed Demands: The body will adapt over time to the stresses applied to it, in the specific area/ place the stresses is applied to.

What are other aspects of an exercise you can change when following the overload principle?

Speed. Repetitions. Weight. Bouts of exercises.

What are the phases for a pitch?

Stance phase. Preparatory phase. Movement phase. Follow-through phase.

Describe the push-up exercise:

Subject lies prone on floor with legs together, palms touching floor, and the hands pointed forward & approximately under the shoulders. Keeping back & legs straight, subject pushes up to the up position. Return to starting position. closed-kinetic chain exercise.

_____________ ______________ is one of the body's weakest areas.

Upper extremity.

Describe the overload principle:

in order to improve you must increase/ work at a harder intensity then you have before. As a workout/ training block begins you start with high volume and low intensity and over time you reduce the volume but increase the intensity.

Whats an examples of an open kinetic chain?

upper extremity: Shoulder shrug. Deltoid raise. Biceps curl. Lower extremity: seated hip flexion. knee extension. ankle dorsiflexion.

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