CH 13 Clicker Questions

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A constraint of the arthropod exoskeleton is that it ______. A.must be shed in order for growth protective lightweight D.impedes movement of appendages brightly colored


A key characteristics that separates humans from other apes is ______. A.bipedalism B.binocular vision C.lack of a tail D.fingers and opposable thumbs E.joints that allow arm rotation


A primary difference between the bodies of roundworms and annelids is that of _______ (in annelids, not roundworms). A.segmentation B.a body cavity C.molting D.small size E.a cuticle


Birds are ______ and ______, with feathers perhaps acting as insulation. A.reptiles ... endothermic B.reptiles ... ectothermic their own taxonomic group ... endothermic in their own taxonomic group ... ectothermic


Coral ______ occurs when warm temperatures cause the corals to expel their symbiotic ______ so that the coral appears white. A.bleaching ... zoozanthellae B.death ... bacteria C.growth ... bacteria D.reproduction ... gametes E.growth ... algae


Corals are a ______ form of cnidarian that form ______ ecosystems of the oceans. A.polyp ... reef B.medusa ... reef C.juvenile ... algal D.juvenile ... skeletal E. mature ... diverse


Corals, sea anemones, and jellyfishes all are classified as ______ because of the presence of tentacles with stinging cells. A.cnidarians B.sponges C.animals D.carnivores invertebrates


Estimated at a billion individuals on earth, ______ are the most abundant of all animals A.arthropods B.sponges C.roundworms D.mollusks E.millipedes


Fossil evidence of humans indicates that an increase in brain size was coupled with a decrease in teeth size. This evidence suggests that humans ______. A.began to use tools instead of teeth in food preparation B.changed their diet to eat softer food (such as fruit) C.lacked sufficient dietary calcium D. stopped eating meat


In insects, development proceeds by complete metamorphosis, the advantage of which is that _______. A.larvae and adults have different food sources B.larvae are cryptic and less likely to be eaten than the adults C.different stages have different genes that direct growth D.the pupa doesn't require any resources at all E. it eliminates the need for molting


In mollusks, the radula is used for _______. A.feeding B.reproduction C.movement D.forming the shell


In the arthropods, wings appeared as an adaptation in which group first? A.insects B.chelicerates C.crustaceans D.millipedes E.centipedes


In the echinoderms, which stage of development shows bilateral symmetry? A.The larval stage is bilaterally symmetrical. B.The adult stage is bilaterally symmetrical. C.All life stages have bilateral symmetry. D. No life stages are bilaterally symmetrical


In the mollusks, which have tentacles used for walking, swimming, and capturing prey? A.cephalopods B.gastropods C.bivalves D.scallops E.nudibranchs


Nearly all protostomes are _______, meaning they lack a backbone A.invertebrates B.vertebrates C.sponges D.chordates mammals


Of all the species making up the Animal Kingdom, more than 95% are classified as ______, meaning they lack a backbone. A.invertebrates B.vertebrates C.sponges D.chordates E.mammals


Of the "worms," ______ are more closely related to the arthropods than they are to other "worm" phyla A.roundworms B.flatworms C.tapeworms D.segmented worms E.earthworms


Of the primates, which one is most closely related to humans, differing in DNA sequences by just 1%? A.chimpanzees B.gorillas C.Old-World monkeys D.lemurs E.orangutans


Of the worms, which one has a digestive system with just one opening? A.flatworms B.roundworms C.segmented worms D.nematodes E. leeches


Primates evolved from small ______ mammals approximately 55 million years ago. A.tree-dwelling B.burrowing C.flying D.upright walking E.swimming


Some insects have a life cycle in which eggs hatch to nymphs that resemble a smaller version of the adult stage. This pattern of growth and development is called _______. A.incomplete metamorphosis B.maturation C.partial metamorphosis D.progression E.complete metamorphosis


Sponges are currently thought to be the oldest phylum of all animals, in part because they lack ______, which all other animals have. A.tissues B.cells C.body D.organ systems E.gametes


The _______ is a stinging cell that cnidarians use to capture prey A.cnidocyte B.choanocyte C.amoebocyte D.tentacle E. harpoon


The chordates include invertebrate and vertebrate species. From the list below, which is an invertebrate chordate? A.lancelet B.lamprey C.shark D.salamander E.crow


The evolution of ______ set the stage for an explosive diversification of the vertebrates A.fins and jaws B.vertebrae and the skull C.lungs D.cartilage E. a nervous system


The movement to land required four major evolutionary adaptations. Which characteristic first evolved in lobe-finned fishes? A.four legs B.lungs C.egg that resists desiccation D.backbone E.all of the above


Unlike cnidarians, worms develop with a body plan characterized by ______, which adapts them for forward movement. A.bilateral symmetry B.growth C.molting D.segments E. radial symmetry


Which adaptation was key to the evolution of terrestrial vertebrates and separates amphibians from reptiles, birds, and mammals? A.amniotic egg B.lungs C.legs with multiple digits


Which mammal group reproduces by laying eggs? A.monotremes B.marsupials C.placentals D.None of the above lay eggs.


______ live a double life, referring to two life stages: one lived in water and one on land. A.Amphibians B.Insects C.Reptiles D.Lancelets E. Lampreys


Though diverse, all arthropods have ______.(answer with as many as apply) A.legs with joints exoskeleton C.radial symmetry D.segmented bodies E.stinging mouthparts


A hypothesis for the evolution of feathers is that they were first used ______. facilitate flight B.for behavioral displays (mating and aggression) insulate and conserve body heat D.for camouflage spiny scales that served to protect


From the phylogenetic tree, which animals have no defined tissues? A.flatworms B.sponges C.cnidarians D.chordates


Human evolution began in and was limited to Africa until the migration of ______ through eastern Europe and Asia about 1.8 million years ago A. Homo habilis B. Homo erectus C. Homo ergaster D. Homo neaderthalensis E. Homo sapiens


Of the arthropods, which group includes horseshoe crabs, spiders, scorpions, ticks, and mites? A.insects B.chelicerates C.crustaceans D.millipedes E.centipedes


Of the worms, which ones have enormous economic value to agriculture because they improve soil? A.roundworms B.earthworms C.flatworms D.tapeworms E.polychaetes


The common ancestor of all animals is likely to have been a ______. A.prokaryote B.flagellated protist C.flagellated archaea D.sponge E.dinoflagellate


To which phylum does this animal belong, and what is a common characteristic of animals in that phylum? A.Mollusca; soft body protected by a shell B.Cnidaria; tentacles with stinging cells C.Arthropoda; exoskeleton made of chitin D.Chordata; notochord


Which is the first Homo species to live on earth alone, without related species of humans? A. Homo floresiensis B. Homo sapiens C. Homo heidelbergensis D. Homo neanderthalensis E. Homo habilis


Which phylum is characterized by a hard skeleton of spiny plates and move using a system of tube feet? A.mollusks B.echinoderms C.chordates D.polychaetes E.crustaceans


In which bipedal group does evidence suggest a large increase in brain size? A.Ardipithecus (5 million years ago) B. Australopithecus (4-2 million years ago) C. Homo (2-1 million years ago) D. Homo sapiens (1 million years ago to today)


Of the arthropods, the ______ have five pairs of appendages that extend from the head and many pairs of legs A.insects B.chelicerates C.crustaceans D.millipedes E.centipedes


Of the following traits, which is unique to animals? A.multicellularity B.using mitochondria to make ATP C.getting energy by ingesting and internally digesting other organisms D.having DNA as genetic information E.having cells that are all eukaryotic


Of the following, which is not an adaptation that is used to help classify animals into monophyletic groupings? A.the absence or presence of true tissues B.a body that develops with radial or bilateral symmetry C.a body made up of a single cell or multiple cells D.whether the mouth or the anus of the gut form first E.growth that occurs by molting or continuous addition to the body


What problem was solved by the evolutionary innovation depicted here? A.breathing air B.capturing prey C.resistance to the pull of gravity D.controlling movement through water


What problem was solved by the evolutionary innovation depicted here? A.resisting the pull of gravity B.acquiring dissolved oxygen from water C.breathing air D.preventing eggs from drying out


Which mollusk is characterized by its shell of two halves (such as scallops and clams)? A.cephalopod B.gastropod C.bivalve D.nudibranch E.nautilus


Which organism below displays radial symmetry? A.sponge B.frog C.jellyfish


Mollusks make up a diverse phylum, but these animals are united by which one of the following traits that is unique to the phylum? A.protostome development B.defined tissues C.bilateral symmetry D.mantle E.growth, not molting


One trait that is unique to mammals is ______. A.the extended parental care of young B.the absence of flying forms C.ectothermy D.the presence of hair E.the lack of egg-laying species


All vertebrates have which of the following characteristics? A.notochord B.a head made up of skull, brain, and sensory organs C.gill slits D.vertebrae E.all oft he above


Fossil evidence of H.neanderthalensis includes bones that had been broken and healed, suggesting that Neanderthals _______. A.had weak bones from a diet deficient in key nutrients B.regularly engaged in hand-to-hand combat with other Homo species C.were uncoordinated on the ground D.experienced serious falls while they lived in the trees E.lived in organized groups that allowed serious injuries to heal


Of the following, which is one of the four traits that characterize all chordates, the phylum that includes fish, reptiles, and primates? A.notochord B.dorsal, hollow nerve cord tail D.gill slits E.All of the above are characteristic of the chordates.


In the tree of life, a species that has gone extinct is "lower" or "primitive" compared to extant (or currently living) species.


The life cycle of a sponge includes a mobile ______, or juvenile, stage. (answer with a single word)

larval, or larva, or larvae

Ray-finned fishes have a swim bladder, a gas-filled organ that keeps the fish from sinking. This bladder is thought to be homologous to _______ in land-dwelling vertebrates. (answer with a single word)


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