Ch. 14 Bio

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Select all of the following that apply to the process of natural selection.

- Some characteristics are more favorable than others. - Favorable characteristics can be passed on to offspring.

Darwin's theory of natural selection is based on the idea that not all members survive to reproduce. The key idea that population growth is limited by food supply and deaths was proposed by ______.

Thomas Malthus

Convergent evolution can occur when unrelated organisms have ______.

adapted to similar environments

Alternative forms of a gene are called


Snails are observed to either have shells with many stripes or no stripes at all. This is an example of ______ selection.


Changes in characteristics of organisms through time is known as


The preserved remains, tracks, or traces of once-living organisms are called ______.


Different plant species have flowers that bloom at different times of the year; this is an example of ______ isolation.


Nonrandom mating is ______.

the selection of a mate depending on a certain genotype

Select all of the following that are lines of evidence for evolution.

- DNA molecules - fossils - homologous structures

Select all of the problems that occur as a result of postzygotic isolating mechanisms.

- Hybrids are sterile. - Hybrid embryos do not develop properly. - Hybrid organisms are less likely to survive in nature.

Select all of the following observations of evolution that do NOT align with the intelligent design argument.

- Not all structures are optimally designed. - Complex structures evolved with slight improvements. - Evolution acts on the system, not its parts in isolation.

Select all of the following observations made by Darwin during his voyage on the HMS Beagle that influenced the development of his theory.

- Organisms on the Galápagos Islands resembled those on the nearby coast of South America. - Fossil organisms in a given location may be similar to organisms still living in that location. - Characteristics of similar species may vary somewhat from place to place.

Select all of the following that apply to sickle cell disease in places like Central Africa where malaria is common.

- The sickle cell allele is maintained by heterozygote advantage. - Stabilizing selection is operating.

Select all of the following that apply to the sickle cell mutation.

- causes a single amino acid change in hemoglobin - homozygous individuals have reduced lifespan - heterozygous individuals make some functional hemoglobin

Select all of the examples of the molecular record of evolution.

- differences in proteins - sequence differences in DNA

Select all of the forces that can cause allele frequencies in populations to significantly differ from the proportions predicted by the Hardy-Weinberg rule.

- genetic drift - migration - selection

Select all of the following that apply to industrial melanism.

- individuals with a darker color have increased protection from predators - natural selection is operating - occurs as a result of industrial pollution

Select all of the following that are true about the Hardy-Weinberg equation.

- sum of genotype frequencies adds up to 1 - p2+ 2pq + q2 = 1 - p + q = 1

Select all of the following that are examples of fossils.

- tracks - preserved bones - impressions of feathers

Select all of the observations made by Darwin that contributed to his theory of natural selection.

- variation in finch beak size - fossils of extinct animals - island plants resembling those on the nearby mainland

In addition to Charles Darwin, who independently developed a similar theory of evolution by natural selection?

Alfred Russel Wallace

In his book, The Descent of Man, ______ proposed that humans and living apes descended from a common ancestor.

Charles Darwin

During his voyage on the Beagle, Darwin read Principles of Geology written by ______, which described Earth as much older than previously thought.

Charles Lyell

The islands visited by Darwin during the voyage of the HMS Beagle that are located near the equator west of South America are the ______.

Galápagos Islands

How has natural selection favored individuals heterozygous for the sickle cell allele in Central Africa?

Heterozygotes are less likely to contract malaria.

While the preliminary manuscript for ______ was written by Charles Darwin in 1842, it wasn't published until 1859, after Darwin received Wallace's 1858 essay.

On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection

During the voyage of the Beagle, Darwin was able to observe the varied life forms on the Galápagos Islands, which are located off the coast of

South America.

______ isolation is the form of reproductive isolation that occurs when species reproduce at different times of the year.


What statement applies to Darwin's books On the Origin of Species and The Descent of Man?

The ideas were widely accepted by scientists after the 1860s.

True or false: Darwin's ideas about the theory of evolution by natural selection were widely accepted by scientists after the 1860s.


What effect did a reduction in air pollution have on the peppered moth?

a decrease in the frequency of melanic moths

Genes can exist in alternative forms called ______.


Charles Darwin was influenced by Charles Lyell's 1830 book Principles of Geology, which described Earth as ______.

ancient and changing

According to the biological species concept, populations are members of different species if they ______.

are reproductively isolated

According to Thomas Malthus, populations of animals and plants have the potential to grow geometrically, but do not because the food supply increases ______.


Darwin's finches had slightly different appearances; the most notable was the differences in their ___ size, later found to be adapted to different types of food.


Animals in the same area that don't hybridize due to elaborate mating rituals that are species-specific are exhibiting ______ isolation.


The elaborate courtship dances of birds help ensure continuation of the species due to ______ isolation.


What defines species as groups of natural populations that interbreed with each other and produce fertile offspring?

biological species concept

Unrelated organisms that possess similar characteristics because they have evolved in similar environments are examples of ___ evolution.


After industrial pollution increased after 1850, what form of the peppered moth became more common?

dark colored moth

If the tallest people of a population are the only ones to reproduce and have children, then a form of natural selection called ___ selection will occur.


If one extreme phenotype of a population is selected for while other phenotypes are selected against, what type of selection is occurring?

directional selection

If more than one extreme phenotype in a population is favored, such as both small and large beaks, but the intermediate phenotype, such as an intermediate-sized beak, is selected against, what type of selection is occurring?

disruptive selection

Lions and tigers would not mate in the wild because each uses a different portion of the environment. This is called ______ isolation.


Changes in a population over time that can often give rise to new species is called ______.


Fossils, DNA molecules, and anatomical features can be used as evidence of ______.


Darwin proposed that the different beak sizes of Galápagos finches evolved due to differences in ______.

feeding habits

Critics of Darwin argue that fossil intermediates do not exist. That claim is incorrect because ______.

fossil intermediates in several vertebrate lineages have been found

What preserved evidence of evolution can show successive changes to organisms over long periods of time?


The claims that molecular components of living cells are irreducibly complex fail to consider that steps can be added sequentially to the system as long as at every stage of its evolution, the system ______.


A process called ___ ___ is responsible for random changes in allele frequencies, often in small populations.

genetic drift

Random change to allele frequencies that occurs by chance is called ______.

genetic drift

The five evolutionary forces affecting allele frequencies include mutation, migration, nonrandom mating, selection, and ______.

genetic drift

If two species do not interbreed because their ranges are in different areas and do not overlap, it is called ______ isolation.


Sickle cell disease is due to a single nucleotide change in the gene encoding the protein ______, which forms long chains in its mutated form and causes red blood cells to sickle.


Structures derived from the same body part that is found in a common ancestor are known as ___ structures.


The bones of the human forearm, the wing of a bat, and the leg of a horse have developed from the same body part present in a common ancestor and so are examples of ______.

homologous structures

While some critics argue that complex processes like the mammalian blood clotting system are irreducibly complex, this system has actually evolved ______.

in steps from much simpler systems

Before the industrial revolution, the most common form of the peppered moth was ______ color.

lighter in

When individuals with a darker color become more common in a population as a result of natural selection and pollution, the process is called industrial ______.


Movement of individuals into or out of a population is called ___ and can change the genetic composition of a population.


The addition of new alleles to a gene pool, through the immigration of individuals from another population is called ______.


Differences in the DNA sequence and the amino acid sequence of proteins are both examples of ______ evidence of evolution.


A change in the sequence of DNA nucleotides is called a(n)


Change to DNA, such as the alteration of a nucleotide, is called ______.


Alfred Russel Wallace influenced Darwin because he also proposed a theory of ______.

natural selection

The process by which individuals with favorable physical and behavioral characteristics have increased survival and leave more offspring in a particular environment is called ______.

natural selection

Individuals with a certain genotype are sometimes more often chosen as mates than others. This is an example of ______.

nonrandom mating

A zygote formed from the union of gametes of two different species that does not develop correctly demonstrates a(n) ______ isolating mechanism.


Matings between different species of leopard frogs result in embryos that do not develop into tadpoles or frogs. This is an example of a form of reproductive isolation called ______ isolation.


Reproductive isolating mechanisms that prevent the proper development and functioning of zygotes are ______ mechanisms.

postzygotic isolating

What has led to a decreased frequency of the dark forms of peppered moths and an increased frequency of the light forms in England and Michigan by 1995?

reduction in air pollution

The evolutionary force by which individuals that possess advantageous adaptations in a population are more likely to pass on their traits to offspring because the traits are favorable is called ___ , which can be natural or artificial.


What is the process by which some individuals of a population survive to produce more offspring than other individuals due to the presence of inherited characteristics that are favorable?


In a process called ______, successive changes in populations can lead to specialized populations that are very different from each other and stay that way due to reproductive isolation.


The process that describes the formation of new species is called ______.


An increase in the number of individuals displaying an intermediate phenotype results from a form of natural selection called ___ selection.


Survival of human babies is highest at an intermediate birth weight, and the intermediate weights are the most common in the population. This is an example of ______ selection.


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